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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  February 22, 2024 12:00am-12:15am CET

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the the, this is dw news, lived from berlin, the flight of people in garza, without the water, with more than a ww house indian sheltering in the southern city of rough or even the most basic of needs are hard to meet with water in short supply and organizations are warning of an impending cause of catastrophe. also coming up in a move triggered by the death of criminal critic alexis of only the european union agrees to slack new sanctions on russia or penalties to make a difference on the front lines in ukraine. and german football fans forced the national league describe plans for private investment. after months of play disrupting protests for the f. l backs out of a 1000000000 euro deal,
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the american berlin. welcome to the program. we started in the south of the gaza strip for over a 1000000 displays. palestinians are struggling to ask because even the basic needs for survival in the city of a one of the biggest concerns is water. the lack of it is helping the spread of disease and there is no sign of relief. a frantic daily routine en route. so searching the water by somebody because my son is small and needs walter. i bring him see was there, but he refuses it. were unable to wash, we don't have clean clothes. there's no water, there's no food. the rest of the world has food for this situation here is dire. we need water to live
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a lovely sight water. there is no life happens in the long line forms every day on this beach around one and a half 1000000 people are now believe to be crammed into the southern guns. and the safety of rafa resident said, the lack of clean water and sewage is causing disease to spread. this is about, well, your parents are not going to be sending you a for an ard to click what those interest you have on the. all these people are reading that on the way on it, but not all of them will get more off of them. we miss, i don't know. i know. i don't know. it's like this every day the the world food program has signed it. the alarm, once again, i've had the gravity of conditions in god's depending on where you well, it ranges from emergency levels, but it goes all the way up to catastrophic levels. and you find that there are
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people who have missed meals for a day or 2 days or 3 days. they have severe hunger. but you also have people who have acute hunger. that is, they're not eating for week, eat agency site, they're concerned about the possibility of thumbing and gaza. a dream warning comes as fighting continues. stain in the middle east towards the devastating war between israel. now, mazda and goza also means little danger for journalists trying to comfort the conflict. recent figures from the committee to protect journalists shows that the majority of all journalists killed a worldwide last year for palestinians. since a mazda is october, the 7th, the terror attacks $83.00 posting journalists, and to was really during, which have been killed in the conflict within gaza. it's now almost exclusively palestinians reporting on the war on the ground. israel has refused to what foreign journalists into reports independently, their jody ginsburg is the ceo of the committee to protect journalist, she told dw,
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what makes the conflict in gaza so much more dangerous for journalist report on compared to other similar conflicts. this is the debbie as conflict for janice, the committee to project on this has ever documented. we've been doing this. what for more than 2 years, mojdeh unless died in the 1st 10 weeks of israel gauze and will then have evidence . i certainly says we've been doing this walk in a single country over an entire year. the intensity, the numbers is up to the unprecedented donors and goals that cannot do that jumps without risking their lives. nowhere and goals are as safe done and as the doing absolutely what we would expect on is to do covering a will that looking at the off them off of bombings by going to hospitals and then we see hospitals, phone. so they're going to refugee comes to look at the effects of displacements. those have also been on there isn't a place for dennis to be safe in the current environment. but it's absolutely
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imperative that we recognize that jonas of civilians and must be treated as such. so it must never be targeted with georgia ginsburg, c o, the committee to protect journalists, and what type of looking at what some other stories making headlines around the world. the police in several european countries have carried out raids, unsuspected people smugglers. the suspected gang was involved in for asking people across the english channel in germany alone. the rates coordinated by the european law enforcement agency report produced dozens of arrest spanish farmers spot with police in a demonstration in the dread. under the practice of moved into the capital for fresh protests against what they see as excessive red tape and insufficient aid from the state. farmers have been protesting for weeks across many countries in europe. the united kingdom has imposed sanctions on 6 members of russia's prison authority. the 6 individuals ran the arctic penal
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colony where alexi, nev only died on friday. the okay has frozen their assets and impose a travel band and for its part, the eu has also agreed to the 13th round of sanctions against russia. the move comes as the premises war against ukraine years. it's 2nd anniversary, and ukraine is losing ground on the battlefield. its forces recently withdrew from the eastern tower of, of the idea of god. after months of heavy fighting, this on verified russian footage purports to show soldiers there replacing the craning flag with the rolling. it comes in that increasing repression inside russia . where does an alexi end of all of these deaths last week? also played a significant part in the us move 6, professor jeffreys on the 3rd is a senior associate dean at the yield school of business management. we asked him if these sanctions are the correct response to the war, new crane, and the death of active is alexis of all me. yes, a great question and tragically,
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great timing for your great question. it is needed. we've had various warning shots over the bell of increasingly steps sanctions, and yet there's still more that it has to be done. we alone had a lot to do with catalyzing, the historic exit of 1200 major multi nationals to leave russia. that's 6 times the retreat from south africa and protests of the apartheid regime. and there are all kinds of sanctions, of course we as we know and financial sector in some other sectors. but there is not enough. and this is, i think, going to be very effective. the price covers were, we're pretty strong, but this will do even far more r u. k. court is expected to roll in march on wiki leaks, founder and really massage extradition. appealed it. supporters of a saws protested outside the london court arranged arguments were being heard for the 2nd and final day. the london court will rule if a saw,
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should have further opportunities to argue his case in britain is trying to avoid facing espionage charges in the united states. the dw corresponded dear good mass, was following the hearing at london's high court. she had more on the arguments put to the court by lawyers supporting the us as bid to extradite julian assaults. for 2 days, the u. k. high cost has had the case of julian assigned to do this on his lawyer is arguing that whatever he has done was protected by free speech. that he is a journalist and that he should not be expedited to the united states. that he actually should be a free man, and he should not be in prison. however, the us side have argued that he has endangered us sources and he has put people's lives at risk adults so that the us is a longstanding ally of the united kingdom. and that it should be assumed that he
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will get a free and fat try. as in the united states, what's going to happen, we will probably find out within a few weeks time. then it will be decided whether the georgia assigns can actually appeal once again and have his case had here in the united, in the united kingdom. who have whether he will have to go to the us and sized trial, the germany's professional football league, the f l a has abandoned a 1000000000 euro plan to sell a stake in the media rights to an investor. this follows months of fan protest during numerous matches, the porter showed their opposition to the deal, like during the objects onto the page and causing major disruptions to the f l. so it could no longer guarantee that matches could be held reliably due to the fan protests. and of course,
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soccer fans are happy that the deal with a foreign investors off the table. but could this have a downside? sports journalist thomas, getting a, gave us his assessment of the situation of them both sides. first of all, we realize that in germany, currently we have a soccer democracy. so that means a lot of the fans and the fans actually is taking a good stand in the public and the dns decided that they can not go their way without the fans so. so that is one of the good sides of it. on the other side is the investor wouldn't have paid 1000000000 euro and the dsl things that they need 600000000 bureaus to invest in their model disability internationally. and that money is lacking. and
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now the collapse of the dsl a to find a way to get the money otherwise, or staying with sports now. and what does lead champions buy and munich will part ways with coach thomas to show at the end of the current season. his position has been questioned in recent weeks after a run of 3 state defeats left fire and off the pace and the buddhist legal title raise. and on the brink of illumination in europe, the champions league shall took over as buyer and coach last march before helping them to an 11th consecutive leave windows lead title. and we turn to the wonderful arts now and the berlin film festival is underwear. here in the german capital and one of the biggest names in cinema has taken the stage. martin scorsese was presented with an honorary gluten golden bear, the $1000000000.00 lifetime achievement award. as he
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was given a standing ovation as he walked on stage to accept his trophy legendary stone maker martin scorsese, held on tightly to his golden bay or a testament to his impact on the world of cinema. the and the worst that we do individually is part of the break ongoing, ultimately endless conversation and was, and listen time was and i really feel that i've been blessed to have taken part in that conversation for most of my life. now perfectly a suicide. you jump the latest film killers in the mirror, and they are not at a copy of our out tomorrow to wells team members of the osage native american tribes as part of a plot to deprive them of the oil and app and tail that explores not only the modest themselves but also greet well, conspiracy racism and the early days of the f. b i the 81 year old
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director says she's not planning to stop making movies anytime soon. german direct when vendors describe scorsese as the reading, king of cinema. tears welled up as chris's as eyes as vendors set. i sent in all of it with both in this room here now 46 years later. and that we all together tonight can celebrate one of the most influential directors of our time. events, also an inventor and innovator, constantly looking for new horizons of cinematic expression. but most of all he is an extraordinary story teller for say this next stop is the word killers of the asylum. has him a nation, including this picture. you're watching dw news, and here's
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a brief reminder of the top stories we're following for you at this hour. the water is in dangerously short, supplying for over 1000000 displays. palestinians of the southern causes for agencies say they are concerned that the lack of clean drinking water could lead to a catastrophe. and the european union has agreed to a 13th round of sanctions against russia. the move comes as the premises war against ukraine. and yours is the 2nd anniversary, and as a crane loses ground on the battlefield, its forces recently withdrew from the eastern town out of discussion. after months of heading, fighting the and you're up to date, but to stick around. next, our environment show find it a has a look on india's efforts to stop desertification. remember, if you need more news, you can always check out our website. that's d, w dot com for all your latest headlines. of course we're on social media, we're
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a handle is at dw news on there until through and thank you very much for joining us. the pricing strategy issues with a lot of say what the, the only way i can be on the top is to create my own empire discover stories that.


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