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tv   Euromaxx  Deutsche Welle  February 25, 2024 2:30am-3:01am CET

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the now understand can have a think like the vice president. do you have any news on instagram and follow up on usual why german mail models, felix nita also wears dresses and skirts healing. why spain is a popular place to study for young people from all over the world and irresistible . every thing that goes into a perfect french court, all listen more coming up on duramax, the
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from the german federal parliament in the morning to the cat walk in the evening. as one of germany's most successful male models, who is gender fluid, phoenix, need of fights against discrimination and gender boundaries. a man presenting women's where felix nita slips right into it as here at berlin fashion week where he's been booked as a model by several designers. he sees himself as gender fluid, significant gender fluid means swimming through the genders, like a fish. i thought to myself, no limit, then i take on what i like male female and i wear whatever i want, including women's clothing, all font. he fought hard for that self confidence working his way up from the bully, school boy to one of germany's most successful male models. how did he do it? as a child, felix preferred to play with golf. the other boys in his class made fun of him. at age 12, he realized he was gay. for fear of being ostracized, even more,
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he kept it hidden, even from himself for over 10 years. shopped in love. you don't mind me if i imagined in my life again and again. i saw myself a 20 and 30 and imagine how society constantly discriminated against me. at some point, i told myself from now on, i'm going to play a role. i'll put on the mask and try to speak with a deep voice and join in with the boys, maybe even plays them soccer and make an effort to, to play along with a normal hetero lifestyle. and he told me no, my cheapest leaving mixers. felix nito wrote a very personal autobiography about his double life titled as much for each style. when my case self died, now he bones up to his homeless actuality. so he didn't come out until he was $23.00. and even then only to his mother, it was a vulnerable moment in his life. is coming in on this pulse against him. i remember that i needed lots of clothes and as far as out of and i said to my mom,
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even though i'm 23, can i sit on your lap this once a month? i got up the courage to say mama and i like men my mind at that moment my mom started crying and i think she said she was crying because she was afraid i'd be discriminated against all my life too many of us. after graduating from high school, felix studied law in hamburg when he was discovered as a model he left university to move to los angeles. and during his 1st work experience in front of the camera in 2022, he was honored to be the closing model. let us show bipolar german fashion designer does too much of the where he presented a wedding skirt and made a clear statement calling for greater tolerance. it was a turning point. start with good and top savvy numbers among the top 5 designers here in germany. so that put a really big name behind me saying on yeah, i believe in phoenix and his idea that he can wear a skirt that he can be feminine on the app, wanda, fee may not be forwarded and tons and it had a domino effect. bought it,
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when thought as many more designers jumped on the bandwagon another sent under fluffy. ever since felix has had his choice of gigs, he gets book to the model for men, women, and gender fluid apparel. and he puts his private wardrobe together from across the spectrum. felix is also politically active against discrimination. homosexuality may have been legalized in germany in 1994. but prejudices still persist. in germany's basic law, it is not explicitly state that people may not be discriminated against because of their sexuality is most of us. i like everyone in our country to enjoy equal rights as regards both sexuality and identity mercury. and i'd like you to stay that way in this category, no matter which administration has any power to help make that happen. he's meeting ricardo long at the brenda's tongue. she's currently chair person of germany's green party. one of the party is making up the governing coalition. she supports felix is objectives. he's in parliament in the morning and on the
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catwalk in the evening. phoenix appears in the fashion so by the berlin demo or label fashion designer denmore, one originally from taiwan, has worked with felix many times please within felix is definitely the kind of model that works professionally. and of course he looks fantastic. and i also think that he fits into our brand identity a unisex and l g b t q plus. and if it's the right fit, i always like to book him. always like to put the unisex pass in with an asian touch. may be warned by either men or women, perfect for felix. especially you might want young people to know that they should be who they are. then you can see by my example, and i get on the catwalk, even in women's where there's no limits. and i want to be who i am and i'd hope all young people could do the same. see brave and come out that then all the
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accountants. so give us loved yourselves. felix nita found a way to accept himself and embark on a career as a gender fluid model. one day he wants to finish studying law and may be going to politics. nearly 1500000 international students study and universities in the you saying this among the top 10 european countries for international students, one mix studying there, so attractive you are on the x report or deanna pianos went to a trip to find out. the thing is one of the most attractive european countries for international students. but do i, here's what do you need to know if you want to study in this country? spain has more than 100 than 35000 international students and reducing the top 10 of your p and countries to study. i came to marjorie to see do with the most international students in spain to find out more 45 percent of the international students in spain come from the european union from countries like france and atl
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east 30 percent come from latino america mostly from echo angle long ago, which is my home country, it actually makes sense for many latinos to come here to study because of the language i went through uni in germany. and i have to say starting in another language was a bit challenging. if you do speak spanish, no worries that are also a number of courses in english year or something that you need to know. the price of the study in spain vary depending on the toner, most community in the programs academic year. again, a public university con costs between 514. honda curos the ok, but wait, hold on to only international students pay the same i need and maria the other side
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you piece store from when you are. so you have to go within say, to learn more about those pressures and that there's less than 40 goes to infinity before the tuition fees are probably they will do a credit can cost between $20.50 euro is for national students. this not for non use students, fees are higher about 4 times more or less to videos twice. as much guys, we've discuss prices and numbers, but what about prestige thing has the sense of top runts universities and it offers many degree programs, you know, about 18 institutions, business administration, engineering, and law careers are very popular not but, but there is also another reason why international, just choose this country. let's see what students have to say to the size of the study. i really liked students live here because the campus is huge and people are always outside and spend
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a lot of time. they're drinking coffee together all day. some again, some type of for your main campus mess. i love it. there's more quality of life. the weather, the people in general, the way of living time to talk about life in montreal that see what students get up to the point. i mean it's, it's easy to find a place to live here. and also how are the price of specialist staying on the housing? i think it's one of the issues that people complain about the most when they especially latino, latino only letting people complain. i ask a student from china for her open, i think as well as the most most hard spring for that for the nurse is. it's like you have to find information in lab. oh, you're going straight until find fries and i think the price is also a little higher than i think in my country, the cheapest can be $400.00 euro is per month, a room without major amenity or is,
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can we get down? is it easy to find a job here for the, for example, when a kind of a, when the good thing here is that students can work up to 30 hours a week. and there are many places that fire students for work on weekends or even english. it is really difficult to find that job, help you with just a part time job because i can spake me very good spanish let's say you made it and you finish your degree. what our sales shows up there that alumni can change their thoughts as to a working visa if they get a word control of meaning. on 6 months since 2022 students can now search for a job as soon as they graduate before that it wasn't possible until they completed 3 years of residence in spain. that's all for now. where
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shall we go to next? deep down in the earth and a band and flight mine in wales has been turned into a remote adventure count an underground hotel, 419 meters below the surface. not for the faint of heart. and if you've got the courage to see for yourself quick, i'm too that was 419 meet us under ground to spend the night in the deep sleep. you have to go in to an a, ben mine. how dangerous is it very dangerous. i'm in come often with in the you k, my destination is and snow don't. yeah. national park. welcome. skype light, i'm nick. i'm on this really hot sunny day. i know files are you are going to get to experience a big difference and uh, it's really extreme underground on the venture. first i'm giving the timing
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equipment. so how, how dangerous is it actually going on that line on, on your own without, i will look it and someone to look off to you. very dangerous. luckily, i have nick with me. he's been offering tours of the mine for over 6 years. this used to be the not just underground slade, corey in the world unto the mine. finally close than the 1990s. now i really need the climbing equipment enrolled. if you hit the nice smell, that's a good indication that it's closed. so to get past and all, i'm going to take one cart, robina, time across to the next section. so i'm always a task. now it's getting serious. we make a steep descent and
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that was just the beginning. if your cross for full back or afraid of heights, this isn't for you. okay, so we've come down in the line. we've got a bit of a more exciting way of getting down to the next level. so we're going to do an up. so yeah, you up for law? sure. did i really just say that? i'm or just get the so should i like touch the? yeah, yeah. okay. okay, almost on the ground. uh huh. so this was actually fun. it wasn't as bad as i mentioned, but just going down somewhere without being able to see anything. that's so so
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scary the sleepers just around this corner. so there's a and i and also a pin and then head on and say, i'm yeah, let's go. we're all, oh, wow. okay, this here, this 419 me just below ground. deep sleep. this have profess deepest hotel than the what it can accommodate up to 10 guests. the town does manage of this unique cortez as waiting for. hi. hi, i'm miles. hi, i'm going through you. it's a deep sleep to fit the whole 10 miles and his team had to carry all of the materials here through with a ton of it opened in a pro 2023. it's been a lot of fun building it. i like uh like mines on like technology like
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crazy projects. it answers all of those things for me. and i like showing people this morning and telling them about to show you and so in one of these cabins, yes, each kevin can accommodate to visit the test, the heating electricity, and even the wi fi. a tool was overnighted space that's at 170 pounds. that's $220.00 per costs and say we're not going to be sleeping in this. when we have a special review. you're not going have a look. we enter this high chain, most of mine lose the level. oh yeah. okay. okay. so it was mentioned, you know from on it. oh wow. so this is nice the, the sweets. yeah. the so called brought to room as boot direct key until the snake
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rock and even has running water. things to good insulation and electric heating is dry and warm. but one piece of furniture post a major challenge. this an enormous amount of work to get a double bed down here. the mattress, mostly this involved lots of guys in the underway. wading through the bosa, holding the mattress up. keep it dry and clean. uh is a big operation size. there is any one double bed on this. is that what about? yes. click on have a commercial kitchen down here, so we have expedition feed. my guy, it is. all right, so they shipped the catering for guests as elaborate and requires lots of planning. every thing on the
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table has been broadcasting backpacks by the who had a team time really looking forward to my bed for live after coming back up to ground level, you might need some sustenance. how about a crispy french consult? the best sellers can be found in paris. let's head there now to discover the secret to this delightful pay. 31 serving our friends cliche c bu pay the eiffel tower of course, the back at for sure. and the cost. so one of the best blood pastries in all of france means crescent, even though not all quite selling a curve these days, but more on its shape later. first, how weeks actually do you think the perfect awesome. that's a question for atlanta was a new in the power suburb of it'd be nice. so most people line up for his courses
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in 2021. he was officially named france is best cost salt. baker, international competition always was when i heard that i had one, i was pleased but also stressed. and i didn't even yet know that instead of 300 costanza day, i would end up having to make 1200 with his prize winning lessons are made of 2 different kinds of flour, sugar, east milk, with a little cream water and salt. very important are high quality ingredients in the right of miles and my own tip, a bit of 100, you'll fix it, then you see it up, but they don't have to be thoroughly needed. otherwise, the ingredients won't blend properly in the questions that won't arise, that they should. the next few rolls out the go and let's it's sent
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to the ben comes the decisive moment. he works at the glare of butter into the dog. most french people regard the butter aquesam. nothing normal one to true question. plus the plus sign is made with march rent, but i don't like the table for a really good class, so you need very good butter. only thing you don't have to be out wraps a generously sick and had a butter into the don't to worry about cost on my tip that i had left. that's i come to go along with butters and more than that. so the butter and don't worry that humanly layer and over each other want to and evaluate that. but the what makes for santo, especially flaky, is a process called laminating. the dough is rolled out with a butter and folded again. and again, the shock has to let the dough rest and rise periodically.
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the only can see the layers of butter then atlanta cuts to go into the optimal shape, the length of all this is a cross section of a question in the shape of a triangle. so you won't know until it is a tug on this triangle and roll it up into a that the the question is by this master pastry maker not only have to taste good, they have to look good as well. the the don't know for me cause i spray mike must. i want to twice with an egg, mixture one leave or they rise and once before they may and also so that way they won't dry out. and then when they look back is important. so they shine even more, you're about sensitively emphasis. i don't know they're done
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without a doubt. good questions. keep time altogether, almost 9 hours from start to finish. but to add to that there, well wish that you will have. it's more like you don't take enough time for the preparation. the questions don't turn out well, it's all good. watch on takes time. you know me only then kind of develop its full flavor, you know, and it keeps longer as well. and the concept produced industrially, it has to go quickly and you noticed the different cycle was, they're not likely to be as good or look as nice either. but also most people in france, a butter costs are generally goes for between one year old and one year old 20. it weighs 50 grams impacts 250 calories, which may explain why most in french people don't and don't. and then every day, they prefer french may cost sauce. and then you have room on the process, no doubt whatsoever. the french make the best course of good that comes from all
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the experience, the good ingredients. and the very special method that only the french have mastered so well if you own that the fuel costs. so what would that be on to switzerland, which is famous for its cheese. a man there is known as the cheese whisper, the cheeses he makes are a rare treat. and star ships and gore maze around the world are very keen to try them the crazy malcolm was making cheese means working hand in hand with nature. what. what's most fascinating to me is the milk. you can use it to make something wonderful smell something. smearing aromatic. now me, my name is billy sneed. i'm a master cheese maker and talking book switzerland. that's right, and i produce cheese from romeo. okay. say i was an old meat of the lease me has been called a cheese whisper talk. she's virtuoso. even the mozart of cheese makers, gomez,
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from all over the world, adore his cheese. you know as a boy and i'd spend all my time on the passenger with the animal get hold of somebody. okay. i'd help with the cheese, making them even made as of myself. and that passion has stayed with me night in job. please give me the sweet gets his milk from 9 farmers in the valley. he knows all of them personally. the cows only the grass that grows here and are outdoors whenever possible. just because it is really your milk is coming, you can die. harrington top is all there and we're going to the wind. what comes out down there is like going to draw stones in those co milk reynolds, lactic acid, bacteria and salt. those are the only ingredients and she needs cheese. with this you can make 30 distinct variety. one reason is that the milk from the individual
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farms taste different depending on the location of the book. so i can book is a value that stretches north to south inside pick up on the shady side, tends to have green herbal aromas, its own size. while the sunny side tends to have a warm are almost like vanilla and caramel auto made. all of she needs cheeses are his own creations, but he also upholds old traditions. he's heard 6 off or what do you she is placed in a casing native spark to age. this gives it's bruce and red and aromas. feed informed me of those as being that a, whenever i develop anything and you know you could, i could, my goal is always to create a completely different and unique take. so is i've got big side depending on its variety, the cheese matures and one of 5 separate sellers for several weeks,
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months or even years. each seller has a different climate. cheese wheels must be turned daily and brushed with salt water . the stores shift from all over the world, the orders meet cheese. but of course he also has switched customers shift. sylvia months has earned the michelin star for the restaurants going up and send that on to her. she needs cheese is the perfect conclusion to any meals permission. so i can just have this in the case. i consider him a little bit like a king of cheese. if once i know i'll tell a friend in terms of his personality or not, there's just so nice the 5 on case and, and of course the variety of cheesy offers is a simply without comparing the diesel phone form. i took all the cheese with for a village made is always open to new ideas and in the process, people, animals and nature are equally important. and with that,
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we come to the end of this week's duramax. be sure to follow us on social media for more exciting culture and lifestyle stories from europe. thanks for tuning in. joining us again next week, the,
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it's the blueprint for anti semites. the propaganda film. these images of patriots can still be found today in millions. so anti jewish means and conspiracy theorist from the nazi era into the digital 8 to use to point out in 15 minutes. d, w, the
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major difference visionaries with a project get involved to create a future day experience that eco, india and d w. nice told b c at the end just to pass it. got any difficult to access an expedition ventures on to places, but no one has the
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why is the ice melting? the assignment research in the i c d, w the news that the to these food, the food can new listing before mary's news they've dropped out of this food because the way they do nothing when it comes from home. that because of, even though anyone of the
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this is dw and using data around the top stories, waste and latest of travel to keith on the 2nd anniversary of roches invasion of ukraine, they joined presidents loading means the lensky at an airfield, which russian forces tried to seize at the start of the war allies from the u. n. g, save and expressed, sold a darcy invalid to continue their support. as ukraine's forces run low on munition and weapons. the body of alexander found the it has been given all over to his mother, according to
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a spikes post and for the rational position later noisy funeral. dee's house have been confirmed yet.


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