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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  February 20, 2024 12:00pm-12:30pm CET

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the, the business dw news live from berlin julian massages last ditch effort to avoid extradition to the united states. the wiki weeks founder takes his appeal case to a u. k. court. he's wanted on spine charges in the west, but his supporters claim he will not survive. jail is extradited. also coming up. israel pounds gaza as the un security council prepares to both sanchez backers worried that he could be put on a plane to the west straight away. or prosecutors want to put him on trial on spying charges. but assange, his wife says that he would not survive being extradited days before the u. k. cool
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. it's considered whether to expedite julian, a songs to the us, his wife issue to heartfelt plea for his release. his health is in decline, mentally and physically. his life is a risk every single day he stays in prison. and if he is extradited, he will die. but it's not just about to be expedited. should julian should never have been put in prison in the 1st place. the 2 day hearing may be a song, his final chance to prevent expeditions to the us where he faces a prison sentence of up to a 175. he is. a song has been a wanted man since 2010 of these which were blowing for him, which he likes published classified us all the materials supplied by an intelligence analyst, delete, consign documents and video footage from the was enough dentist on a new rac summit associated with shocking, seemingly implicating us troops impossible. war crimes. 5
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believe that if those 2 things were law for under the rules of engagement when the rules of engagement are wrong. deeply wrong. for your cards, many applauded as oranges fearlessness in shedding large on the mucky side of armed conflict. he was showered with the woods and voted readers' choice. the time person of you have in 2010, but so many others, the leaks with nothing short of treason and a song as a dangerous enemy of the states. in november, 20 times swedish authorities issue to interest warrants for soul and job to, to women accused him of sexual assault. and right, he lost the legal battle to flight extradition, to sweden, bottom file, the song shore refuge in london's ecuadorian embassy. the embassy would become his home for the next 7 years. spots in 2019, the ecuadorian embassy had had enough of its controversial logia police, were invited in interested his own. now he's facing exposition to the us. something
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he supports us feel is an attack on free speech itself, right? in this case, has alarming implications for journalism and trust. freedom around the world, not least of all as he would be. the 1st publisher tried under the us espionage act, which lots of public interest defense. we would add some reporters without borders, that there should be a political solution, but that it must involve no further time in prison. for julian, in any country should have shown she's appeal will be thrown out by the courts. he's next impulsively. final hope to avoid exposition may rest with the european court human rights. c. w, correspond to bear good mass is at london's high court and explained what is likely happening in a sanchez hearing. this is quite a crowd here. lots of joining us onto the pauses ahead journalists, organizations, human rights organizations, members of parliament. and what they're saying is that during this on is a journalist and that's who should be free,
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he should not be in prison. this is another step. and the legal processor, toyota sounds already, was a since, since to be extra expedited to the okay. and for you, okay, home secretary had already agreed to that and that said that you should actually go and search trial in the us. now she's appealing, again due to this bad x. and this is basically the quote deciding whether this appeal will be gone through or not on his support. hearing that if it's not the bronze or that actually he could go onto a plane and go to the us right away. we expect thing julie and assign his case to be presented today, and then the side of the us tomorrow, and the, the supporters of julian a. so i'm hoping that the code will accept the argument, but basically you will not face that trial in the us. that's he is a physically and mentally addressed as saying that he's not fit to stand strong in
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the us, his wives, your pride. and she actually says that we will die in prison. he uh she was talking to, to the press a few days ago. and she said he had as many stroke special to a psychiatrist as they did that he's not mentally fit to, to go to the us and stria that the home secretary has said that she, that she would basically be lives with the usaa saying that you will get to the fed trials through the court will be hearing arguments from both sides today and tomorrow. and that was there, good math in london, mads and us is a former un special rough, a tour on arbitrary detention. he believes that it will be difficult for a size to get a fair trial if he is extradited to the united states. he is supposed to have published information a, brought about u. s. a matters which then all subjects to
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confidentiality, rules in the secrecy rules in the united states and they are not, won't see him back at all. all of this happened abroad and they want him to the us to face, tries to that. this is against the fundamental principles of a press. freedom died there that you could punish somebody for what they have done about it. just think about music to help you find the information about some job and a political issue. so or military issues which i thought should be published, harry know, not published. it can use and walk me back. it will vote me to drive it in a 2 phase trial under the espionage legislation. so 1st world war legislation against the espionage which is basically that to, to, to, to come the germans in united states off the do not. and states joined to test role . well, i mean, it is just after this world so highly politicized. there's no doubt that any
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country would have great problems in giving a fair trial of the such probations in such a situation. of course, the united states should never have started this kind of investigation and they should never have given him a cost is up to this. it is a deal price which has ended up in college and, and they should never have done bought on they should because neck and have all hobby and extradited and that was madelyn dunn does a former un special wrap, a tour on arbitrary detention speaking with dw earlier or elsewhere, the un security council is set to vote in a few hours on a resolution demanding a cease fire in the war between israel and hum us, which is labeled as a terrorist organization in many countries. field serious sponsored plan, representing several arab nations, calls for an immediate humanitarian ceasefire,
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as well as the release of all hostages. the us has said that it will veto that resolution and has instead proposed its own. it calls for a temporary cease fire linked to the release of hostages. it is yet unclear if the us resolution will be put to a vote as well. more context the spring and dw correspondent, i'm e and s f. who has the view right now from jerusalem? so, i mean why 2 resolutions, what's, what's different between them as well, there's actually a lot less difference then you might think that essentially boils down to the wording on the timeframe for the ceasefire. so whereas the algerians cease fire resolution calls for an immediate cease fire, the un resolution calls for a cease fire and the release of hostages when practicable both call for the release of hostages, of course. but that is because the u. s. is worried that the ongoing negotiations between israel and moss for a cease fire deal that would be linked to the release of his really hostages,
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held by him. also the word that that would fall apart if a resolution passed that called for an immediate cease fire. now those talks have been going on for a couple of weeks led by the us, the united arab emirates. and they have basically falling apart after israel withdrew, saying that the mos demands were delusional. so the us really wants to keep up pressure on both sides to get a ceasefire deal. what's interesting here though, is that the wording in the this un resolution which could be proposed after the algerian resolution has vetoed the wording. there is much stronger than we've seen in past us resolutions, which has often been very watered down. this is the 1st resolution us propose that is actually using word ceasefire. so that shows you how far the biden ministration has come in being critical of israel's war on godaddy. and obviously you had the u . s. has been very vocal and it's criticism of israel's planned operations. and
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rafa has israel taken on on board that criticism of the publicly they've been very defiant and there is no signs that they are actually questioning whether or not they should go ahead. with this ground, the sultan rasa. the delay might, after the announcement of the ground, the southern russell has been quite a bit of delay and no timeframe given by is really military. yet that might suggest that they are taking into account some things that their closest allies are saying about how this would be a disaster for security in the region in the humanity or in disaster. but they still haven't put forward any plan to save the lives of civilians. there's 1300000 guardians who are up against the egyptian border there in rafa. it's the last a city in gaza strip that still has functioning infrastructure. so it's very unclear where people are supposed to go, but israel has said that if they don't see the release of all is really hostages by march 10th, that's the beginning of ramadan. then they will go ahead with this ground assault.
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talk with us about the pressure that the israeli government is under to ensure the stay for least of the remaining hostages. there are many families in israel who go out once a week at least in tel aviv drizzling and other places demanding the that the government's been mentioned. yahoo government does a lot more to release these hostages. don't forget that a hostage deal, basically is the only way to release mass hostages through non violent means. essentially the last deal they saw about a 100 passages released by him aust, coming home to their families and a lot of the families that still have people who are being held by a mouse in gaza. they want to see their relatives free. israel has basically stalled on any talks to release hostages and have asked they, they basically want to use military means and that anger is a lot of families in israel. i'm in s f in jerusalem. thank you.
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i hear some other stories making news. the german defense minister voice the story is, has said that a plan to mission to come back, who the attacks and the red sea shows the wes commitment to protect the international security and freedom of navigation. the story has made those comments while visiting the forget hudson, which is in route to the area. the worship will sail to the region once the bonus tag approves the mission later this week. ground staff at german airline. lufthansa have gone on strike at major airports across germany. the 27 hour long warning strike is the 2nd this month increasing the pressure on wage talks due to continue on wednesday. over $100000.00 passengers are estimated to be affected by the industrial action. andreas bremo, who scored the only goal as west germany beat argentina to win the 1990 world cup
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final has died. he was 63, his 8585th minute penalty decided the final in rome. he also scored in the semi final against england rights groups are accusing ethiopians government of cracking down on the sent after authorities extended the state of emergency in the i'm her region earlier this month and carried out mass arrests. there are concerns that a new wave of hostilities could worse than the humanitarian situation. ethiopia is north the current unrest and i'm hara, and the aftermath of the war and neighboring t. grey have accelerated food shortages. the government recently admitted that hundreds of people have died due to starvation in recent months. the un estimates that 20000000 people need the food assistance to w scenario molar. looks at the situation outside of the capital t cries region the capital mckelly. it took hours fully to see here, gab it out to carrie,
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had 2 year old son to get to the town with the nearest hospital just in time. it seems the i'm gonna have someone as well when my son got the seriously ill. i brought him here, they gave him an additional supplement called pump enough to hold out one of them on had this time feeding him with that. the snow lea doesn't have to go through is getting back to get to ski here, and there has been assignments like many in the region that the ongoing drought has killed of all the crops and animals. we have starving. i have been begging for food and nearby town since october. my son is starving. i haven't received any help. back in her village, the many people in a similar state, she tells us that there are too weak to make the journey. those who do reach the hospital already in a very bad condition. no, she was difficult and michael says in the past 3 months,
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while nutrition cases have tripled, was done with him. cuz the we have taken care of more than 120 children who came to our hospital and i really not even vi on getting enough to pay the amount of the whole time. we cannot accept any more because we don't have the results is to help them that can tell me how can we get it cleared up when they suffer at home on their run. they know cut off on the russ capital 0. not who the, he's worried about the long term consequences can be mount nutrition because the system problems for the next generation when we're those malnourished children will be affected physically, mentally. and the general developments overall. the town of you, sheila has witnessed one of the was fee is this battles bombed all trucks can still be seen along the roads following the 2, you will that ended in 2022 k months of drought. in march 2023,
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the united nations and the united states halted food aid for the cry region and later to the whole country because of a wide spread scheme by fuel pen officials to steal humanitarian green. after reforms were put in place, 8 agencies resumed deliveries 2 months ago. but of the over 3000000 people targeted only 14 percent. and as soon as i received any 25 kilometers outside the town of you, to the farmers and by a gable to celeste, he and his wife a desperate to find anything to eat for the next day. without them know me, we need a durham the government is i'm done is not what i thought we facing. the no one will survive. we need attention clear. now we are human to the now across. if you'll be out one and 6 of the 120000000 population need food age because of the route conflict and rising and placing and by you who hasn't had a proper meal in weeks hopes it won't arrive too late. so
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now to journalists, samuel get taught you he is in addis ababa. thank you so much for joining us. and for your time you were in t drive recently. why has the se up in government, you thing changed? it's story, it's stance. finally, now acknowledging 400 people have died from hunger. why the earlier denials? when there was an assumption that the public wasn't as widespread as it really is, i had a chance no just to go to mccully. but each now where much of the conflict happened at the end of the conflicts where many people died. there's, there are 9 mines everywhere. fire must not keeping fire. so the need is overwhelming. it costs what happens even deal to some 40 years ago. 40 years ago, the famine in this part of the world does, you've articulated there. um that, that got a lot of attention and mean that was partly because of the live a concert back then, which brought attention to it. is this worse?
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i mean, how do you compare the 2 situations right now? a well, i've only been seen a glimpse of what's happening in this speech in um, you know, my father's generation went through that 5 minutes, but 1984. what they've been telling me and what i've seen seems to be similar to each other. there are many, many people that kind of being a positive. i haven't been able to see that all the major you'll get once again. but there's the essence of problems everywhere you go. no, just in the small village as i had a chance to visit. you've been in the corporate tyler but to greg montgomery, and it's happening everywhere. people are, you know, a starving you can, you can see it. and over. one thing that was mentioned in the report that we saw earlier is that the world's food program, the us, they stopped aid for 6 months because they said the government officials were stealing huge amounts of grain. you know, what do you make of that?
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how do you, how do you react to actions like that given what you have seen now on the ground as well. the fact is, it's not just the open government that stands accused of stealing any kind of aid. even that's a great government that the investigation they had conducted the seas. it's also the to guy forces. i thought i'd choose to of, uh, stealing some of this 8 that was meant to help the poor. but again, beyond the accusations, people are starving. people are under siege. people have limited resources unless something happens this weekend when we d a co, what's mean? what happened a generation ago. but again, you know, it's not just the young for the old stuff like it's everyone everyone you see, i'm just teach. and the young people had to trust to speak to. many of them are intent on leaving the region somewhere else. perhaps to be able to go to libya,
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to try to save their own lives in the lives of the people that are likely to be left behind in a region that has to get some support. journalists, samuel, good talk to in addis ababa. thank you so much. thank you. let's switch gears now because you're currently in president for a load of years. lensky says that the situation on the front line is very difficult due to a shortage of weapons. he's urging western allies to step up deliveries. a lack of ammunition, among other things is said to be giving russia an advantage on the battlefield. after some of the most destructive fighting of the 2 year war, the eastern city of div call failed to the russians. a funny russia's fired power in man power overwhelmed ukrainian forces over many months, forcing them to withdrawal from the last high notes in the city. russian war,
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plains bombs reduced an already battered city to ashes for ukraine. the loss underscores its reliance on western amunition. the whole dogs have less bit handicapped in the fight. it is now an extremely difficult situation in several parts of the front line, exactly where russian troops of concentrated maximum reserves. they are taking advantage of delays and aid to ukraine. and this is a very sensitive matter. there are tillery shortages, a need for front line air defense, and for longer range weapons. in the northeastern region of coupons, relentless russian bombardment continues. many residents fear a 2nd russian occupation to raise them over all of its forces deployed. here in the northeast har keep region for lensky visit to the troops. how much that
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was really i'm glad to be here today to see you to congratulate you, to express gratitude on behalf of all ukrainians and of all of ukraine for doing such a great job every day for defending the state, our families, our independence and our sovereignty but this a strong realization things can improve for ukraine without more help. and the fee, or the more you claim in towns can fall into the hands of russia, is real, something ukrainians are determined to not let happen. and let's get more now with frank leverage. he is a senior lecturer in strategic studies at portsmouth university and a former british military intelligence officer. welcome to the program and thank you for joining us. um, so i mean we're hearing these reports of ukraine retreating from a beef card seems to have been clicking, chaotic reports of wounded soldiers left behind of some not making it out in time russians executing ukrainian troops. and what do you make of what you're hearing?
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good morning sarah. look, this was a collapsing perimeter with a not silent, but i sent the appraiser surrounded on 3 and finally by the ad full of all sides. so you're not going to get to withdrawal with good old or the military discipline will by nature be kyle, take and you're going to leave behind while you want one would expect not to but is that kind of close? yes, it does seem that seriously. we would to pick a, what that's behind on equally a more unfortunately time mode it by, uh, by russian troops. certainly some of them know dust told that many prisoners of several places would take it as well as the nature of a saint for the executioners of moses. that's the nature of operations like this and not conducted with great hold. but on the other hand, it does seem to be fat that the credit is minus to excite, most of the combat personnel from off to you, if god doesn't take not stops in dispute. presidents landscape says that russia is taking advantage of western delays and delivering aid to ukraine. how much are
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these delays to blame in, in your opinion, or is it that ukraine, even with western support, i mean, just cannot compete with the superior man power and, and resources of the russian military. as you guys find itself on the wrong side of the additional equation, all the elements you've mentioned, particularly mountain power. russia has a significant advantage now west and a will offset some of that, particularly in the rounds of the craft weaponry which she cried needs and not certainly be boasted by west, who particularly us help in funding to some extent equipment such as long range, long range what can read that to, but look, they, whatever the west can do, the problem they have ultimately isn't an additional. well, they are out. mind and
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a bone by the end to be with who has fall greatest stories and of course a huge strategic couldn't to them. vertically integrated systems in terms of production and supply. which steve, the russian seem to love to work on. you crazy. said serious trouble with a with or without west an 8. so the less trouble with it. but either way, this is nutritional and your credit is on the wrong side of that franklin's no question, the total that going forward over the next year, it's going to be a problem. thank you so much, frank. leverage from portsmouth university for that analysis. we appreciate it. my pleasure. a quick reminder of our top story is, julian massage begins his final u. k. legal battle to avoid expedition to the us on spine charges. lawyers representing the wiki leaks founder once high court judges to grant and a full appeal hearing. they have said that he, too, is on well to attend court from south with that you're up to date
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