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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  February 22, 2024 2:00am-2:14am CET

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the the, this is dw news line from berlin, the plight of people in garza, without the water. with more than a 1000000 palestinian sheltering in the southern city of rough off. even the most basic needs are hard to meet with water in short supply aid organizations or warning of an impending catastrophe. and also coming up new figure show that teen a journalist and palestinian is a particularly dangerous combination. let's take a look at a new report which highlights how deadly it is being a reporter and goes up and judges into you pay are expected to take their time and decided until the other soldiers fate. the week. a week's founder faces extradition
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to the united states. and espionage charges was another chance to argue his case and bring the i'm here until in berlin. thank you very much for joining us. we started in the south of the gaza strip, over a 1000000 palestinians are displaced and struggling to access even the basic needs for survival in the city of roof. one of the biggest concerns is a lack of water. the lack of it is helping the spread of disease and so far there's no sign of relief. a frantic daily routine in russia, searching the water by somebody because my son is small and needs walter. i bring him see was there, but he refuses it. were unable to wash, we don't have clean clothes. there's no water, there's no food through since the world has varied. but this situation here is dire
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. we need water to live with that water. there is no life in the long line forms every day on this beach around one and a half 1000000 people are now believes to be crammed into the southern guns and say to you of rafa resident say the lack of clean water and food is causing disease to spread this about while your thoughts are not going to be sending you a for an ard to collect what else interest you have on the all these people are reading that on the way on it, but not all of them will get more off of them. we miss, i don't know. i know, i don't know. it's like this every day of the world. food program has signed it the alarm. once again, the gravity of conditions in god's depending on where you well, it ranges from emergency levels,
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but it goes all the way up to catastrophic levels. you find that there are people who have missed meals for a day or 2 days or 3 days. they have severe hunger, um, but you also have people who have acute hunger. that is, they're not eating for weak agency site. they're concerned about the possibility of famine and gaza. a green warning comes as fighting continues. stain in the middle east toward the devastating war between israel hum, boss and garza also means little danger for journalists trying to cover the conflict. reason figures from the committee to protect journals shown that the majority of the old journal has killed world wide last year, or palestinians since a mazda is october, the 7th terror attacks. $83.00 posting journalists, and 2 is railing. journalists have been killed in the conflict. within casa, it's now almost exclusively palestinians reporting on the war, and the ground is realized, refused to let foreign journalists and to report independently. there.
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mohammed abo, now most is a correspondent for the al god, a news outlet. he talked about the risk stern was face while working in gaza. yeah, no, not gonna help though. i do, i do have several, numerous risks confronting palestinian journalists covering and it cause a strip of this on particularly in the face. it is really measures that indiscriminate the targets everything, a palestinian, be it people trees or even stones with each new right. that happens now my family icons help a fee and an overwhelming sense of anxiety. the difficulty in reaching them and showing their safety adds to the complexities of my situation. working in this field entails navigating a mix of emotions. on the one hand, the focus is on reporting news and political developments on the ground. the. on the other hand, you have as a human beings and a journalist, i mean there's a deep desire to be with family and share in the challenges and dangers they face.
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jody ginsburg is the ceo, the committee to protect journalist. she told the w what makes the conflicts in gaza so much more dangerous for journalist report on compared to other conflicts. and this is the deadly as conflict for john this the committee to project on this has ever documented. we've been doing this work for more than 2 years mojdeh unless died in the 1st 10 weeks of israel gauze that will then have evidence. i certainly says we've been doing this walk in a single country over an entire year. the intensity, the numbers is up to the unprecedented douglas and goals. i cannot do that jumps without risking their lives. nowhere and goal is to respect john and as the doing absolutely, what we would expect done is to do covering the will that looking at the often law of bombings by going to hospitals and then we see hospitals,
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phone. so they're going to refugee comes to look at the effects of displacement. those of us, they've been both. there isn't a place for dennis to be safe in the current environment, but it's absolutely imperative that we recognize that john nestle civilians and must be treated as such. so it must never be targeted. i will shoot against burg. see over the committee to protect our list. and here's look now and some other stories making headlines around the world. the speaker of britons parliament has been forced to issue an unprecedented apology. after a session descended into chaos, dozens of deputies stormed out of the debate over demanding a cease fire and gauze. the speaker broke with parliamentary procedure to allow host. i'm 3 versions of the motion instead of just one, no. one, police and several european countries have carried out raids, unsuspected people smugglers. the suspected gang was involved in traffic and people across the english channel in germany alone, the reins coordinator for the european law enforcement agency,
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or euro pool produced dozens of arrest spanish farmers out of class. the police have demonstration in madrid. hundreds of practice rolled into the capital for protests against what they see as excessive red taping and sufficient support from the state. the farmers have been protesting for weeks across many countries. in europe. the united kingdom has imposed actions on 6 members of russia's prison authority. 6 individuals ran the arctic penal colony with russian opposition leader election of only died on friday, give on his wife and political allies, says he was killed there. and that you, for his part has also agreed to a 13th round of sanctions against russia. the move comes of the crime was war against ukraine years and 2nd anniversary, and ukraine losing ground in the battlefield. it forces recently withdrew him from the eastern town of a discuss after months of heavy fighting. this and verified russian footage for
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points to show soldiers, there are placing the ukrainian flag with their own comes and made increasing repression inside russia. we're just in the election of all these debts last week also played a part in the ease move. turning to the us were local media report, the president biden is waiting a string. you said they would pick us up in the morning a and i sent the answers the, you know, because it was, i meant they know that on my end i'm, i don't know, i'm for support. most of these belong to you as a helping them warm clothing after a rainy night and food. many had no tends to sleep and the next step is to wait for border patrol to pick them up for registration. people get stuck here. sometimes these days, usually for a long way, for a matter of hours, but there was times in a little over at least 6 weeks ago, where people here for 4 or 5 days in the same location. sam and his son john a locals along with other volunteers. they have been taking care of newly arrived
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migrants for months. it leaves me very disappointed. it's quite frankly kind of absurd that uh my family and uh, just a group of regular volunteers are filling in this role. it should be done by the us government. there should be the red cross out here. there should be many different organizations, but that's just not here. daily, the volunteers can the area along the border for people, the so called son, judah, sprague, and gap. and the boy defense used to paved the way for many migrants. so this is uh, transit camp that was set up by the mexican national guard that was designed to hold any migrants that come through this gap over here. prior to this establishment, we would see smugglers bringing people through non stop throughout the day. and cars driving up and down the start road over there. they would pack sometimes up to 12 people in a single small you see the volunteers say the strategy of the turing migrant stuff, not work because they will just search for other gaps as the legal ways of entry
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a limited sam and john don't get financial support from the authorities, they are disappointed not just with washington, it's almost like they have given up on the, on the visual p are aspects of it. they just don't care anymore. i mean look, and this has been going on for 6 months now. debbie constant and nobody with lots of top, blah, blah, blah, blah, lot to talk lots of media attention to the talk, but you see anything change? i haven't good news with this group of new to arrive migrants. after i was in the cold border patrol came to pick them up. they will be resisted and the decision will be made on whether they can stay in the us, or they will be sent back to the countries to a u. k. cord is expected to rule in march on which he looks founder, join us soldiers, extradition appeal,
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that supporters of his dollars protested outside the london court, while arguments were being heard for a 2nd. and final day. the load and court will rule it as all should have further opportunities to argue his case in britain. he's trying to avoid facing espionage charges. united states dw corresponded buick at mass was following the hearing at london's high court. she had more on the arrangements put to by the court by lawyers supporting the us bid to extradite julia saw. for 2 days a u. k. hi, cause has had the case of julian assigned to do this on his lawyers are arguing that whatever he has done was protected by free speech. that he is a journalist and that he should not be expedited to the united states. that he actually should be a free man, and he should not be in prison. however, the us side have argued that he has endangered us sources and he has put people's lives at risk adults so that the us is
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a longstanding ally of the united kingdom. and that it should be assumed that he will get a free and sad try. as in the united states, what's going to happen, we will probably find out within a few weeks time. then it will be decided whether a georgia assigns can actually appeal once again and have his case had here in the united, in the united kingdom, who have whether he will have to go to the us and sized trial that we turn to sports now were protesting german soccer fans finally got what they wanted. the lead d f l, who's in charge of the country's top 2 divisions for men as a band and a 1000000000 euro plan that was supposed to bring in a major foreign investor. this follows months of fan protests during numerous mattress supporters showed their opposition by throwing objects onto the page and causing disruptions. the for the investment would lead to further commercialization
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of football. here in germany. in a statement, the german football league spokesman explained the latest decision as does this, this ends is also at the end of the day, it boils down to democracy. the once the sense that it's lost, the backend is the majority of the league association. and then it's time to call it quits. that's how i suppose it would have continued to divide the whole sport and its integrity, which really is the most important aspect to the tool. and the constant interruptions to the games. like it or not, those were the facts of monthly good fitness of all the facts and you're up to date . but to stay tuned up next i dw documentary on anti semitism from the nazi era up to now in the digital age. and remember, if you need more news on the go, you can also check out our website at www dot com for all your latest headlines. and also you can check us out on social media where our handle is at the w news. i'm here until berlin. thank you very much for joining us,
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the not just another day. so much is happening all at once. we take time to understand this is the day i'm in that's look at current use events, analyzed by experts and critical thinking is weekdays on d w. the .


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