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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  February 27, 2024 9:00am-9:31am CET

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the, the, this is the w news, live cumberland, could european soldiers doing these, fighting in ukraine. presidents, a manual law. com is not pulling it out. the french leader purchased more military support for t that a conference in paris and says that europe must continue to do everything at 12 percent. russia from winning the war relief in sweden as hungry approves the country's nato accession. after almost 2 years of stalling, lawmakers felt overwhelmingly to support the decision plus hopes for a cease fire in size up us president joe biden says that he thinks it's jo between israel and thomas can be reached by next week in time for the muslims of the month
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of ramadan and the netherlands, braces for a verdict in the trial of the country's most violent drug cartel, the moroccan board, bring leader any more than a 1000. others are accused of a string of high profile murders the . i'm sarah kelly. welcome to the program. we begin in france, where president emmanuel, my con, says that nothing is off the table when it comes to stopping vladimir putin at a conference with ukraine's allies from around to europe. my phone even spoke about the possibility of deploying ground troops to make sure that russia does not win the war. now, the french leader also pledged increased the military support, including medium and long range missiles to show the unity from over 20 europe
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and leaders. post a manual mccomb said it was time to step up support for ukraine for its own sake and for the good of all its allies on the continent. it was the one that quoted showing the secret of the 5th the winter. i convinced that in russia's defeat, is essential for security and stability in europe. you. what's at stake right now is on the one hand, the war and ukraine, that's the meaning ukraine's ability to endure any new russian offensive, the old straits in the coming month. and as long as the lease, but also the ability of europeans to define the collective security people, is the this nipple hopeless thing. can we think connecting is mccaul even said, sending in ground forces wasn't out of the question. a point to the other leaders called the most heated discussion of the day they will get to the class and then there is no consensus right now about sending in ground troops. an official
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endorsed and sanctions amount of, but in reality, nothing should be ruled out. we will do whatever it takes to ensure that russia cannot win. this will also ski football, at least, you know, piece by giving you said the french president. so the most immediate priority was given ukraine. more medium and long range, missiles, france, and britain are already supplying the weapons. but germany says it will not be sending its tories missiles shown here. german chancellor, all off schultz told press before the conference that they post too much of a risk of dragging his country directly into war with russia to find german soldiers cannot at any point or any place be linked to targets that the system reaches. i've put these in, this clarity is absolutely necessary, but i'm amazed that it doesn't d motion. we move some testing that they don't even consider think that what we do now, i'm going to some extent lead to our participation in this war that's. that's good to me. whatever pledges were made at the parents meeting,
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ukraine says commitment does not constitute delivery. ukraine's defense minister said recently that half of the western military, a pledge to keys is delivered later than promised. earlier i spoke with the w political correspondent, matthew more about germany's position on president my call statement that europe should not will out sending ground forces to ukraine. it's well 0 gemini is terrified of doing anything that could look like being directly involved in this war. so is this to see this stage that germany is from the, against the idea of sending troops on those commons by and monroe, my home will have go along, bells ringing here. frankly, way back on may have conceded that there is no consensus and nothing should be ruled out for germans listening to this. it's really a dramatic escalation. germany has been been over by court for the past 2 years, not to be seemed to be directly involved, and this was a fear of triggering a way to conflict. and i think that will,
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what will also be done done badly in berlin or other comments made by president my phone, where he's a support alleged kind of paint, gemini, and he said, many people have said never, never to tanks. the said never, never to fight subjects, and the implication being that you are a need to should be ready to do whatever it takes ukraine for its parts. as of course, it desperately needs western support to cut down the losses it is incurring on the battlefields and, you know, just bring us up to date on the most recent debate in germany itself. why is the country so reluctant to send you crane the much needed torres missiles as well here in germany, we've known for many months the transfer on our schultz was again sending congress . but we had for the 1st time in his own words, why that is. and he said the unlike the french and riches cruised marseilles and my soles could not be programmed remotely. and it would require german soldiers operating a new queen. and he was not willing to raise the stakes and potentially have german
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forces. direct deposits for this war. know his critics, they do have me could arguably cleanings koreans on how to use the system and then on the move. but we need the bottom line is that he doesn't trust your cri not to use those weapons to hit targets inside russian territory and risk generally becoming a party or blamed foot foot foot for any casualties. how is the chances refusal to send the missiles being received in germany itself? what is the public think? actually the public is broadly align where with shots on this, it's kind of 5050 and recent polls, many really are deeply weary about doing anything that could escalate this conflict that concern germany and so direct target for russia. at the same time, political pressure is building the german coalition. government is that i, you did throw lawmakers from the greens and the free democrats with him shots, his social democrats on power. and they've come out in favor of sending taurus and not they've said as russian alpha not doing so is bizarre. and i think relation to
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the last 2 years say rest the shots from not really be pressured into a decision by lawmakers, but will probably ultimately make the call s. and when the united states schools flushed. matthew martin, berlin, thank you. almost 2 years ago. russia's full scale invasion of ukraine prompted historically neutral sweden to formerly apply for nato membership. now their 10th waiting period has come to an end. on monday hungry became the last member of the defense alliance to approve sweden's bed. the hunger is prime minister victor, all of them asked is parliament to deliver and they did resoundingly auto. so i will read out the results of the honorable parliament to pass the bill with $188.00 . yes. votes with 6 saying no, saw without any extensions. and summer sweden applied to join nato in may. 2022, prompted by russia's war and ukraine. hungry is government dragged its feet. turkey
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did as well, but over a month ago, turkey approved the swedish accession. now, with henry's decision, the last obstacle is removed. for a decade, sweden held off on joining nato with many swedes preferring to remain neutral. but after russia invaded ukraine, public opinion rapidly shifted to favor and joining the alliance rather than standing alone and a potential conflict against russia. sweden will now be the 32nd country in nato. reactions to the vote came fast. the thumb that has been a good day for sweden and it is security for our executive. hold them in the hall and all the parliaments and the nato countries have voted for sweden to join nato. and it's of course, historic day that we're witnessing the stories dog. the busy season brings in the a very capable uh, forces of 1st clause defense the industry on the
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street and spends a 2 percent of gdp on defense. adults will demonstrate start to naples store is open. uh uh, that's the preston to 10 did not succeed in his attempt to close dental store. there still a few parliamentary formalities, congress president must sign off on sweden succession. but that's expected to happen within a few days. and here's a look at some other stories and making headlines says, authorities in bolivia say that record rainfall has caused a devastating floods, forcing people from their homes, the northern city of cobia coast to purcell declared a red alert after a nearby river rose by up to 12 meters and mud slides swept away neighborhoods in the southeast. angry farmers paralyzed parts of brussels on monday. as protesters brought their demands and their tractors to the sidelines of a meeting of you,
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agricultural ministers, governments across the block have been trying to ease tension, but the agriculture industry. following weeks of demonstrations, us president joe biden says that he is hopeful that a cease fire deal for gaza can be reached by next week. talks are ongoing in cuts are aimed at securing a pause and fighting in exchange for the release of is rarely hostages. taken during the last her attacks on october 7th, and i was speaking to reporters in new york bite and said that an agreement was within reach. well, i hope to hear the week after the end of the week my, my not security advisor tells me that we're close because it's not done yet. my hope is why next monday but israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu has stressed that any let up in the fighting would only delay and not prevent his country's planned ground. assault on rasa. netanyahu's
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office says that the military has shown israel's war cabinet. it's planned for evacuating civilians from combat areas, but no details have been released on where those displaced people could actually go . these women and children among the victims of the user id is trying to get the ability in southern gaza. some survivors this to look for their loved ones, the families of the people who owned the house with their they were targeted with a miss. so there was a huge explosion on the building collapsed. we will cover the people including women and a child who was 7 years old. there also injured people including my sons, but i'm still looking for what i didn't get off or has come under v itself is riley
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bombardment. despite some 1400000 bullets teens seeking safety in the city is the rise credit to expand its girl defensive into rafa. has a spot global concern and does the rise allies have warned that it must protect civilians and it's better against the most militant group. all the ease valuable fillasy from the city would not only be terrifying for more than a 1000000 policy. you see really insulting. there you to put the final nail in the coffin of all would age programs according to you and it goes the amount of a deliveries has also decreased in recent weeks, mainly due to the regular closing of the crossing points and military operations. and i met in the and my son is supposed to have milk as a newborn b natural milk, a formula. but i wasn't able to get to milk because there's no book in gaza and the
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circumstances are tough. there's no milk and no food in garza. the sea and i can, i can see up into the jordan bed. it showed a much needed supplies into gaza on monday. but there is a still lots of a need for more humanitarian, a deliveries that's getting more now. we are joined here in the studio by middle east analyst shawnee. it was on us shiny. you know quite a lot of movement on the diplomatic front. tell us a little bit more about these negotiations for a cease fire and gaza and what sort of time table we could be looking at will be hearing a lot of, of back in the next couple of days. because the time crunch is really, you know, the president bite him was talking about hoping to get something by monday. that's because the saturday after that that's what enrollment on started. so the next week or so is by crucial will be hearing a lot of back and forth. you know, we need to keep in mind when we talk about this, the negotiation, not all sides are sitting on the same table. so we have negotiating
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a team that has the mediators, we have carter, we have each of them, obviously the americans, but israel and march, so not they are all the time, so they're coming back and forth. this morning we've been hearing publications, all sorts of international publications, talking about some progress, israel willing to release prisoners heavy what is called heavy prison, the high profile, which prisoners convicted for terrorism, which seemed to be in the red line so far. so that might be bring a breakthrough. on the other hand, we know that how much is very discontent with the fact. we're still talking about a true story with the story in on an end to, to reading, which is the main demand. so we'll be hearing a lot of back and forth need to take everything with a little salt of great and a grain of salt. and the next day is just it. it's going to take time out. but there's optimism and we're to israel's plans sound right now when it comes to um, an offensive on rough. uh, well it to now keeps pushing forward and it least publicly. it keeps saying that the is where the military is ready and get and pushing forward. but now it sees it
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as it's only basically leopards left to get the palestinians, the, the, the mot side to agree to concessions when it comes to negotiations. he know this is the last past whom is less enclave. left untouched by is really forces in not, not fully true, but it's still ground invasion and is not fully done there. and he feels like only by pushing and showing he's willing to push forward into all fall, he can make it be a, make it a maybe good concessions for home. also, china, you're going to stay with us, but we're 1st going to get a closer look at the situation in rough up because israel's military campaign in gaza to route out her mos has also been testing israel's relationship with its neighbor, egypt. israel in egypt have had peaceful relations for more than 40 years, and egypt has often mediated in conflicts in the region. but egypt is now also one of the many countries urging israel to halt round operations and plans and rasa. right down the border with egypt. it's rafa it's crammed with around 1400000 people,
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many displaced from other parts of the gods. a strip of conditions there are dire with shortages of food and water. the egypt has warned against them as rarely grind defensive. they're saying it would result in more civilian casualties. egypt has had peaceful relations with israel since a peace treaty was signed between the 2 countries in 1979. our club, but a gypsy and president of delphi to of c. c has been a vocal in his condemnation of his rails operations in its war against thomas thought as though with display scoggins. having nowhere else to go, it could lead to intense pressure on them to escape the enclave into egypt. cyanide peninsula, a situation cairo once to avoid egypt along with several other arab countries. fair israel wouldn't allow them to return onto the terms of the 1979 peace treaty the
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cyanide peninsula. and the guys that border are 18 minutes arrived zone. since the october 7th attacks, egypt has been beefing of border security with more troops of the gods of frontier with his riley consent. egypt also appears to be building $84.00 to $5.00 area there. cairo has for the past decade already being creating a massive buffer zone as part of it security, coordination with these rail. part of that has been the destruction of tunnels from its territory into gaza, which were used for smuggling. another issue testing relations between the 2 countries is a narrow demilitarised strip of land that separates egypt and gaza, known as the philadelphia car door. a suggestion by is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu, that he wanted israel to take control of the car door,
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has angered cairo. this elusive method lease is up the most despite the current tense relations between egypt and israel. any attempt by cairo to walk away from its peace accord with these rail could prove very costly. egypt economy is struggling and it would risk losing the billions of dollars of usaid it receives as part of the 1979 crazy. that spring and dw shiny was honest, who was still with us here in the studio and, and really can't be under stated how important the situation in rossa is for the egyptians. right? correct. i mean that's been the red line. they've been drawn from the 1st day, and the concern is so great that we've actually late yesterday learned that the is really to for the military. and these really you've had, have seen that the secret service has. they've visited egypt. it's a very rare occasion last week to sort of ease some of the tension and the fear that the directions have that once there's a breach of the border, israel and egypt is flooded. bypass any refugees. first of all, they are afraid this would be a not a temporary solution, but
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a permanent one. and that will bring the war closer to garza to egypt at doorstep. and there's also mountain pressure from within on a c, c. there's a lot of solidarity among the egyptian people who wants to see more help and more aid been brought to the palestinians and seems himself is quite reluctant because it's always the fear of helping him off and bringing him us into god, into egypt and territory. and that's basically muslim brotherhood the same. it's an offshoot of them was the brotherhood was a movement. he's been pushing very strong against egypt. strongly can you give us a sense? i mean the holy month of ramadan is approaching. everyone is talking about ramadan, approaching him. you know what is going to happen then? why is that such a big factor just just walk us through how that is coming into the is really calculation in terms of how and when it decides to move forward with that certainly is real. says we're not gonna take care and we don't, we're going to, we're ramadan because we were attacked on october 7th. that was a jewish holiday. so the palestinians, they have mazda, have decided itself to sort of reach the understanding of respecting religious or
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holidays. however, it's quite clear from the international communities perspective, also from israel itself, when it looks at what's happened with it. and we would add as realize, living in israel, we looked into the west bank, the operating in cost of doing while we're done with bring probably more tensions in other fonts connected to israel. and that might be too much ways real to bear. and also for, you know, for the sake of the whole international community, everybody wants to find some sort of relief. we've seen the terrible things happening and god so the numbers are unbelievable the suffering the need for you many terry in a roman and he seems to be like at the close enough reasonable solution that can help all sides to kind of climb down from their high demand climb down, you know, do a letter to go down from there to high trees and say, okay, this is time. it's been going too long too far. let's take a break down. the middle east. analysts johnny rose on us. probably not. the last conversation we'll be having this week about the situation. thank you. so you're welcome sir. and that was my speaking with shawnee
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a bit earlier in the program in the netherlands is meantime, racing for a highly anticipated verdict in the trial of what was once the country's most wanted suspect. prosecutors charge that a moroccan born drug cartel leader. and more than a dozens of his accomplices carried out a string of murders and attempted murders. the victims include an investigative journalist, helping provide information and the case to read the one talked to the alleged leader of the monk. cro mfc a crime gang. the case against him and 16 of those relates to 6 mothers and the number of of the attempted. murder is the does. prosecution service has demanded life sentences to 6 of the game in a trial, one lawyer described as the most toxic in the history of the netherlands, of our phone has gained increased international attention off to the high profile mother of the famous investigative journalist p to odd the breeze,
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he had been supporting the prosecutions key witness in the case a form, a gang member who was providing information about the mafia organization that witnesses, lawyer and brother have also be much perceived as an attempt to silence him over the 6 years of the trial nearly everyone connected to this case has had to be placed under police protection lawyers, judges witnesses and family members. while this case focuses on the mode as they committed democracy mass, you are alleged to be a significant part in your, of the global trade in drugs. and dogs, especially through the port of rough to them, the verdict is being built as a major movements adjust this in the netherlands, but also for the international fight against organized crime. so let's get more on that. we are joined from amsterdam by dw corresponding jack parents. we just heard their jack, the netherlands, former most one of the suspect is facing judgment today. what did it take for the
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judge, dutch justice system, excuse me, and the fight against organized crime to get to this point a. yeah, it's been a huge case, this cetera, over 6 years, where as we've heard there's been a number of mode as people related to the k, witness the crime witness. in this case, he was a member of the monk chrome. i see a guy who turned against the game to give information to the prosecution service. and he indeed interesting the within this case will also be delivered a verdict against him for his actions. but the 17 people, including the drug kingpin midway ontology, they will be delivered that verdicts today, many of them will not attend the court, but rather will be given that verdict in upstanding share, this is such a complicated spooling and difficult case, which has really changed the image of the netherlands from
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a sort of place for sleeping in progressive country to receiving accusations of being a non co stage with so much drugs on organized crime coming through the port overall . saddam, this is a really significant day for justice in the netherlands today. to what extent is the group still operating in the netherlands? that's a good question. i've stations with a lot of different legal experts in criminal experts in the netherlands. and they say that this case has really froze in the ability of the mount cro mfc again to operate. but there are simply many more of the gangs that is being willing to sit in that shoes. there's an interesting kink in this case that shows how it can be on prime. they all the monk right mass. yeah. and that is the rid of ontology, had a lawyer who was representing him, and she actually has not been convicted of giving information between him and his crime guidance, right? this case, i'm a news actually waiting a waiting, a sentence. forbes,
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to us in the course of justice by doing so. where do i talk to you is held in an isolated cell fall from everyone in order to try to prevent him from continuing the control. he has all of his crime game that is still on the streets. it's hard to understand how complex and high violence this case is being every single person, because like you've just seen behind me, the drivers of those cause a wearing loss to try and obscure the identity in case any members of the game or what to investigate this case is, wow, very, very complex and frankly because so many people to be murdered. so right it. okay. um just how it just briefly. i mean, it's believe that rado on tag also ordered the murder of a very prominent journalist in the country, but this is not part of the case. why is that the case of israel as of research this famous investigative journalist that was working with crime witness? that is a separate case. that is how does
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a huge set of trials and tribulations of its own. we are expecting that to really get moving again that case in his mother towards the end of this month. jeff parents joining us from amsterdam. thank you. a quick reminder now of our top story, the french president, the manual, my phone has hinted that it might be necessary to deploy european round forces in ukraine speaking at a you pray, a conference. he said that it was essential to prevent russia from winning the war, and that's nothing to the table without us. president joe biden says that he thinks that a ceasefire can be reached in the us up by next week. in time for the muslim totally month of ramadan talks are ongoing between israel and mos aimed at securing a positive friday. next the environment show, he saw africa looks at efforts to improve urban air quality, continues. capital nairobi. stay with us for that. thank you for watching
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the ego africa. ruby's ear is still key and it's making people say it's important for us to begin collecting this data to be able to compare it and see whether there's any health impact. and this little device as opposed to how we quoted these a low cost of $42.00 more utah does it more the co advocate next on d, w. one farmers battle against a german energy joining an r w d. sold peruvian homeland is being threatened by climate change and police are
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melting, is making it worse. so lawsuit against r w e, one of the world's biggest c o 2 emitters symbolizes his fight against all climate defenders. and winning could change the world to stop. in 45 minutes on d w, the nice to be at the end just to pass the gun any difficult to access an expedition ventures on to places that no one has the data. why is the i smelled the design of the research in the i
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c d, w the how can we improve lice in a cities with more and more people across africa and around the globe moving to other areas? this question has never been more important. i am sandra co homes, a 3 know do a writing comp. hello. welcome to yet another exciting edition of equal africa. and i, chris who lives in legal side to re up on the show today will look at how we could clean up all cities making life better for ourselves and our environment.


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