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tv   The Day  Deutsche Welle  February 21, 2024 6:02am-6:30am CET

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good samaritan also receives, wanted him on charges of espionage over his publication of classified us documents 15 years ago, as long as his baffle against that expedition request is itself more than a decade old. and it could now be approaching resolution. i'm a new group is mckinnon in berlin, and this is the day the, this case is an admission by the united states, but they now criminalize investigative journalism. if we news, it's very, very serious in the life that was doing his job has to be very thoroughly right. so we have to be released
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and also coming up spanish authorities, investigate the killing of a russian helicopter pilot, who just faxed it to you. crane lost you let's get up to that are because i want to clarify that it's a case under investigation so we can provide more information yet. we have to wait until the police and i want to do that work. so the investigation can progress in this be the welcome to the show which he leeks found. the julian a song she has launched. what might be his last chance to stop extradition to the u . s. lawyers for the 52 year old, one judges at the high schools in london to allow an appeal against the extradition order issued by the british home secretary in 2022. now sanchez wanted by us prosecutors who intend to put him on trial on spying charges. he did not appear in court in person on tuesday, due to illness. i had signed the high court in london
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a heartfelt a message from a son to his wife to supporters gathered to press for his release. so we don't know what was appeal sales. his backers fear his lives, could be at stake. state many of his supporters believe he's being targeted for exposing serious criminal acts by us. that's hard. he's on the military. he is not the 180 present. campaigners pressing for his release of war in this case could signal a larger threat. he would be the 1st publishers trying under the last to be an option in this way. and that is why it is so dangerous. we've seen that law being used against whistle blower, but never before against
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a publisher like this. so what is that steak is really concerning? while it's not know when the verdict will come, many already fear the possible effects on the free flow of information worldwide. if all else fails, intervention by the european court of human rights may be sandra's final hope that's bringing the w correspondent, charlotte chelton pill who is in london. hi, charlotte explained to us what this hearing is about exactly to well, i mean this is nothing less this month. nothing less than the start of julian, a songy is not legal roll the dice in the u. k. his last time to fight extradition from britain to the us. now to understand what's going on in this to day here, and you have to really talk about what's gone before he was previously uh, the expedition was previously denied on the grounds that his mental health was such
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that he would be a suicide risk under us present conditions of that decision was a then a ton doctor assurances from the united states and an expedition order was assigned to this to day hearing is now about whether or not he can appeal that. now if he is a successful he'll be grunted and appeal hearing. if he fails, that reading will be the green light for extradition that could take place within weeks. so the stakes were really couldn't be hired here for julian as long as i'm almost all the charges facing assault in the united states. as well as paid stands trial. he's facing 17 accounts of espionage, one counts of confusing misuse. now these relate to which weeks of publication of thousands of links minutes we don't key minutes and diplomatic cables. many of them relating to the was in a rock and i found
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a strong now the united states says, then this is about the manner in which there's a link to material within obtained and the manner in which it was published. they have maintained throughout this as it's, it's puts lives at risk that has been key to that argument to em. but this is really big. streaming serious is with say that he would be facing a prison sentence of up to a $175.00 use in the us, which is support to say, would be tantamount to a death sentence. yeah, we've, i mean we've seen the footage of the protests that haven't, haven't, we won't have, as long as the support has been saying about the situation. so what does he have seen in those pictures that there was a huge crowd that supports us outside the court today, protest is a john and some politicians as well, attending to his supportive. he's a hero,
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he is a scientist for free speech. they only see that he is being prosecuted for his journalistic work, exposing us rooms, and that's not the arguments. now when it comes to his lawyers, his legal team, they put forward a number of arguments today against the expedition just to give you a bit of an idea you had a lawyer said the case is politically motivated. if they say it should concern janice around the well say say that he could face what they called a flagrant denial of justice. if he didn't then uh, one of the more to we say eyebrow raising part of today was his lawyer is arguing that he faced what they put a real with extra additional extra it extra it, it does show actions. now they were referring to an obligation that they raise. they claim that there was a c, i a pull to kid, not assassinate a julian, a song. so that was clearly
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a significant names. they notes and new information is significant. the arguments that his lawyers made today, their votes, they've been a huge concerns about his mental and physical health. is one of every prominent outside the court. today. she says that he is a political prisoner, and his said, he's like, there's nothing short of being at risk and show that if the court does fines against him, is that still any chance of an appeal to the european court of human rights to his legal team have absolutely put that on the table as a, as a possible next step, seeking an immediate injunction against the expedition with the european judges. but such a move is far from guaranteed. the bar is very high for an injunction like that. and there is concern from his support is that it might so should it happen? it might not come quickly enough given the fact that it's faith, it's his support,
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his faith, it's expiration could come up with potentially within weeks. charlotte, thanks so much. so that might still be correspondent charlotte shell. some pills reporting from london. spanish police say they believe the body of a man shot dead in the country at last week. is that of a russian helicopter pilot, who directed to ukraine. maxime cruise main off conspired with the ukrainian intelligent services to fly his helicopter to ukrainian territory last year because mino said he was motivated by opposition to the war. he also receive money reported late hoffen $1000000.00 to all the crew members were killed during the defection that cause main off was found shot dead in the underground cobb park of the prophecy near la county. on february, the 13th spanish media report that he was living under a fake identity, ukrainian authorities have confirmed his death. joining me now is
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investigative journalist andre. so that tells he is the founder and editor of the i can to or a website which trucks rushes intelligence services and just as old as of does the killing of maxine because we know that the hallmarks of, of the russian intelligence services. uh uh yes, unfortunately it does. uh and actually uh, in default ive happened to be had indications problems. there are some of the traditions that they uh they going to find him and kill him. uh, so it is a better symbolic thing for there are some miniature intelligence. yeah, let me, we, um, we saw it today. the russian news agency task force at the head of rushes for an intelligent services as cooling cause, mean of a traitor who became a moral corpse as soon as he started planning his affections. so that's as close as we're going to get to an official russian admission that they cut the killed cuz we know uh yes, absolutely about given the uh,
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the history of the russian intelligence agency is going off to the fact us, it's, unfortunately, it's reflects april the big cha, that's a valid russian, that there is no such as is always trying to make a point that they can get to you whenever you are. mm hm. so have you seen an up swing in the activities of the russian intelligent services since the start of the ukraine will as well? yes, uh, unfortunately, uh, well as a russian intelligence and special forces. uh they, as we now, uh, they felt confused and embarrassed at the beginning of the war, especially in the spring on the way to trance to bought buy. it went straight to free. they regrouped, they found a new sense of purpose. now they think they are not in a walk. if your brain any more they are in the wall. we have fox, if the west and basically they think that there is a 3rd round of his blog posts around who was engine lights and soldiers and forward
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you to send a bill. if a one goes wrong, they follow this uh, famous soviet illegals and spies. they lost the 2nd problem, which is, which was a cold war. so now we are entering the, the felt dropped and that quite filed the term on the to read this one. can you explain to us how all of this works? i mean, these russian agents or they hired killers, and can i ask you, do you have the impression that western intelligence agencies are on top of all of this? that is awesome. i just, i think that's fair is a sense of, um, some arrogance thoughts. russian intelligence agency is especially because so many a person spies about caught red handed uh in. uh, and the lady, the 1000 pounds, remembers it gets up st. paul, to guys for the identified all we know the names of the oldest and lots of names of russian spies bikes to was active. it yourself groups like that and cat. so lots of
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for us and spies gets exposed. so be got this strange impression that these means the opposite of incompetent and unprofessional. they could be not extremely competent, but to kill people abroad. you don't need to be that competent. what also is important is that the russians that goes to services, they adults, that to the new reality offices will stop it. which means that lots of freshmen spiceworks felt from the emphasis over year. and they quite inventive. now they use for the national some decorations. i'm in and, and in access your nation. so next is to the directions. we already have an, an operation init today by there are some national was saves from the core. uh, he was actually transferred back to russia. be able to help off again golf fox. uh so band criminals. we also have several book guidelines who got arrested in london because we had to walk in for the russian intelligence ages. so agents this,
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i get some more expensive and more resourceful. can i ask you about the timing of this? do you see any connection between the timing of the cars mean of killing on the death of the like saying of only, you know, i don't think that there is an immediate connection, i think is bad. how full is the russian intelligence agencies and for the army to kill? a defector is very important. think it is because uh, russian and soviet intelligence agency has produced a disproportionate large amount of the factors during the cold war and off the fat . so full them to find and kill someone who decided to the fact is and it's a very important thing because they need to prevent the i'll just from doing the same thing. so it was quite important for them from that they want to find this pilot. okay. i'm looking at the bigger picture. i mean, does this prove that a lot of that person can basically do what he wants with impunity, both at home and abroad?
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well, what we have now in the country is that people are extremely afraid. and the climate of repression is, is horrible. you cannot go to the streets to protest. you cannot actually express your opinion on it. you should be extremely cautious. what kind of say and what, what you say public abroad. we already see a lot of attacks targets, interruption, exiles, inclusion in your unfortunately, we have some incidents in australia in germany. init today now in spain. so it looks like what, what we can suggest is i'll get some more and more aggressive and adventurous. russian, investigative journalist andres, all the so thank you so much for your time to speaking to us on dw. thank you. the now as far as ease in russia, have opened a new criminal case against the brother of the late russian opposition leader,
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alexei, novelle. ne, all like nevada, only seen here in file for search with his brother was already on the wanted list for another mazda in 2014 or like nevada. and he was sentenced to 3 and a half. he is in prison, the fraud, and a case that kremlin critic said was trumped up. now police say they have opened a new case but have not yes, on failed details of the charges. now this comes off to the mother of alexi on all leg, novelle, and he made a direct appeal to let him in person for alexys body to be released. his death was announced by rational authorities last friday is, am i spin. the who is behind me is the prison colony where my son alex sane of all new, died on february 16th for 5 days. i have not been able to see him when you, they have not released his body to me and have not even told me where it is. yeah, but as i appealed to you letting me uprooting because of his resolution of this problem, depends solely on you. this and you on the,
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let me finally see my son. i demand that alex stays body. you released immediately so that i can bury him properly to like put on your wheels dw, russia, unless constantine get what he makes of the new criminal case that's being opened against alexis. of all of these brought the all like to well, it is the, the element of this continuous pressure, it shows that the family will not be left alone. luckily, or like nobody, according to the russian media reports, he is living outside of rusher, i think it's cyprus, but i think we should very 5. i think it's 5 years um and probably he's not getting to offer to be arrested. but if you look at the way, uh, for example, to cause regime use, try to do use at least the interpol list or as you move over the pursuit across the globe. so this is an additional pressure element. and this is an additional way of saying, well, i'm not going to leave you alone. russia has
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banned the us funded broad cost of radio, free europe, radio, liberty designating it as quote, an undesirable organization. the move puts radio for your stuff and contributes has at increased risk of prosecution. one of its edison is else who coma shape is already being held in prison in russia, pending trial for allegedly spreading false information radio for your if it's just the latest pro. acosta to receive this designation is the kremlin crux down on to send over the invasion of ukraine. now this protocol, so dw was also banned in early 2022 from reporting from russia, and was shortly lisa classified as a so called foreign agent. let's get more now from your a russia. so he was the head of d w's moscow bureau before it was closed down by all source easy reports. now, from rica erie, can you tell us more about what this bond means to radio free europe for
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journalists and contributes, is of all the status of an undesirable organization. and you know, he's a pretty bad status, much more dangerous than to the status of a so called for an agent called duration with a for an agent is not the finest, at least in theory. of course, many people are afraid to work with the so called for an agent is bought in purely legal terms. so this has no consequences to this day. to simply means that the person organization is financed from abroad and carries out so called political work because the fact that the visa is interpreted differently, the practice is something else. it's a completely different meta, if you've work with a desirable organization. these can have serious legal consequences. first warning is issued, then the person working with or supporting which much better and worse as they are, the so called undesirable organization is threatened uh with the criminal charges. the penalty can be a fine of the equivalent of 3000 to euros, or is
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a verse case up to 4 years in prison. there are now more than 40 on desirable organizations in the russia, and it will also media outlets such as the independent, investigate, different use, bartholomew's, and to the t. v. station, rain or dust and russian. both are not based as rushed about to pull it from exile . he had lots here and the other ones. and of course the employees are taking an enormous risk. yury. tell us a bit about what happened to you and d, w. 's most go stuff back in 2022. as well back in 2022. exactly 2 years ago. anya, we as died sevalla where classified as a so called for an agent in russia is added because according to the national authorities, we are a for in the found that the organization that is allegedly politically active these affordable criteria for these classification. in theory, of course,
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that's not the case. we are north politicians, that journalist, but the interpretation of the law is to who is for an agent in russia and who is not is now so broad. the law is so vain julie from boulevard it, is that the just about anyone who receives even one euro from a 4 in the post something on their account on social networks, for example, could be classified as a foreign agent. this list is now very low in russia, and we as a w, i also in it before we go out to the status of we will bend in russia. first our most go, office was closed off the 20 is organization was withdrawn and at the same time our tv channels and our website to well blocked. but we haven't been silenced. we have continued to report on russia. meanwhile, for 2 years now, just in exile here in riga is a locked in capital w's eerie. russia reporting from rica here a thank you so much. i the
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in israel authorities all working hard to help residents return to areas that were left mc off to the trauma of the terror. attacks carried out by him off on october the 7th last year. the w special correspondent, i'm in, he says, visited the see all of us, but wrote, which is near the border with the gaza strip. a kindergarten. he has now reopened. as some families returned to the city, the voices of children in a classroom at the sound that had left the city for 4 months. around 90 percent of students population fled in the days following the most here attack. even children this young had heard from us rockets fall before the latest war. but october 7th was a new kind of tear for the few families that have decided to return. it's an important day. substantiate what uh, what city and what is the teen?
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we're starting to go back to a daily schedule, this for you to send it to me after this catastrophe that we experienced on that side of day and all those months. we spend a way from here that you might of shane. i call it excel me quotes in judaism, it's called excite when you're away from your natural habitats. and the kids, as you can see, are having lots of fun being around their classmates are getting in their natural habitat. i guess i'm, it's a hospital may need to be live tv that by turn on, what am i saying? the city is clearing the debris of a battle. this empty lot was the sight of a police station stormed and then occupied by a mazda militants. mural marks the stand often ensued when is really troops destroyed the building with the attackers inside. many of the scars that were left by the attack had been patched over, but still 2 thirds of the city is 30000 residents haven't come back there.
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what's the deputy mayor expects that it will take another month at least before even half of the residents return. well, not in college where enabling and it's, it's a big difference, but not a quote. people come here to is doing a lot. it's good for you because it's very personal. someone that is good for him and will come someone that is child is very afraid and advert. post traumatic can destroy the so stay out of the city for a long time, but wherever enabling everyone to come here to a, a start again. the military has assured him, the city is secure and i'm off. hasn't launch rockets in this direction in 2 weeks . but many say they won't feel safe unless the boss is destroyed. little by little stakeholders recovering from the horror of october 7th and returning to some kind
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of daily life. the explosions that you hear on a regular basis in the city. keep everybody on edge, but they know that for now at least it's a sound if it's a really shells getting gaza, which is just over a kilometer away there. it's an active work zone and a return to routine is still on thinkable. and that's the show for today for the team on social media at the w news. and if it's the latest headlines you're looking for, there's always uh websites as dw till com. so now from the entire team on the day, thanks very much to spending day with us the, the,
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the, the outlook, bleak germany's economy is for in the mood some mid sized businesses are struggling to survive. germany is stuck and losing ground in the international competition. are politicians to blame, made in germany next in good shape. mental health is there in the ideal buttons
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anxiety, depression, of pressure from exams. what to do with those psych he gets out of kilter in good shape. and 16 minutes on dw, the sometimes to show you, i found that you out to the highlight for sure every week, not to not shift your guides to life. and it did to to you know, the latest online trend, navigate your way through the digital jungle. a good logo,
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this thing will be your guide and show you what's possible. really message to you on d, w for decades, germany was regarded as the model country in europe. it's still the largest economy, but the economy has suffered a massive downturn. how did this happen? and is germany once again, the sick man of the rough as some international news headlines have already for planes. we'll take a look at the sectors where things are not running so smoothly in germany. house spain is trying to get a handle on illegal irrigation. what a new type of under see station for humans.


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