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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  February 20, 2024 1:00pm-1:16pm CET

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the the, this is dw news live from berlin julian massages last ditch effort to avoid extradition to the us on spying charges. supporters of the wiki leeks founder say that he will not survive jail. it's said to america. his lawyers have the gun a legal challenge of a u. k. court. also coming up a stark warning over child hunger and malnutrition. inside garza, the ones children's agency. unicef says that the territory is poised to with a witness for an explosion in preventable child's death. due to severe food poverty,
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and as israel continues to pound the gaza, the un security council prepares a vote on a new draft to cease fire resolution. the u. s. has already threatened to veto the plan while proposing its own the i'm sarah kelly. welcome to the program. after more than a decade of fighting authorities in the british courts wiki weeks founder julian massage is now facing what could be his last chance to stop his extradition to the united states. a crowd of astonished the porters is gathering outside of london's high court calling for him to be released. while inside his lawyers are hoping to persuade judges to grant a new appeal hearing. if that fails sanchez back, or is worry that he could be put on a plane to the united states straight away,
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the prosecutors want him to be put on trial on spying. tortoise massage himself hasn't appeared in court with his lawyer saying that he is to on well, his wife of the 50 year old says that he 52 year old would not survive being extradited days before the u. k. cool. let's consider whether to extradite julian a songs to the us, his wife issue to heartfelt please. his release. his health is in decline, mentally and physically. his life is a risk. every single day he stays in prison. and if he is extradited, he will die. but it's not just about him being expedited to julian should never have been put in prison in the 1st place, the to day hearing maybe a song, his final jones to prevent expeditions to the us where he faces a prison sentence of up to a $175.00, he is a song has been
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a wanted man since 2010 of these which we blowing for him, which he likes published classified us all the materials supplied by an intelligence analyst, delete, consign documents and video footage from the was enough dentist on a new wreck there are some of the associated with shocking, seemingly implicating us troops impossible, war crimes. i believe that if those 2 things were law for under the rules of engagement when the rules of engagement are wrong, deeply wrong. for your card, many applauded as oranges, fearlessness in shedding lights on the murky side of armed conflict. he was showered with the woods and voted readers' choice. the time person of you have in 2010 bought so many others, the leaks when nothing short of treason and a song as a dangerous enemy of the states. a november 20 time swedish authorities issued an arrest warrants for sonya dropped. the 2 women accused him of sexual assault and
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right, he lost a legal battle to fight extradition to sweden. bottom file assault in short, refuge in london's ecuadorian embassy. the embassy would become his home for the next 7 years. spots in 2019, the ecuadorian embassy had had enough of its controversial logia police, were invited in and a rest at his own. now he's facing exposition to the us. something he supports us feel is an attack on free speech itself. the space has alarm and implications for journalism and trust, freedom around the world, not least of all as he would be. the 1st publisher tried under the us espionage act which lots of public interest defense. we would add some reporters without borders that there should be a political solution, but that it must involve no further time in prison. for julian in any country should have sonya is appeal, be thrown out by the courts. he's next and possibly final hope to avoid exposition may rest with the european court human rights, or c, w,
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correspond to farragut mass is at the london's high chord where this hearing virtually massages taking place. so you've just been inside the cord. dear good walk us through what's happening. yeah, i've just come back from the high code here just behind me, judy and hassan just to you all setting out that case and that may knock your monday. so this is a political case. that's a extra lodging into the us would be political interference into free speech. they also mention something quite extraordinary that has to be reported on, but not very widely and which is delegation that there was a c, r, a prox, to kids up and to poison him. while he was hiding in the ecuadorian embassy, and they said that they have specific evidence that supports that, then they want that also to be taken into account by another bridge court. so these are the reasons why they argue that. and now the appeal should actually be gone to to julian this on, there's quite a crowd behind you. what are
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a sondra supporters saying? yeah, really big crowd. so we're seeing people from all over the seats spoken to people from australia. they're a human rights activist. yeah. they're uh they are um, organizations like reporters without porters the unions of supporting a members of parliament. and they basically all united in that they're saying he's a journalist and whatever he has done is covered by freedom of speech. so we've spoken to a few people and let's have a listen to what they had to say during the sanchez's speech as a treat taylor. he is not a criminal. he shouldn't have even spend one second in any prison. why am i here? because it's the most important political decision in the entire world for every one that we have a free press. it's just basically just the freedom of press that and freedom of
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speech which that should be supports is always seeing more sense to ship a caring. and if he's expedited, then it's a little bit of a shot down full media and freedom of the press. ok. so barriers you know, given all of that, what we're hearing until you massages appeal fails. what happens next now? so here's the pauses of saying that there is a race, but he would actually be with the way straight from the quote onto a plane. and then on to the united states, we don't know if that's going to happen. how realistic that is. we have today for the assange team and tomorrow we're expecting the, the us team to make that case. they obviously want them to be expedited. so this is really this last john's to us to us for an appeal. if he doesn't get this, if he is a john 7 other appeals then his team of saying that they're going to appear to the european court of human rights ever mass outside of london is high court. thank you . elsewhere. unicef says that thousands
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of children and gaza are at risk of acute malnutrition. the situation is especially serious in the north where one in 6 under the age of 2 is acutely malnourished. northern gaza has been almost completely cut off or made for weeks. and the un children's agency is warning that the lack of food, water, and health and nutrition services will only increase the numbers. pushing the bows in parts, hoping to fill their stomachs and provide for their families. many of these children survive on one meal a day and have access to less than one letter of what are per day deal for the for chicken rice and many delicious dishes. now we suffice on kind food. yes, left. a, this woman is worried about her 2 year old, who now weighs half of what she should after measuring her arm,
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doctors say she's suffering from acute nutrition but haven't gotten piece white for the more i was able to get her medication. now i can't find any of the things i need for her because it's also i need a head to one agencies, one the 10000 children under 5 years old could be affected by the same condition, is not provided with humanitarian assistance as it has the as. busy medium and long term implications. the short implications would be that because a step is always the weakness of explosion and preventable tried tests which could, uh, with components. so that'd be a bit of a level of drug test. and guess that you know, and this is on the short them and nothing because changes rates of infection, anemia and stomach diseases have risen sharply. a situation that could get worse in the coming days. so you, one security council is set to vote in a few hours on
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a resolution demanding a ceasefire in the war between israel and of loss, which is labeled as a terrorist organization in many countries. field jerry, a sponsored plan representing several arab nations calls for an immediate humanitarian ceasefire, as well as the release of all hostages. the us has said that it will veto that resolution and has instead proposed its own plan. it calls for a temporary cease fire linked to the release of hostages. it is yet unclear if the us resolution will be put to a vote as well to use. i mean, as if it's following developments from jerusalem. so tell us a little bit more about the difference between these 2 resolutions. the difference is a lot smaller than you might expect both call for us, mandatory and cease fire and the release of all hostages. but it boils down to the
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timeline for when this should happen, the algerian proposal says that it should be immediate, whereas the us alternative says that it should happen only after negotiations. so the word they use is as soon as practicable. that's because the us is worried that a resolution calling for an immediate cease fire could sabotage the ongoing talks between israel and tomas to negotiate some kind of hostage release and exchange for communitarian pause and fighting that has stalled recently as israel essentially pulled out of the talk saying that a mazda is demands were delusional, but the us is still pushing for those. what's interesting to note here is that this is the 1st resolution that may be proposed by the us that uses the word seeds fire . so you can see that the criticism of israel from the, by the end of discretion, is increasing. they also, in this proposal the us proposal explicitly warned against innovate, ground assault on rafa, where $1300000.00 thousands are sheltering,
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saying that it would be a security risk and humanity or in disaster. yeah. and to add to that criticism, they're also saying that israel needs to have a credible plan to protect civilians if they were indeed to go into rasa as they say that they well, a, do you have the sense that they're in israel, that the government is taking this criticism on board publicly they have been very dismissive of calls even by their closest allies to delay or um, basically you get to get rid of their plans for ground. the salt on rafa. the thing that it's, it's going to happen. they have now suggested a timeline for that, saying that if all of these really hostages are not released by ramadan, which begins on march 10th, that they will go through with the ground, the salt on rougher saying as well that they would come up with a plan to make sure that civilians are safe, but they haven't published any of these plans. and
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a lot of countries around the world believe that that would be impossible to keep simply and safe because there's nowhere else to go in the gaza strip. so the international pressure is growing, but it's also important to note that the us and germany, which are close allies of israel and are putting pressure on his real not to go through with this ground assault. they have not made any kind of, uh, basically, threats against israel saying that if you go through with it, we will do this. so it's unclear why is real, should listen to this. these calls to postpone a, an evasion in the short term. anyway. i mean, as of thank you here are some other stories making news. the mother of russia's former opposition leader alexei, nevada. he has demanded that her son's body be handed over to her immediately. in this video where she has seen a dressing russian president vladimir putin. she says, let me finally see my son. yeah, but i see the volley died on friday and
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a siberian prison camp. his family has been reported, they told that his remains will not be released for 2 weeks. yet. the german defense with mr. forest. the story us has said that a plan permission to come back who the attacks and the red sea shows the west commitment to protect international security and freedom of navigation. the story has made those comments while visiting the frigate hudson, which is in route to the area. the worship will sail to the region once the bonus tag approves the mission. later this week, the ground staff of the german airlines of tons that have gone on striking major airports across germany. the 27 hour long warning strike is the 2nd this month. increasing pressure on wage talks due to continue on wednesday. over a $100000.00 passengers are estimated to be effected by the industrial action. andreas bremo, who scored the only goal as west germany beat argentina to win the 1990 world cup
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final has died. he was 63, his 85th minute penalty decided the final in rome. he also scored and the semi final against england you're up to date on dw news. i'm sarah kelly in berlin. thank you so much for watching. take care the not just another day. so much is happening all at once. we take time to understand this is the day i'm in that's look at current use events, analyzed by experts and critical thinking is weekdays on d w.


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