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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  February 29, 2024 2:00am-2:15am CET

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the, the, this is dw news live from berlin, the top republican in the us senate stepping down 82 year old mitch mcconnell says he'll hand over to a new party leader later this year. declaring that it's time for a new generation to take over. also on the program how much chief is mile, hon. yes, is milton group is showing flexibility and talks with israel over the gods of war. but the ones that they are ready to keep fighting and a warm dry winter leads to historic wildfires and texas to landscape scorched communities, raised and forecasters expected it will get worse before it gets better. the
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. i'm a niece of welcome to the program. one of the most powerful lawmakers in the united states, mitch mcconnell has announced he'll step down as the republican leader of the us senate in november. the 82 year old is the longest serving senate leader in history and has recently been facing health issues. mcconnell said that despite stepping down from that role, he would serve out his senate term, which ends in 2027, senators from both parties react to a speech with a standing ovation. here's a bit of the college speech. so as i've been thinking about what i would deliver some news to the sound, i always imagined a moment when i had total clarity and page about the sunset of my work in
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a moment what i'm sort of help preserve the ideals of so strongly late that day arrived today. earlier i spoke with clayton allen. he focuses on washington politics and policy for the razor group. that's a policy, a political risk consultancy. i asked him if mitch mcconnell is, resignation comes as a surprise. honestly, it doesn't. i think that people have been expecting for the better part of the 2 years that center mcconnell, glenn, is there. liter mccall was really on the tail end of this term is liter that there was not an expectation he would continue after this. congress was over. this is really the confirmation of what many in washington have suspected or expecting for quite some time. some of these, i know this has been a particularly the. and mcconnell has often found himself butting heads with the republicans loyal to donald trump. so how much did that play into his decision to step down?
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i don't think it did. honestly. i think this was really the time and place the extended one call chose to sort of relinquish controls in the next generation. this is more about generational change than it is about the specifics of political disagreements with mike johnson. her is trump more trump a line members of the house? this is mccall very clearly trying to control was the change over our understand age as well as provide the most seamless transition that he can to the next generation, please. well, if it wasn't based on a political calculation, it's definitely gonna have some kind of political consequences. mcconnell was known, especially here in europe, as one of the stronger pro nato, and pro ukraine voices in the republican party. so do you think that europe should have cause for concern that's his successor, won't fill that role. and i think that that's an absolutely reasonable position and fear to have. we don't know who a successor will be, it will likely be what one of what we call the 3 jobs as john buroso johnston or
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john thornton's. these are all well established numbers of the republican party. i think all those names you, when it comes to foreign policy, from much the same cloth as quantum. they may not be as vocal where as aggressive in their support for nato or ukraine, but i think many of them, all of them really come from the same position. the question is, what happens if trump wins and you see someone else and i'm not an unexpected candidate. take the leaders role after the 2024 elections. so what we're, what you're saying here is it's not like in the house where you have this ups. well, of donald trump supporting republicans that will take over the leadership. the senate is playing by a different game. there they are slightly the, the senate loves and nothing more of the to remind people that it is not bounce. and the rules are different than the dynamics are different. the senate is generally comprised of numbers that have been around for a lot longer. the transition of power is much more regimented. people that generally have been in leadership for
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a long time and one of the other multitude of roles in leadership are generally assume to be the successful one to an outline majority leader. that's not guaranteed that the trouble actually can be a massive of people of expectation in almost every facet of life. this is no different if truck winds and you see republicans take the majority with a lot of trump aligned members assuming offers that could open the door to a different maybe more conservative leader clay now and from the rate a group in washington dc. thanks for joining us. slow aids to russian opposition leader alexi and a volley who died in prison this month say his funeral beheld in moscow on friday. russian authorities haven't reacted to the announcement mister and of all these widow uli uh, novel naya, has emerged as the face of russia's bout and battled opposition movement. she says she worries police will disrupt the memorial in a speech to the european parliament. she also warned against negotiating with the
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russian president julian of and i spoke to the deputies in strasburg less than 2 weeks after russian prison authorities announced her husband's death. once again, she accused of letting me put 10 and then put in to my husband. i like see now right on he's so there's, i think c was tortured for 3 years. she was star in the tar needs tone, so collado from the outside of the board and denied visits, phone calls and then even the letters and then they killed him. alexei nova, on the, was considered russia's most prominent critic vladimir putin. as a politician, he was popular with voters and exposed corruption at the highest levels in russia. he was then barred from politics, imprisoned,
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and even poisoned. his final months were spent in a penal colony in the arctic circle, organizing novelle naya shared her fears for her husband's upcoming burial. and i'm not sure yet. where is it? it will be peaceful or with the police view, or as those who have come to say good bye to my husband. and they also spoke about russia's invasion in ukraine. now in its 3rd year, the world rushed to ukraine's aid. she said, but now it's at a stalemate. war. there is much exhaustion, much blot, march and disappointment, and fortune has gone nowhere. ever seen this already being used, rapids money sanctions. nothing is working. and the board has happened. every one good to use to the work here and there are people start to see, well,
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we'll have to come to an agreement was put in any way of a send. she insisted that the russian president be brought to justice. what's in my eyes for full board? she has done this in my country for didn't much us there for what she has done to a neighboring peaceful country. us and 14 mazda us, 34 ever since she has done so. alex see alex, but to hold vladimir putin accountable. she said the west needs a new tool box. not quite ready to go. cuz if you really want to defeat fulton, you have to be con, become an invite or you are, you have to store being boring, novelle. now your speech gave the e u deputies much to ponder. at a time when russia's power is again being felt in europe. and here's look at some of the other stories making headlines around the world. donna's
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parliament has passed the new anti eligibility to law, a coalition of religious leaders, sponsor the bill which would punish the promotion of eligibility to rights with up to 5 years in prison. the bill still needs to be approved by the president pro russian separatist officials and them all dove and break away region of trends in history and have asked moscow for protection. tensions have been rising between the pro western multiplan government and the trans mystery and separate says, the narrow territory on the border with ukraine has been controlled by pro russian forces since the soviet union's collapse. french authorities say a body has been found in the english channel after an accident involving a boat carrying migrants around 180 people were rescued while attempting to the treacherous crossing from france to britain. and 2 are still missing. as israel's defense minister, you will have kalonde has called for a draft law that would force ultra orthodox jews to serve in the military. they've
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so far been exempt from compulsory service from ultra orthodox jews, blocked roads earlier this week, and protested the proposal. mister, go on, said the war and gods of these israel with no other choice from us leader is my own hon. yeah, and i was accused israel of deliberately starving people in the north of gaza. and he said his milton group is ready to continue fighting. in a televised speech, he went on to say that the group which has been widely designated a terrorist organization, was showing flexibility in negotiations with israel. mr. honey, i called on palestinians to march to jerusalem's outbox and mosque on the 1st day of ramadan, next week. israel has said it will allow limited prayers there with security restrictions, but there are concerns mr. hun yeah. could that his call could set the stage for classes. yeah. now somebody circle is a journalist in israel and he spoke to us about the ceasefire deal between israel
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and tomas. so we know that there's a kind of an outline of a in agreement which basically talks about a 6 weeks of the ceasefire. we know that the idea is that this fire ceasefire will begin ahead of the muslim holy month for all of my mother. and a in this is cease fire. we're talking about the release of about a 40 is randy hostages and the in return it's, it's not clear yet whether there would be a 300 or 400 or any other number in between of the listing and prisoners that will be released. but every now and then we hear other statements that are being made, such as the nathan yahoo is saying that he would demand that some of the palestinian prisoners who live in the west bank would be expelled after being
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released. how much opposing it. so definitely the various sticking points. one of them is also the, the math of how much that a garza's would be allowed to go to the north. at least some of them would be able to go to the north of the gaza strip to the us state of texas, where a cluster of fast moving wildfires has scorched communities. and what is known as the texas panhandle. the smoke house creek fire, in fact has grown into one of the largest and state history. no injuries have been reported, but conditions remain ripe for it to spread beyond its 3400 square kilometers size coins. yeah. coins digging through debris. the warranty was in hopes of finding anything that survived one of the worst balled boys in the history of texas. it's still emotional. it's, it's, this is our life. i mean, we've been here for 50 years and it's,
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it's for the last 2 dogs and 2 kids houses go to fly in just minutes after a sudden shift of the wind. there wasn't really anything until the wind changed from the south to the north, coming out of the north. and when that happened, this happened. it brought flames from the cemetery. it brought that house caught on fire 1st. acrosta's. it's on clear what's taught at the fires. bus strong means dried ross and high temperatures made the blaze uncontrollable forcing evacuations and triggering power outages. and while the spread has slowed down due to comma wins, there is 2 legal reason for optimism. i will say as a for me, just pull down is not going to last rep. i'm this week and we do expect a warm up. it will say that we are monitoring the potential for fine weather
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conditions due to this means the texans must brace themselves for the possibility of losing even more homes. well, it looks like something out of james bond, or maybe, or iron man movie. the united united arab emirates has hosted the world's 1st jet suit res 8. pilots put on their packs and gen around and opposite of course on device harbor. and no there's no c i involved here, that's all real legit suits have more horse power. the more most sports cars and they can reach speeds of up to a 130 kilometers an hour. sounds kind of dangerous and it is there was a crash. let's see now a file. it's dave rescuers, the thumbs up. so we're assuming he's okay. rest. stayed in the air the whole time, the
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and touch down next up dw is documentary about the world of aero clinton. i'm in the so thanks for watching dw, stay with us, the ice cold b. jessica new, an expedition ventures on 2 places that no one has the climate research in the ice, the dos march, 3rd on dw, the we live in a well.


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