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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  February 24, 2024 7:00pm-7:15pm CET

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the, the, this is dw, use my from by the end. it's been 2 years since will return to europe, along with its allies. ukraine box, the 1st day of russia's full scale invasion. you purchase of support continue bringing small hope. presidents of lensky says his country is definitely stronger now than it was 2 years ago. also coming up the stars and controversies that this is beverly and all that. we take a look at some of the favorites to win the golden and silver bass at the bell in international film festival. the
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i've been visible and welcome wasting lead is the ring caves to mock the 2nd anniversary of russia's invasion of ukraine. italy's private as the joint, even though they used to visit to sign you security agreements with you credit and president, florida to landscape kind of has just introduced also often mo, guarantees of military and financial assistance to keep your credit in forces face critical shortages of munitions and weaponry you support from the united states is increasing the uncertain lensky bows. ukraine will defeat russia if he gets the weapons he needs sweet chicken. she was very, as none of us would annoy our ukraine, and we'll just leave. and that's why and to the words and the war him on, we always are on our terms. some of them will be this little on. that's why the word piece always goes with fair. are we believe we? that's why in the future, the word ukraine always go with the word independent gray, you're subsidy,
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drug and strikes, continue across ukraine, the latest take a dresser on friday, killing at least one person and entering several others. it was the 2nd night in a row of russian attacks rescue teams have been looking for survivors in the ramble is dw correspondence on you found that as you clean marks, the 2nd anniversary of the full scale invasion don't whitewash you. it's in places like this, with the deadly impact of the war is felt on a daily basis by civilians. the way children and the southern falsity of what they saw on the black sea coast with puerto d. c. they shut down 5 russian drones overnight. over this region. now, one of those drones felt right here on this residential building right behind me. i read the reports that the home owner was killed in simply on the spot right behind me. his wife was reportedly poured out from the boot and was hospitalized with major injuries. there was there was also an adjacent house here which has been
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badly damaged. and the reports that to occupancy will have also been hospitalized with major bones and other injuries. now this entire place is, is it is an absolute shambles. the personal objects of the family, a student showed that i'm books that are really just relics of some water bottles of old student intact here. and this is, of course, a reminder of the immensely high human cost of this ongoing conflict. a german foreign minister at elena bandbox visited odessa today. she met with her ukrainian count upon the beautiful cooley. but together they visited the orthodox transfiguration cathedral, which a russian missile severely damaged the summit. it's by box 6 trip to ukraine since the beginning of the war military analysts, marina of iran, is of post don't for research at the will studies department at kings college london. i asked her if the lack of military aid from the west is to blame for
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ukraine's lack of progress on the front line. good afternoon, then. well, i think it's not as simple as that. of course, the lack of munition that we're seeing right now is a major factor. however, there are other factors that needs to need to be considered. on the one hand, it's also a shortage of men power. and the problems that you create and has been sent facing was a command and also was a novelization, was that it will soon possibly come into force. so and that is one side of the problem. the as a side, it's also the western financing, not just in terms of deliveries of military equipment and of course, lack of air power as they are by lack of air superiority is a factor. and as a factor is, of course, russia strategic adaptation to the kind of war that is waging against ukraine. so
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we have to take all those into account in order to, to understand the complexity of the conflict without trying to reduce it to one single factor. but to boil it down to one of the fact is all to focus on one of the factors, weapons. and there are certain western weapons that are being held back from you quite opposite to that is correct. for instance, the tourist missiles is a big question because of say, a range and because of the fear of escalation of the german chancellor arguments that, that a tourist missile could have rush approval for. and that would implicate germany into this conflict. to move toward the understand well, uh what i think the reason is in the end the danger as was a taurus missiles is that these are not old missiles such as the bounce provided
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to ukraine by the u. k. and france. these are new missiles and they are being replaced in 2050, meaning that if a missile doesn't explode and the russians get their hands on it, it is a huge security issue for germany. and i think that is even more likely than the actual fact that you create and would use those missiles to strike russia proper, as opposed to russian control territories. and you cream, so a similar argument to of some of the tank or weapon rate that was uh, being considered earlier in this conflict. yes, that is correct. um for instance, the was a challenge to, to we know that the u. k. forces will be upgrading the challenger 3, and so what ukraine was getting essentially is old technology, which would, in the best case scenario be cannibalized to repair new paints. however,
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that would be no major risk if the russians were to get their hands on it. the same goes for the f sixteens that you prayed, might be guiding soon, meaning that even if it falls into russian hands, it doesn't present a security threat to the nato alliance, however, was a tourist missiles. we have a completely different picture. are you expecting? perhaps with these new weapons at some stage that we will see in you counter offensive launched by ukraine. this it well, it seems that's a change in command in ukraine was perpetrated by the fact to generals loose. and it didn't see a possibility of when you come to offensive knowledge on the roll axis. service key seems to differ when it comes to that perspective. so there is a possibility that general service q will actually try to conduct another counter offensive perhaps sometime in summer. but i'm sure that given the battle til
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configuration right now, the premium side will try to save manpower and to wait until they get more ammunition and possibly get up to wait until they get the f sixteens. okay, we will be talking to you no doubt, very soon again here with the w use military analysts moreno wrong. thank you for your insights. thank you for having me. as i look now at some of the other stories making headlines, the body of a like say no valley has been handed over to his mother according to a spokesperson for the brushing opposition leader. no funeral details have been confirmed earlier this week, nevada, these mothers settle thirties for refusing a public ceremony. garza's homeless run health ministry says almost $100.00 people were killed in overnight strikes across guns are bringing the total death, told the palestinian civilians have bind instantly $30000.00 israel spine chief is
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in powers for the cx. 5 talks with the us kata, and egypt it is from the last group of west african nations, have a great to lift some of the sanctions i previously placed on each at its president was ousted in a military coup last july. eco was looking at ways to rebuild ties with countries in the region. the when is the top prizes being revealed, the balance international film festival. the better knowledge is useful. hundreds of new films from around the world screen here in the german capital, but only 20 of them are in the running for the festivals, big awards, the golden and silver bass, is a look at some of the favorites. do you mind me motivated to to pay the college? doesn't done a very you're not. my favorite cake is one of this year as critics favorites. it tells the story of 70 year old widow my hand into wrong. she's used to spending
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most of her time alone, until a meeting with friends opens the possibility of a new chapter in her love life. a 2nd settlement to ship to be sandy chevy and they give you ronnie and directors, mario, my good um and beta. so now you have were denied permission by a runs government to attends their films premier they sent this message to, i'm simulating the test, we feel like parents who can't see their newborn child. if the jury picks their film, it will be the 3rd time in 10 years, the bailey now that awards its top prize to iranian directors and i've sent you foot this foot to the new york another potential winter long day tarzan, about finding a quiet 17 year old french girl who meets her pen pal on
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a language exchange to germany. the live she tells to impress her new friend to come back to haunt her. both young stars are considered ones to watch for an acting prize. the same for the kids. one of the biggest stars that this is betty now is irish actor kelly and murphy. he's in the running for his role in a film he co produced with matt damon after they finished making oppenheimer. gillian said, i have my next movie. i really want to do and i said, we're starting a studio. can we do it? we'd have some t other small things like these set in the 1980s is based on the best selling, the velo by author claire to give it looks at the irish catholic church is cruel treatment of unwed mothers. not everyone was ma'am, we've lost her in his lives in this world, you know, in like a scene by director alonzo release palazzios, a cook and
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a new york tourist restaurant is accused of theft and decides to take drastic measures. the tragic comedy. starring rooney maro, one audience, his heart set to serious, barely knowledge. but it's the jury who decides the winners and valley and all the juries are notorious for their surprises. a very are installed wrong spot is at the $1000000000.00. i asked him about my favorite cake, which critics believe has a chance to win the top price to go there. definitely, but i do have to say that my favorite cake is a one of my personal favorites. i think one of the critics of favorites this year is a really touching story of this 7 year old, a woman who, who sees a new chance that has a lot of love really um and very touching, very sweet, very delicate, the small movie. um, but berlin has the reward, a lot of rainy and films in the past with a golden bear. i think this one has a really good chance to take home the top prize tonight. tell us more about the
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films direct as being prevented from attending the festival. yeah, both of the directors we're a band from leaving around after this film is accepted by the bell and all of the the 2 films leading actors did come to berlin. they held a press conference here. i'm out of a big picture of the 2 directors and that's pleated for the country to release them . and it's essentially because of the content of the film which from an outside years perspective looks fairly tame. um, it's a very sweet and delicate movie. as i said, but what it does show is a chosen iranian woman inside her own house, not wearing the job. it shows her drinking wine and shows her dancing, laughing, it's romancing another man's um and those elements have made it, um, forbid, in, in, in iran, all those, these things happen and around, they're not allowed to be shown in cinema. and that's why the director is where do i have to come to the building on this? you know, it's one of your favorites as he said, but what else do you reckon has a good chance of getting one getting the top of what as well as i would mention the
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piece, a beloved berlin allegories are notorious for making surprises. so i don't want to bet on anything this year. i'm usually wrong. but if i were to bad, if i were on the shores during i pick a german film uh stab and which is an amazing movie it. it starts lars hiding or as a classical conductor with extremely dysfunctional families. it's a crazy mellow drama, comedies, drama. everything is thrown in this movie except the kitchen sink was my absolute favorite this year. and there hasn't been a german winner here at the bailey nala. in 20 years, and i think you'd be a great chance this year to give the top prize the golden bear dish dab dice. it's got rocks for the for us at the bailey and allah will hear a lot more from each night as those awards come out. thank you very much. keep us up to date. we'll do a next hour report. it takes a look at why donald trump remain so popular among those. it's
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a big facility. i'll see you next now with mobile, the headlines by the shannon with dw 12 or emphasizing the award winning offer is available world wide. every language level reading gentleman has told me to go ice code b c. at the end of plastic i need an expedition ventures onto places that no one has to.


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