tv In Good Shape Deutsche Welle February 27, 2024 12:30pm-1:00pm CET
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to see if it's widespread races, depression, today, history. we need to talk about the stories, shadows of german colonialism. the let me tell you something, folks, my life could be so simple. if it works well, these darn adults, mom and dad are ok. they just want me to be healthy, the ground wants to dictate when i sleep, the neighbor knows exactly what i should be eating. and he says a stricter upbringing will be good for me. and the guy on the tip top goes on and on about my optimal work out. who should i believe? what's fact, what's fiction? some adults out there must have some answers. maybe the ones on in good shape. the
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parents are often told that too many cuddles can school that baby and turn it into a demanding monster. it does a baby good to be left to cry now and then not just theory. as i knew the entry key, this is sort of idea of the parents who responded and try to pick up the babies tablet and told them she'll guilty to come and be the best find sort a baby that's crying next to become physics. and parents need to think about what somebody can have crying, what's wrong and react accordingly. instead of the again, newborn babies have all different ways of communicating. one of the things they can't do right after they're born a smile. they can't talk so that they can let you know how they're feeling. and one
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of the ways they let you know how they're feeling is that they cry. nancy stone has been a midwife to 21 years. she knows exactly what babies need and often has to clear out misunderstandings about infant health and diet. many parents think that honey on a pacifier will help calm the baby. that's a missed that you should give a baby under one year old honey, whether it's putting it on the pacifier or putting it on your finger. might think that you're doing something good for your baby, but it's actually very toxic. in one extend i came to the area and how many and made most of it because i couldn't make a babysitter. and because it's a meal system is less developed a, b, b. i mean, it can be to go to nelson, head coming face to face the invoice under a year old should never be given honey yankee. the new born baby has a stomach no bigger than a cherry to me. it smoke $8.00 to $12.00 times every 24 hours. that should also drink water. that's the question. parents often ask, especially in hot weather,
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easy, you know, trying to buy babies for guessing and is solid for you. it's in the 1st few months shouldn't drink to show out. and even when it's hot milk isn't not leaving. we don't have to get to the baby could just nurse more often will be given the fossil on the latest. when i input, i start getting solid food as 5 by 6 minus i can drink closer with it, said neil of the day and get a bit more horse when it's hot. my me, i've asked lisa, when a baby is eating process 8. parent still needs to be careful about foods like fish, peanuts and eggs which can trigger a legit reactions. some parents wonder if the best avoided altogether. he says in the heavens, avoid it. giving the babies anything of the 1st year of a christian horse allergies match these days that's considered non send these names . it's actually important to have babies, fish,
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and not the examples good enough for the whole not so obviously at an early stage because it reduces the risk of adage which i think by 6 months most babies achieving which can be painful. but kind of cool is a fever which and babies is anything above 38.5 degrees celsius. when a baby gets and gets its teeth, it's not cutting through bone. it's not really cutting through anything. so we don't have to imagine that it's in any kind of terrible pain. now it could be that a baby gets a slight rise and the temperature. but if your baby is really getting a fever, when it's teasing, please bring your baby to a doctor and that it got checked. teasing does not cause high fevers. it's a common misapprehension that newborns can't see anything. in fact, they can make out lights and duck even in when when level and they can see they just don't have much ability to focus. a newborn baby opens is or her
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eyes after it's born. and there's this very intuitive distance that parents can just feel that they seem to hold their baby. and it's right here. and at that distance, a baby can see all of the structures of mom or dad's face. and those are populous areas, not listening to classical music. makes these more intelligent beside code, mozart's effect, some parents even play music to that unborn babies. and then when you, the parents hope that they play mutually today, i'm going to say these cell benefit from the bird sizing fixed. but this has been disproven by listening to music does not like babies small as on me so. but plenty of love and attention from the parents does make babies small to adult, cypress, the embassy and social skills and major life. so cutoff do help make babies happy,
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unintelligence, that's not just a misconception. in turkey, young children are often allowed to behave how they want in china, discipline, success and respect are emphasized in the us misbehaving. kids might be sent to their rooms or given time outs in the media, the parents of disobedient children frightened them with ghost stories. there are different views on parenting all over the world, but one thing is pretty universal. almost everywhere, parents use rewards to entice their children a new parent to type reward system. this woman's announcing her new parenting tips about rewards on tick tock. the idea behind it is simple award your child stars or points perfectly havior. when they accumulate a certain number, they'll get a reward. so they'll make more of an effort, right? the ship? sure motivation can be developed through we're warranted us. we find this in the
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animal kingdom. animals that are rewarded with the food alter their behavior to be rewarded, more authentic. it's a very strong learning factor or less send for children to really motivate them to perform the reward his behavior again. or if he does the time that children can count on being rewarded when they follow the rules is something being learned in grade school. teacher, human fingers, people's receive color, full glass pebbles for good behavior. then there is the weekly weather chart. kids whose name is on the lightning bolt risk having their parents called in those on the sun, get a sticker. this is this team from submit. the system only works if you perform it consistently. it if you only do it sporadically, sometimes this way sometimes that then kids no longer take it seriously me on a puzzle 5 the introduce it early starting in 1st grade to so please come to kids. and if i do it really consistently,
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that's all the pedals i place correctly by friday so that they get their reward by monday. then it works really well. for substance abuse assessment, the children voided glass pebbles for good teamwork. the group fills up their test to 1st enjoys advantages in class. as i can get to a system coordinated eclipse, exciting a little reward and a sticker that can pick out themselves from the sticker box, and they stick it on their pencil case or take it home sometimes for their siblings . and they're really proud of that. them and them since is as both call because the rewards aren't supposed to be nearly payments for bribes. those who are doing them out cooked to cause lasting change and the receivers behavior in school or at home professor, whom you young ava, spot explains. she conducts research into developmental psychology at the university of castle 15 and the individual children understand the meaning of the reward when it follows right after the behavior,
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then it's very clear i'm being rewarded for something. i've just done rewards that only occur in a distant future aren't as effective, saying do that. and we'll go to the zoo at 3 is from now it doesn't have the strong motivational character of a reward on getting right away. and parents accomplish this best with a reward for things that are voluntary, not compulsory. does that mean they should only reward behaviors that aren't self evident as mendoza, he should warrant every kind of behavior because the children are often in a dream was equally motivated. they want to do something because it's fun. if they're rewarded for this, they can actually lower this motivation and then they'll only do it for the reward . one of these is, biological families have to decide for themselves what they believe, merits a special reward. babies rarely sleep for long stretches. infancy is a stressful phase for parents. newborn's have to learn rhythms as they grow older.
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it can get harder to put kids to bed. so how much sleep does a child need anyway? at least is 10 years old. in the evening, she watches a tv show with his parents, and he brushes his teeth and goes to bed. soon he's back to sleep and that's good because children need more sleep than adults getting this extra sleep is vital. especially for the developing brain which processes the huge amount of information that took in during the day. important neural connections are formed and strengthened, making kids smarter literally overnight. sleep is also vital for growth because the brain releases growth hormone during deep sleep. the or m e s. kids, the less sleepy needs as a 6 year old 11 hours was perfect at 12. you can probably get by with 9 hours or 2
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hours less but every child is different. some need more sleep. others need less than 10 hours of shy, and leon as well rested and fit for school to get there on time. he has to get up at 6 30 am. that means he should be in bed by 830 at night. sweet dreams are getting enough. sleep is also key to being able to pay attention at school. but some children have difficulty concentrating. they might have poor grades or off and get into trouble. some are diagnosed with adhd and receive medication. but being able to concentrate can be trained in playful ways or is this is what's known as a marble concentration training session. at times it's loud at others quiet.
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it's teams. 3rd time here. he's 7 years old and it's been diagnosed with a d h d. the 1st grader finds it hard to concentrate in class, like most of the other kids here. the training is supposed to help them succeed despite their difficulties. you know, dog is about the nation. whenever i see cool things i want to play with them. yeah . movie downloaded dish be in color just i can't concentrate. so one school when someone talks to me like my friend and then and when other people are talking that often distracts me. i pay attention for 75 minutes. that's with these kids learn to do here. once a week after school are placed into small groups, they're supported by psychologist abundance much implies pick up the pencil and go down one square, i'm christian on. in this exercise,
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one child instructs the others go up 3 squares. each child must listen carefully and work precisely. the coaches constantly ask them if they've understood the assignment. i think this is a little like soccer training. we train taking shots on goal a 100 times so that in a game situation, the ball goes in and i'm using the, as with sock or you just have to do it, do it, do it things. so that's why we repeat things a lot and praise them a lot because we noticed that many kids have little self confidence when they come to us on their minds tend to wander and their criticize a lot. so we actively work against as during training and will keep and keep looking here the learn helpful tricks like having inter switch between attention and relaxation. whoever completes their tasks earns points a big motivation. actually it's not strenuous here at all. it's even fun, fast. as i'm here to say, i like it and it helps me to for more than 25 years,
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my board concentration training has been used to treat kids between the ages of 5 and 14. it's designed to offer an alternative to medication implement this method is now used throughout germany. most importantly, it recognizes every child strength as okay, those are the children have an incredible capacity for learning that doesn't. that's what completely amazes us sometimes. or do i like with a child who was here today? if i didn't get at 1st, we thought well with this training be enough. and suddenly they're sitting there and we have the impression. this child will be wonderful to work with. so the kids can improve in leaps and bounds to the terms of money to the right. now the coaches have their hands full since the pandemic, and many more children have experienced problems in school attention deficit. disorders alone have risen by close to 30 percent. kind of perfect,
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that type of popular decisive factor is whether the child wants to work with us. so the relationship aspect is incredibly important. in a moment, the child is receptive to our method. we stand a good chance is not 100 percent. we're not living in dreamland. so i won't say this method can change everything. we also have non responders, children who don't respond to the training. but these kids have finished to their task on collecting points and showing that they can concentrate for 75 minutes. their efforts are duly rewarded. that's part of the marble concentration training program to with minds about fines bounced technology that's like dw signs is now on take talk. what do be funny? why do gravitational ways that that is when the people begin getting high and
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laughing gas out of the drums boogie to the beads. and what's the perfect kid football find? find the on says, gets most c w science. oh, new tick, tock, channel, or not a single country does enough for the health of its children and young people. that's the devastating conclusion breach and report issued by the w h. o and doing assess in some places, poverty and hunger place huge roles worldwide. 200000000 children under 5 mountain during which starts development and others. kids are parted with ads for products harmful to their health. the w h o says that adds for sugar sealed drinks and fast food are partly responsible for a rise in obesity in miners. and what's more about 80 percent of all children don't get enough exercise sitting on the couch playing with their cell phones or
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video games. this is what it looks like and many households these days, lying around instead of moving around. and that has side effects, as far as if i see that quite a lot. i'm a primary school teacher and we're seeing lots of children with injuries. and lots who are out of shape cannot be kind of going through. and it's a familiar story for reporter county up on. so she has 3 children over row. the youngest still goes to tennis practice, but the 2 older ones do no sports to do. it says no problem with being a couch potato. no, they used to play tennis as well, but then gave it up this i saw this thing i just think, oh no exercise. i don't feel like it right now at school. it's fun. but i don't know. i don't even feel like walking over to any kind of activity or practice. actually, i don't know anyone who does any support at all. fod. cloutier tries to encourage your children to be more active,
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but it isn't easy. should these all say as much there's no one i'm going to take the dogs for a walk. who's coming? cut me a dark. i don't want to. i don't have any time. i have to get my hot dog and do my homework. shovel. honestly, i didn't expect any other answer and could audio bundles, family isn't the only one for the 2nd time. researchers in 57 countries studied how much exercise children and youth, so getting yolanda, dimitri, you headed the german study. the results were shocking. the children and young people should get at least 60 minutes of exercise per day. just 30 percent did. as a result, the number of overweight children is growing latavia because we see the serious impact of them when they're adults. as children, they manage more or less. but later they develop huge problems. diabetes will be the number one disease in the coming years and a sedentary lifestyle is the 5th largest risk factor for premature death. to see
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todd even towards the research here says the human body needs to move to stay healthy. yet teacher anya heard us here, says children are going outdoors, less and less money, just sit around inside most viewed magazine. we need much more exercise in school. we need well trained gym teachers and gym must be the 1st class. cancel independence. we rely on the parents because they are responsible for the children suffering and physical education. of course, we try to encourage it as best we can by the time. but there is also need to go outside with their children. and instead of driving them, let them walk to school. claudia bundle is leading by example. she's made a deal with her kids exercise and exchange for screen time. maybe it might even help them to rediscover the joy of an active life style. babies have a need to move on,
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they should under supervision of course by the age of 4 to 5. they can get going with sports like gymnastics, trained to the entire body, as well as reading and concentration or martial arts which foster strikes, but also self confidence. pulling just as respect, swimming makes you strong, improves motor skills and breathing awareness, dance and valet tone muscles and help kids with flexibility, fine motor skills and body control. what don't overdo it, young joints, tendons and bones are still developing. the main thing is to have fun. remember your arms are out front, then push them back and down and your arms come forward again. we'll practice that today. learning to swim the right way for 20 years. there's children sports school in strauser and has been teaching kids how to have fun in the pool. 8 year old,
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the lena is practicing her daughter the you know, it's really cool here. learning how to swim, learning from the pros, you know what kids want. because what's most important is kids learn the most from people they like. that's really the way to reach can was to engage with them and give them the feeling you're taking them seriously. one is an appointment in the evening can already right around on her pool. noodle training is offered for different ages and ability levels. volunteers like google around him to assist. so because of this is so nice, let's do it again there and that kids can do more than swim at this children. sports school over 500 take part in sports at this gym. in the afternoons. there were a training sessions for small groups,
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like people who don't just stand by the sidelines, but spring into action themselves. what's special about the children sports school? what does that we really teach kids the basic line, so not just a certain sports discipline, like track and field or soccer. we're trying to introduce children to all the areas of teach them the basics. so the afterwards they can design for themselves. i live 1952 things. i'm thinking that maybe i'll be a track athlete or a software player for a valued answer by today for the open at 10 sir. that way kids can decide for themselves what they like best. because if they like a sports, they're likely to keep doing it because we're here for the 1st time to check out the training. we've registered this morning to and it looks like my daughter likes it. and i like it to. it's super that kids can get this kind of support here and can you in chicago? and that encourages kids to try new things. so much better somersault,
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for example. i could already do it a little on the trampoline, but i practiced to hear a lot to me and lee our fence to unlike that you can try lots of stuff out there. you can also get to know new people and maybe make friends even babies can become members here. the sports club aims to attract as many children as possible. and they're happy to come here because it's just a lot of fun. fun is the best way for children to learn what's good for their health. and fun. starts with the right ideas. normally, kids come here to run, climb and jump around. for today, this playground has morphed into a dentist's office. so let's have
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a look at your teeth. you're doing great. noah is having a check up in the make shift dentist office when things look pretty good. on 1123, baby teeth in zone. otherwise they were all good. i think. hello, these my children come to the container to have their teeth clean before hand dentist show not to your enter team at age them about oral hygiene. how should you brush your teeth? what's the dental floss for? when should i visit the dentist and how to explain things in a playful way? as it's good to me is a little weird because i've never seen a dentist like the playground before. plastic easy. but yeah, it's nice and this. sure. and what do you like about it does here? everyone, so nice here and there. cool things you're going to include is all about should cause their toys and it's nice for me. uh, i like it more now. once a week from march through october, the team sets up in different playgrounds,
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along with their visits to schools. it's a playful and pressure free way to get children used to seeing the dentist. that's as of them, it's an additional offer. and the children here are really interested in finding out what's happening with their teeth. they come and start brushing and then ask the question that it's learning by doing, ending by doing many of these inner city kids don't go to the dentist regularly. some have only ever had their teeth checked at school. during the pandemic, even that didn't happen. the results are now visible for the cause of your lots of cavities, especially in the back of the between the kids tend to brush more upfront than in the far back corner. so the 1st motors of the teeth that are most frequently affected by c, i'm hope you some of the rest of the toughness of after his checkup. no, i get some tips for his trip to the real dentists office. if there are sounds there that you don't want to hear, take your favorite music along, put in your ear buttons and listen to your favorite tunes and he won't hear the bouncing at all. visiting the dentist,
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the one farmer's title against the german energy julian r. w. d. souls, peruvian homeland is being threatened by climate change and police are melting, is making it worse. so lawsuit against r. w e, one of the world's biggest c o. 2 emitters, symbolizes his fight against all climate defenders. and winning could change the world to stop. in 15 minutes on the double you shift your guides to life and attention to explode. the latest
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online trend, navigate your way through the digital jungle global perspective. we'll video guide and show you what's possible. you decide what really matters to you. in 45 minutes on the w, the little guy. this is the 77 percent of the platform offices. you see issues picture, right? you know, on this channel we are not afraid to pass and then he did talk to young people clearly have distribution the future of the 77 percent. every weekend on dw,
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the race has long begun. later when we look back, we recognized at all, that's the moment when everything changed. it's all about tillman and in the age of artificial intelligence, in 5 years is going to literally be china. the us to control the technology that will shape the future of humanity. we may only find out, you know what the harms and and malign uses as a weapon against democracy or when it is too late. smotts new road, z a i race stuff, march 16th on dw, the
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this is the w a news life from balance. could european soldiers soon be facing in ukraine? president, the value of my call is not rooting it out. the front seat of pledge as more military support for keith, a conference in paris, and says you're must continue to do everything. get counted for bed. prussia from winning the war. also coming up on the program, hopes for a safe spot and gaza us president joe biden. says he thinks the deal between israel and come up can be reached by next week in time. and the muslim, hiding the month of ramadan and sentenced to life behind the.
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