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tv   Shift  Deutsche Welle  February 24, 2024 11:15am-11:31am CET

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the boost in military aid to stave off russian advances as if an album coming up next to us unveiled as a look at the history of oscar winners. i am told me a lot people don't forget, there is more news at dw dot com at ona social as well thanks for watching the we did the urgent life saving boxes week. if i ever seem to reach those who need us the most. every folks seating their future boxes for the hope of life
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savings. we fearlessly tentative not just next day that every day, thousands of children still waiting for that in the sponsor of books today. so together we can deliver features the right now hundreds of thousands of people around the world, a waiting for organ transplants like 4 year old, a v green who's been waiting for a new hot for a year. we'll smart technology revolutionized, organ transplants. and all 3 d printed organs anywhere close to becoming the norm. find out on shift is a hot made from human cells using ice 3 d printer scientists, intel of they've already made this breakthrough back in 2019. the printed hot couldn't be yet, but it was assigned the researches were on the right path. the key here is printing using living cells, so called by printing type d printing. well,
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the other 23 d printing, also known as additive manufacturing, has been in use an industry and for a number of years up yet, it basically means building complex objects layer by layer hiding young and a few years ago. and this trend also made its way into the field of biomedicine, so that's been all we've been held up in need. it enables those to print the layers of living materials and that's my logical material. teeth, which are very complex material properties mixing all fixed lives and for the whole phone. cutting the ones that we now have you possibilities and file medicine complaint can hopefully print complex oregon structures in the future using 3 d bio printing of the key to all the bio printing desktop at the bottom from getting help system. so scientists can actually print organs using living cells. that's pretty incredible. in 2022, the 1st 3 d printed it was transplanted into a volunteer in the united states. but that was the last we heard. we reached out to the company 3 day by
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a therapeutic several times for an update on the current clinical trial without any luck, but this much is clear. the race to manufacturer functioning organs using 3 d printers has been going on for use. first attempt supply printing artificial organs were made over 2 decades ago. one of the trail blazes is us surgeon, dr. anthony atalla in 2011 a 3 day printed accuse me thus the organ is measured using m r. i scanned the data is then used to create a 3 day model which has been sent to the printer. the printer manufacturers the model layout by layoff from living cells all as shown here from plus a race such as noting. and trent university develop basically the using a 3 d printer in 2021. it looks deceptively real, but it's actually made of synthetic materials. it's supposed to help train doctors to recognize live at cancer. in 2020 to 3 day systems and united therapeutics
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presented a 3 day printed long structure. this synthetic creation should help regulate gas exchange the way healthy lungs do. animal testing, shoot off the insight into how it functions it will probably still take some time before 3 d printed organs will actually be able to replace traditional organ donations. but this technology is already proving to be very useful in medical research today. like this 3 d printed book bought a copy made from synthetic material. researches at the massachusetts institute of technology in the united states have developed a road, bought a car using a 3 d printer. the replica is supposed to emulate the functions of the patients. individual heart researches 1st create a 3 dimensional computer model using data from the patients hot. it's made up of soft, flexible, synthetic materials. the artificial heart is wrapped in slaves that
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mimic a hot date. h one is controlled separately to ensure that it pumps realistically, this way the rug bought a car and mirror a hot date of the patient. research is one to hone in on how the patients hot use contracting. robotics is not meant to be transplanted. instead, it's supposed to help doctors better understand the hot conditions of individual patients. and therefore i pinpoint the best treatment very helpful for treating people with hot conditions, but not a solution for patients waiting for an actual hot transplant. still 3 day by printing can be deployed in other ways. lots of patients who need a bypass due to block vessels, researches in northern germany, a testing out this idea of vascular surgeon, dr. riven band and his team of developing a new procedure. speaking and fees isn't in artificial vessels, are in
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a georgia dream and surgery from the actual company in one of the cardiovascular surgeons. you and have typically end up in a situation where you're caring for a patient, but don't have any suitable material to use for to bypass. and for exam, i must, i'm for a hearts bypass or a bypass and the leg. and researchers have been working for many decades now. i'm creating by artificial vessels in the land. yep. so standing level, it would enable us to help perform a bypass and patients that don't have the necessary bodily material. i expect them to bypass on beating the research teams idea, a print, a single tenuously presses to liquids to create a flexible, to made of bio materials that's roughly 30 centimeters long. one of these liquids is so called via when it's a positive organic. think that's enriched with even investigative cells. it's crisis is l genetic material made from brown l. a natural back to the salt
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united states. so as country bind well to it, that's why we have peptides which are small pieces of proteins that can be found in the human body like college and you have a sounds good now bind to these peptides cubic. even the peptide can also send signals to the sales, so that they feel comfortable and can survive and reproduce and bianca after and initial phase using standard straight print is. the team is now switching to a robot with a specially developed print test. one chain, the in the print head contains the boiling, while the other contains calcium, fluoride stabilizes the bypass graft. let's design. this may look relatively simple, but it actually requires fine shooting a lot of different parameters and power allows the also in one challenges that bio into does not have no technic properties. in other words, it behaves differently from typical liquids. becomes more solid to under pressure have uh um, but just means we need to equip the printed resistors here to ensure
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a uniform flow of the by a wing full genus um, and whom of interest to you instead of allies. it's all incredibly delicate and precise work, so it's no surprise that the researches have carried out countless test prints. one challenge, the entire structure needs to have a consistent thickness this evening. but if you take a look at this bypass and you can see how much it sends out within the site, as long as of yes. and on the other 2 sides, you can see that it's quite sick on the inside, right? so it won't hold up on those are the more symmetric, the structure, the stronger the circular structure, the more stable it will ultimately be for us. that'd be the source of the artificial bypass cross supposed to be as uniform as possible so that they can function inside the patients the decades of the printing. the new structures must mature in a nutrients solution that's $37.00 degrees for a few days. we
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usually print type room temperature, that's where this is cindy, but keeping the cells at room temperature for a long time can be detrimental to the cells nathan selling lessons. so we print using this substance free on the bike and then we place them in san to bio reactive where the culture is kept at $37.00 degrees. the item is for as many cells to survive the printing process as possible. if everything has gone smoothly, numerous grain cells become visible under the microscope. in the next lab test phase bypass graft a being tested in animals. clearly a controversial ethical issue. but the scientists say it's necessary. and on that topic, 3 d printing with living cells could sleep even help to replace animal testing. for example, when developing new drugs, pharmaceutical labs could use so called organ on a chip models. these devices can emulate how human organs function thanks to by a chips the need for animal testing could soon be reduced. the cells on so called
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organ on a chip systems biologically, mimic human organs. when they come into contact with active agents. instead of animal testing, researches are increasingly using these kinds of many labs. it helps them to sun, if substances toxic to the human body or whether they could work as medications. the system basically consists of a microscope slide, at least one cell culture and micro channels. the membrane works as a carrier for the cell culture, while the micro channel supplied with f nutrients and active agent pot live. uh, excuse me, cells can be grown onto the chip or printed on the slide using bio wake. sensors allowed to sign system monitor the condition of the cells home and ship. many of the bar trees have also started using coaches from multiple organs on the same ship, reducing the number of tests. today,
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there are even chips with complex 3 dimensional cell structures, which allows for more precise testing. 3 d printing using living cells, certainly books, very promising. of course, it would be even better if we could print cells and organs exactly where they needed inside the human body. and scientists are already making big strides. check it out. this is an experimental meaning 3 d bias for to could directly print by material until opens and one day it could be deployed inside the human body. we can directly deliver multiple in the way on the table inside the bin body. and quite the coloring involving $10.00 a they have to make well material outside of the body. and then in order to deliver the material, they have to be quite when it says re a bunch and ready to decline as also fiction. and look last similar to an endo scope. the soft and flexible robeteck is inserted into the body by the through the
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mouth and a small, a small skin incision using bio ink. the device can print by material on to organs and tissues, for example, to repair them. often injury so this is a larger version of our 3 default printer. we have this is basically use you to, to live up on materials to the engine side or off of the surgery to facilitate to the healing process. we have a camera located at the tip for the visualization, as we can see right here. and we have one channel at the top, 2 for the delivery of the materials. and after the fact, we have the control us to control the bending of the printer. and it doesn't only print, it can also make any decisions and spray water to clean the wounds after an operation . in the future, this medical tool could be use for different types of surgeries, including the removal of cancer risk. janice,
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especially if i can utilize on one set of co device, they can both form the and co so big safeco for seizure and therefore they can do more to sit and tie up kinds of timble inside the body, like actually on the call on kind of sense, there is so much groundbreaking research going on right now, but what people who are waiting for organ transplant need the most is more open donors. would you donate your organs or do you say 3 d printed organs as the way of the future? let us know, and so you next on the
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gone with the wind roof here to this day 10 oscar films that made history milestones of cinematic arts and how they changed the world. the next on d. w, investing in the climate crisis can catastrophes be used for speculation. the business is being able to predicts that risk and prices in the world of financial investments track these are the new currency. these bonds are called catastrophe, bonds, earthquakes, hurricanes floods. you can calculate what the exposure is because in the end it's physical. disaster, capitalism. in 30 minutes, on the w. these places in europe flashing the rank one step into
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a bold adventure. the treasure map for modern globetrotters. describe it as some of us regular bragging sites on youtube and also the in 94 years of the academy awards. they've been hundreds of oscar winners, but 10 actually changed movie history. the american, the 1930s was sharply divided along racial lines. even in the mixed movie theaters, black people had to sit in the balcony in the cheap seats. against this backdrop,
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hollywood made going.


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