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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  February 24, 2024 8:00pm-8:16pm CET

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the, the, this is the w news line from the then it's been 2 years since full returns in europe, along with its allies. ukraine, monks the 1st day of russia's full scale invasion, new places of support continue bringing more hope. presidents of landscapes this country is definitely stronger now than it was 2 years ago. also coming up, we take you to one of your top 10 of my showcases where the top prize golden fair is set to be announced at the building international the
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i beneficial and welcome leaders of the g 7 group of nation say they'll support ukraine as long as it takes in its war against russia, it's the 2nd anniversary of the full scale invasion. to mock this on the day western leaders joins ukrainian, president flooded me, savanski and the place where one of the 1st battles took place. friends greeted at the ensign of a sealed net keep on february 24th 2022 russian app on forces attack this airport at the time. many photo russia would capture keith, but after a month and a half of ukrainian or assistance fruits and withdrew his forces from the area. so would you, ma'am? this is today. we are in a very symbolic place. what amelia sign with wet suit and wanted to win the battle for our capital, the battle of the keys with the key battle of the blitzkrieg, he was planning your keeping bundle and it was here. the summit. his 1st
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fundamental defense went on soldiers destroyed the landing of russian matters. let me show him the san bretzky's give boots. well, the latest praise to crate and for it for assistance against its mighty neighbour. you managed to stop rushes to attack towards the heart of ukraine. you'll save your country, you've saved all of europe. and today we are here from across europe and the world to pay tribute to your bravery. just hours before lead us gathered, focusing on the ration a deadly russian drug, an attack on a desk reminded people that, that the war goes on. and the significance of the timing of the assault was enough loss, the residence when this happens almost every day, it's hard to understand. if it's symbolic or not, we,
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we don't know what's going to happen this evening and what we normally in the evenings we have a tex. everything is symbolic rush. i love states that we're doing it out. people are dying. we want the war to end. as soon as possible starts to look at, we have no more strength left here and you have a news neither physical. what are your mental flowers for the victims of oppression. despite promises of loss tech support and this stalemate and the fighting is causing fatigue in the corporate dose of power in the west. and that's the goal and says it's the yeah. ukraine faces an uncertain future. after a deadly strike on odessa dw correspondence, you felt like a travel to the tank of the day area and said to us, these as you queen marks the 2nd anniversary of the full scale invasion don't whitewash you. it's in places like this,
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with the deadly impact of the war is felt on a daily basis by civilians. the white children and the southern falsity of what they saw on the black sea coast with puerto d. c. they shut down 5 russian drones overnight. over this region, no one of those drones felt right hill on this residential building right behind me . i read the reports that the home owner was killed in simply on the spot right behind me. his wife was reportedly poured out from the boot and was hospitalized with major injuries. there was there was also an adjacent house here which has been badly damaged and the reports that 2 occupants here have also been hospitalized with major bones and other injuries. now this entire place is, is it is an absolute shambles. the personal objects of the family, a student showed that i'm books that are really just relics of some water bottles of old student in fact here. and this is of course, a grim reminder of the immensely high human cost of this ongoing conflict. john
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environment as donna lena bab bulk has visited odessa. she met with who are you kidding and count about the need to coolly but together they visited the orthodox transfiguration cathedral, which a russian may sound severely damaged last summer. its bandbox, 6 foot to ukraine since the beginning of the war and dw comedy that you might talk to general wesley clark. nato's form is supreme allied commander in europe. he says, western countries need to admitted them. and note on the ukraine, who's aboard with russia. we're sending you with a general clark. thank you so much for this interview with the w. m. tell us you have over seen you have with miss so many conflicts. and during the past years, where do you see ukraine now? what did they need strategically? so they need more of material starting with our tory ammunition, but they also need time. they need training, they need to build their forces,
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develop their leadership. they need the support of the west politically, economically. militarily. they of course, also need of 16 and also a tower. as the german towers today, they shortly need one range weapons. they need air superiority, not adults on f sixteens. they need several 100 modern aircraft and they need draw. not only the tourist missiles, but other ballistic missiles, they need to be able to strike deep into russia in general. but one of the arguments why durham, i need the united states. so your opinion are afraid of delivering those kinds, especially the kind of long range weapons, is that ukraine could then also reach russia and the united states. a western countries would be involved in this war in a very active way. isn't that a risk?
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well, it certainly wouldn't be an inconvenient fact, wouldn't it? that western countries would have to recognize that russia isn't war with the west . ukraine is just the victim of this is the crocodile. it wants to eat its victim one leg or arm at a time. and so there is no indication really that food, and there's going to be satisfied with ukraine who said the opposite. but what you say the priority is ukraine for western country or said, well, i think if you compare the theaters of conflict right now, i think there are 3 theaters of, of struggle. china and asia and china is increasingly restorative. and we certainly don't want more overtime on the middle east where there's active war going on. and ron is on the verge of getting nuclear weapons that will change everything in the region. and then there's europe, where the ukraine is holding the, the war against russian aggression,
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which threatens to move beyond ukraine into poland, the baltic states and uh, and no were no telling where else. this is a look now what some of the other stories making use the body of alexi know bonnie has been handed over to his mother according to a spokes person for the russian opposition leader. no funeral details have been confirmed earlier this week and found these by the state of the art he's refusing a public ceremony. that's about russian police of arrested at least 4 people, including journalists at a protest outside the kremlin. the wives of mobilized soldiers of stage ramp protests in the russian capital demanding this spouse is being brought home from ukraine. of the of this month, police detained a group of around 20 reporters at the same tax. it is from the eco west. group of west african nations have agreed to make some of the sanctions they previously placed on these. yeah,
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president was ousted in the military coup last july. if it was looking at ways to rebuild ties with 8 countries in the region, at least 15 people were killed and several 1000 injured in a fire at a residential building in the eastern chinese city of plunging. local officials say, oh the investigation suggests the place started in an area where electric bicycles were being store. anticipation is building at the bowen international film festival, where the top prize, known as the golden barrier, is going to be awarded to the winning movie this evening. several prizes have already been handed down at the closing ceremony taking place right now in the german capital. or the tension is fairly focused on which film will be crowned the best of the nearly $300.00 screens this year at the building. not a long considered one of the major film festivals has a looked at other units. got wrong. spray is at the festival. tell us about
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the award winning a sofa to yes. well it had an interesting night so far. um, particularly with the actors prizes. uh, there's a, a gender neutral, a best performer, and a best supporting performer prize in berlin. and they both went to really big stars . sebastian, stan, who you might know from the m. c. u, the marvel cinematic universe. he is here with one of is few dramatic roles in a different man. any one, the best of leading performance, a silver beer for that. and emily watson of the british actress a clump of some renown, one the best supporting actress for playing up rather terrifying. none in the building on the opening film. small things like these where she plays the opposite uh, the oscar contender, kelly and murphy of oppenheimer. so to fairly big stars that have already been on the stage here tonight. but of course, we're still waiting for the big prize which should be announced in the next few
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minutes, right behind me in the belly. not a problem. scott, are you expecting any political statements from the building now? the that's of the being the case in the past are yes. well i mean this year the political statements that have been coming during the words have been coming from the award winners. we've seen many people go on stage tonight. i'm calling for a ceasefire in gaza calling for support of the, the palestinian, a civil society. we've had the number of members of winners and also award price givers making those statements tonight. and the banana itself sometimes makes political statements with its a awards and, and sometimes tries to avoid them. so we'll have to see what decision they'll make uh tonight. um, as i say, it's going to be happening very, very soon. if i look behind, i think, i think i think we actually have, yes, we do. i think we do. um, it's uh, the girl of berlin. a golden beer, goes to the only a documentary from the model drop,
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a french french director. this is the uh, 1st uh, 2nd time in a row. the documentary has one here in berlin. and as you were saying, this is a political statement because this is a documentary about uh the about plundered goods from half a couple 100 artworks being sent back a to africa and the debate that that has cause. so a very political film and a very timely film of getting the golden beer tonight in berlin. scott, are you surprised about the decision? i'm, i'm not necessarily that surprised this documentary was really superb and, and quite complex. i mean the debate over the return of a plundered artworks from the colonial times to africa is one that we've been seeing happening well across europe across the world are really um, so it is a very timely subject. and this documentary, by monday, the up is very, very subtle because it looks not just at the debate within europe,
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but also within africa, up in the countries who are maybe receiving these works back and wondering what is our culture still supposed to be defined by what happened a 100 years ago or 200 years years ago under colonialism now that we've moved so far past that. so this is a very subtle and complex documentary that really, i think, speaks to a lot of the issues of today. so no, not at all surprised that it was a and it's also particularly interesting that it's a we had our 1st african girl in jury president and look at a new uncle. and this is, i think just the 2nd african film to of one of the about it all this a top price. so very, very nice to see. fantastic to get that breaking news from you. scott, at the same time uh, point out any films i should uh make sure i should see. it'd be nice grading there with the bell in our well, i would recommend the winter or the only very, very, so a good a documentary film also quite short. so that's always always
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a benefit as well. um, but i'd like to recommend a very, very long film. my absolute favorite film this year was a german film called dying stab and it's 3 hours long. but don't let that a scary walk for not phenomenal. so i'm funny, interesting melanie melodramatic. it's about a, a classical composer plays by large hiding or with incredibly dysfunctional families of the field did win a prize. neither one, the best screenplay awards. and if i was on the jury, i probably would have been at the top of the top prize. it's a film that this has everything at everything you can imagine from the, the worst trach needs to be the most hilarious slash like. um and i think that with me is the absolute top film personally at the ballot, all of this year scope rocks for their with the latest from the bell and all that. thank you very much. i and before we go, a reminder about the top story here on the w news. on the 2nd out of us where you have rushes full scale invasion leaders,
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if you credit satellites have gathered at austin mill airport, where you planning and forces defeated the initial russian to sold you quite. and presidents and landscape bound to try and play around. sure. if his country is given enough next and now the document, truthfully the, what do these do for fun? via do gravitational wave squeeze are about how do i the drums but the to the feet. and what's the perfect kid for approx side? find the on says guess with d w signs on the picked up channel. the
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stuff that you sent for.


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