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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  February 20, 2024 6:00pm-6:30pm CET

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the, the, this is the w news live from the in the u. s. veto is a un security council resolution holding for an immediate ceasefire. and garza washington says the metro would jeopardize athletes a broker, a hosted deal. instead, it's going for a pause in the fighting in the gaza as soon as is practicable, but also coming out. yeah, but issues come lugging that puts him. alexei, nevada needs him of a pills directly to rush as president to release her son's body. as kremlin dismisses allegations that brought him at fuson killed his fists as preston and
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julia massaged as last ditch effort to avoid exposition to the us supports. as of the wiki leaks found the say, he won't survive. jail is sent to america as low as the gun, a legal challenge at london's high cooper. the new campus mckinnon. welcome to the program. the us has vetoed an arabs back resolution in the un security council. demanding a seesaw and the wall between israel and hum us come off is labeled a terrorist organization in many countries, the us says it will instead propose its own resolution. it's cooling for a temporary ceasefire linked to the release of his riley hostages. the of deer is sponsored plan, right, so the difference lies in the requirements that need to the,
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to be fulfilled. the draft resolution proposed by the u. s. calls for a temporary cease fire as soon as practicable and on the condition that all hostages are released. however, it is on clear if or when the security council vote on the form of was proposed by washington. okay, and, and this is the 1st time that the us as used this would ceasefire isn't set well. what does this say about its current relations with israel? right, so this really mugs a moment or the by that ministration has not only come under immense international pressure to use its leverage to a randomness ropes, devastating operations. a bug bite on is also facing intense pressure from members of his own party to speak more forcefully on the situation in gaza. and of course,
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in this election year and this election year, which is just beginning, he's also risking bite and it's also risk getting to lose important vote of bodies like young voters or arab americans because of his support for israel in his thanks so much the update that's the w is washington bureau chief and his port is now in israel. cyrus, he is working hard to help residents for a ton to areas that were left empty off of the trauma of the terror. attacks carried out by some us on october, the 7th. last year dw special correspondent, i'm in east 5th, visited the city of stair out, which is near the border with the goals and strip a kindergarten here has now reopened some families return to the city. the voices of children in a classroom at the sound that had left the city for 4 months. around
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90 percent of the woods population fled in the days following the home. aust, here attack even children this young had heard from us rockets fall before the latest war. but october 7th, was a new kind of tear for the few families that have decided to return. it's an important day, substantiate with us. but city, what is the teen? we're starting to go back to a daily schedule to sanity after this catastrophe that we experienced on that side of day and all those months. we spend a way from here that you might of shane. i call it excel. me cool. it's in judaism, it's called excite when you're away from your natural habitats. and the kids, as you can see, are having lots of fun being around their classmates, accounting in their natural habitat. guess i'm. it's their home after all, they get the tv, the bachelor, and what am i saying? the city is clearing the debris of a battle. this empty lot was the sight of
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a police station stormed and then occupied by him. awesome militants. mural marks the stand often ensued when it's rarely troops destroyed the building with the attackers inside. many of the scars that were left by the attack had been patched over, but still 2 thirds of the city is 30000 residents haven't come back there. what's the deputy mayor expects that it will take another month at least before even half of the residents return. we are not in college where enabling and it's a, it's a big difference, but not a quote. people come here to is doing a lot. it's good for you because it's very personal, someone that is good for him and will come someone that is child is very afraid and advert. post traumatic can be store there. so staying out of the city for a long time, but wherever enabling everyone to come here to a
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a start again. the military has assured him, the city is secure and i'm off. hasn't launch rockets in this direction in 2 weeks, but many say they won't feel safe unless some us is destroyed. little by little stay of old is recovering from the horror of october 7th and returning to some kind of daily life. the explosions that you hear on a regular basis and the city keep everybody on edge, but they know that for now, at least it's a sound. if it's a really shells getting garza which is just over a kilometer away there, it's an active work zone and a return to routine is still on thinkable until now by don't use me and he says in a jerusalem, who file that report for us. i mean, you said in your report, 2 sides of the seas. residents still haven't come back. can you describe to us how life has changed in civil since the october the 7th attacks were the people that
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told you as well, it's completely different. i mean for one thing it feels like a ghost town. lot of the shops are still boarded up. people expected life to return, but it's happening little by little for a lot of people. they want it to move back just to get back to their daily routine . they had to go back to work, they want it to get their kids back to school. for others, though there's more of a religious aspect to it. some people we talked to sided zionism of the belief that they need to stand their ground, no matter what happens to maintain their claim, to the land, no matter what happens in the face of any kind of tragedy. and that was their motivating factor for moving back before they felt completely safe. now, the city has been traumatized, but what happened on october 7th? it's for a long time. been the target of rocket attacks, but nobody had seen anything like what happens on october 7th when i'm aust militants ran through the streets indiscriminately killing civilians about at least
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20 civilians were killed on that day. so there is now a sense of victory after ideas the ideas secured the area and then started his campaign on gaza, where most of the people in northern gauze were forced south in the city. there was completely bombs in might be jarring to an outsider. but there is a sense of pride that the city is said the stair holt is opening back up that people are getting on with their lives as much as they can, even as they're just a few kilometers in some places, just a kilometer away from an active were zone, i mean you can grab a pair of binoculars, go up on a hill and look into what is a war zone. you can see the rubble left behind by the bombing campaign in northern garza. i mean, of course you reported that many of a still it's residents haven't come back. so what is stopping them from moving back in and where all they right now as well? for many, it's stilled from a young kids who are not yet ready to go back there. don't forget
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a lot of the stay of what is a city, but it's a small city and a lot of people who lived there and saw with their own eyes what happened on october 7th, and they're just not yet ready to confront them. those memories yet for other people, they don't want to go back to a ghost town yet. they want to see, wait and see what happens with the city and the business is opening back up. they want to go back to a lively city and not be the pioneers who open that city back up. another issue is that the vacuum waves are getting subsidies from the government. they are allowed to live in hotels, outside of the city. and for a lot of people, this just makes a lot more sense than moving back to steroids at, at the, at the moment. so there's a lot of reasons why people are staying away. we went to a hotel in jerusalem, where there was lots of families, basically hold up a waiting for the right time to move back. but they told us all that they will eventually move back to their hometown. i mean, we'll have to leave the thanks so much for that and still use, i mean these,
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this are pushing from jerusalem now source he's in russia has opened a new criminal case against the brother of the russian opposition leader alexei. nev only all leg nevada, on the scene here in file footage with his brother was already on the wanted list for another masa in 2014, all i getting the file name was sentence to 3 and a half years in prison for fraud and the case the kremlin chris, it said, was trumped up. now police say they have opened a new case, but have not unveiled details of the charges. now this comes off to the mother of alexa, and or like nev only made a direct appeal to vladimir putin for alexys body to be released. his death was announced by russian authorities last friday. the, the mice been the who is behind me is the prison colony where my son alex st. of all new, died on february 16th for 5 days. i have not been able to see him. they have not
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released his body to me and have not even told me where it is. yeah, but as i appealed to you've lot in me a poor 10 because the resolution of this problem depends solely on you this and you look, let me finally see my son. i demand. but alex sage body, you released immediately so that i can bury him properly. till age to put on you we all w russia unless constant a good what he makes of this new criminal case that's being opened against the like say, the values, brother or like well it is the, the element of this continuous pressure. it shows that the family will not be left alone. luckily, or like nobody, according to the russian media reports, he is living outside of russia. i think it's cyprus, but i think we should very 5. i think it's 5 years. um and uh, probably he's not getting to offer to be arrested. but if you look at the way, uh,
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for example, to cause regime use tried to use at least the interpol list or as you move all the pursuit across the globe. so this is an additional pressure element, and this is an additional way of saying, well, i'm not going to leave you alone. you tell me russia unless contacting. now the wiki leaks found the julian a song which has not made an appearance and the u. k. quote, and what could be his last jobs to stop his extradition to the u. s. lawyers for the 52 year old say he is to on? well, his legal team is trying to persuade judges, that's a crump, a new appeal hearing, a song which is wanted by us, prosecutors who intend to put him on trial and spying charges. his wife says he could die if he is extradited. i would cite the high court in london a heartfelt message from assange, his wife to supporters gathered to press for his release. we don't know what, what, what, what to expect. but you are here
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because the world is watching the to day hearing could become a sondors final battle in the u. k. justice system. but his lawyer say he was to on, well to attend the 52 year old has been fighting for more than a decade to avoid being sent to the us where he could face life in prison if convicted on spine charges. sanchez being a wanted mind since 2010. after his whistle blowing for wiki leaks, published classified us army materials supplied by an intelligence analyst. delete contained documents and the video footage from the wards, enough gun to stand on direct some of the footage with shocking, seemingly implicating us troops impossible war crimes. if a sanchez appeal failed, his backers fear his life could be at stake. state
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many of his supporters believe he's being targeted for exposing serious criminal acts by us. that's hard. he's on the military. he is not even spend 180 present campaigners pressing for his release of war in this case could signal a larger threat. he would be the 1st publishers trying under the nonsense in this way, and that is why it is so dangerous. we've seen that law being used against whistle blower, but never before against a publisher like this. so what is at stake? it's really concerning. while it's not know when the verdict will come, menu already feared the possible effects on the free flow of information worldwide . if all else fails, intervention by the european court of human rights may be
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a sondors final hope. dw correspondent that mosse is at london's high court with the hearing is taking place. she has more now on the appeal by phone. today, sir, is the day with julie to sound as the most searching out that case. and then a knob human has to be in this morning that it's a political case and the thoughts he is covered by freedom of speech and he should not be expedited. now it's interesting, i've just been able to speak to julian hassan, his brother gabriel ships. and he said to me, it has said to me that the family of these is in the cycle, hoping that there will be a political solutions that behind the scenes that governments are working together and that there is a process behind the scenes. and that's what he's hoping would bring just as far as brother that's. that's what he said to me. he also said that they are quite concerned about his brother's health. he wasn't, if i wasn't able physically able to attend the cold hearing today. and that's
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something that continues to worry. the family, of course, the w's book at mos in london. let's take a look now. some of the other stories making headlines around the world and russian pilots who defected to ukraine with his helicopter last year has been found dead in spain. well, sorry, say his body was found riddled with bullets in an underground parking garage near la county and southern spain. the pilot had been living in spain under a fake identity. pony farmers have held a day of protest against non e u. inputs. farm is blocked the roads and railways in one incident, spilling ukrainian grain from a train wagon. they want the government to spilt agricultural inputs from ukraine and poland to withdrawal from the use new green deal. which place has limits on the use of chemicals and greenhouse gas emissions. of the drum defense, minnesota bar, as the story as a set of plans mission to come about who's the attacks and the red sea shows the
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west's commitment to protect international security and freedom of navigation. this or is made the comments well, visiting the forget to heston, which is on route to the area that will fit will sail to the region once the blended stock approves the mission lisa this week. now rights groups are accusing ethiopians. government have tracking down on this, sent this off to authorities extended the space of emergency and the em hara region earlier this month and carried out mass arrests. they're all concerns with a new wave of hostilities, could watson the humanitarian situation. and if you, if he is not the current unrest in i'm hora, and the off them off of a rule in neighboring t for i have accelerated food shortages. the government recently admitted the hundreds of people have died and recent months due to celebration, the un estimates the 20000000 people are in need of food assistance. the w is mario
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miller looks at the situation outside the tea gray regions capital mikaela. it took hours fully to see here, gabrielle, to carrie had 2 year old son to get to the town with the nearest hospital just in time. it seems the i'm gonna have someone as well when my son got the seriously ill . i brought him here. they gave him an additional supplement called pump enough to hold out one of them on had this time feeding him with that the snow lea didn't have to go through is getting back to the dispute here. and there has been assignments like many in the region, but the ongoing drought has cooled off all the crops and animals. we have starving, have been begging for food and nearby town since october for my son is starving. i haven't received any help. back in her village, the many people in a similar state, she tells us they are too weak to make the journey. those who do reach the hospital
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already in a very bad condition. no, she was difficult to. michael says, in the past 3 months, malnutrition cases have tripled. most the customers going on, we have taken care of more than 120 children who came to our hospital. and i'm really not even vi on getting enough to pay the amount of a 100 and we cannot accept any more because we don't have the results is to help them that somebody who comes get it filled out and they suffer at home. and when they run, the risk out of those, you know, have to be, he's worried about the long term consequences, comfy malnutrition, because the system problems for the next generation. when we have those malnourished children won't be affected physically, mentally. and the general developments of a role the town of each, sheila has witnessed. one of the was fee is battles bummed. all trucks can still be
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seen along the roads. following the 2, you will that ended in 2022 k months of trout. in march 2023, the united nations and the united states halted food aid for the t cry region. and later to the whole country because of a wide spread scheme by fuel pen officials to steal humanitarian grain. after reforms were put in place, 8 agencies resumed deliveries 2 months ago. it was the over 3000000 people targeted only 14 percent and as soon as i receive 25 kilometers outside the town. if you tina from us and by a given to celeste, he and his wife a desperate to find anything to eat for the next day. without them know me, we need a drum. the government does not want us to be facing. the no one will survive. we need attention because we are human to, you know, across if you'll be out one and 6 of the 120000000 population need food age because
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of the drought conflict and rising and placing and by a who hasn't had a problem in, in weeks hopes it won't arrive too late. about 2 in the hey, is a member of what is called the t grey emergency response team. he's also a catholic priest in the teak right capital of the caly. welcome to the w. thank you so much for joining us today. one organization said late last year that famine could be widespread in t drive by early 2020 full. i know that you have traveled the region. you've met thousands of people. what message do you want to give? our view is about the current situation that come to you for having me, and it's a great opportunity in a, you know, when we're looking back to do any of the civil,
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similar situation that happened to us uh, in 1980 city. you might have remembered that time out of places like a said above got enough and the mike a changing day, you know, christmas and another one a we uh, the ward i experienced the thing and to know again or send me that even i would say, well this situation has it. he figured i said the situation it was now then it was decades ago. yes. yes indeed. that time i do remember yes, it may be stuck in the addendum. mother's breast definitely that they busted to the to but this is also a, you might have made problem. not the only, not to the problem in a sent it out of the mentor,
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paid it to declare it is, i mean, the class. what would change of assignment were officially declared it and they should have declared it because there is it every day, is that the business? the vision isn't in the problem and because naturally no of a noise is not available in much the area is i'm a today's, the pro came up, but it didn't to mike cute it dried up in some appropriate areas. there were good. the pope coming to how does this did have a strong disability? so is some of the low cost of destroyed it? is some area, not a is some area and not enough. what a is some a good. hey, so i'm kinda awful. why did the, why did the government resist declaring simon,
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for so long. oh, even missing, but people uh, so hungry. yeah. because of the, you know, that i'm sure the have reported to sent that out of government already sent that out of the have the right to declare find me. do you feel that it, um, to what the, you know, the government has said is in december at the end of december, it should have been, it pointed out at least september because of the rain is that it is hold on just to show them that so they know it's a, they don't, they know it doesn't this school to have, have been and they should know it. but the, you know, the learn to not prepare for it because of said that a problem is that had to be brought to the p, sacramento, very gloria, and of the so for the piece as an event or 330. yeah. so probably there are no
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time to think about their own people, but i sent them and i am a put a is taking this problem as a minister of the genocide because we have been in genocide the though the government. they didn't accepted it. even unfortunately, the dollar to fade to see this of a d, because they don't know if that emission for any international media to come in and the see the good us about it as you somehow i watch the news. you're lucky somehow, but the model should have been a reprinted for that the, the media in the nation that, and maybe i should have come in,
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assess editing and delete party delay to lee about to embed hey, the 1st, sorry, i'm gonna have to leave it the i'm afraid we have run out of time, but i'd like to thank you so much for joining us on the w today. and that is when we have time full. i'll see you again at the top of the next hour, the,
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the in the future we decided him, the india was to take on the can they succeed. the we took out was the indian comic who signed the islands along the river are home to the shoulders of bangladesh. every 6 months of
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their land, it's flooded by total weight for the funny does actually movie the last few. but peter, we don't funny the latest populated stuff to do, do the never ending cycle of destruction and rebuilding the in 45 minutes on d w. the nice to be at the end just to pass the gun any difficult to access an expedition ventures on to places that no one has the
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why is the i smelled the design of the research in the ice themes on the, on the table when you're driving a film car, it's like a little vacation from daily life. you feel special? the media is getting my files and then where is the ultimate market growing as fast as in the world's most populous country? well, the industry seems to be determined here. it goes looking very effective as
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a comma, see just the number goes to 4000000.


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