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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  February 24, 2024 2:00pm-2:15pm CET

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the, the business deal of the news lived from berlin. ukraine box 2 years since rushes full scale invasion, begun to beat us of your dreams allies. gov as close to mill apple. it's where you create in forces defeated the initial russian assault president, that lensky bows to try and pull the rocks. yes, if his country is given enough weapons, those are coming out. the status of this is barely knowledge, will take a look at some of the favorites to win the golden on silver bass of the valley and international film festival. the
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i am eddie micah junior and you are welcome to the program west and lead design team to mock the 2nd. now the rest of your rest. yes. innovation of ukraine. foreign dignitaries, including the prime ministers of it's any kind of the on belgium. the head of the commission arrived overnights to express on a diety as ukrainian forces are running low on munitions on the weapon we, while west and $800.00 in the balance preston, phillip mazda lensky violet that ukraine will defeat russia as the war into the fad . you can show us none of us would annoy our ukraine, and definitely that's why to the words and the war him on. we always are on our terms. some of them won't be, that's a little. that's why the word piece always goes with fair or we believe we. that's why in the future, the word ukraine always go with the word independent. okay, you're subsidy. a correspondence. nick connelly joins us now from keith with several here you need is the canadian prime minister visits in
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a show of solidarity. hello, nick. can we expect any major announcements from this high level visit? all is a just symbolic look. see that ukrainian hosts are hoping, expecting some kind of new place in terms of military help, but also financial backing to help the crate and government pay its bills and keep pensions and salaries for soldiers for that method going. but i think most important stuff will be happening behind closed doors. ukraine already has a long list of promises from western countries that haven't been fulfilled or haven't been fulfilled in the time scales promised. i think these visits are an opportunity for the landscape to really kind of bring home the message about the human costs to be delays. but if the for instance, on these buys 500000 shells, rather than a 1000000 in a year has been promised. that means you crane has to leave up to you, for example. so that's going to be the message behind closed doors. i think it was about showing that maybe people around the world are paying a bit less attention to this conflict, but at least the political leaders in europe will have this one that those that are
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still here. and also listening to what the credit is a thing. and as i guess the level of frustration from the outside constituting that allies, the reluctance is applied more weapons, do the ukrainians still feel supported and not by them. it looks like there's a lot of worry about the us and those political wranglings that over the $60000000000.00 worth of 8 were promised and still haven't come through. on the other hand, we have seen, for instance, germany going from a position to basically trying to avoid sending weapons at the beginning of the war, offering helmets. now being by far the biggest european supplier of a to ukraine just behind the us and the total sums. and that i think has been quite a pleasant surprise really not something you could predict at the beginning of this war. now generally if it's, it's still has one red line about those taurus gym and cruise missiles that could help ukraine attack russian bunk because russian come on centers so far. lashelle doesn't want to send them, but there is a lot of pressure in the german polish send those st. there's a sense,
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the things you are all getting better for you grain, but obviously can, those do are being comes, replace what the us has done. probably not for now. we're talking about a war, but macking the 2nd not address for you, but it will getting into that fad. yeah. do people that think that the wall will end any time soon? obviously people are tied off to these people are constantly confronted with news of people who have died been killed. that last lives at the front line of soldiers . but i think when you talk to people, they say yes, we would obviously love this to be over. but if you ask them, are you willing to accept russia holding onto basically 20 percent of ukraine star treat? and they say no, they say if we give the russians our challenge, maybe by freezing this conflict like they did of to 2014, then that and increasingly back in a few years time, stronger next time. maybe he will actually take care of and will be on your doorstep. so there's a real sense that as difficult as it is now, it is worth doing that people will tell you i'm fighting now so that my children don't have to. so there is really, i think, a big consensus deal that it is worth counting on as difficult as it might be.
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right? it'll be using the economy. and keith, thank you. at least one person has been killed in a russian grow and strikes desktop is the 2nd comes like as of nights of attacks using the remotely piloted aircraft. several other people were injured in the attack rescue teams. i've been looking for survivors in the rubble. that'd be correspondence. sonya pharmaca is other sites of the attack. as you queen marks the 2nd anniversary of the full scale invasion don't whitewash you. it's in places like this with the deadly impact of the war is felt on a daily basis by civilians. the way children and the southern falsity of what they saw on the black sea coast with puerto d. c, they shut down 5 russian drones overnight, over this region. no one of those drones felt right here on this residential building right behind me. i read the reports that the home owner was killed
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instantly on the spot right behind me. his wife was reportedly poured out from the rubble and hospitalized with major injuries. there was, there was also an adjacent house here which has been badly damaged and the reports that 2 occupancy will have also been hospitalized with major bones and other injuries. now this entire place is, is, it is an absolute shambles. the personal objects of the family, a student showed that i'm books that are really just relics of some water bottles of old student intact here. and this is of course, a grim reminder of the immensely high human cost of this ongoing conflict. that 2 years of rash as an invasion, have massive economic effects in ukraine. civilian infrastructure, including hospitals and schools has suffered catastrophic damage. meanwhile, russia faces functions that have cutoff profitable energy exports, end blocked many inputs, and for the rest of the world. hi,
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green prices have increased food insecurity. russia as well, and ukraine has impacted both economies. massively, ukraine's due to the destruction cost by the will or the total amount of damage costs to the ukrainian infrastructure. as amount it's to more than 150000000000, you'll roll sofa. the key of school of economics estimates. russia has been forced to undergo significant economic reconfiguration due to the sanctions. it's replacing more than a 1000 companies that left the country and dodging sanctions on critical mechanical parts. meanwhile, military spending has given g. p, a sugar rush. it has also pushed europe into major economic difficulties. already handled by the recovery from coven inflation rows rapidly in the u. on the back of soaring energy prices. following the start of the war,
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prices are still rising, though not as rapidly as they were a year ago. the price of grain in particular lifted smack on the cost of food around the world, hitting for renovations in countries like liberia or them about the food prices have risen around 60 percent. adding to food in security, not just enough for account with to next, military, financial and schuman and terry, and spending on 8 by countries supporting ukraine, has reached more than 252000000000 euros. the countries make up more than half of the assistance given to ukraine, followed by the us and about countries such as norway, japan, the, okay, and canada. while the humanitarian hom caused by the wall looms as a force that could push either side to one to find an end to the wall, it's a potential funding crisis which could make such a deal. in editable violin is one of your dreams lead in military and
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financial support. as in europe, sounds a lot less shells. house cold for germany and europe to make a big our efforts when it comes to defense as well. so that's, i'm just clicking new rushes, war of aggression against ukraine has now been raging for 2 full years. and the fact that border is, cannot be changed by force based, carefully negotiated principle is being trampled on by moscow. every day post on russia is not only attacking ukraine. it is also destroying europe's piece order. we have growing the only correct conclusions from this turning point. we're supporting ukraine and it's self defense for as long as necessary. and we, on germany and europe are doing more and must do even more so that we can defend ourselves from effectively midfield so that sometimes you can kind of just want stories making headlines around a well, that's the got some of them. the had all the training and a half full assess that has shut down on nava ration, a safety reconnaissance thing. russia has not confirmed the last bad media describe
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the fire on yeah. across the course by e 4 and flying objects expect so you must go. has only half a dozen of the themes used to pinpoint the targets in ukraine. brushing police have arrested at least 4 people, including generalist at the protest. outside the criminal in the lives of mobilized soldiers, have staged rap protests in the russian capital, demanding the spouse was to be brought to him from ukraine. and yeah, this month, police detained a group of around between the reports as of the same process subordinate julia and about maya. so we don't of the leads of rational position leader alex in a. bonnie has the mind that the russian authorities believes as body full burial. you know, 6 going to the video and youtube, see i choose to press them, let me put in of hold and how sponsibility hostage. she also questioned clinton's often professed christian faith. both the illinois, this guy's how about spawn health and this recess, almost 100 people have been killed in overnight strikes across casa,
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bringing the total that sold to nearly 30000 after almost 20 weeks of war. it happened as ease ralph. spite chief is in paris, will cease by adults with the us top digit balance. it's a national film festival with the belly knowledge will announce its top prizes lead time on saturday this year. so hundreds of new phones from around a world screen here in the german capital, but only 20 of them in the running for the festivals back of what's that's the golden and silver bass here. so look at some of the favorites. you might need to know which ones you motivated to pay. the college doesn't done a very my favorite cake is one of this year's critics favorites. it tells the story of 70 year old widow my hand and tear wrong. she's used to spending most of her time alone, until a meeting with friends opens the possibility of a new chapter in her love life. a 2nd 17 ship
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to be sandy chavez, and they give you ronnie and directors, mario morgan and beta. so now you have were denied permission by a runs government to attends their films premier they sent this message. i'm send body thing because we feel like parents who can't see their newborn child . if the jury picks their film, it will be the 3rd time in 10 years, the bailey, now the awards. it's top prize to iranian directors, and i've sent you out for the public us for the the new york, another potential winter long. i told you about finding a quiet 17 year old french girl who meets her pen pal on a language exchange to germany. the live she tells to impress her new friend to come back to haunt her. both young stars are considered once to watch for an acting prize. it's the same for the kids.
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one of the biggest stars of this is betty now is irish actor kelly and murphy. he's in the running for his role in a film he co produced with matt damon after they finished making oppenheimer chilly and said, i have my next movie i really want to do. and i said, we're starting a studio. can we do it? we'd have some t other small things like these set in the 1980s is based on the best selling, the velo by author claire to give it looks at the irish catholic church is cruel treatment of unwed mothers. not everyone was ma'am, we've lost her in his lives in this world, you know, in like a scene by director alone. so release palazzios, a cook in a new york tourist restaurant is accused of theft and decides to take drastic measures the tragic comedy starring rooney. mario, one, audiences,
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hearts advisors barely knowledge. but it's the jury who decides the winners and barely knowledge. juries are notorious for their surprises. the dean of the movie awards germany son dressed buddha, as one best actress of this, is our awards from suspicion of the oscars. without picked up the trophy at the ceremony, paris to on the award for head road in the courtroom drama and not to need all the fault is yes is that was events was of a shelter by allegations of sexual violence and physical abuse. frances spill industry. so before we go here, as a reminder about the story on the 2nd anniversary of russia's full scale invasion leaders of ukraine's allies, i've got it. i post them all apple. it's where you feed in forces defeated the initial ration salt training precedence. lensky file to triumph of russia if his country is given enough weapons. as if, when i'll talk film is up. next, it looks that the trinity in town where residence,
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now grappling with questions of guilt, tricity integration and get more in using our website. that's d, w dot com or the social media handle that is that t w's tie. i'm petty michael junior stage and some warnings that's off of the, of the, the in charlotte. the currently move people the on the world wide and such a better life on the bus. and so it does have committed to actually find out about robina story info, migraines, the .


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