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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  February 28, 2024 12:00am-12:16am CET

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the, the, this is dw news live from berlin. germany's chancellor rules out sending western ground troops to ukraine. olaf shoulds joins several other european leaders and down playing the idea after french president emanuel and my call signal that european n nato troops could be needed to fight russia. also on the program, polish farmers, crowd the capital, warsaw to protest easy restrictions. and the influx of cheap imports from neighboring ukraine. prime minister associates on their side, and they impose new embargoed and german police detained a 65 year old woman after 30 years on the run. done yet accept uh as
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a suspected member of the red army faction, the leftist militant groups that terrorized west germany in the seventy's and eighty's the i'm on east of welcome to the program. we started with mixed messages from western leaders over the sending of ground troops to ukraine, after french president emanuel my call signal that he would be willing and fairy to put boots on the ground as a last resort, several of francis allies pushed back german chancellor, olaf shoulds, as well as other european leaders, and the white house said that would not be an option. us back in germany, from his meeting with the leaders in west and the officials in paris. johnson, the olaf schultz reiterated his thoughts on the support for ukraine and its defense against russia. the trudy october, but this good kid we obviously discussed,
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we used to arrange for the support of stipend data by it's not enough for a very good debate. we decided that what was agreed from the outset, desktops also applies to the future on to and on the, on the done on the task, at least for mis. namely that there will be no ground troops at least us as kind to know soldiers on ukrainian, sorry to stop. and i'll send there by european countries or need those states some stop and the from not the stop and alternative sick patton. this puts in the odds with french president to manual macro, who raised eyebrows during the meeting when he said that the option of pushing boots on the ground to new crane should remain open as well. there is no consensus to do to send ground troops get an official endorsed and sinks in minutes. but in dynamic terms, nothing should be rolled out with the sudden mi, on demand, we will do whatever it takes to ensure that drug she cannot vin. this was the hope of could, at least, you know,
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piece by getting instead of the leaders have been quick to react. spain it's lee the u. k. poland, nato. and the you are paying commission have on the line, so they have no pounds to send ground troops to crane reset or renew this commitment of the kremlin has responded by saying that if you are p, a nato members decide to send troops to ukraine, direct conflicts between russia and nato would become inevitable. frances, now back pedaling and clarifying president my calls remarks. so why did he make them in the 1st place? we put that question to dw, corresponded then to get the coin tended, with this confidence to take the lead into your pin discussion and on the defense stretch of g for ukraine. you also wanted to showcase the t all you repeat as it should replace the united states when it comes to train aid. because the danger of code that after maybe donald trump gets back the presidency in the us,
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that the end of us will re retreat from, from the support at all. so that process purpose and nicole loves to provoke who has some intellectual challenges. i would say he did that in the past, and he did it again about his defense minister sebastian, look on a tried to water down the whole issue a little bit. he said, if you and looking into the i have an enemy, you keep all your options, you don't say you exclude any options that includes of cause ascending fluids. you have to be aware that that has to be a kind of a strategic and be could be good t salesman's of farmers have rallied in the polish capital, warsaw to protest against the use agricultural policies. the demonstrations are part of a bigger wave of opposition that swept across europe over the past few weeks. high
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costs competition and you environmental regulations are some of the farmers biggest concerns in poland. they're particularly angry about cheap imports from ukraine. tens of thousands of farmers took to the streets of also bringing the grievances straight to the government to the t. yeah, the pool and squanders are the needs of greenville for the seas which effectively meet that's production possible fondest hep increase that they have to meet those 12 and emissions target. but metro fee and the care is directed as ukrainian agricultural to its properties that's making its way into the port is small kids driving prices down from let's say they're getting less revenue from sales of the produce at the time when production costs around the rise and they claim that the
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government's pledge to the green deal is hypocritical. the, on the one hand we are buying from using the best design. and on the other hand, we import food products that have been treated with products are banned in europe for 20 years. we are not against export, send imports, but it must be controlled. poland must not lose out. and the published government must receive money for transit. the pharmacy pro choose from the navy. ukraine is flooding the polish market and creating onset competition. during a meeting with fellow eastern european leaders in prague, publish prime minister donald tusk. express sympathy for the farm is postcard, which in we i'm about to go out of those ok bullen men, dentist, embargo on ukrainian green things go. we've gone through loud as i knew that it
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would be necessary to expand the embargo to other products. the european union does not find more effective ways to protect the european on the and polish markets from mississippi in protesting and several e u. countries in recent weeks sharing many of the same complaints about on the pricing and the limitations of the green deals. it is a growing movement, the institutions and governments could no longer afford to ignore. and here's a look now at some other a global headlines to ukraine's president. the letter is lensky has travelled to saudi arabia to promote his peace plan for ending russia's invasion. he met with saw the crown prince mohammed have been psalm on to discuss the return of ukrainian prisoners of war. we at has previously acted as a mediator and prisoners swaps between ukraine and russia. a jury in new york has
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found 2 men guilty of the 2000 to murder of hip hop pioneer, jason moselle, better known as jam master jay, of the group. run dmc. the men convicted were one of his, those childhood friends and his god. some prosecutor say the 2 killed the run dmc founder and the dispute is over a cocaine distribution deal. lufthansa, airline ground staff, are expected to go on a 3 day strike across germany. starting wednesday, labor union very called industrial action as a wage dispute. escalades with the german airlines. the union has already held to one day strikes this month. the jordanian military has released footage showing king abdullah 2nd helping an air crew drop aid packages over the gaza strip . 6 cargo aircraft including 3 from jordan to pardon, near drop, which delivered food and other aid items. jordan says abdul participated in similar error operations earlier. this one, the militant group of moss,
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which committed the october 7th attacks, has down played hopes of an early cease fire and gaza after us present, and joe biden expressed hope that a truce could be agreed as early as next week. almost both person said the group had not received any new proposals from guitar, egyptian, or us mediators. israel has said that any let up in the fighting would only be temporary and that a ground operation in the southern gaza city of rafa is the only way to eliminate homos fighters suspected to be hiding their of these women and children are among the victims. 2 after it is rarely or strike to the building in southern goza, some survivors are still looking for their loved ones. they were targeted with a miss. so there was a huge explosion in the building collapsed. we recovered people including women and
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a child who was 7 years old. there also injured people, including my sons. israel has been carrying out their strikes and rafa for weeks, despite some 1400000 palestinian seeking safety in the city. israel says it's ground invasion, a for alpha is inevitable. it's convinced how mosque leaders are hiding there and that it's necessary to push into rafa to achieve at school of eliminating the group . but international organizations, warren, such an advance would have catastrophic implications for civilians. they're all to you is valuable. fantasy of on the city would not only be terrifying for more than a 1000000 policy. you know. see, really insulting. there you to put the final nail in the coffin of all would age programs a according to un speakers, the amount of a delivered in recent weeks has decreased mainly due to the regular closures of
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crossing points and military operations. the drop in aid comes amid the deepening hunger crisis across the territory, and i met in the unless i'm supposed to have milk as a newborn, be natural milk or formula. but i wasn't able to get to milk because there's no milking garza and the circumstances are tough. there's no milk and no food and gossip. the sea and i can forward and here, shoot much needed supplies into gauze on monday. but many fear the 8 system could collapse entirely, is rarely ground troops entered last limited refuge for palestinians in garza. now to the rest of a 65 year old woman here in berlin that has sent shock waves across germany. german newspaper bills reported that the woman's neighbors knew her as claudia,
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but she actually, she was actually daniel excite to whose been on the run for decades. as i suspected, member of a far left milton group that terrorized west germany during the 19 seventy's and eighty's. then you like led to, had been in hiding for more than 30 years. she belonged to the left wing extremist group, the red army faction. now the suspected form a terrorist has been arrested in a police department, isn't visual with certain that the person, the rest of this, then he left left to what we have been living on the ground for 30 years. and this ends a man hunting that has been going on for almost 9 years. thread on the section was founded in the spring of 1917 by under the, as bought. i was thinking, mind move and go to humans. the, the common goal to change the political system, even through violence. for more than 20 years, a terrorist organization fought against what they viewed as west them and these imperialist system. the all right, you have committed 34 murderous, numerous bank robberies and phonics, more than 200 people were in to doing
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a tax blamed on the group in april 1998 b r a f announced dissolution. many of the terrorist groups crime says student not being solved, federal police, us do searching for suspected already. you have members accused of attempted murder and robbery as focused out on you like clifton book. i got the most of this have been wanted for us, or toast mackenzie new terrace can never feel safe, not even after 30 years, not even after such a long time. and our security authorities are highly professional and always able to track down in every hand terrorists even after a long time to be on even how tough to the following. the rest of them he left left to the 2nd person whose identity has not been released was also arrested and connected with the man hunt dw, put them correspond, and julia sel. daddy told me about how the rest came about. we heard from
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investigators that this came about because of a tip off that they received back in november, which led to further investigations into the case until the arrest happens today. and we also might want to note that in the last few weeks and months, the investigators had put out a 150000 euro, a prize in money for whoever would come forward with information that would lead to interest. and that might have led also to the tip off, but we've heard from investigators that they arrested a daniela can collect the in her apartment in berlin, that she did not pose any resistance that she had with her a 4 and forged passport with false information on her identity on it, we heard that she was arrested and taken to a jail in northern germany where she was put forward 6 arrest warrants for serious robbery and that her identity was confirmed through fingerprints. as of
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next is the dw program choices, this time a woman fighting for a place in the male dominated world of hip hop? i'm, i mean, he says thanks for watching dw, the do these do for fun vide, do gravitational wave squeeze out, buddy. how do i the drums for the test page, and what's the perfect kid for approx side? find the on says get with dw signs. don't need picked up channel. is not the life i want. i don't like the copier. it was so much logging full that ours and so forth through like.


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