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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  February 21, 2024 12:00pm-12:30pm CET

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the, the, this is the w news live for berlin. the european union agrees on press sanctions on russia. the death of just didn't elect stating the volley as pressure to impose new steps to punish the kremlin. we look at whether previous sanctions are slow interruptions. economy also coming up from 0 to 0 for the manager of germany's football champions. byron unit gifts, thomas, to hold the boot at the end of the disappointing season. the un security council moves to force an end to the fighting in gaza, but the new west locks the resolution, calling for an immediate troops. china and other nations criticized the us. vito
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washington proposes its policies, fire resolution the 1st time and the complex in the on march spills over to it's borders into neighboring bangladesh. our correspondence speaks with some of the people who have endured the violence last platform. the time sarah kelly, welcome to the program. the you has agreed to a 13th round of sanctions against russia. last week's death of russian dissident alexa in the volley added pressure to punish the kremlin beyond those measures already in place. now this decision, it comes on the eve of the 2nd anniversary of moscow's invasion of ukraine. or let's get more, we're dying by lucy or shelton. she is our d. w correspondent in brussels. so there is an agreement now and more sanctions on
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russia. just walk us through what exactly has been agreed here. yes. so there is an agreement in principle by the european union states investigators on the 13th package of sanctions against russia. and in this package, which has not yet been published. there supposedly nearly $200.00 persons and entities listed and they are also new measures for seen and to avoid sanction um, circumvention which is making you sanctions and effective. so this is what has been agreed to today. they will still have to sign it off or officially and then it needs to be published in the official journal and only then the sanctions will enter into force. and it is for seen that this will happen by saturday 24th. the 2nd anniversary of the russian arrangement into you train, hungry had threatened to veto. how were they finally brought on board?
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yes, so hungry has already explained before hand off at headset that it needs to scrutinize what, what this means for the hon. gary and economy. the certain surgeons think tension package, excuse me. and that has already declared a couple of days before that it would not reach. so the sentence packets, even though it does believe that this is not good for the blocks economy, but in the end they did not reach o and they kept the promise which they made before hand just that you, you believe ultimately that it's sanctions are having the desired effect, and you know, what measures you, you mentioned a little bit earlier, are they going to institute this time around to, to make sure that it does because they mean, if you look at the russian economy, that doesn't seem to have made that much of a dent so the european union has been um, having a really a big range of measures before hand and they believe here and we have heard it from, was it a funded line that also has been use sanction package?
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the 13th is meant to keep the pressure on russia high. um, nevertheless, there is a bit of critique as well with this new package. so that it is not really having far reaching consequences for the russian economy. it does for c 200 listings, and they're already the number of listing some place. they're nearly 2000 listings in place already. so this, this now it over with these new listings that will be over 2000 now. and there are also a range of other measures, especially export import bands. but this new package does not really have very deep, very far reaching off these measures. so some also say critique say it might also be symbolic for the 2nd year anniversary of the russian invasion and to ukraine. this year shelton and brussels. thank you us. and here's a closer look now at those sanctions and the impact that they have been having
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since february of 2020 to the e. u has band goods worth over 43900000000 euro, so that would have been exported to russia. now these include advance technology items such as radar systems, drones, camouflage gear or weapons collection of brush, who is actually what i wrote equally, becoming more like the soviet union in that it has high spending on the military and in some cases heavy industry. and at the same time, the level of consumption is holding for the population, the board seat, the cycle box industrial production is also doing surprising. the well, for example, in the automotive sector, components are increasingly coming from china, off to the europeans, withdrew from russia, thanks to chinese impulse, the russian economy is being kept afloat. she never takes to go to this new china or is of course not officially participating in the sanctions. so it is not a partner, so to speak of western states when it comes to sanctions and sometimes feeling good . to finance impulse, russia needs exports,
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income from gas sales. these are full and dramatically times the use extensive input by and seems to have had an effect chopping into a new customers with new pipelines is only a partial substitute. volume simple the, with the 5 lines on. busy but the fact that when you compare them for want to define players come from sport uh to, to the you or confront support to, to china and even the new infrastructure of products. like all else, i give it to us dealing. ready in funds they, however, oil sales rushes 2nd most important source of export revenue almost as good as before the war and ukraine. this is despite you sanctions. i am just enforcing a price cap of $60.00 us dollars a barrel transportation of oil. um probably are violating that because so
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they use a we enforcement to on the side of it is there is also a shadow trading uh where you know, uh all the is uh, uh, discharged. uh and the charge of the on another bus or the overseas. uh, more and more oil is ending up in india. its most important oil supply is now russia. nevertheless, rushes growth is partly finance don't credits, including military spending. how long can puts in actually a forward to do this? this come of the guns it's. i can write that for quite a while that will set the browser. i had a very low deb level at the beginning of the war. it still has a low debt level even now. actually extend. russia does not look set to run out of money to finance the board and ukraine. any time soon. the world of sports and big news here, but it's like a champions by our municipal part ways with coach thomas to hold at the end of the
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current season. to host position has been questions in recent weeks after a run of threes, straight to feats left firing off the pace and the board to seek a title race. and on the brink of illumination and europe's champions lea 2 whole took over as buyer and coach last march, before helping them to an 11th consecutive one, displayed a title still more until his departure from buyer and munich, cress harrington from dw sports is here with us in the studio was this is the price above all else we need is the most important thing for buyer. and it's uh, boss is without a question. and when you factor in time is too old. you look at the 1st piece of silver, where the 1st title he won was gifted thanks to told me he argued he didn't even earn the one, but as a good title, he, he got with a buyer munich. and, you know, a shock not at all. i did expect this to come because one thing you realized about by meeting they've been winning so much. and so often going to their 12 title in
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a row. they don't even put way the but as they go on there to do, listed anymore as a forgone conclusion that they would win the league. the champions league is what they're about when you look at just a bruises and bob stool has gotten along the way. booted from the german cub. molly bought by laver cruise and beat up in the champions league looking. it's maybe they don't even advance and that competition, and then they're looking up at 8 points in labor cruising right now. it's not a shock. so they don't have to explain to us because i mean they, they brought in thomas to whole right. i mean, this is a guy with the track record at p. s g. a chelsea was able to do some great things. why could he not replicate that now? if fire well to who is an acquired taste? you know, he doesn't really deal with management. everything is all good when you're winning, you know, but once you're losing, once things get a bit difficult to hold, typically has a, it's my weight or the highway attitude reports are he lost half of the locker room and by munich after the most recent loss, to both of them, manuel lawyer sheldon high regard. the cap in the goalkeeper. he said we need to
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question everything and i think he get probably gave thomas to all aside i after you said that comment. you know, so you the locker room is split. you're not winning anything. i think it's very clear. you have to make a change any time you've had this wrong. and a coach forces you to press the reset button and that when you're 12 title in a row, that coaches to go. what do you think of the timing of the announcement? because mean, does this now hurt byron's chances of salvaging? you know, whatever it is they could salvage. and in the meantime, before he's gone scratching my head on that, you know myself. i think the timing of the situation is horrible. but to i had no confidence of winning the title anyways. he said that he doesn't think they'll do it. you know, that trickles down to the team and now the team is split. there's a split divide. i think the only thing going for buying right now, possibly cherry came, setting a new single season record for scoring goals. that's all i can see environmentally media future at least is that chris harrington dw sports think. thank you.
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i'm here is a look now at some other stories that are making headlines around the world. russia has banned the us funded broadcast or radio free europe radio liberty designating it as a quote on desirable organization. it is, the latest outlet to be targeted by the kremlin is cracked down on free media, which is stepped up since it began. its invasion of ukraine. police in india have fired tear gas at protesting farmers as thousands of them were preparing to march to delhi. for rounds of talks with the central government have so far failed, the farmers form a major voting block in india and their anger could impact national elections due in a few months time. south korea's prime minister has inspected an emergency medical unit after thousands of training, doctors walked out in protest without enough staff 5 major hospitals. and so i've had to cancel nearly half of their scheduled surgeries. younger doctors are
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protesting the government's new plan to increase medical fees and is really strikes has hit a residential area in syria and kind of serious capital damascus. according to state media, the fall reports say that at least 2 people have died after several missiles cause damage in the neighborhood of k 5. so the alyssa, israel has not commented on the allegation yet. nobody showed up in the floor. i just thought she was in the united states has vetoed an era back to resolution in the un security council demanding a ceasefire in the war between israel and tomas, which is labeled as a terrorist organization in many countries. china and even the u. s. l. i france, criticized washington for blocking the resolution a 3rd time. the u. k. up stained and the vote. well, 13 voted in favor. the west instead proposed its own plan on a house. the new american draft resolution calls for a temporary cease fire link to the release of hostages,
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held by him on an immediate. and here's what china investor had to say about washington's veto. it was the veto exercised by the united states that stifled counsel consensus made what the us veto sent the wrong message. pushing the situation in gaza into more dangerous territory that can be, that's about yeah. and with us now from berlin is a journalist in china watcher felix li. welcome to the program, and thank you for joining us. and we understand you've written several books on china. you, you reported from there for many years. i mean, we just heard strong comments on the us veto at the un. what do you make of it? oh, yes. well, hello. yeah, china wants to position itself as the voice of the global fault and the men join 2 of these countries to be honest, a think is rarely exaggerating with its actions is a god, a strip and the most aggressive voice against israel, south africa, brazil,
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and other large, emergent countries criticize these way, the government you more view mentally. oh, well yeah, trying as a time to try to present itself with a comfortable i'm just calling for the excavation without making any constructive suggestions on its own. yet at least on the outside um to, to what extent channel actually play a constructive role remains to be seen. and the also chinese deployments often lack the experience to meet if effectively so yeah, i'm also curious how much of china will get involved. it's been interesting to track the commentary because i mean china has, has not been very outspoken since the october 7th, the tax on israel, although it has repeatedly called for a cease fire. and god, can you explain to us from, from, you know, from a strategic perspective, what is at stake for beijing in the middle east? and in this conflict from frontrunner a yes or yeah, china,
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it's do testing itself. and what is it an adult to china has on the diplomatic level. i think there's a lot going on behind the scenes we should on the estimate, china, the china has becoming increasingly involved in the middle east. we are, we were last year we were completely surprised that the leadership in between manage to bring the host of state. so i ran and saudi arabia together last year and trying to input in the middle east has increased a little bit. and that is certainly welcome by many countries also in the middle east. so yeah, i, i'm also curious what, how china will get involved in, in, in, in israel and the cartridges will. uh, it gets a post in you to what extent does china playing to a domestic audience on this issue given it's many troubles at home, not, not least with the economy. well yeah, the kind of the province in china are big,
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but china phone policy approach and little to do with of a domestic problems at home. and like in germany, it's not the keys at the middle east conflict place. a major role for the majority of the chinese people, quite the opposite is perceived as a distance conflict. what many trying to feel, however, is that the us above all has double standards when it comes to human rights violations by the it's really government. the u. s. criticism as well does not go as far as it does with i think human rights violations, of course, by this channels and wants to distract attention from its own human rights violations, journalist and china experts. felix lee, thank you so much for joining us to show that to you. thank you. to now fighting between ethnic rebels and the military, junta in neon mar is spilling over into bangladesh. earlier this month to civilians
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in a border village were killed in fort cross border fire. you remember that me on mars military to power back in february of 2021. in a clue after ousting the civilian government of nobel laureate armstrong, sushi. since then, it has been fighting civilians who have taken up arms against it and ethnic armed rebels. but in the last few months, those rebels have taken the fight to the army in many of myanmar states. and one of those states is rock on state, on the border with bangladesh, here fighting between the ethnic groups, the r a con army, and it's, and the military hunter is impacting villagers and bangladesh. dw correspondent, our thoughts of islam traveled there to speak with them. you brought him lips to just a short walk from the me on my board of. he has often heard schilling and gone plan,
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but he never believed it to defeat his doors to all the i lost my mother. my mother could have been with me today, but she's not here with me because of a mortar shell from young mars ministry that hit her product so that i don't know if i will get justice for my mother. but i mean, if i will be, that will not be done in your brain research trying whenever he talks about his mother puts me on a big home. she was killed by a sale that she thought just as she was making loans for her family. moved around 800 meters from the border between the 2 countries. the explosion also came to the man who was at the house. so i brought it wonderful and because we started to hear the sounds of a lot of the gunfire in the border area at the beginning of february of water without the sound was so loud that we couldn't sleep at night. and still, the local administration didn't pay attention to us. one of you, they didn't alert us, they warned us, we would have left the area and taken shelter elsewhere. when you come this here
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can see the hiking right after the border in me and most kind of states where the icon on me and it me to the river group has been beckoning me and much food of forces positive earlier. but the opponents hasn't to sit at no cost to you. i'd also say some rubles margot stoplights that goes about at night and the fighting has a decently intensified in february the arc on army to control officer. well, the board us, if both, i don't see 100 just photos from me and my secret to push the split into bottom of this. thank you have to apply a, b, b? yes, yes, yes. you're doing. did you want me to give you? within 2 weeks of this handed them back over to me on my own thoughts what it is. but when it does say the board does the minutes unprotected, the bottom of the hill citizens living near the border, the main names tier as the phone. so i've gone for it and explosions in the me on
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my to continue the think of their government showed in getting the smart diplomacy to prevent any spillover effect from its neighbors, into another conflict into its 33. as long as he thought today is that of the business we are frightened because the american army isn't the local government. they are all captured from the me on my army, lajna my i'm, i mean i see the army counter attack so that we will be the 1st victim. so the whole south and we'll get that out to the whole. we still hear gunshots around 2 to 3 am, but them because we the people at the border are terrified now that all the bus i had 2 bullets hit my hands as well. we visited that day, particularly. it's not all fish in cox budgets to bring up the concept. he said the government has beefed up ordered security, but gave few details. and i mean this, did they offered piece advice?
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some definitely whenever it's felt that they have a security threats and we suggest they come to a safe place or shelter. speaking, don't rush into advised at all for us to leave telephone quote for the people in the home home, whose faith then now freely on the thread all the time due to the parlance. next door, springing dw corresponded our thoughts on islam his back from the myanmar bangladesh border and he joins us now for more. so the conflict, as we've been hearing me on mar, is killing civilians in bangladesh. uh, what is the bangladesh government doing to prevent that? in my office, you also get to type august the villages to as the vigilant they have been advised to move that far from the border word, but it's below. how do you fix all of the conflict in me and model of the sort of dw that it's impossible for them to stay apart from home? a part, a long time, as most of them are foremost and didn't need to load in their foods to grow their
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pro bono government. also someone must and most of the earlier this month to produce device polluting, border finance that killed 2 people on the bottom of this is heights oh, the bottom of the simulators living near me and i bought out a spic more from the government. there are still government to take it off her position to protect them from any of you know, how do you fix of the conflict in man, my this here that any uh, this price on reuben positions near the border by them in my military could see many casualties invite others. there's fighting and rock kind of state as we've heard where many well hindered villages have been effected. does bangladesh, if you're a new exodus of 400 refugees from myanmar, a bottle this has to equal and not the l o anymore. really good. if it is from me on my printer, the country because operating the huge number already there threatens its own secret, a new report. so this to talk our own down is equal to by the units here. to lift
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that on 900 new to him, go the fuses in the bottom of this last week. they have reportedly been waiting at the border. yes, i have talked to, so i'm going to activist who said that it knew it's who does offer willing if you, for this from me and my is a highly unlikely at the moment, all of us. so i'm looking to who need ottoman to go, support have been trying to in to a bunch of those as it's impossible to get to print in areas like mambo, why would menu, don't wind guard track them, it fuels fighting between the me on my own go forces and don't know me and bangladesh already host up to a 1000000 ro hinge of refugees who have flooded myanmar. and now bangladesh, the civilians are dying to do. the conflict in the country is bangladesh. feel that it has been left to handle these problems on its own it so dearly to the bottom of this is not getting enough support from india and china in these efforts to do fits . it really can guide you through this to me and mode. that was done,
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community based abuse all for you through this and all of this. but the television country, you want us to send them back home. really good you for this long to me and most citizenship, but them in my government doesn't consider them as their citizens. given the fact that man much security forces are losing ground in the kind of state is highly unlikely that any of the nude effort offered you pictures and meet with stocks, if anytime soon. i to is long. thank you so much for your reporting. we appreciate it. thank you. in berlin, director martin scorsese has been honored with a lifetime achievement award at the international film festival. maryland. allah was easy receiving the award. speaking of his obsessive love for cinema, and said that he will keep making more movies. his latest film killers of the
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flower moon, will be competing at the oscars. i'm just over 2 weeks. because 10 nomination, the remainder of our top story is here on the w news. the you has approved to new sanctions against russia as its war against ukraine and years of the 2nd anniversary. previous steps to beacon moscow's ability to wage war has failed to prevent russia's economy from growing us as vetoed a resolution. and the un security council demanding a ceasefire in the war between israel and from us us instead for post its own calling for a temporary cease fire link to the release of hostages. up next, it is made in germany on the high energy costs and bureaucracy setting business. they with us to the 10 for that. i'm sarah kelly and berlin. thanks for watching
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the, the, the,
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the outlook police, germany's economy is shrinking. the mood for some mid sized businesses are struggling to survive. germany is stuck and losing ground in the international competition. are politicians to blame, made in germany. next america is, at least within the sprains. the country now has more guns,
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then people while active as lobby for stricter regulations. the number of mass shootings continues to right. is there still hole in the battle against gun violence? gun nation. in 45 minutes on the w, the little guy. this is the 77, a sense the platform for advocacy issues share. i did the, you know, or the side that will be a, not a great to catch and then you can talk to applicants. population is really fast. and young people clearly have the solution. the future
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is 77 percent. every weekend on dw, the for decades, germany was regarded as the model country in europe. it's still the largest economy, but the economy has suffered a massive downturn. how did this happen? and is germany, once again, the sick man of europe has some international news headlines, have all ready for play, and we'll take a look at the sectors where things are not running so smoothly in germany. how spain is trying to get a handle on illegal irrigation. what a new type of under c station for humans might look like and how drones are helping to save la.


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