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tv   Eco Africa  Deutsche Welle  February 21, 2024 4:30am-5:01am CET

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the, the the, or sometimes protecting the planet means leaving it alone as much as possible. we need to respect nature and its limits of documents allowing each to take care of itself. welcome to a new edition of eco africa. i'm curriculums coming to you from lee goes nigeria, and i am sandra holmes that we know be joining you from comp hello right to and you're going to all the show today. we'll be looking at ways to minimize on impact
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on the environment. so here is a quick look at what we have coming up to entities specific um the moon human conflict in albany area is 5 feet alternatives to slush and a bunch of because you end up getting wrapped up using is it block them to res? environmental awareness, but we still have the show on elect victoria in kenya. we look at an off of culture practice that makes use of existing water resources. caged fish. farming is mobile, sustainable, the non best response, better. it makes economic sense. some say this method, how's the patricia to trunk them? fish, foaming in east africa. today's catch has just arrived. louise macaulay works as an agent with you that fish farms on lake
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victoria, africa's largest suppression. what the like a mother of 3. she's glad to work for a company that believes in empowering women athletes, and that's that i have into that is the fence stuff we can seats top ensure of you get to use my bosses, not the company is your know to allow to voice your opinion. the, the hours of the morning, all the best time to collect the fish. he knows where he and his family found the queue that fish bombs over a decade ago. today, it's specialized in case fish bombing and selective breeding. we've grown as our menu a headset. i live in high city in kenya. so this, the $1200000.00 seen by months when decided would be $150000.00 singling say, to that fish farms grows primarily now to lafayette, which is highly sustainable and then grew into mont. crucially, it has
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a high tolerance to changes in water quality, which are governed by environmental factors, information on water quality and other parameters such as space. stocks is provided by the canyon marine and fisheries research institute, which has an office on linked victoria. we look at the environment onto the organisms like leaving it and we want to talk the environment there. what the, what i mean, those are the change over time and space. and also we look at the how that affects the fish and the people that depend on the lake for somebody. over the years, the lakes fish, dogs have been badly defeated by over the fishing and the legal operations. dropping by 25 percent in the last decade, aquaculture reduces the impact on the legs by diversity and also improves boot security. we cannot significantly increase production from that wide
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system. so i'm systems, i mean, natural production and apart from the expect to read that and what the 40 t is, the throw your thing over time, mainly driven by the climate change mix. the what i'm saying, what about for some spaces in comparison gauge for me in the last but better control of the production environment. this the dude identifies suitable species to aqua coal job and also offers training to business is focused on sustainable fish breeding. you need to have people who understand this booking balance. it is like common efficient kind of in the 2nd area, how to feed them, what type of food they need to grow. and also how do you manage this? is this because uh, with the crowding uh, its that is a faithful friend. the receiver knows where he has a mazda, isn't that good culture and recognize it's potential early on in spied by examples in asia. i remember i was looking at the history of kate funding in thailand,
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when there was a lot of cup to officiate in the thailand, fish, i mean, was not quite to be an attention when the, the wind stopped set is going down. fish by me became quite significant. i likewise, that's what is going to happen. what was the lady in the happening in? can you in the subject and electric told you, you know, she has his expertise and then ask for coach academy. a training program for a corporate knows in east africa is company age to have at least 60 percent female employees. the septic and dr. social change in local communities, he believes that we have uh women. that was that we've 10 that lives directly because that was the number of our flush out of the mean. they get and now for money for themselves and for their families, they can get into school. some also have assemblies,
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as it'd be seen this besides guess, working for unit as an agent for the company lose my copy is supplied with ice to keep the produce fresh is the pause. she goes around with motorcycle taxis, but now she can use the company truck. she regularly deliveries to 15 to 20 feel bucket vendors. they to earning well, thanks to q and that's payment system. and the company, you know, the company is you pay cause shown to the every one. that's why they have to come to, to left because to get fees and credits. and then if i buy a state of the business model that sustainable industry aquaculture is helping to ensure that lake victoria can still provide millions of east africans with a livelihood. water is such a precious resource. as we've just seen, our licks and oceans need protecting from the damaging effects of over fishing. but
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we also need to store pollution a problem all over the wallet. we're heading now to india where water, but these are contaminated by own sweet at sewage o. 2, often that's positive because septic tanks are one of the most common subdivision systems. so how can they be made more efficient the water the viva is floating over his flowers was recently used to wash the dishes. all the waste water from his house ends up in a bio tank. mm hm. um, implement and whatever we do, we should keep nature in mind that because it is the ultimate power and i'm a good allow me so we should try our best not to pollutants allow me to go with the conventional septic tank. the waste water is collected and empty that regular intervals. it's not uncommon for that. we have sports to end up in rivers and lakes, but using the environment. according to cyber akash from the city of klein,
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but those are the elliptic with bio tanks, the sewage water gets we cycle, most of what of it can be used for different purposes or drained into the ground under this is how it works. all the waste water from a house who ends up in a collection tank. there, it is mixed with enzymes. they hope the bacteria to convert the sludge into water very quickly from their bosses to the filtration pack. here small, the body goes, are collected and treated again. at the end, the purified water is discharged from the tank. some fold it into the ground. are those water? they've got the invitation, like the well, he has to get used to having a biological toilet. but it didn't take long, but dave alone then what do we say? and the only thing that we need to be cautious about is cleaning, go to generally, we clean once or twice a week, but it's important not to use any acidic products. you know it against light, but i'm on the rad cases or do it for away on vacation for
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a month or one more. if someone accidentally use exhausted for cleaning out of the oven, there is a chance that the bike tyria can die. so i'm going to back date on the day of the good times and then we have to add more enzymes, which is safe to do. safety goes on the enzyme ones that are easily funding on that . so otherwise it's generally low maintenance. the eco friendly bow dogs have another advantage that cost only half as much as the conventional septic tanks. they may be made of concrete, metal, plastic, depending on their location and the conditions. put the cash and we'll put the case generally. we 1st examine the every way the tank is to be bill and i'll come in, i'm not going to. if it's low cold, we visit the site in person, it would fit somewhere else. we ask them to send us a video. what do we do? we also need information like how many people are living in the household, and how frequently guests visit the house and in a way that other degree, we then design the tank accordingly. normally our tongues have a capacity of
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a 1000 latest item to do a couple of seating. going, i don't even need to clean the bio septic tanks themselves. that do it is done by the eco friendly back. the them all free of thoughts on next report brings us back to africa across the continent, slash and then agriculture is widely practiced. it's a simple, yet effective way of reading fields of success vegetation before preparing the soil for the next planting. however, many believe the court's incorrect rest of use in forest does more harm than goods . but there is a simple solution. let's go to ghana to find out more. of the car is binding. cloud of smoke console a large part of the continent several times each year. so i'd like to keep it is from national health plan strips like a red carpet from central africa across the southeast. all the way to my desktop.
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it's most skipped from us, like if you see any it so full regularly funds the fields, it is a widely practiced technique or corolla. the fields are exhausted and i guess no yield capital. i'm preparing this land for plowing here tomorrow. if you don't cut and burn the vegetation that's here, you can't play the least may seem relatively homeless in girls. know them done the practice except a bit climate change selection. bon agriculture is a quick and low cost way of prepping land for planting the fire relief. is nutrients, deepest heading, brushes, and bushes, such as nitrates, sofa and full task, and that's free for the lives of performers. unfortunately, the technique is not very effective. for instance, 90 percent of light took disappears when bund. so this slightly soon depleted a game saves tiffany a ball on a grown on eastern across the slicing ben funding parties have significant impact
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only for production because one it leads to so i didn't edition is so is the basic resource for, for production. and for that month, you have high levels of your role sheet or what, and then it is estimated to about $20000.00 pulse of new trace of mine to the site recreation every year. and that's very, very significant when it comes to for production. so you have all these new trends that is required for protecting me. micro site rushing, caused by slashing, been that farming practice of the issue is the use of heavy machinery shocked the task complex destroyed. with a ton of bite polls dries out quickly. the result of russian and verification many in northern gonna depend on funding for our leaving. no, on a you funded project wants to convince from us here to simply do nothing. that is to let the field life follow for a while. and finally,
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all people who are you renting? not if you, if you don't manual, alonzo con phone. so i got is quite a challenge, not the knowledge. and now awareness of, of ca, north out and also the period of transitioning from um, one of the vision from formation are quite shocked to of course have a scenario course i said a time gob where you will not fully get the benefit of see and not also, it's sometimes and discourage for some people to, to, to do that transition floss dot the c a or consultation. i agree, touch. i mean small selection button and not blowing. practicing succession planting keeps the of moist, the plant roots losing destroyer and able to get to recover and increasing bio de
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your bossy t a bro good. or will it to a little low when they plunge. i got a lot of method which we didn't know. i before did them on the, at that the aqua, and i just saw through them on the me, i live, we used to plow the field with tractors. so cool. now go you step on, put a 0. is that to it's plug it or will it into my daughter not to slash and burn the feel i do conduct my pump. it but i will it into the on the other methods. but as you like, planting different crumbs every year on the same land. so i haven't, but i really think our little work to do me not cropping on the land and i look for game with a band product chevy and jenny. well the nothing out quite well get. i'm more of a come out and i'm on the identity map one be then for that imap site mostly most signed up for the walk. so because she often couldn't afford to rent a truck to know how somebody has enough to eat. the mother of 3 regular use tribal
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to feed how funny the report online could provide thanks to the succession planting, varies, know a variety of vegetables and grains throughout the switching to the new funding methods as being what it end. sabina city might even has enough on left to buffalo hunt caught in top just to sales to market with stain in west stop or golf one next report. raising environmental awareness among the younger generation, which best when the best, they just spread by someone. the maya music also speaks to many people on the the next report was yeah, how did rob star is using? is mosley popularity for a good course? a good enough. lemme planting trees and singing while he does it.
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you'd expect nothing else from one of the gang b as most popular rockets. you and is not doing it by himself. in total, $1000000.00 trees ought to be planted by 2027. that's the goal. he said when he started the project last year, the chances are he'll be successful, given the support of his spends. it's been amazing. people have been coming out numbers to support the funds you not to commit to conform to community. lead us all the way to the kids. it's just in amazing everybody else. s t cells on stage of people identify with his music which it performs and then the into the main language. spoken in the gaps here. and is known for being outspoken and pulling up to a public session. wendy, hey, i love money when the rain starts umbrella for months, delinquent drills, gonna get you to do for you people to the loyalty of my people. i, you know,
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lot of people speak to people, you have a huge value and does people listen to you? and they finally, you have this kid that one of the, like you, you know, they, they look at what you knew and what you say. ready and you know, when you use the platform to support and the environment, the environment and stuff like that, these people see that to and then they, they few days in s t is taking is 1000000 trees campaign across the whole country to cities, rule communities, and remote areas the gambia is one's dense forest cover has steadily diminished over the years. due to deforestation. worsting dfcs of climate change weather extremes, such as heavy rains and droughts is becoming increasingly frequent. we have a lot of increase in temperature, daily temperature because we have less praise. now because we have
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a lot of people getting involved in cutting down trees for what production for construction trays contribute to mitigating. and this greenhouse gases trees contribute to minimize the influx of climate change, you know, environment wrap. it has always see this craft as a way of spreading use method because using is platform to encourages fans to help him in his mission. i have people that don't move all the way from this area all the way to anywhere to plan 3. i have people that call me yell on your next can please let us know young, you know they're taking pos and the initiative s t 's financing decrees himself to his foundation is grassroots effort to restore the environments. natural balance is inspiring communities across the gambia to take action themselves likes it just
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seemed yang in the west of the country. when the thing about that we all through to participate in these treat prompting activities, paint that restoring harvest, coming to know like this is our environment and that's why we are taking ownership working collectively with this thing got to achieve positive results. i'm once the saplings are planted, they need to be what said regularly and taking care off to make sure they flourish . the people obviously to see jang are committed to the project. the more the trees grow, the more comp and they store csr station is a global problem. as t c, his project as a message, not just took ambiance, but to the world about the importance of protecting the environment, combating climate change, and preventing biodiversity lots and working together. what are the good people and to be put them up and now they've got people to put it in the people, people,
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people, people, rich people stop using people think would be able to view the property in our environment that we have seen arise and came through to that into never adequate thing for um and you know, i think is from fast import time is that we take the environment seriously because these 2 flights it's taking a year to fence the 1st 50000 trees and given the enthusiastic response to s t's initiative, the wrapper will soon have a cheap, his goal of planting 1000000. i wish him all the best with this project. there are so many bad effects of deforestation. one of them is that it results in a decline. it is 6 population. and then the birds, lizards, and frogs that it's, these insects also starts to disappear. that is right,
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crease and when humans move close to areas that are the traditional hobbies on other animals, the res potential for conflict. as or next report from south africa shows this local resident isn't faced by the traffic whizzing parts. no, all the other big ones here in the setup of cape top, acute as it is to see them roaming around. they're exposed to a lot of changes here, of to a number of foot points were killed or badly injured by costs funded to started a traffic coming project. i think that is the biggest one is knowing that you, when you manage to do a crossing and there's the nurse fatality or injury as it's always a one. um and even though it's very incremental that has been progressiveness in terms of car existence, in some songs the baboons can be rather mis tvs regularly damaging property in this search for food. that's why some have called for the animals to be removed or use
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a nice system. and sunrise, it enters, found that a drill some industrial strength where be and sturdy clips provides a kind of solution. we stumbled across the video and youtube of what they do in canada, and it was basically that. and we thought, well, if it can work for the bays in canada, it shows how can, with, for the beans in simon's tom the message has proved successful as the ctv footage shows. several restaurants in simon's stone have chosen a prevention strategy closer to the source of the pro problems. organic waste is no longer mixed with the trash. now it's collected in special bins, but i sit in this acute place for late to pick up. there's not much food in there anymore for them, which means that they have to do lots of this and they've decided obviously to go
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elsewhere to go look the food. so the boons have visited town a lot less regularly in terms of looking for food in my documents and a lot of the other restaurants thespians. 2 studies have shown that the balloons are considered one of the most difficult animals for humans to co exist with born human conflict is an issue in several countries in africa, including seen both way. what's one? and if you get the conflict, not only cause of stress, it also carries health risk springs coming into your given area and getting into people's houses as well as they've been. there's potential for transmission of disease across the to space. these. however, in the to sort of being done in the financial experience, they are the shown on human. they've shown human pathogens. this is miss shown
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slash and making the virus on hepatitis a. and then secondly, either found a truck curious or what for them actually in the thing. so this would indicate that for things on what the risk of getting disease from us have been, we are then they are lucky to get him to give us any disease. the way separation initiative in simon style not only helps reduce interactions between baboons and humans, it serves another purpose to every day a group of volunteers collect the food ways and takes it out of town to the fun way . it's used as peak feed, a steady supply of kitchen scrubs enables township residents to bolster the income by collecting the food and having them join us on. on these trips it's allowed us to be able to build summer relationships with them, as well as giving them the opportunity to take care of themselves by collecting the
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food and then feeding it to the pigs, selling the pigs, and then be able to have cash in that pocket to be able to buy whatever they need in their house. humans and bones have co existed in south africa for centuries, but threats to the animal's habitat have led to increased conflict. simple as they are, the efforts and segments don't show that co existence is still possible. boons don't need to be seen as enemies of humans, but s neighbors that saved for these it ation of equal offered. com. thank you for watching. i am sandra co homes that we know. do you think bye bye from come for the right to end. you've got to buy sandra. so you again, next time a to old view as well. that if you have any ideas on how to look out to beautiful planets, the right to share them with us. we love hearing from you until then checkouts all social media accounts. i am curriculums, side, you know, from the goes nigeria. the,
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[000:00:00;00] the, the,
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the truly treated by western european patients of the norm and medical textbooks. does that lead to discrimination against people of color in medicine? does that result in false diagnoses? and more complications is the racism in medicine in 15 minutes on
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d. w. bleak germany's economy is shrinking. the mood for some mid sized businesses are struggling to survive. germany is stuck and losing ground in the international competition. are politicians to blame, made in germany. in 90 minutes the this shadows, the costs and video shed light on the dog is devastating colonial har is infected by germany across and he employed to score farms and destroyed lights. what is the legacy of this wide spread races, depression, today?
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history. we need to talk about here, the stories, shadows of german colonialism. jackie is changing 6 years ago. we said it can't get any was to, but it does guardians of truth. this time, excel gen, this turned into our meets the voices of a free turkey officer. as the ad one had to flee into exile, i knew the police would search my house. courageous people are trying to stem the turkish governments all sort. tammy calls us. so kids, but really it's a crime is addressed and the path of trying to take sponsibility for his action. what about freedom of to print and freedom of expression? got ease of truth, dots march, 2nd on d,
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w the this deed of the news line from berlin. us vito's, are you in security council resolution calling for an immediate cease fire and gaza? washington to serve the measure of would jeopardize efforts to broke raw sewage deal. meanwhile, the un says it is pausing for deliveries to parts of gauze, and josh, finding also coming up to of pockets on the biggest parties of going to coalition deal following an election, marked by fraud. accusations was to bring an end to the political turmoil


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