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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  March 2, 2024 6:00pm-6:15pm CET

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the, the, you're watching data, the news coming to live from berlin. germany investigates a week of secret talks on weapons for ukraine. the government says the kremlin wire topped in german generals discussing the use of german may cruise missiles to attack the bridge link and russia to occupied crimea. also wanted to show today the united states and joins and international operations through air prop desperately needed supplies into gaza. as we un again warrants to hundreds of thousands of palestinians face fan. and at the 1st thinking of a cargo ship attacked by rebels and the red sea, young men is now warning of a looming environmental catastrophe. front the fertilizer on board. we'll hear from
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green piece the clay richardson. thank you very much for joining us. the german government says russia wire topic conversation between german air force in general is about the war in ukraine. the officers are heard discussing ukrainian forces using german made at towers cruise missiles to attack the bridge. lincoln, crimea, to russia, and germany has so far, refused to supply kia with the long range weapons. the defense ministry, and berlin has also now confirmed that the conversation which surfaced on social media was tapped. chancellor, all off faults as promising a swift clarification for the recording. it does not start for the what is being reported is very serious. so that's why it is necessary to begin a very thorough intensive and rapid investigation industry. so quite the story here
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. let's get more from data of these brussels bureau chief alexandra phenomena. she joins us from rome, where the german chancellor has been on a visit to the vatican. alexandra, this seems like a real embarrassment for berlin. have we heard any further reaction from chancellor schultz? i know a lot of shows kept. he's cool here in the room. we just got this one statement on the matter. a statement in which the german chancellor stressed that this, this is a serious matter that is being investigated. but then he went on with his program here in rome, but of course we know that he also knows that he is facing uncomfortable questions at home, especially when it turns that it's true that this conversation among high ranking german officers was conducted notes on a secret internal army network, but on the webex platform at this time to repeated warning slide,
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germany's intelligence services. that's russia. i use a says s to nash and sabotage as part of its hybrid 4. and we are already hearing from lawmakers in germany, from lawmakers in the position, but also from members of the coalition. that to the german chancellor is leading cool. are demanding consequences, saying that the incident has to be investigated. but the germany also needs to increase its security and counter intelligence, while just remarkable details are able to provide us with their i q. tell us more about what you were just touching on and how this might affect the debates inside of germany, about it's military support for ukraine, and in particular, the potential of supplying a tower is cruise missiles. well,
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i don't think that the german, the did, the german chancellor is going to change his to position on that in his speech at the congress of the european social is t in rome. he once again said he doesn't want to see boots on the ground and ukraine, that everything needs to be done to prevent a war between russia and need to however row. we also have to say that the argument that was put forward by the german government, why there are not a will not willing to send the towers, a truce miss. so to ukraine. the argument was that for that, the wood needs to be german soldiers on the ground in ukraine. and during this tap conversation, we learned that actually, that is not justified, that the don't needs to be drum and soul just on the ground. so we'll see how the discussion is going to be left in the long term, but in the short term, i don't think that to the german shown. so a lot is going to change his mind on that. but thank you so much for your reporting
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that his date of use alexandra phenomena for us from rome. thank you. click. united states has joined an international operation to air drop desperately needed supplies into gaza. the pentagon says the 3 air force planes carried out the 1st and dropped of more than 38000 meals. the bite in administration says israel supports its intervention to bolster existing efforts by jordan and other nations. the u. n. is warning that fam and in gaza is almost inevitable unless a delivery is increased significantly. our next report contains images that many viewers might find distressing. the consoling each other. the boys have survived and is rarely asked right and central garza, many others did not. but the fighting in the gaza strip isn't the only danger
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palestinians face disease and finding had become a major threat children's almost at risk. starvation has now taken the lives of several children. so the official records yesterday or this morning said the 10th child officially registered in the hospital as having starved to death, a very sad threshold, similar, sad as to 30000 best. we reached all because of the, the unofficial numbers can unfortunately be expected to be higher. and the toll is climbing guitar, a network l g, a 0 broadcast this footage from kansas city on friday when schools of palestinians were killed. as they surrounded an 8 convoy the mass run, health ministry, and survivors accused these really ami of opening fire on the crowd. israel said limited shots with by near the convoy,
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but insisted that most of the dead were trampled or run over by the a trucks. a u. n team visited el cheapo hospital on friday. it reported having seen a large number of gun shop victims the instant has amplified to them on some more a to be delivered without delay. neighboring egypt and jordan recently add dropped, essential items into the cause a strip. now the us is spelled i'd suit well. preston joe biden pushes israel to improve other groups. we're going to, it consisted israel facilitate more trucks and more routes to get more and more people in the help. i need no excuses because the truth is a ploy in the gaza is nowhere nearly enough. now snow are in nearly enough and it's
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a large are on the line. it shows lives are on the line and we won't stand by. but till till we get more a bite and has also signaled a ceasefire deal between hum us and israel could be reach sued, which many here hope would be a lifeline and the destruction. unless let's take a look now, it's some other stories making headlines around the world. at least 5 people have been killed and a russian grown attack on the ukrainian port of odessa president for 11 years. the landscape says the shower head drone was supplied by iran is urging ukraine's western allies to send it more air defense systems. brushes, foreign ministers, or de la for ups as extra weapons will be sent to western regions that may face threats from finland and sweden. just days ago hungry is parliament approved. sweden sped to join nato, finland to join the alliance. last april. child's military rule,
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or how much interest and debut says he will run in presidential elections in may. rights groups are calling for an investigation into the death of an opposition leader killed when the army rated his party offices earlier this week. and zambia has declared a national drought disaster and the president says, the lack of rain has devastated for me affecting more than a 1000000 families, though new phenomenon, whether a weather phenomenon rather has brought extreme dry conditions across the southern africa or a cargo ship attacked by whose the rebels and the red sea has sung it is the 1st vessel lost since the many group, again targeting commercial shipping, that it says is linked to israel. the british own ruby mar was carrying more than $41000.00 tons of fertilizer. when it was hit by a missile and began taking in water nearly 2 weeks ago. yeah, men's internationally recognized government as warning. the sinking could cause an
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environmental catastrophe. i'd like to welcome a poll horseman of green peace international adjoining me some day from spain. thank you so much for taking the time for 41000 tons of fertilizer on board the ship. now presumably in the red sea and you have is government warning of an environmental catastrophe here. can you give us a sense of how bad this is for marine life in the red sea? well, it's just truly very difficult to assess. the important thing here is that we need to gets urgently. i came back to assess the damage. remember, it's not just 41000 tons of fertilizer. it's all sorry. i'm on the amount of oil in the fuel the bunk of fuel of the ship also presents. that's right . and the, the, the amount of damage to this could cause unless sending protective measures taken
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is suddenly she turned and longer lasting. so who would be in charge of clean up operations in a case like this? and has the one been out to assess the damage already or have we seen any efforts to to limit the damage so far as well as far as we know, we don't know whether anybody has been able to get access to see what the damage on central time as you could see, and i that, that's really one of those, one of the 1st case we, we need to get people there. we need to go that's, it shows there. and the situation in the red sea we know is, is, is really quite, quite chaotic at the moment. this is where we need to that you, when supports with you when to actually get measures that to, to get to get people. that's why she assess the damage, but it's a very gentle situation that we all know are. but you know, we have the information about as exactly where it is exactly how much and that's,
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that's the exact location. we're actually choosing in the dog to, to, to assess the potential damage, but less, less much the days. we're. yeah, huge, almost $41000.00 tons of fertilizer plus an unknown amount of oil, toxic oil that when we got into those fragile red c, which is well renowned as a bio diversity sensitive area, then there is going to be major to a long term damage. and what about accountability for this? is there a way also to, to meaningfully deter further incidents like best from taking place? well okay, so the moment, you know, looked at a lot of finger pointing going in different directions are concerned, is that the major finger pointing should be up to environments and whoever or whatever is responsible or accountable for those, those, those, the discussions that can,
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that can occur once that is damage to the environments as being assessed. but at the moment, all things should be concentrating on trying to assess, trying to get a team that to assess exactly what the damages and bringing in to re you remedial measures to try to limit the amount that's how much that would be cost as well. thank you so much for taking the time to speak with us as paul horseman from green piece. we really appreciate your time today. argentina's president has given his 1st policy speech to congress. have you have any, le, announced a range of reforms inside he would try to push through policies with or without while make or supports the right when populist of power last november, promising to shake up argentina's and battled economy. but he's facing strong opposition in parliament and media on the streets. unions called for protests ahead of me like a speech saying they fear his plans will leave the country worse off. and the
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designer and fashion beater iris apple has died at the old age of $100.00. 2 on the stable with her over as high as round glasses. apples personal style set her a part. she was most famous in her eighty's and ninety's. when museum expositions were devoted to her work, apples her followers to wear whatever they liked, saying, don't worry, the style police are not going to arrest you. still a chance don't have any rules because i would only be dragging them. so it's a waste of time. good advice, let's get a quick reminder of our top story. now. germany is investigating a week conversation about dufrane using german made cruise missiles to attack the bridge linking rush. i thought i crimea, a discussion between german generals surfaced on russian social media. and that is in this afternoon at this hour, stay tuned for our tech show shift coming up next. or of course there is always
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more news and analysis on our website at www dot com. i'm clear richardson in for lynn for me on the whole team. thank you so much for watching the secret lie behind the discovery mileage benches and 360 degrees and explore fascinating boats. heritage selling d w world heritage. 360 now ice cold b. c. at the end of the public. i need an expedition ventures on 2 places that no one has to.


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