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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  February 28, 2024 2:00am-2:16am CET

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the, the, this is the w. news, lived from berlin, germany's trensler rules out defending western ground troops to ukraine. all off shoulders joined several other european leaders and down playing the idea after french president emanuel and mccall signal that european n nato troops could be needed to fight russia. also on the program, the story behind one of the many tie nationals kidnapped moss terror attack. we meet the worried mother of the migrant workers, still held hostage in gauze that she hopes her son will join the for ty hostages, already released and german police detain
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a 65 year old woman after 30 years on the run. then you look such a is a suspected member of the red army faction left his militant groups that terrorized west germany in the nice and seventy's and a the i'm only in ease of welcome to the program. we start with mixed messages from western leaders over sending ground troops to ukraine after french president emmanuel and mccall signal that he would be willing and siri to put boots on the ground. as a last resort, several of francis allies pushed back germany's chancellor all off shoulds as well as other european leaders. and the white house said that would not be an option. back in germany, from his meeting with the leaders in west and officials in paris, johnson, the olaf schultz reiterated 2 stones on the support for ukraine and its defense
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against russia. the today october discontinued, we obviously discussed, we used to arrange for the support started from deb i it's not enough for a very good debate. we decided that what was agreed from the outset desktop also applies to the future and conflict on the pets. give these problems, namely that there would be no ground troops mixed us as kind to know soldiers on ukrainian, sorry to stop. and i'll send there by european countries or need those dates and stop the from not the stop and alternative sick patton. this puts in the odds with french president to manual macro, who raised eyebrows during the meeting when he said that the option of pushing boots on the ground to new crane should remain open as well. there is no consensus to dare to send ground troops to get an official endorsed and sinks in minutes. but in dynamic tonnes, nothing should be rooted out. the sold me on and we will do whatever it takes to
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insure the address you can not been. this was the hope of could always seem to be bugging. instead of the leaders have been quick to react. spain it's lee, the u. k. poland, nato. and the you are paying commission have on the line, so they have no pounds to send ground troops to crane reset or, or renew the school, meet to move. the kremlin has responded by saying that if you are p, a nato members decide to send troops to ukraine, direct conflicts between russia and nato would become inevitable. frances, now back pedaling, and quote, clarifying president mac calls remarks. so why did he make them in the 1st place? we put that question to dw correspondent then re good amount of the coin tended with this confidence to take the lead into your pin discussion and on the defense stretch of g for ukraine. you also wanted to showcase the t all you repeat as it
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should replace the united states when it comes to train aid. because this, the danger of code that after maybe donald trump gets back the presidency in the us, that the end of us will re retreat from, from the support at all. so that process purpose and nicole loves to provoke who has some intellectual challenges. i would say he did that in the past, and he did it again about his defense ministers to the local news. a tried to water down the whole issue a little bit. he said, if you looking into the idea of an enemy, you keep all your options, you don't say you exclude any options that includes of cause ascending fluids. you have to be aware that there has to be a kind of a strategic and be could be due to a moscow court has jailed a leading human rights advocate over as opposition to the war. and ukraine. o,
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like, or love was given a 2 and a half year prison sentence. the 70 year old is the co chairman of the russian rights group. memorial, which was awarded the 2022 nobel peace prize. all. and all of was convicted of for the russian government calls discrediting the on forces. and for open lea criticizing, lot of them are both ends and vision of ukraine. despite the outcome, he sent a clear message to the redeem a fence and i don't consider myself alone, just i'm part of a large team, both in the memorial human rights organization and more broadly. we live in the 21st century. the russian, the parties are going backwards back from the 20th to the 17th and 16 century. and unfortunately, the country with them. but victory would still be ours. ahead of the verdict or loves both with his supporters outside the court. although the
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government has deemed him a foreign agent, he remains a prominent and celebrated figure in moscow, largely because of his affiliation with memorial. the countries, the oldest human rights organization, which was banned from operating in 2021. but the band has not halted, then work we will look, we will live and think. we hopes that some day, what is happening now will end and all like may be, will be released. many of all of supporters have also been outspoken about the politically motivated nature of the charges of god. it's a throwback to the soviet that when obedience that good and desirable by the authorities, what the glad deliberately misleading ones i've used on these of youth agitation. we know it, well, we have been studying it for many years. now, we've been back to it. some of those initially the core tended or know of
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a fine. but after retrying his sentence was increased, as the redeem intensified, it's cracked down against kremlin critics, especially since brushes full scale invasion, a few green. and here's a look at some other global headlines, or the german naval ship that has been seen here. and file video has repelled an attack in the red sea by humans, run back to the militia. that's according to the german press agency dpa. the frigate fired on 2 targets, the 1st engagements of germany's reds, the mission to secure a cargo ships against recent attacks. the jury in new york has found 2 men guilty of the 2000 to murder of hip hop pioneer, jason moselle, better known as jam master jay, of the group. run dmc, the men convicted were one of them. is those childhood friends and his gods, prosecutor say the 2 killed the run dmc founder and in dispute over
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a cocaine distribution deal football caught a petal volcano in central, mexico has begun spewing gas and ashes following a mile or as quick. several towns have reported light as fall and authorities say it could reach mexico city. mexico cities international airport said several airlines have canceled flights due to ash jordanian mil military has released footage showing king abdullah, the 2nd helping an air crew drop aid packages over the guns and strip 6 cargo aircraft, including 3 from jordan took part in the air drop which delivered food and other 8 items. jordan says king of do live participated in similar error operations earlier this month. when i'm aust carried out it's tara tax and israel on october 7th, wasn't only as rarely as who were killed and kidnapped, but other national nationalities as well. of those largest group were from thailand
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. officials say 8 time migrant workers are still being held hostage, dw is geared mathis went to bundle for in northern thailand for this report in just a few centimeters, take up a whole hour. how about making carpets with the neighbors helps coming to them. now, past the time, sick with worry now hasn't been able to work since how much terrorists kidnapped her son. more than 140 days ago are the only visitors to her tailor shop these days, all local officials inquiring about her situation. so of course that's a lot of pressure. i can't breast i can't eat. i think about my son all the time. i'm constantly wondering how he is. i was told that they only get a blanket and i'm sure they don't sleep because they're so anxious. i'm wanting to know and quite a lot like many ties. her eldest son goes in israel, working for a farmer with the 1000 bureaus. he owned
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a month help the family back home company. let him now bought this tractor for the family farm with the money her son sent. she says he continued working in israel despite knowing it was dangerous. so a little he's actually experienced a similar situation before the 2 people were killed right in front of him when they were hiding in the shelter during another attack. i got the whole lot and i told them to come back, but he said it was normal. they're all i do in the neighboring village. this families were united, a new show, and gold was released of the 50 days of captivity. the money on from 4 years working in israel helped him buy a house and set up a chicken farm. but he says he will never forget the morning of october 7th, t to the band man method in that line. and they put us in an empty house for about an hour initially and then moved us to the tunnels. they little they won't,
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they hurt us badly. especially in the 1st 2 to 3 days. so a long time ago we were only given bread and water just enough to survive. let's see, i counted the days by meals. otherwise, we just lay on the ground and then slept in the way to meet the non. as these are the other type workers, he was held hostage with on the day of their release. one of them is from the same village has come to him. now some talking to his mother, it gives her hope that the most dangerous part may already be behind to me. on the day of the kidnapping. there with a total of 5 tie. what goes to what they can captive, but the call could only fit for more people and i know to be executed one right, the load by better wages than they can get at home. tens of thousands of time nationals, especially from this remote region. working east, right? they're able to do so because of an agreement between the 2 countries. but officials like the town may or feel the government should do more to protect. so
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it's easy to diagnose football fan couple miley welcome. it's my personal opinion on that. if it is up to the individual way, they want to go into that. they are the ones who take a risk of a high end, the ones who benefit from it last with the cd and move with. but the government should provide adequate information about risk zones. promising this and that so that people can make an informed decision. we're not to have to hold it upside them with someone else. the labor agreement with israel has been suspended for the time . be many people here would now rather go to taiwan or south korea for what company . let me now says she wants her son to stay in thailand when he finally returns. she's bought some capital and land for him. the rice in these fields will be ripe and about a month she hopes he'll be back home in time for the office. now to the rest of a 65 year old woman here in berlin, that has sent shock waves across germany. german newspaper build reported that the
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woman's neighbors knew her as cloudy. but she actually was daniela that's who's been on the run for decades as a suspected member of a far left milton group. the terrorized west germany during the 19 seventy's and eighty's. why don't you like it had been in hiding for more than 30 years. she belonged to the left wing extremist group, the red army faction. now the suspected form a terrorist has been arrested in a police department in the shop with certain that the person, the rest of the defending elect led to court, who has been living on the ground for 30 years. coming to end this ends of man hunting. that has been going on for almost 9 years. thread on the section was founded in the spring of 1917 by under the as bought. i was thinking, mind move and go to humans lean. they come and go to change the political system even through violence for more than 20 years. the terrorist organization fought against what they viewed as wisdom and use imperialist system. the all right,
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you have committed 34 murderous, numerous bank robberies and phonics, more than 200 people were in just doing a tax blamed on the group in april 1998 b r a f announced dissolution. many of the terrorist groups crime says student not being solved. federal police, us do searching for suspected already. you have members accused of attempted murder and robbery as focused out on you like clifton book. god, the most of this have been wanted for us to listen. kenzie new terrace can never feel safe, not even after 30 years, not even after such a long time. and our security authorities are highly professional and always able to track down and apprehend terrorists even after a long time to be on, on even how tough to the following. the rest of them, the left collect to the 2nd person whose identity has not been released was also arrested in connection with the man hunt to up. next dw is documentary film series
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this time asking the question barbie. the perfect woman probably already know the answer to that one. i'm on the and he says thanks for watching dw news. you can find warner website that's dw dot com, the the in charlotte the currently move people the on the world wide and such a hassle. jessica admitted god the castle josh. find out about robina story info, migraines. forever
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young. forever beautiful. by.


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