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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  February 26, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm CET

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the, the, this is the w news live from balance germany, rules out sending long range missiles to ukraine. thompson, that will upshaw it says delivering the tourist cruise missiles requested by keith would risk putting germany into the also coming up european farm is bring parts of brussels to a standstill. they're angry about high costs, competition and red tape you agriculture ministers are looking for ways to ease the tension. plus the government in the occupied west bank, resigns. the palestinian authority's prime minister announces that his entire
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government has quit and move seen as a step towards reform and a post for middle east peace of the menu. trips in the can. good to have you with us. chancello will i feel it says boleyn will not supply you crane with long range, taurus, cruise missiles, now shots, sizes, the missiles, extreme range on the fact that it would not be possible for germany to remote sleep monitor target control. 4th massage can hit targets up to 500 kilometers away in charlotte said the missile deployment could increase the risk of gemini, becoming involved in the war dw, as chief political correspondent, dina has told me more about what the trump said about his decision. well,
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you made the statements in berlin on monday or at the meeting of editors. and he said, says essentially that he doesn't want a situation where the german expertise is directly used for choosing russian target . so german soldiers, most under no circumstances be involved in choosing targets for those cruise missiles. and he's dressed as vice so that there are no german soldiers on ukrainian soils. so he basically doesn't want to emanate to be linked in any way to the targets that these very powerful system can reach. he doesn't want so many to be drawn into this world with a system like that. okay. and tell us about what the reaction has been to this announcement as well. i would say its mixed. um, there are quite a lot of deadman votes as in general, who in previous polls have said that they appreciate the fact that so it's always casserly ways as options before. he sends big weapon systems to ukraine. we had a scenario of when it came to those big tanks,
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they left the 2 times that went on for months. and so i'm invited to do recognize that that is something that they appreciate the chance the full that he doesn't take those decision slightly military expense. so all debating what listings all that he's not saying so is all up. so i was afraid that ukraine might do reverse engineering, so in other words, manipulate the weapon once they've gotten because of ukraine has said that they rule out that they target russia directly like moscow. i mean, this is possible in theory with a tourist, but they say they need the system to be able to hit targets, russian, military, logistics, etc. to stop russian troops advancing those targets. they say our own ukranian soil . so this is something that people are debating is or left towards and does he not trust the ukrainians, or is it because germany is not so nuclear power, unlike the breaks on the french and that source is worried about the escalation, under the lack of options for germany,
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if the tourist delivery did indeed cause an escalation, i would say in general today the feeling is lost. he's set something on tourist again because he's been very tight lips recently has said in the past we wouldn't deliver it. but we think transportation on the battlefield getting was because of a lack of i mean, nation and strategic weapons pressure on him to express himself. had been growing, so now he's spoken. but is this the end of the debate about whether gemini said delivered tal risk by doubting all right. the w's chief political correspondent, nina albany. no, thank you so much for that. a c, w isn't it commonly is also following the story for us from the training and capital. i asked him if germany's decision is a huge disappointment. it's a case. i mean, certainly not unexpected, but it is disappointing just a few days ago at believe me, in this case, big press conference. i'll click on in some way, almost as zalinski what he thought about the chance of getting those towers myself
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. and he seemed optimistic. he said that has had been the case with the tanks that he was expecting american action in the shape of attack. and was me selves that are expected to be sent by the americans potentially which have a longer range than previous but that, that american decision could then see the germans following suit hasn't been the case for the past with other decisions or weapons. i'm not sure it's the be able and mental and all of this here ukraine has received christmas alt with comparable ranges from the k from products. interesting that le schultz will be in paris today and meeting with one of my call, who said that you didn't have those same fears about being joining. so just because france has sent these missiles, but i think it will add to frustration here is that there is a sense that well, if schultz and his 1st democratic party in that willing coast in germany, always putting the brakes on. whereas the greens and the liberals a lot more on the same kind of him sheet as well as the grains in terms of the need
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to move on. it's not like, well that's schultz has somebody else to give you. the credit is in a hurry. he said that the credit is needed shows no christmas. osby doesn't have a huge mounts or shells to send kids as a kind of compensation that is just going to cost. now we can just talk about what's happening in the ukranian army. we know has now pulled back from of these. are you expecting to see the russian army continue pushing forward in the coming days? we've heard in the last 24 hours that the great, let me, here's my left eye for the village west, or would you go to less than she can look at. there is the kind of line coming out of the military here that this was a planned retreat to the basically get some weaponized positions to kind of hold an easy, a defensive line. i think it doesn't have to mean that we're going to see a collapse of the front lines. we feel the same of to buckboard where russian invested shoes, number of its own lives in getting the city and then basically wasn't able to get a whole lot further in the months that followed. the mistake line is that the same
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would be the case would have difficult, but obviously that lack of shells is crucial. we had for mccraney and soldiers that were if i have different they were outgunned 5 to one. so they were basically just having to any way up every show. so there's using drugs and said they didn't have anything to fight back to the russian. so if that stays we could see the grains having to make more defensive retreats then. then philip said one thing, we'll have to leave it that but thanks so much for the update. those t w's nick con, late reporting from keats. now we've got some breaking news for you that's just coming in. now hungry is paul event has voted to approve sweden's bid to join nato. now this claim is the last major obstacle to the country's membership of the military alliance. the parliament in budapest has approved the bed. $188.00 boats full, 6 against hungry is the last of nato's fuss. he won members to rectify sweden's nato membership id. now we're heading to lot via with
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suppose. so i the most go keys in the ukraine bowl has become a question of identity for a sizable estimate russian population. that question is becoming politically important. the government's efforts to integrate them with strict tools on the use of russian language and a ban on russian media is spoken resentment. and this is raising says that russia could use discontent as a way into the country d. w. 's funny. if a child went to dial gulf pills home to lot be his biggest russian speaking population. the entering this room takes you back in time to the era when latvia was part of the soviet union rules from moscow. it all belongs to all that could be no, can i don't. he was born in lafayette, but he's an aston across you and like a quarter of the country when not to be a vote to, to leave the soviet union and 1991. he says everyone seems united mostly i changing
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his address and we all wanted independence including me. when we voted in the referendum, we weren't divided whether you were a citizen or not. you know, that was the 1st but also the last time we were united today allowed to be eyes firmly embedded in the west. a member of both the u. n. nato, but vinegar adults as liberal values of not extended to russian speakers. on this level, the democrats on the one hand freedom and democracy on the other, they started this division. it takes a lot of dealing via the push to fill them up with the step by step of the show 1st . but they bind education in russian. everything have to be in lot fee and then came the policy of divisions was really in your possible thing. yeah. but there's no unity union. yeah. many here in douglas, phil's would agree. most people only speak russian in their day to day lives. and the vote for pro russian local politician,
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russia itself is just 120 kilometers the way showing. so these are all ready to be to crane against rochelle, re present western identities. yes. some feel it's so pressure from the government in rica seriously lose. you go down to the people here and say that they aren't happy with the political regime. and that's that you like the russian president. but then preventative and administrative measures take place in to meet up x and the other administered to you and not old ethnic russians and lots via support. the crumbling policies. but decades ago, tensions between ethnic russians and latvians have become more visible, especially in places like this. since washing invaded ukraine, left, the government has been trying to crack down and pro russian sentiment, expressing support for russia as war is a crime. and then you immigration law, no demands that russians who do not have left the passport, must prove they speak phase, the cloud to be and if they want to stay to curb the crime and influence lodge,
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he has also pulled the plug on russian stage tv. no is discrimination. i want to watch what i want to watch. why do i have to watch a lot of young channels? for russia as president flooding? they're putting lots vs into russian policies fits his narrative about needing to protect ethnic russians. abrupt the narrative that took him into ukraine, political conditioning, if they pursue this policy towards people who want to live in that country, work there. that i need to create some good for that are hungry. and they treat them in a way to take like, minor data. then they themselves will face the same page like behavior within their country. when you say mistake, you've seen some east of joyce hewn up level car runs and online newspaper and douglas pills. she says pollutants message for a lot for you should be taken seriously. mostly between. we have seen how pushing and has propagandist explained the invasion of ukraine is that the russians are
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being discriminated now that they're being offended is that they're not allowed to speak. the russian language categories, next, includes the tutoring, might say that russia should save room sions, and lots of yes. please don't save us unless we know this. i see the signal, you know that we are improved times, plans are signaling and it scares me flying to my e mail. these are serious things that should not be ignored. to seems a committee utilize. the frameworks shines the spotlights on ethnic russians in latvia, and whether poor teen might use them as a pretext for aggression as it did in ukraine. the government here has not yet found the way back to the unity allowed to be experienced when it last made a big decision about its relationship with most co, its own ally of alexis, of only the deceased russian opposition. the politician says the valley was close
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to being freed. at the time of his desk and a youtube video, maria pest chick says the had been plans and of all needs to be exchanged for a russian hit. man who's being held in a gym and jail talks were apparently in the final stages when he died. senior patrick also replaces our obligation. the president vladimir person is responsible for the following these steps to up with you as being as some specific of what if you don't see enough. and letting me as people from the w. russia joins me here in the studio. so more on this fundamental welcome and so we're hearing that these prisoners, swamp negotiations, were apparently in the final stages. so had you ever heard anything about these negotiations? i mean, did people know about this? the only one thing for your health in the last 2 years to was a publication. i'm often journal a couple of months ago about possible prison or stops saw in everything they're supposed to report to the foster song journal. and the american citizen would be a part of this, present non stop. i've heard some noise as in political learning on this topic,
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but they were, they were never confirmed by any office. so lets states and ministry and germany. and this is usually normal events, such kinds of negotiations. i never put a never reported before. this happened. so it's always being reports as after and such thoughts as happens. so oh, it happens on the room or some noises to me. no, i'm sure we will not get any conformation ever take of kindly tries to classify, could you have imagined the swap like this? so let him cross the coffin exchange for alexei nevada. only. i mean, is this potentially something that you could have imagined happening? i would quite the upright expect the russian government would try to press socratic a victor, russian. it was a known during the court shootings against drastic or from during which i was, i think at the thinking for many times that during his arrest after an hour of discontinue in building. and i was at the 2019 c i part of the adult and german
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policeman with my country and knows where i'm in my country. we'll take care of me apparently put in someone, but i thought it was the kinds of expectations they said that the russian government will try to get him back to russia. but now it's like all depression for the time being. okay. just remind us again that the him cross, the cough is who, who is he and what does he do? russian citizen, it's criminal background. who is a 3rd in the restaurant and appear to me. and i was think 10th, 2019 in the middle of the day middle of dont on the bar called glen mitchell dodson . m cute kitchen fells come under the inside to escape and she was caged like half an hour an hour after in the area of this criminal act, she was brought to justice and darling the the court shootings to go almost one year. and now he's starting a lifelong sentence in germany. ok. now,
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speaking about like saying invalid these death, we're hearing from his team that they want to organize a public funeral for him in moscow on friday. what do you think? i mean, is there any chance that the all sorts he's would allow a public funeral sort of on a there was a big question because the last russian was victor us and the position leader of somebody's been so far skilled a 80 or single and interest funeral it was a huge evan for us, and he brought a position in moscow and it was a huge amount of people coming to distributed to say goodbye to him 1st. and then after that was it you just marked on the russian that position ever. and it was the last one big march because after it's, it's was just gone. it was not many such huge masses of people on the streets of moscow. so the question is, the for the mileage, and we'll be able to find the room in moscow for this spending money because they would then use and to me they are looking for the room door to make this to make the settlement if possible. and i would expect they will be having
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a huge problem problems to get the room for this. and the 2nd question is how the state will deal with this amount of people who are trying to come to the same and by products and why they don't have clear answers to answer for them. because it's all kylie stickler is, but i would expect some thousands of freshmen with this to say good bye to him by the man as he pulled from the w rush. i thank you so much for speaking to me. thank you. okay, here's a look at some of the other stories and making headlines around the world. the is ready, military says it has hits targets deep inside lebanon. new, the city of a ball back the strikes came just hours of to has bloss sites is down and is really drove as philosophy as to say, these really strikes killed at least 2 members of the group. a member of the us um, full says, who set himself on fire outside these really embassy in washington dc in protest at
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the war and guys, garza has died of his injuries, an active member of the us air force, the man live stream, the incidents closing, saying that he would quote, no longer be complicit in genocide. denmark has dropped its investigation into the 2022 explosions on the north stream pipelines carrying russian guests to germany. it says there is nothing enough evidence to pursue a criminal case. russia and the west of each denied any involvement in the incident . instead pointing the finger at each of the, the parts of central brussels are at a standstill at this hour as farm is from across the european union. upstage the blocks missing of agriculture and ministers. demonstrations have block self access to official buildings, dump ties in the street, settling the lights, they're upset as of brussels, environmental policies, rising costs. and what they call unfair competition. you officials appear keen to
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ease some of those pressures on the agricultural sector. but there a fee is doing so could we can action on climate change? the w's rosie bought child visits as a belgian farm to hear about some of the problems. the farm is facing. 2 hours after she was born. it's time for this baby. cough to try and stand on her own feet . that struggle to stay afloat is one of the small dairy farm in southern belgium knows well with new prices proving unpredictable. and the costs remaining high. the quantity the, it's difficult to return on your investment and have a long time to say that was something very 602022, then showings in towards the 3 have already on the phone with the quantities of some sort of farmer or really looked at. cuz phone subsidies to help her keep production churning. in fact, agriculture funds make up almost a 3rd of the repeating budget. but many are still feeling squeezed. have these we
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would like to be able to live without something different just recently, find out the actual right now for weeks night farmers have been taking that frustration to the streets, grinding traffic to a halt in berlin, brussels and other capitals across the continent. in response to your opinion has moved to ease some green farming rules, curb green imports from ukraine, and show new laws to further restrict pesticides use farmers of feeling the impact of the russian war. the installation, the rising costs of energy, the rising cost of fertilizers. nevertheless, they work hard every day to produce the quality food we eat. and for this i think we owe them appreciations and things and respect. the problem is agriculture cards for more than 10 percent, you emissions? and many campaigners for your watering,
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don't claimant clothes will set you up on the wrong track with collections leaving . but we see that in many countries that's the found right spots. he's an action instrument that are using the voice of the farmers and it is. so i'll get you as i'm finding solicitation, but again, how i getting involved in collision station is going to be the main threats to funding eventually. so if we're, if we're not able to make a farming less imaging result, we announce guys, we're not gonna make it. after a tough winter, farmers are hoping for easier times the buttons to go to show thoughts to make this industry economically and environmentally sustainable. it looks like some heavy lifting. still what lies ahead that report by brussels correspondent rosie. but child who has this update about the protests and brussels. if you want to get a sense of the fury and frustration on the streets and ruffles here today,
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wilson police no further behind me, a smouldering burning pile of tires. and actually just in the last few minutes, you've seen farmers protesting adding more fuel to that fire, including bales of hay. and that comes just after police really managed to extinguish another major fire using walter kind of. as you can see, there is still a major police presence here in the heart of brussels. european union, of course, are not only police, but of course, also tractors. basically as far as the i can see here, they have paralyzed the street here in brussels, which leads up to the european commission. the easy executive is the 2nd time they've done this, this month. and farmers here are telling me they have no plan to even though they will keep coming back until they see that their demands are met. its now the palestinian prime minister mohammed stay. it has announced the resignation of his government, which governs pumps of the is radio occupied westbank,
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palestinian authority, president a who a bus still needs to accept the resignation, but the move could paved the way for us back for forms in the palestinian authority . united states wants them in charge of bill is that once the war is over, i'll stop correspondent and jerusalem, tanya explained what prompted the palestinian prime ministers resignation. and i think it's the early to tell of what's really behind this step, but it's an important step, as it's seen here by many analysis of how much di the prime minister has pointed at the reasons in his of what he said to himself. he said his resignation is needed to need to prepare for the next of a mental and political arrangements for emerging reality in goals as he puts it. but also he mentions national unity talks. now we know that by the end of the week, there will be a, it's a, there's a meeting expected in moscow. was old appointed to construction time off and thought of also i'm expected to attend to possibly talk about reconciliation
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between i'm us and thought of. but also in the broader picture, what do you seeing here is the pressure on the policy in a sore to, by the international community? the, into the posting authority is the governing parts of the occupied of westbank. and it has been said, they need to be full, they need to shake up the author or 2 to be able to play a role in the post $4.00 a scenario. of course, there are lots of things that need to, to change the as well. but also, the israeli government has said they are opposed to any of such role for the policy and authority in such a post work as a scenario. okay, tenure, i wanted to ask you as rails prime minister, been, you mean nothing. yahoo has presented this evacuation plan for civilians in the fall south of the gaza strip. full. a possible is really ground offensive that can you tell us about the reaction to this plan?
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or what has been a very short statement that was given out by the prime minister's office saying that the military had submitted these over creation plans to the war a cabin that's in a, for the areas of a fight to know. we know that's a problem needs to been, you mean to turn out and you said it again over the weekend and in an interview with an american network, he said it's necessary to have an offensive english offer uh for the as he describes the total victory over how much he said it over and over again and recent weeks. now it's unclear how and when and where the approximately 1400000 people that are showed in the area. many of them have been displaced num multiple times. i've been told by the military and the beginning of this war to move from the north towards the south where they would be a bacteria to now is there any unless you have said this would also take quite some
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time. and of course, we also heard from you monetary, in organizations from the united nations. they are very much concerned about it because of also his also the entry point for you when you turn at the already said is not enough. it coming in and you heard the un secretary general antonie with tears also say this would be a nail in the coffin of any humanitarian age operation in the gaza strip. tito is done yet came a reporting that from jerusalem. he is a quick reminder for you of our top stories today. germany has ruled out sending ukraine long range for us missiles, johnson, what i've tried said delivering the cruise missiles that keith has requested would risk throwing germany into the and, and reform is in brussels of dump tires and setting them a light looking access to new buildings the angry about you, environmental policies, rising costs and what they call on the competition, the blocks agricultural ministers discussing how to protect the for testers. and
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that's all we have time for coming up next level of visit the town and bangladesh. the office climate refugees, a new home the ground. so that if you can, i'm on youtube this weekend and thanks so much for watching dw, you have a lovely day. the
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search by the ancestors the people are celebrating the return of the belief bronze sculpture stolen during the colonial period by returning them. a final piece of their history. ann coulter also comes home. but when you say that it's not enough,
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the next on dw gone with the wind, revered to this day, 10 oscar films that made history milestones of cinematic arts. and how they changed the world, the news, 60 minutes on d w. the my name is elizabeth and i'm the calls back said, thank you so much for joining in. welcome to don't hold bad. a lot of people do
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that. it's all about saying it aloud. you guys would of being nosy. they like good everyone to ok. retiring into the market for i'm sorry, check out the award winning outcome. don't hold back the recovering identity. why the return to polluted cultural tricia is so key africa the in from the cold test holes of being saved from playing with some in things. some unusual methods, the and safe haven, a town in bangladesh provides refuge to those leading the effects of climate change . the
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