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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  March 5, 2024 2:00am-2:15am CET

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the, the, this is dw news live from berlin, us supreme court sides with donald trump and a bid to disqualify him from election. justices unanimously rejecting colorado's bits of loc, the former president from its primary, valid washing, similar attempts and other states. also warner program, france puts a woman's right to abortion into its constitution. a world 1st intended to prevent any role back of abortion rights in the future. and escalating violence in haiti leads the government there to declare a state of emergency. major prison break, leave thousands of inmates on the run, the
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hello and welcome to our show. i'm seeing beardsley in berlin. the us supreme court has ruled the states cannot keep donald trump off the 2024 ballad. unanimous ruling strikes down, colorado is good to bar trump from its presidential primary. citing his efforts to overturn the 2020 election defeats that states top court removed him from the ballot in december, pointing to a constitutional ban on insurrection is running for office. but the supreme court said only congress could enforce that rule. trump has welcome the ruling. i want to start by thanking the supreme court for its unanimous decision. today, it was a very important decision, were very well crafted, and i think it will go a long way toward bringing our country together, which are countries dw, correspond, that vision. benjamin alvarez gruber has more on what the supreme court said this.
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this is indeed a major victory for donald trump when we just heard the appraising the supreme court is important to remember that he himself nominated 3 of the justices that have republican majority, 6 to 3. but as you said, all of them decided that it's not up to states to decide to one of which of the candidates it should be or shouldn't be on the ballot, they decided that is not up to states to decided but up to congress atc and to look into this section 3 of the 14th amendment, that has been in discussions, and it's a pretty important case. what they said here because it does not only close the dispute between the supreme court of colorado and the us to people, but also other states like in maine and also like, oh, you know, they tried a, the try to bear a donald trump, it from the decision they said, so all of them it was a $9.00 to 0 decision, said that it's not up to states to decide keeping him on the ballot for a super tuesday that will happen tomorrow. with 15 estates will. people in 15
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states will have it to the ballot to decide to will be the republican a know me if for the upcoming presidential election, there benjamin just to be clear and did this rolling determine whether trump had indeed committed insurrection or was it rather legal in its nature that's what donald trump of what his legal team tried to get, but they did not get that. that's important. and this long rolling that was published day today, the supreme court did not clear trump up committing insurrection, but what they said not up to the states to decide if you should be on the ballard or not. but up to, to congress. it to take that decision. so they did not clear trump. it for what is being your to stuff of the insurrection of a 2020 or you mentions super tuesday. this ruling coming just ahead of that important day for the elections is trump winning, the republican national, the republican presidential nomination. pretty much a foregone conclusion at this point. that's right,
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donald trump said that he's in a called uninterrupted to the republican nomination. if will look at the number of delegates, he has almost 6 times as many delegates as nikki haley making 81, the republican nomination in the district of columbia in dc. but we can't expect that he will win most states tomorrow, and that's what he's been pushing for. and that's what he's been say that he will still be on the ballot. so he's going to be curious problem. this was very important for them. this was announced really on short notice sunday, but of course this decision from the supreme court need it to happen before super tuesday before it. you can say super tuesday is indeed the most important election date it before the presidential election in november. with this decision, clearing him not on the interaction is not on engaging and insurrection, inciting into the direction, but saying that states are not allowed to keep them off the ballot. so important not only a full, the boats here in colorado, but also in maine or ill, you know, they tried to have several segments with hertz,
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also from the secretary of state or in colorado who blasted this decision in general griswold. she said that she's disappointed that the us supreme court decision stripped is states and i quote of the authority to and for section 3 of the 14th that meant and for the federal candidate to set colorado should be able to bar. oh, it's breaking insurrection is from the ballot. right? that's the w, correspond to benjamin alvarez rober, reporting from colorado, the state of the center of that supreme court ruling. and over the years now we're france has become the 1st country to make a boston a constitutionally guaranteed, right? abortion has been legal in france since 1975, but public support has grown to enshrine the rights in the constitution. of that intern was prompted in large part by a us supreme court ruling in 2020. to overturn the constitutional right to an abortion in that country. as to when adults choose sits on top of the president of the nation of assembly island brown. pv announced the result of
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the historic vote by a margin of 780 to 72. lawmakers from across the political spectrum made france the only country in the world to explicitly enshrine access to a voice and in its constitution. with our boot today, we recognize the fundamental human right of abortion because the threat of regression is weighing heavy on women. because the right to abortion always reappears on the list of things. the extreme right wants to attack from what rock is crowds in paris gathered at the eiffel tower to celebrate the news. it is very moving to see such a fundamental liberty written into the constitution. it will make a few more recognized and protected. also, it sends a positive signal to other countries and shows that you can always make progress on
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the right words for which we, for one second. it's historical. we are all as you see very heavy and before us it's so from that on. so right. and he has to be in the constitution because you can always change the law. and we have seen it with the united states. but also we know there are a european countries. so yes, it's a step for the you to on the french women's rights activists had started to push to guarantee the right to a voice in last year after the us supreme court curtailed the right. in that country. abortion enjoys wide support in france and has been legal since 1975 dw correspondent lisa luis and paris has more on what it took for france to get there. so this is the end of an 18 months legal process at that started in the summer 2022. and there were in the, in the beginning several initiative spies,
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opposition parties from the left are 1st to for, to, to do such a move. and the 1st what it means of these initiative. so the rights to barshan abortion rather object to it by the senate, the lower house of parliament where you have a writing majority. and then over the months of this topic, really changed and no more people, normal politicians were talking about until finally it was clear that the needed to be another. right. and the government came into the picture and said, and i, okay, let's negotiate on the exact wording off of this new, right. and now as i said, the new what is and try and what will be behind in the constitution is the guaranteed, right? for women to have an abortion. and so finally there is in the senate to felt a bit like they could, they may be in favor. so when a completely against about it and training they sent into the constitution, they've agent in favor of this initiative. and now we have this overwhelming
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majority today in the congress invest side, where you bring with the government, brought together at the national assembly and the senate in favor of this initiative or correspond at least louise there from paris. and here's look now some of the other stories making headlines around the world. a new report by the you and envoy for sexual violence says there are quote, reasonable grounds to believe rape and gang rape occurred during a mazda is october 7th terrace. the tax report also said there was convincing information that hostages were subjected to sexual violence during their captivity . received attention are more than 40 governments are calling for an international investigation into the death of russian opposition leader alexa in a bony countries, including the u. s. and e, u. member states express their outrage before the un human rights council. they accuse russian president vladimir putin being responsible for the policies that are
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just seen as government has been to the country state news agency tele workers protested to move outside. telecom splinters are as offices calling it an attack on press freedom. the suspension comes as a right wing president populous president. hop. yeah, malay announcing with shutting down the agency cheek uses of spreading left wing propaganda. european union has find apple 1800000000 euros. says the company was unfairly preventing spotify and other music streamers from informing users of payment options. outside of apple's app store options that likely would have saved consumers money. apple is appealing, the penalty. with germany has denied me reports that moscow summoned berlin's ambassador in the wake of a controversial audio for lance. as the ambassador went to a plans meeting at the foreign ministry, rather than being summoned and the link to recording senior german officers discuss the potential use of german made taurus cruise missiles. to attack the couch bridge
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in occupied crimea. russian state media published that recorded conversation. why now? here's political science as thomas read from johns hopkins university, a while indeed, it's always a difficult call. if you publish something like this as an intelligence agency, you may cut off your sources because they will now mix their phone calls more secure. but let's, let's really spell this out for what it is. russia has of course, engaged in fairly trivial social media type. this information campaigns, but now they're deploying a tool out of the old a book of trade craft in terms of cobra operations and really leak a authentic a conversation with a far bigger impact on the public conversations, which is why i'm here getting this into the right now, so what does that mean? we have to be super careful. next time, a leak like this comes around not to assume automatically is that it's authentic. this time it was authentic, no reason. it is the next time,
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especially in an age of a i am not official synthetic voice and image generation, but also not to cover it more than we really should. with that was thomas read from johns hopkins university over to haiti. now the government has declared a state of emergency as violence and the island nation escalates. armed gangs there have attacked to prisons allowing thousands of inmates to escape cross arms gangs of setup roadblocks in many parts of the capital. the whole pies following an explosion of violence. gunfire was reported in several neighborhoods. the people drive and walk by bodies lying in the streets, some with their hands tied behind their backs. police officers are among the dead. overwhelmed by coordinated attacks, orchestrated by a former officer,
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turned to gang leader nick named barbecue, who says he won't stop until teddy's prime minister. and yet all he is gone. we should national police and the military to take responsibility and the rest are you under the once again, we not against the people down to groups on north your enemy. a risk of the under the, for the countries liberation. these weapons that we have a not to hotel for all those who come from the same menu as we do the port, they trust us. these weapons are a symbol of freedom. with these weapons, we will liberate the country. it's believed more than 3500 prisoners, fled into the general population. when the government stormed to prisons, 8 is main penitentiary in the capital and another in nearby. quite the bouquet. the some inmates decided to stay in their cells. afraid of
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being caught in the crossfire, others too old or disabled to flee. prime minister off, he was away drumming up support for multinational military mission to haiti. under a political deal, he was due to stand down last month, but planned the elections were never held and he remains in power. violence has reached unprecedented levels since the assassination of president chosen and marie at his home in 2021. it's estimated games now control as much as 80 percent of the capital. and finally, think of a tumbleweed. and you may think of old hollywood westerns. well, take a look at this. strong winds have pushed thousands of tumble weeds into several towns in the us west. 20 bushes and even blocked roads and surrounded homes, reaching as high as the roofs. some buildings the
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breakfast hardly for ghost towns. that's it for now we'll be back in a few hours with more. i'm seeing beardsley. thanks for watching the floating away when it's 40 degrees celsius in the shade can be deadly during times of climate change. how do rising temperatures change out every towards the internal heat? march 15th on dw the.


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