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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  February 22, 2024 9:00pm-9:31pm CET

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the, the, the dw news live it from berlin. germany's parliament rejects sending long range missiles to ukraine, at least for now, while makers and parliament today voted against sending tours cruise missiles at the same time voting to send more military aid to help k. but push back russian invaders also coming up tonight and is really strong. it hits a mosque in the southern guns, the city of bravo must run health ministry. he says nearly a 100 palestinians were killed in the past 24 hours. and as the brazilian football started down, the elvis convicted of rape and sentence to prison by the spanish port, a former box alone, a player says he plans to appeal the
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library golf. our view is watching on tv. as in the united states and to view all around the world, welcome. we start with breaking news from spain, where a massive fire has engulfed in apartment building in the city of valencia. it's unclear how many residents are still trapped inside the firefighters have already rescued multiple deep, the fast moving blaze spread into a nearby building as well. that's what we've been told that authorities have set up a field hospital close by a potential casualty. this will bring you more on this story as it develops. again fire in an apartment building in valencia spring. i already made it to our other tom story. germany's parliament has rejected that
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motion just delivered towards cruise missiles to ukraine. at the same time it back, they moved to provide more military support for keep opposition lawmakers in parliament. they've been calling for the german government to deliver the long range. torres missiles, the government has watched deliveries of the powerful weapons on the grounds that they could be used to strike targets deep inside russia. the rejection comes today, the 10th anniversary of moscow, illegal annexation of crimea with germany is pumped up. it's a for ukraine. the government says that it is almost doubling military support this year compared to last year. and it is also spending big on defense here at home, promising to increase domestic production capacity. german chancellor, a lot short on his defense minister preaching their elbows into it. you're reaching
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the ground on a new i munition plant. earlier this month. the riding natal factory will eventually char note $200000.00. hillary shells per year under lightning efforts to run pop production. thus, as we need this urgency, because as hard as this reality is, we're not living in peaceful times. germany has been on a journey before a russian president vladimir pershing's invasion for our lands. focus was on peace offering kia a little more than head gear, nevada phones, tablets, and tell them we will send 5000 helmets out as a clear message that we send by the signed type of. since then they sent bottle tanks. how it says irish t defend the systems and more a know the debates is whether it will also send some of its powerful tal risk crews mess. sales ross is a talk on you claim was a watershed moment and it's forced germans to confront some hard choice.
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for the one, this means the same for the bonus. there is a tools for german society. we must become patient for a walk through. the government has coughed up on extra 100000000000 euros to bring the boat in despair back to life. orders are written for new us built fighter jets . 60 come about helicopters under through air defense system fit to guard. the skies of your defense spending is growing again at the height of the cold war, west german spend up to 5 percent of gdp on security that decrease gradually until re unification. in the early ninety's, when it fell off a cliff. no, it's not that 2 percent need to target. and this week the defense minister signaled there was room to grow. was the development of our industry. what i mentioned to that all has to fit together and then we might reach 3 percent or maybe even $3.00
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. it depends what's happening in the world and does do how many bills it's production capacity and bolsters. it's military. the question know is whether tax payers are willing to fit the bill? so the german parliament has both rejected the motion to deliver the tourist cruise missiles to ukraine. also improving a measure to provide you agree with more military support. does this mean no tours, missiles ever? you put the question to durban, lawmaker alexander mueller, a defensive spokesman for the free democratic party. and i think there is a chance of costs. um, we, you know, we, we need it the one year to deliver the price tags to ukraine and we have apartments, uh, we wanted it. and we have decided they said later on the also the security council has voters in table. they send, we have delivered times we have delivered so many things. i'm sure that also our
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crews besides the one they will be digit, but that was the german lawmaker there, alexander miller. speaking with this earlier to the conflict now in the gaza strip, the is really military. it has again belonged to the southern city of ralph over nice level authorities say that strikes destroyed a mosque and numerous homes and calls the number of deaths. violence has flared up in the occupied westbank as well with government opening fire at a check point near jerusalem. the shooting started during the morning rush hour. the 3 gunmen talked in slow moving traffic nearer check point on the main road east of jerusalem. the last one is really settler was killed in the attack. several others were injured. according to emergency responders. is really, authorities said the shooting was fortunately cut short quickly with security forces and um, civilians at the scene killing to the attack is that the was been detained while
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trying to sleep. is rails fall, right? national security minutes, the it's a month and give the joints police of the site where he called for more limits on palestinians movement in the occupied west bank. mean it's up to you. i expect that they will be more and more checked when say that there will be a restriction on the subject of law, but now we need to restrict and finally come to an understanding how our enemies are not looking for excuses or an image. i'm just going to fall and i already being said, i know i can't seem to go by then so, so to reco toys in the west bank since a mass is terrorist attacks on october 7th. and the stones of israel is campaign in the gaza strip on thursday, palestinians. and rafa were awakened by yes, another round of his rate and strikes from the city where hundreds of thousands have fled to fighting. this time it was
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a mosque that was hit and flattened with only it's meant to rent left standing. locals said nearby holmes will also heavily damaged in the attack. pretty much the most will go struck by 2 real kids from the c o. those houses that were destroyed here and that they were housing for displaced people and people coming from elsewhere. one little home last week and the one defined as was totally destroyed. as you can see. the last several people were killed in the bombing among thousands killed the night in his ready strikes according to the mess, run, health, ministry, gaza. it's just the latest as in square mosque is being taught during israel's campaign with dozens destroyed or damaged over the last 5 months. and this is dw news coming up later in the program in the middle east conflict take center stage at the berlin film festival. will get a sneak peak at
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a documentary directed by and it's really journalist and a palestinian active. it's coming up in just female. is it like knowing some of the other stories that are making headlines around the world? alexa, and have all these mother has accused russian investigators and trying to stage a secret funeral for her son. she says that she have seen her son's body and that she's resisting pressure to not hold a public funeral. have all these family have alleged that the kremlin murdered young man allegation that small scale has rejected the 17 year old suspected of standing for classmates at a school in western germany, at least 2 of them seriously injured. that's according to police. the suspected attacker is also believed to be a student at the school. it is now in police custody in china. a container ship has collided with a bridge in going to see right there,
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a large section of the bridge lounge. plunging several vehicles into the water, at least 2 people died. 3 others. these are not are reported missing. don't touch just to show or the issue of migration is taking center stage of the united states in the run up to november. his presidential election. the number of migrants arriving in the us reached a record. how are you at the end of last year now? well, political battle wines on board are policies between republicans and democrats. are well established in washington volunteers on the ground at the southern border, trying to help migrants. they say they're losing hope. there is a political will to solve the problem. the w corresponded benjamin alvarez, group reports denied from the us, and mexico board of the california boarded town of yakima hot springs has become a flash point for migration. thousands of people have crossed into the united
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states here in recent months. many of them from latin america that will come forward at the low, but it costs the them way already. we're trying to, you know, because most of nicaraguans who cross will be address and address the say they will send them back load. they will. yes, that is why we're trying our luck here. what is it will come with zillow? and what's your best guess i'm was that was only meant that we are here now. suffering luxury, a hill. electra escape with me that you on a border patrol has paused and took children and mothers with them. you know, i don't. uh, i might a, they said they would pick us up in the morning. yeah. yeah. and i sent those those the, you know, because of course, i mean they don't have that on my end. i'm, i don't know, i'm for support. most of these belong to you is a helping them warm clothing after a rainy night and food. many had no tends to sleep and the next step is to wait for border patrol to pick them up for registration. people get stuck here. sometimes these days usually for only for a matter of hours. but there was times in a little over, at least 6 weeks ago,
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were people here for 4 or 5 days in the same location. sam and his son, john locals, along with other volunteers that have been taken care of newly arrived migrants for months. it leaves me very disappointed. it's quite frankly kind of absurd that uh my family and uh, just a group of regular volunteers are filling in this role. it should be done by the us government. there should be the red cross out here. there should be many different organizations, but that's just not here. daily, the volunteers scan the area along the border for people, the so called son, judah, sprague, and gap. and the boy defends, used to pave the way for many migrants. so this is uh, transit camp that was set up by the mexican national guard that was designed to hold any migrants that come through this gap over here. prior to this establishment, we would see smugglers bringing people through non stop throughout the day. and cars driving up and down the stirred road over there. they would pack sometimes up
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to 12 people in a single small you see the volunteers say the strategy of the turing migrant stuff . not work because they will just search for other gaps as the legal ways of entry a limited sam and john don't get financial support from the authorities. they are disappointed not just with washington. it's almost like they have given up on the, on the visual p are aspects of it. they just don't care anymore. i mean look, and this has been going on for 6 months now. debbie constant and nobody with lots of top, blah, blah, blah, blah, lot to talk a lot to media attention to the talk. but you seen anything change? i haven't good news with this group of mudy arrives migrants after i was in the cold border patrol came to pick them up. they will be resisted and the decision will be made on whether they can stay in the us,
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or they will be sent back to the countries for the largest hospital in the us state of alabama and has a spend. it is in detroit virtualization treatments. it follows a ruling by that state's highest cord that says frozen embryos or fertilized eggs are the legal equivalent of children. of a hospital says that it has to evaluate whether or not it's patients or doctors could possibly face criminal charges for being involved in id of treatments. the ruling by the all republican supreme court in alabama has put into question the future of adf. adf is considered one of the best treatments for patients who would like to have children, but, and been able to conceive natural. well, i'm joined now by jo. we berlin's a law professor at the university of arkansas professor. it's good to have you with this. let me ask you, what is this ruling in alabama?
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what does it mean for people in the states you are already in the process of using ib, i've hoping that they can can see well, thank you for having me. um that depends on the clinic. and as you just reported, a few clinics are pausing temper, hopefully temporarily to try to figure out what the ruling really means. as of right now, what the ruling means is that the clinics do need to be more careful and make sure that they take care of any frozen embryos. because if, if, if any ambrose were destroyed because of negligence, that means the people whose embryos these were, those weren't or could see the clinic for wrongful death. now, now that the alabama supreme court said the embryo is a child, and this is, this really just doesn't come out of the ether. does it? i'm wondering what is the connection to the abortion debate in the united states, and would we be talking about this? if the u. s. supreme court had not overturned, wrote the weight,
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i think we still would be talking about this is to the supreme court hadn't over ruled roe v wade. i mean, this is a very natural decision for the alabama supreme court because they had already held that a pregnancy. so an embryo in a room was a child for purposes of this wrongful death, a statute. so it was a very natural next step for the alabama supreme court to say, well, also it covers embryos that happened to be in a freezer. i mean, what this can mean though, for a broader why it worries people about a persian rights in this country is because every time we have a court that says, you know, a baby during pregnancy or a baby is a baby in the freezer, but for as an embryo, i mean it, it, the more contacts and which that happens, the more it seems like, well, maybe the, it's also a person in abortion. and if that were true, if the u. s. supreme court decided that with, with respect to the word for a person in our 14th amendment,
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then that would mean of course it has to be legal everywhere in the us. i understand that with this really bad possibly of a physician, for example, doing i've yet on the could be charged with, with yeah, chilling or, or hurting damaging a child in could you help us understand how the thinking they are me because with, with i the treatment the goal is to help conceive the goal is to help create a new life. how with the law be able then to, to argue that a wife was being hit with or being damaged or hurt or yeah, and it's important to note that this, this opinion has no criminal consequences as of right now. right. so if, if a clinic were to accidentally destroy an embryo, as of right now, it does not have to be worried about being arrested for murder. but what this, what this opinion says is that is the clinic is, is negligent,
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and how it stores and takes care of the frozen embryos. that's when the clinic needs to be especially worried. and so in this exact case of police, what's alleged is, is there must have been a lock on the door for the freezer because a random patient was able to walk in and, and grab some of the embryos if dropped to them. um, you know, this has bigger ramifications too though, because in the us we do have a lot of embryos and freezers because we take a lot of eggs out at a time. so and every time any time you have x and a freezer, you better make sure to being careful with them because otherwise under this opinion. so if, if you could start those, those embryos, you can get sued for the death of children who could well, could this be a wake up call? not only for alabama, but for maybe the entire idea industry around the world that yeah, maybe there. is it a tendency, or it's possible for healthcare professionals to become nonchalant about the fact
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that frozen embryos are just that frozen embryos? yes. and we don't have a lot of regulation or fertility clinics here in the us. um so, you know, there's no state or federal laws mandating any precautions to make sure these embryos are okay. so yes, maybe this, this possibility of this lawsuit for the wrongful death of children. i'm would make clinics think more about security, but it's also making clinics. think more about whether they really want to be doing i v f in such a way that they're storing a bunch of embryos because they're possibly opening themselves up to, to litigation. and again, this is just, this is people suing for the damage for the, for the, the death or destruction of the embryos. so it's not criminal consequences yet, but these are all things that these clinics are thinking about, right? but doctors are definitely have to have to worry about, and i'm sure that's not going to make malpractice insurance. go down either. well, professor jill weaver leanne from the university of arkansas. we appreciate your
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time and your analysis. thank you. thank you. a court in spain has found a brazilian and soccer star and former barcelona player on the elva is guilty of raping a woman in the night club. he's been sentenced to 4 and a half years in prison. of the case is one of the most high profile trials in spain . since it changed the way sexual assault cases are prosecuted. the ruling comes less than a month after a trial that grips the world of sports. former brazilian struck a star dining out of this will be going to prison for sexual assault. he denies any wrongdoing, and his lawyers say they'll fight the verdict. sometimes. i believe in the innocence of mister elvis. mister office is fine. i will now explain this sentence to him. i have not been able to get to study it, but i could already tell you that we are going to appeal to them. it was this is
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widely considered one of the greatest defenders of all time. he has won over 40 trophies during his career. half of those he has from his 8 years at barcelona. at the time of his arrest, he was under contract to play for a mexican top. his case has been one of the most high profile trials in spain since the law was passed in 2022. that made consent. a key element in sexual assault cases. the victim a 23 year old woman says all of us raped her in the bottom of a parcel on a night club. the court found the rape allegations to be true, arguing evidence shows the victim did not consent. all of us has also been ordered to pay a 150000 euros and compensation with satisfied to send to this
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recognizes what the victim said. all alone was satisfied and happy for her. and for all the women who have suffered a visa or a this out of this, a sentence is just over the minimum of 4 years. he has completed a quarter of his sentence since he was arrested and could soon be released. here's more world news this. our albania is. parliament has ratified a deal with italy and calls for it to build processing centers for migrants. now it was a well, the bulk and country, the whole thousands of asylum seekers picked up in international waters by italy while their claims are being processed. human rights groups have expressed concern about this. the over european union says it may be a model for other countries to us lawmakers visiting taiwan havoc use china, a bullying the self, rhode island. the bi partisan, congressional delegation is holding 3 days of meetings with ty, ones talk leaders,
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the visit, which is focused on regional security and trade comes at a time when divisions in the us congress have fan questions about washington's commitment to it's a lot of a bush fire in southern australia has forest more than 2000 people to lead their home for these orders. evacuations from pounds in the west of victoria state. as a precaution, additional se firefighters on the ground are being supported by aircraft to battle the blaze, which is roughly 50 square kilometers inside the middle east crisis. it is playing a leading role. this year is berlin international film festival? one big talking point is the documentary no other land. it's a film collaboratively directed by an is really jewish journalist and a palestinian activist in film. me the best allowed ro lives in the west bank
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in a village in the south of hebron. feeling of helplessness and anger is what initially led him to start filming is rarely army in his village on his phone every day the films evictions which caused outreach worldwide. palestinian houses even schools are destroyed. the camera becomes baffled weapon. when a substitute was not easy, there's well, you faced with us and lots of jobs from the soldiers, but the symptom of to them. i said that it's the only 2 that came on to have left within the world. what's happening is really journalist, your wall is always by his side is what their friendship develops across all the conflicts and differences. what's both of those stories is not just different. so you, if you know
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a jewish know is our understanding our shared values that we think that we see me. what if you need to answer, you can face, it needs to end and we are willing to fight for it together. well, that's huge. the fairly knowledge is promoting off screen dialogue to the tiny space is a project started by the german, palestinian of met the most and jewish german shy huffman the thing one. yeah, we want to create a relatively small, tiny space, a tiny house where you can talk very intimately and personally about your feelings about this wrong to place and come to the development of what we need spaces for the dialogue spaces for togetherness space is that also break, so take a vine on this, it's the task of civil society to at least show alternatives. we can offer opportunities for dialogue, at least on a small scale. i think the tiny house wants to get fairly dollar visitors talking about the middle east conflict. at least it would be start. cool. in no other land
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. it is this understanding across the divide that connects people to the documentary film is made from the footage basso and you've all put together under the most difficult conditions before we indicate that the most of the ceiling window armies entering and stealing the computers and beating the buses and really that i feel faced duvall and facile side by side at the world. premiere of the film, the fault for to complete receiving an ovation for their courage and openness is a reminder now of our top stories. a massive fire has engulf to apartment buildings in the spanish city of valencia. local officials are reporting at least 7 injuries . the cause of the blaze is a know, and of the german government today voted to send a more military aid to ukraine. it also vote is not to send taurus long range
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missiles to ukraine. if you're watching dw news line from berlin after a short break, i'll be back to take you through the days to go around. we will be like that the
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truly treated by western european patients are the norm and medical textbooks. does that lead to discrimination against people of color in medicine? does it result in false diagnoses? and more complications? is the racism in medicine? in 45 minutes on d w the
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videos in june. you belong to the 77 percent. are you comfortable? i don't good. i'm 65 full was lost. your cell phone. and here's one thing. we are here to help you make up your mind. we are here on please find your mind. so all the topics i'm much up to you from campbell to fix the new culture. and in 15 minutes, let's say together, nicholas talks about community life on the surface. research is now on speak, talk. this shadows of these pod costs and video shed light on the dog is devastating. colonial har is infected by germany across up and he employed a score farms and destroyed lights. what is the legacy of this wide spread races,
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depression? today, history, we need to talk about here the stories, shadows of german colonialism. the russians invasion of ukraine forced to european countries to rethink their defense and security policies for germany, that re think has become a major reset. 2 years ago when the 1st russian tanks rolled into ukraine, germany was criticized for its reluctance to send weapons to keep a country dragging its feet that's become a weapons for ukraine sprinter. after the west, germany is now the biggest donor of military a to keep. but when it comes to sending taurus, cruise missiles to ukraine, german lawmakers suddenly stumble, why i broke off in berlin. this is the day i.


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