tv In Good Shape Deutsche Welle March 5, 2024 12:30pm-1:01pm CET
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shows that geo politically, honestly, the on the board is what makes things the way, the way all the solutions mapped out, navigating a changing world now on youtube, the can. so you like being alone. well, listen not your never alone there. lurking everywhere, checks and bed bugs, mosquitoes and sleeves worms and allegiance, all of them help for your life. but hold on a 2nd. some creatures do have our interests at heart, so don't take to your heels. and that way you also won't miss in good shape. the
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high, i'm a bed bug. i'm about the size of an apple seemed my body's quite flat and i have 6 legs. i can't fly or jump. i just scroll. i'm great at hiding. i prefer to do this with friends, it's just cozy it together in the cracks of the bed. scudding bulls are also a great hiding place. any gap, however small is big enough for us? we like clothes that smell like people dirty laundry, for example. night is when we are absent advanced looking for people, we can bite to suck a little blood out of them. yeah. me when people travel we often come alone for the right. we like who tells hospitals and the pop months with
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nothing. sol? picky. it's not easy. to get rid of us, by the way, sometimes you have to cool in the experts. oh, it comes once i'm off the probably the most popular vacation, susan is bed books. they hide in suitcases and clothes and then make themselves comfortable in our bedrooms. when we return home, the paris has been experiencing a veritable plague of them. they've to end up in hotels, including top notch ones, but also in the subway. people have even be bitten at the movies. wherever you are traveling, you should be careful not to bring the bugs back with you. that's becoming increasingly common, says pest control dennis kind of when the of who yeah. who used to have one or 2 apartments a yeah. so it was interesting for the 100 fifties, but now we have one or 2 a week if not more. and then he says on the flat,
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rusty brown bodies of between one to 8 millimeters loans. so bed bugs on, easy to see with the naked eye. they can look in hospitals, but also 5 star hotels. and infestation doesn't indicate the lack of hygiene. bed bugs live on blood and the nocturnal insects find it in the sleeping victims. researches and berlin a trying to find out exactly why they are spreading worldwide. one reason is a few and few insecticides work against the inverse of the resistance to active ingredients is a major problem in the fight against fed books. because they have developed resistance to the main group of active ingredients available in the so called pyro destroyed speaking. and that makes controlling the insects much more difficult to, to see anyone who's experiencing infestation knows how dramatic it can be.
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like a high innovation back home after a weekend and the funds the hotel. she noticed strange bites on her leg, but she couldn't place as well. so don't come on to search that way you can google and the thing these days. i googled with mosquito bites and at some point stumbled on bed bucks. i looked at the photos and thought, yes, that's it. it's a bed bugs. i was pretty shocked by 4. how can you have something on fat come on where does something like that come from left? she never actually sold the insects, bed bugs hiding cavities and cracks. all it takes is one single female which can produce up to $300.00 all spring. you often only noticed an infestation when all the young have hatched and stopped biting. but not the tunnel parasites only come out of the hiding places and the dog in search of blood,
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people who are bitten, but usually going to sleep in a king bed the night before. when they gets up, they notice strange bites, often on the legs typically arranged in groups or rose diesel condition and they look for a blood vessel on patients often have one bite off for another after another. and the lesions for a pro political roadway is done, some patients react very strongly to the bytes and get to proof of blister at the sites and become. but the typical reaction is because the patient comes across a very large rate and we'll know that's cool. so to crowded and hike a highly found the bytes. extremely unpleasant countries terribly. it shows very swollen, an old group together as or on i'm still dr. does human homes ready gets patients presenting with bed, bug bites and hospital?
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usually they hear on their own, on the parasites don't transmit diseases. quote, to 7 or 8 months can be used to ease severe reactions. that one's only thought letting split and should be careful not scratched by. it's too much else. i could scratch and can introduce gems into the skin. hi, i'm, i'm this can lead to inflammation. don't feel that potentially can grow dangerous. cut and scratching insect bites can also lead to serious deep seated bacterial skin infections that the difficult to treat. the only way to prevent bytes is to eliminate bedbugs from the home. for that you need professional help because exterminate is no way to look on this. that's it's amazing cuz you have to turn the whole room upside down and everything that's open behind picture frames. unstable scratching, bolts, cut and rolled on the lumps and gums. it's also very important to look into the
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bedframe. everything that is basically near the bed where they are hiding places, don't crevasses corners, edges and infestation can sometimes be identified from the droppings. the bugs leave around the hiding places. but professionals will and you shouldn't try to spray pest control chemicals yourself. this will only kill a few animals, and the rest will flee to other rooms, making the problem even worse. with wiping out, all of the bugs isn't easy. even for the professionals. i live in the life i do usually have to be this in the apartments or other premises 2 to 4 times to solve the problem in this as quickly as auditors, the pest control is use heat as well as chemicals. the bug started temperatures for the $55.00 degrees celsius. dennis kelsey uses the heat tens, a suitcase, sofa cushions, and blankets easily fit inside it. full tentatively,
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you can also put affected objects into a freezer. the professionals, tip of to every trip, take out your luggage and the best of 1st and watch everything of 60 degrees. no matter how you catch them. the important thing is to destroy all the bucks. otherwise you'll soon be back at square one. larry has been climbing lives for millennia, even today, half a 1000000 children under the age of 5 die of the tropical disease annually. malaria is caused by single celled parasites carried by the anomalies mosquito at the least, there are now to malaria vaccines recommended by the world health organization. a big step forward. but many tropical diseases remains largely ignored, even though they're anything but harmless. the nowhere else in the
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world is the diversity of species. as greek, as in the tropics, these regions are home to around to 2 thirds of our plant and animal species, and many more heavy have to be discovered. this wealth of flora and fauna also means an abundance of homeland are of power sex. and they can be dangerous to human . it's mainly insects like the common mosquito that help these power sites entered the human body where they can cause severe illness. if a mosquito is carrying larvae of the name a toad for it can enter the bloodstream when the mosquito bites and transmit what's known as the rise in this disease, the microscopic worms for larry multiply in humans. and when a mosquito bites a person who already has skills arises around worms and that person's blood infect, and mosquito which can in turn infect someone else. some even told species accumulate in the lymphatic vessels, then the fedex, so it isn't able to drain properly. as a result,
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the tissue begins to swell the legs the most frequently effected. the resulting deformation is why the disease is also called elephant tires. nematodes can also invade other parts of the body, such as the arms, chest and genitals. it becomes especially problematic when they reach the bare they trigger infections that can lead to blankness, uncles, or kindnesses, or river blind. this is caused by a power civic, were transmitted by the black fly that lives along for dial river banks and streams . another danger lurks in tepid stagnant waters to carry these for them. larvae load around looking for a new host after being excrete it by water snails. this a carry you can forward through human skin and enter the veins of the intestine or bladder, where they develop into blood flow forms or shift dissolves which are able to produce hundreds of bags. this can lead to inflammation, abdominal problems,
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diarrhea and blood. it was or urine in women shift to so minuses can lead to blockage up the fallopian tubes, and consequently to infertility. historical manuscripts from ancient egypt. and what is 2 days to dot contain early references to a common eye disease, now known as track coma. this bacterial information affects millions of people and is one of the most common causes of blindness. about one and 5 people are affected by one of these tropical diseases at some point in their lives. fortunately, effective drugs for many of them are now available. for example, i ever met and sometimes prescribed as a treatment for coverage 19 is effective in finding river blindness and other parasitic info stations. the medication is helped some latin american and
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african countries to successfully combat river blindness and recent years. preventive medicine also provides for action against worms and such stations and access the clean drinking water helps prevent infections too. but much remains to be done to turn neglected tropical diseases, into extinct wines. parasites look almost everywhere, not just in the tropics, not all or a potentially lethal, but they can be real nuisance. is not the less of is mice also called autumn? she goes live in the soil and lee, the eggs, the lobby, hatch out of them, and they like to crawl up long grass. they lie in wait the for a host like an animal or human might lobby a tiny, just not point 3 millimeters in size. you need
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a magnifying glass to see them once they've made it on 3 human leg. they tend to crawl up it. harvest might love areas of soft the skin, the back of a knee, or the quick of an um, for example, when they get the, they break open skin with the mouth poss, and inject the saliva into the we dissolving a tiny piece of skin. but they feast on the good news is that the parasites doesn't transmit diseases. what's not so good? is it the saliva make bitten? there is very itchy. sometimes for up to 2 weeks, usually you get lots of hobbies might bites close together. so it's hard not to you shouldn't scratch them as they can get infected outdoors. you can find dangerous beasties lying and wait everywhere. checks, for example. there are some 900 species that can transmit over 50 diseases. so
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watch out for them. the getting foster they getting bigger and there are more and more of them takes power. so totally just alexander lindo and capturing frustrate can confirm that they've been absent, or bounce in the woods and the last few weeks on the lookout for tics. the white sheets allowed them to pinpoint, even the youngest and tiniest of them was hoping you might find any. so these recent us names here comes to being take on top. it's the most common species here in germany. it's typical habitat is beside trails. that's where it feels at home. when the researches will lead to re examine the collective takes in detail in the lab which species that they found how many occurring pathogens concepts they have to being taken generally become active when temperatures hit 5 to 7 degree celsius
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and 40. when it gets very often some a well over 30 degrees and then they grow less active is only what's more important distributed to this species is particularly sensitive to drain away. when it gets hot and dry, they retreat again. but when it's 15 degrees, also that route looking for who's the boy to the researches on just interested in that room fines they've also called on people to send them takes signed on themselves or on their animals so far they've received about $8000.00 samples of the daughters constantly discovered, for instance, that the damage sent over to collapses, 2nd and made it would take to spread the doctor in the north western germany in particular, that's allowed us to fill in many of the blank spots on the map. and then from up to also for the high low med take that migrating bud introduced to jim in the front and then fold it. so i can step to build the hi. allow me to take was originally
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native to africa on the balkans. now global warming has promoted it spread in gemini. the ex pats was surprised how many was sent in the high alone to take is almost as fast as a spider. and up to 5 times the size of a custody being take it feels especially at home on sunday gravel paths on like the cast to being take. it's also active the peak of summer and pursues its host. hi. allow me it takes, don't wait for that, pray logic. so these re send us the hunted ticks. they have a proper i used, they can see and pursue that target. so 100 to 200 meters, a spot of megabytes for the high alignment take can suck significantly more blood than other species and also transmit dangerous diseases. i'm about to cry me in congo hemorrhagic feet or in particular towards the hook be new cases of
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that in gemini. so for both one suspected we could see infection for the man said it felt like his insights were on file. i was hoping that ma'am, had to be hospitalized. the researches have also receive lots of meadow techs the 2nd most common tech species in germany. but the cost of being tech still poses the biggest danger to people here in global warming is leading to an explosion in the numbers. they can carry, take bone and separate lights as a kind of brain, inflammation transmit line disease, which chiefly attacks the skin joint. so now the system, if you suffer from those or other symptoms off for a tick bite, always the adult. so we have minds about signs technology. that's like dw signs is now i'm take time. what do you want to gravitational way? is that that is when the people begin getting high and laughing gas
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out, the drums boogie to the beads. and what's the perfect kid football fun beyond says good fun, dw science on new tick, tock channel. in 2023. a woman was having brain surgery in australia when the operating team got a nasty shock. a live parasitic worm found for the 1st time in human. most worms in fest our intestines via unwashed fruit, or rom need, like be for pork tape or arms for fish. the fish tape warm can grow to be 20 meters long tape arms don't always cause noticeable symptoms, but while some are largely harmless, others can kill like the fox tape or in this animal health research lab scientists. so looking at tissue from of foxes,
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intestines. gary on charlie's and his team wants to find out how often the creatures are infested with parasites different. that's a very nice executive. and you can see the individual eggs very clearly down here, lined up like a string of pulse. they come from the fox tape was a parasite that has been found on the baltic sea island diflucan, but its exact geographical distribution. and prevalence is unclear, disciple, and that's why we want to carry out this study for 3 years ago. and we have 2 of you around 400 foxes coming, raccoon adults, and recruiting muscles window advice. counseling does open, they will be looking for parasites, viruses and bacteria. foxes in just tape when lobby along with a favorite food. mice, which would fed on growth infested with tape one eggs. humans can also become infected. for example, if they eat on cooked or on washed, mushrooms or berries,
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the mention if it's young people might get infected with the folks tape when, when the young just on level tissue develops and then live over the years and leads to a problem at some point one by then it's usually pretty late to intervene surgically because then suffers, have to take medication for the rest of their lives. it is less than treated as an infection can lead to death. there are only a few cases in germany, but millions globally, every year. thomas needs is a hunter, he's taking part in the study because he wants to know what diseases foxes transmit . he's confident that it will be possible to examine at least $400.00 foxes each year. hunting dogs are also being examined. don't give, don't see how a dog is around just 24 hours a day. and of course, as a risk, we can become infected by intestinal parasites, carry by the doggy. the research is looking at various areas on the island. the aim is to find out how many folks is have tape ones to invest thoughts. this is which
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why dentist saw inspection hot spots. now if we could, for example, put up warning signs the to raise awareness about fox tape one and the need. so good hygiene. yeah, i don't want to be in advice and that's the cold foxes allow the scientists to identify which pathogens can be transmitted to humans and gauge a great the tape. one danger really is warms, insects and other pesky little creatures. we hope you don't find it too off putting does mother nature have it in for us? should we steer clear over? of course not. we as humans are part of the natural world and over the millennia, we've evolved to cope. we don't just host on welcome guests, but also some that are vital for our digestion. in particular, some really tiny ones. the, the micro biome is a to tell it to you of all the microbes that inhabit the body,
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inside and out. by far, the largest proportion of micro biome organisms found in the got mainly bacteria. in fact, here a feature is estimated to number about the t trillion combined. they weigh about as much as the human brain, the skin, the mucous membranes of the mouth, and throat, in the nose, in the genital area, and even the loans. oh said color, nice by many microbes. in 2012 it's really researches discovered that comes that you must have that rather than individual micro volumes. normal digestion will be impossible without got my crowds on your skin microphone, that protective layer defense of gems and supports. when teeling,
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they are real so essential to your metabolism. every person's micro biome is as unique as the fingerprint. its composition is as individual as life itself. it starts with you, but here it makes a difference whether an infant is bone vagina and the whole by says area and section. this is because my credit's begin to colonize the body during bus. microbes enter your intestine, primarily through food, but also they enter the body by physical contact and respiration. the. ringback to move very your contact with non process again excludes. the more varied your
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micro biome becomes it's especially important for young children to come into contact with as many microbes as possible. that's the only way to develop a functioning micro biome. we are what we eat, this saying also applies to the got micro biome. important to you, what is known as pro bi optics, which are in cafeteria. so craft rome, milk, cheese, and other fermented foods. for example. they include micro organisms like lactic acid, but material will sit in east. in the intestine, they help strengthen the intestinal will and keep pathogens of a free biotech shoots are also important. in other words, homeless and a thing that contains a lot of fiber. 5 bodies in ideal breeding ground for beneficial bacteria.
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you'll micro biome nice besides with a regular but very diet and balance that can reduce the diversity of microbial species in your intestine. but an in tax got micro biome strengthens the immune system, prevents intestinal diseases while the micro biome on your skin can protect against skin diseases. in addition, some medical studies, i've shown the rats and mice, at least depending on the composition of that got to micro biome, become more courageous. according to a us study, setting profile takes can also influence people's emotions with test subjects reacting differently to frightening stimuli the, the tiny roommates in and on us have a major influence on our entire lives. eager
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to the non consensual, more women are falling victim to artificial intelligence. which is being abused by anonymous perpetrators. to create deceptively real pornography known as the thing. and it's become a nightmare for thomas when in that in 15 minutes on the double you shift your guides to life and it did to,
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to explore all the latest online trend, navigate your way through the digital jungle global perspective will be you'll guide and show you what's possible, you decide what really message to you sit in 45 minutes on the w, the change i mean the for a station in the rain forest continue carbon dioxide emissions. and again, the people of the world are
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we, what impact the biggest change doesn't happen on the make up. your own mind may actually cutting daniel's engine. you belong to the 77 percent comes who i don't go and 65 last last those top 5 years, 3 reasons why 1115 we are here to help you make up your mind. we are here on please find your mind. so all the topics i'm much up to you for couple top fixed, a new culture and in 15 minutes, let's talk about community life on the research is now on the
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this is d w. news live from berlin. germany's defense minister in the hot seat. forrest story as flames human error for the leak. that's what the secret military conversations about german weapons for ukraine interruption have. also coming up, china opens up its national people's congress with a focus on tackling growth. the event offers glimpses into how the communist party plans to get its economy back on track. the .
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