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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  February 29, 2024 1:00pm-1:16pm CET

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the, the, this is the, the news live from button rushes, a lot of my purse and one's night. so of the ukraine in his annual states of the nation address suits in him. nuclear weapons could be used if nice to a country send troops to ukraine. it uses the west of trying to destroy russia from with and also coming up on the program. warnings of russian interference in moldova is break away region of trends in this trio, pro russia separatists, the off months go to health, claiming discrimination by the pro western government and the domination of indian politics the hall for century. but now the congress policy is struggling to come
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from behind as the the role gundy leads in a position that co election ahead of this is elect, the i'm on your campus, mckinnon. good to have you with us. vladimir putin has wound nato countries. they risk nuclear war if they send troops to ukraine. the russian leader has been delivering his annual states of the nation address 2 weeks ahead of a presidential election that he is expected to win a little to no position stands in his way to say and told russians in his speech that he'd be stationing mobile soldiers and rushes west close to new nato members, finland and sweden. out lucian's nuclear warning came off. the front says president refused to rule out the possibility of western a sions sending troops to ukraine. this was laser rejected by the us,
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and germany is some of what i meant to say instead you, those are the consequences when you might, they should eventually understand that we also have wave pins and they know it's just sitting now myself, feeling weapons that can hit targets on their territory, but he's doing everything that the waste is coming out to him. now, one thing threatening the world with it can result in a conflict with the use of nuclear landing us. going to zip and bay for the destruction of civilization. i'm not sure when you're searching and see if it is. that's why i also read a bureau chief uri refreshed. so for his reaction to the russian president, speech and pollutions message to europe in the west. but we've just heard from the national president for that could be a threats to the west address to the nato countries to that allegedly wants to destroy russia. put in respondents to think you said it's the words over the
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russian of french, french president who didn't throw out the idea of native sol just in ukraine, which was ejected by the s into germany. but putting the fact that the consequences of such a move could be tragic for those who would defense. so just to recreate. the also comment that's on the, the whomever says that the rational allegedly wanted to station nuclear weapons in space, which she called fake news. and they could use the americans of spreading them, getting through your selection campaigns as of the recent. now, given russia's recent military gains in ukraine, did he say anything more about the war as well? but it has once again, given the kind of job history lesson with ease of view of the war, according to put in russia, is defending itself from may to. we've had that several times. it's not nothing you put into the bank that the people invested for supporting the use of all policy new credit. and once again, very sharply attacked to the best them congress that allegedly want ross with the full rush like you said, would continue to follow it's of war aids. in this context. we can also talk to
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both of the arms industry in rational, which is running at full speed of this means is that an end to the boy is obviously not to be expected any time soon. now presidential elections a just 2 weeks away. now in russia, fuson is the only viable candidates. what did you have to say to russians about this upcoming boat? well, yes, so this was a pretense 19 for speech to the nation. and it was a political speech just as one would expect shortly before the election from a politician. the only difference being that there is no real democratic election can be expected and brushed, so totally focused on many internal successes. what issues surprised among other things? so the stability of the russian economy, which hasn't collapsed on the west and sanctions, it should be sad that the most russians don't actually live in poverty, bought the sanctions, are going to have a long term impact, was an easy navigation industry where parts of less than aircraft are running out,
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or in the same way of short on just a allegedly managing food prices have also increased the vet. also putting the haven't mentioned at but to put in has promised many social guarantees and deductibles, clearly stand up election comparing graphic. now ukraine is warning against quote, disruptive external interference in moldova is breakaway regions of trends. mystery and this comes off to pro russia separates us back off to moscow, full protection. it's the same overture used by separatists in east and ukraine. a decade ago, the self proclaimed republic of trends in history a is a tiny sliver of land located between ukraine and mold, though the they were both soviet republics transmits tra, broke away from molto. but during the collapse of the soviet union, in the early 19 ninety's, people identifying as russian, many of them hold russian citizenship make up a sizable minority and transmits through, transmits, trio, intentions,
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have been rising, ever since russia's invasion of the train of 1st and nearly 2 decades officials meeting for rear special congress entrance and history is capital to rascal the pro russian separatist, asking moscow to protect the break away region from what they call this right from old. over the move has many more buildings concerned. you're still in a mighty baby. it's really dangerous. what's happening into rascal there declaring war moldova model. many words the kremlin backed officials are waiting another push to join russia in 2000. and 6 more than 9 and 10 transmit dream voters back to similar call. but the referenda, woodson recognizes into naturally entrance in history of remain part of molto versus influence. in the break away region is undeniable. russia is a presence both militarily and financially one. it's a special pensions to transfer these transfer, but it also supplies gas to the region to the kremlin,
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says it considers protecting transmit strains, the top priority, while of choosing west and powers of interfering. and we'll deal with internal affairs. it's not the way i'm need to is tumbling to trying to mold the republic into literally a seconds ukraine. contrary to the mood of the majority of the model in population and in general apartments. the without thinking about the consequences of this for the country and for the region on the whole body, rushes invasion of neighboring ukraine has fuel fears that mold over could be next, especially as the countries precedent my ascent do, has been pushing to join the you meeting with ukrainian president and all pena san do set you was worried face today. thanks to the but avery of the ukrainian sold days. and we are very grateful to them. the attention though, also causing concern in washington. good afternoon, given russia's increasingly aggressive and destabilizing role in europe,
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we are watching rushes, actions and trends. nice through it. in a broader situation there a very closely just one of several western voices warning the rushes, trying to to stabilize the region even further. nurture barbara, who is a freelance journalist who just returned from of his visit to transmit street. i asked him if transmits trans, worried about pro russian separatists asking most goes to help i will say there are concerns. they're actually quite happy and keen to gain support from most folks. uh, as you rightfully said, about half of the population holds the washer and citizenship on the streets of the russ 4. you can give russian speakers in 99 percent of the cases. so people are very keen and they look up to must go for what they want and what the cold protection from mold the interference inter business. and what i say business means the economics. okay. now we know that russel already has
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a small military presence and trends in history a. how likely is it but more russian troops and will be sent to as well. it's highly unlikely and not because it's a matter of will. but this is a matter of geography logistics. at the moment we'll devise a loud and lock country. and trust mistress is an enclave within a land lock on the street. the board that will ukraine was shot between trust me via and ukraine was shot. i believe 3 months into the wall. so the only access into the same place is through moved over at the moment unless rushed up last to evade moved over to the airport. or somehow through the black sea through a desktop, which means they would actually have to take this off. i don't see how they can send more russian troops into throws me still oriented, move over the at the moment. can lift. i'm not sure about the reporting from a multi. now here's a look at some of the stories making headlines around the world and garza's come us
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run health ministry says and is res try can goal is the city is killed at least 7 people initial set. the dead were wasting for humanitarian aid. many of the wounded were brought to a hospital in gauze the city. israel's army says it is checking reports, the troops opened fire on the route and gauze as health ministry also reported that more than $30000.00 palestinians have been killed, sofa and the conflicts israel's offences in response to the sum of september. the 7th terror attack has caused widespread devastation in the palestinian territory agencies a warning of a looming salmon are now indians go to the pole soon and a general election set to take place sometime between april and may the prime minister and the render moody and his b j. p policy, a riding a wave of popularity that currently on an old time high
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b and the other big national policy congress is struggling to find its way in an election race. but many experts believe is already decided that lead around gandy is traveling the boss nation from the east to the west, trying to mobilize mass support following to election. the states to moody. the w correspondent, manero child re reports. now, from alida where she joined the campaign trail. loud slogans beat you out. excels on an excited crowd. in the city of opposition leader who's gone the is here to bring back with us for his congress body. there's been nothing i barely why is this country and go in so much hatred? him. the reason for finding some hatred in india is in justice over poll people. so for, for me in just describe 24 hours a day and the i all the time. and the good is important for going to be the city
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isn't the state of with the for these or you, which has a bigger population. then rosie you be also has the most fundamental audience in india and is currently formerly in the hands of the ruling body. of prime minister and the movie, the bgp. the opera on. yeah, i get off this journey is about fighting in just as a in this country the b j. p is dividing. people are available in the name of religion. those right. i'm say learn on that. got down, go to that law, who's on the knows what i think he lost his quantity to nc, and you'll be in the last national election despite the fact that he's from india most prominent political family which has given the country 3 prime ministers gone . the is trying to use this cross country chip, cause yacht in him, be to engage with file for these new allies. and to reconnect with the people of
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the modules being undertaken at the time when the alliance of opposition parties led by the congress formed just last year is beginning to show, correct. you will be reasonable if you have pulled out with other alliance members caught up and follow setting disagreements. many observers here and you'll be, feel that the congress body won't be able to do it on the tight one of them, if journalists gauzy for us. emma, who has been covering loopy politics for 15 years. congress got louis point. this is the lowest point, but if we go to the timing of the march is wrong, they should have organize it much sooner to gain more. but it goes about the privilege of, you know, they have nothing to lose. it is what the margins doing is to provide the support of their own party. what goes up at the congress is weak climbing and the main thing is one for to go strategies. i can use the proper planning key which and congress liter jeremy's who travels with the who's on the disagrees. he attributes
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his body losses to something else. the reason why mister movies has been, you know, successful really scary movies. do. you tend to know what it takes a moment, and i think most of those on this is the only political leader. the corresponds easy only body. that's when did you being a dog? dummy duke. i'm seats that his body is depending heavily on his political allies. you know, you know, i live, everybody would normally get satisfied, 100 percent of the time, or you give some, you know, you'll get some, you'll compromise living man for now. so yeah. plus seems to be striking the right court with the relative to the you on a barely but it congress will do well with, especially in this alliance, to defeat the j. p. and what is kind of hard work pays off or congress and followed before. now it's getting strength long. this last the last 2 national elections badly. this time it wants to present a united opposition to the government. keeping this alliance intact until the
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elections. we'd be the who's on the biggest challenge. you're up to date coming up next. don't film looks at the complex relationship between siblings, including love, hate and rivalry. i my new groups mckinnon. thank you for watching the ice cold. jessica new an expedition ventures on 2 places that no one has the climate research in the ice, the dos march 3rd on dw, the the ready
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