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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  February 25, 2024 10:00pm-10:15pm CET

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the, the, this is the w use line from bell in ukraine puts a number on the street this self a drink rushes invasion, but the total announced by president savanski is far below us intelligence estimates. he wants to create a unit he faces its most difficult moment. both are coming up. president lucas yankee boat says the people have been the roost. go to the polls in a time to control the election. the opposition leader and exile calls for a boy on the i've been fizzle and welcome ukraine's president thought of me. savanski is
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revealed. that's 31000 ukrainian soldiers have been killed. finding russian forces . the toll is much lower than the us intelligence estimates. so lensky stipend comes as you claim faces, increasing difficulties on the battlefield. but he insists that his troops will eventually be victorious if the west provides enough military in the mood and key for the samba. as president load them is the lensky made a rare acknowledgement of the extent of ukraine's difficulties. i should collect at top speed, the threats. each of these is 31000 ukrainian military personnel has died in this will 31000 ukrainian. so, which has a lot, you cannot cons. how do you, how many a wounded, because of russia will know how many people have left the battle field? i just can't say it, but i'll send this schedule. but it's, but lensky insisted that despite the loss is ukraine would still, when the war provided its partners,
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maintain the support she needed to pull her. i will ukraine loose. will it be very difficult for us? no. will it be very many evicted? so let's, it depends on use on our allies, on the west and well if we are well on his own, if we have weapons or we will not lose this, will we will when it, when the program, which would be no more reasonable than i was earlier germany's foreign minister and elaina babble expressed the violins backing could be relied upon. as she visited the southern ukrainian pulled city you make a live watching video, which one wants to world on this country. and that's exactly what we want to allow to happen. neither militarily comically notion many territory to and unfortunately the crane however support from its single biggest back of the wes, remain stuck in congress. republican lawmakers have repeatedly blocked new aid and the effects already being felt on the battlefield. this ukraine alternative
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recruit in the don't net region or kicked it out with the modem gem and made how it's a but they say shortages about hillary shells or putting their forces at a disadvantage. uh, talk a little bit about the we would have been able to help a much more provide a temporary support for the infantry to where we could have help longer and maybe even haven't changed the outcome and some points on the front line. welcome go. ukrainian to monde is of also blame to lack of munitions for the full of of div cuz the cities capture last week was most goes because victory, month officials and key will no doubt be hoping that it's lost will finally push its allies to act foster. okay, you've corresponded nick connelly, toby more about the total cited by ukraine's liter pulled out. and this really is a big deal with the 1st time we've had a number like this from present valencia. we had heard from a top generals fact in the 1st day of the world,
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a suspect then spoke about 9000 sets. and we're now seeing the further on this will . this number has to be said significantly lower than the estimates we've heard from the u. s. government, they've been on names us sofas, of course, in the new york times last year that has spoken to about $70000.00 estimates, it's fatalities amongst the brand new nami. and there's a more about, over a $100000.00 on the russian side was logical, given that attack is going to be much more received in defense. and he didn't say anything about the number of casualty in terms of people wounded or more importantly, people who are missing in action. there is speculation. his, they could be those people who have actually died, but just haven't been recovered. their body suddenly recovered. so they know that official number, so it's, it's an, a official number according to the landscape of maybe not a realistic number is that when you say one of the complaint number, it's the same situation with civilian casualties. we have around $10000.00 civilian casualties confirmed. but that's not including people who were killed in russia by
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territory is body's not accessible. human rights most recently came out with their phone saying that an estimate in 8000 people. that's a conservative estimate. the civilians were killed in mario full alone. that's just based on their analysis of satellite pictures of mass graves. so i think these numbers are likes to rise easily. we just don't care about confirmed death right now. is lensky sounded confident that waste and support uh will come, especially from the u. s. does he have enough ground for such confidence? well, he into the fact that he was expecting finally the us to agree to sending long range weapons. we've already had the okay. and from sending the scouts while still chateau missiles are made, a big difference is a cruise missiles have been used, protect extensive targets and crimea, for instance. now the americans maybe sending weapons that can have a $300.00 comb with range. and then the hope would be that germany would use that as a kind of to, to send its own towers, installs, which have long been requested by the great inside my colleague, county and somewhere else that question as
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a landscape light that he was hoping that has with tanks where the americans made the 1st move and then the germans follow through afterwards. the same would be now be a distraction before themselves and have a longer range and unable ukraine to hit target for their way. and let's toothpaste, nick, tell us more about this spring p summit. that's the landscape mentioned. we've had the rush. i could also joy. i wouldn't be too optimistic about seeing a russian presence at that summit. i think some more important look at this as a kind of diplomatic offer by you grace global sales. the countries that aren't quite so sure, they're supposed to be writing as of the case with most european or north american countries. it's about saying that ukraine is open space is not and fighting for the sake of it that ukraine is protect, its very existence. that's what this is about. there was a kind of comment from domestics where you basically replied that putting would be welcome if he was willing to admit that this would be an awful mistake and basically apologize and pay compensation and basically give back all the occupied territory. i think the chances that are pretty low for now,
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but this is about you create engaging with the why the world and not just focusing on that kind of unusual candidates in europe and america. okay, so in the invitation of types, dw corresponded. connelly, reporting from keith and beller, were supposed have closed in time. the control panel of entry and local elections. long time the, the alexander lucas. shank, a placed his vote at a folding station in the capital man, sprang confirmed his intentions front again for president next year and could extend his grief on the country to 36 years. thousands of opposition parties were denied registration for the single day bout opponents and exile. judge focus the blank on full policies that support the consent goes. policies were granted official registration. i spoke to the front x. yeah. ciocca, the chief political advisor of exxon's opposition lead us with lawn, and so you can know sky, here's what he thinks the boat will bring. nothing you a couple of try to use these selections to legitimize himself to show that the page
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has during that everything is normalized, that people are going to vote, but we see something different. we said the minute, the reparation there are police cage. yes. every polling stations we see must have the rest of the site every day taking place. and the receipts trimball, the unrealistic door. now that the official central commission is showing which is not true because all levels and patients are empty basically, for the christian case of the test before 2025 presidential elections. you want to make sure that the 2020 protest will not repeat these afraid of people. he is afraid of mass on the rest. and he's statements today basically proves he's for, for duty. and also those massive crackdowns on the progress of 2020 we'll. so what stage is the opposition in today? uh right now, so a lot of channels can created, then the government, and example, united transitional cabinet and cheese lead in the resistance movement inside the
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country. and build a new sam exam. the asked for the trying to mobilize support for ukraine. support them on the ground movement inside the country. yesterday, that was impressive. the fact you had came at talk on that there were some screens uh, uh, advertising commercial screen. so over a bill that was 2000 screens we're showing the planet center has to be able to do some people. and for 2 hours to question guthrie gene was not able to switch it off . and basically we are making this hubble dash x to show that the regime is weak and the resume is not able to control the situation and to find the lice inside them and cut toyota. so when the window of opportunity opened, so they will be on our site. but how much support would you say a secret australia has in the country? so i think more than the house builders population will vote for her again. but her problem is some plaintive paint, it was very simple. i promised to come and tell them you free and fair elections.
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so she did not fulfill her monday yet about she promised to step down immediately after it happens. um, i think many people support her activities to advocate the interest of deliveries and people that role tried. now, there are many people who joined the movement off to 2020 because they believe that so long to most cases, the right person to leave the country about the there are no independent polls. so it's difficult to assess. but the behavior focus shrink of shows that she is very afraid of her, and all the criminal case against her husband, against her support there's against supply. the tunnels gave herself showed that he sees the most because he's made an opponent, is a look at some of the other stories making headlines around the world. content says april massively increase outputs from the world's biggest natural gas field. the energy minister says capacity we brand top that the north field, west side meet solar and global demand for liquefied natural gas warnings. if
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a more american and british attack somebody who was a rebel group in yemen, the von tv reports strikes hitting the capital sign up. the us and u. k has gone down to numerous strikes since the start of this year in response to who the assaults on ships passing through the red sea to land from the as well. south rallied in brazil visor city. so it's important for the president julia both in idle the protest is reject claims that the found right expressive in front of the crew in connection with his failed 2022 re election, be investigated, staples and i will use this information to discredit the electrical system and legitimize military intervention, it consecutive political action conference. seat pact finished this weekend. it's a big gathering of conservatives in the us with the president's advisor, tina, and also a little there as well as a full the british prime minister organizes looking to stress the events international significance make margin scenic rates. again.
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the 1st in person meeting between 2 political forces. i didn't ask of you to be late, his repeatedly praise donald trump, a politician hughes often compact to formulate an opportunity to present himself on an international stage. one conservative in the us hope to attract more latino voters ahead of this year's presidential election. another trump ally instead of those that the book kelly was also invited. but if you want to listen to die here to your most, be willing to apologize. it live fine, i guess every thing i'm everyone's there to stay for it to fight for your freedoms, fight for your rights. speaking to steve ben, and known for promoting cooperation between populous political movements, former british prime minister list trust on the line, the need to call the republic of
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6, the attendees also see a shift from a national to a more international approach. there is definitely an international call, and now c packs opened up positions. they're doing tokyo, they to budapest, um, think they might even do berlin london. i know they do mexico city, so they're going international aging. american, i hear a lot of participants are yeah, from the asian community. they are very conservative over the last 5 years. the international right has more and more networks come together because we're facing the same problems in our respective countries. see big hopes to really move support from mazda of populous movements and politicians. to find this organize this,
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call it new ways to defeat socialism, marxism, and global. this. we're talking about popularity. quest oppenheim a kept up. it's winning, run this awards season. taking several major honors from the screen actors guild can be a movie one best actor for the role of atomic bomb scientist, j robert oppenheimer, while love it down to junior to con, best supporting actor. then we'll say one base cost. another big when it was lily glanced and who won best actress for killers of the flower moon. the screen actors guild awards a scene as a reliable predictor for the oscars, which takes place in much a reminder of our top story to sell. you great surprise that comes out to me. savanski has revealed that 31000 ukranian soldiers have been killed. finding russian forces to go well below the russian claims and he weighs estimates of next down before it takes
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a look of wind. donald trump remains so popular with bo hits, i made visible, and the next time the people in trucks in judge was trying to feed the city center and the straight pieces explain the around the world more than 150000000 people of.


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