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tv   The 77 Percent  Deutsche Welle  March 5, 2024 11:30pm-12:01am CET

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gee, that will shape the future of humanity, the small, it's new world, the a i race, starts march 16th on dw, the d. m. your pools and you'll base and tell them that a 77 percent is on. today i want us to talk about our relationships and how we treat each other. if you're not in a relationship, still keep watching. there's something for you to mike. let's see your host for today. and to show you find off what young people see about gender equality in relationships in liberia we ask young subbing to 70 percent is how the outputs relationships, classic or mode. and then we hear what our sex and relationship experts cause has
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to say. and in the d r c, we meet ritual model who has built up a cleaning and pop. do you remember that time in 2016? when formalize you and president and will have multiple hiring, set his wife, belong in the kitchen, his living room, and his other room. bestbuy's significance progress to austin, the quality in africa. they're still much way to be done. for instance, a video of this month expressing his traditional views on women has gone at about $10000000.00 views or not is still going to. let's have a look. a spend a gazed. the ego woman having equal arrived, remained at home. and woman was based on mississippi and nobody's still happened like that. the only reason why we had the assuming east will have the woman the i to visit it because of the other. why that edition. so would you rather be just stayed at home once educated like that's the route of the month. they have to be
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what they have to to give the house of the woman that it has to do it is that that's, that's the best decent. that's all. gotcha, what was you about the other book culture. okay, so quick question. i'm a woman here who's doing this job of asking questions and moderating. i would say i'm independent. does that bother you? yeah. oh ok. you took part industry debates. if we want to present to you this week, it is kamani, went to monrovia to investigate the role of women in relationships by speaking to this month and other librarians. here it is the hello and welcome back to the seventy's of epithets trick debate. this week we are a library of the capital of monroe via now you might be familiar with the expression strong african woman in this country. they suddenly having had a female president,
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elizabeth johnson. but the strength in women is sometimes discouraged when he comes through a magic relationship, particularly the applicant contents. so today we want to find out why, who best to answer this question for me that some late periods. and we're going to start with the couple on the panel. we have a couple the so loved up austin insurance. hello. thanks for joining us. so let's start with the basic question of your day to day when you wake up in the morning, give me a little clue about who does what in the morning, what's your morning routine, like since how you really signing lemme stuff. well, thank you. um in the morning i wake up around 55 like 530 a get my kids ready for school wide. he's dead getting ready for work. okay, so what do you say that's your domestic responsibilities. uh sort of equally splits between the 2 of you. yeah, it is. yeah. physically i'm able to wake up early morning and get hot water for the kids. i'm able to be beeping the little girl while she has to be ferrying cobra or
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something. so yeah, i think is good and i enjoy doing you abraham, where are you? i know that you have a biblical name and also an old fashion stands on the concept of equality and relationships. tell me a little bit about that. for me. i come with 4 african quarter background and they are, ruth described to me both men and women. i believe that most of the 1st choices, you know, are offered in context. uh uh, the responsibility of the women. but the make them be of help to let me tell you, i'm laughing because the women behind me are really sighing. you substance something then? yeah, what i would like you to complete it these. so you started by telling me women's responsibility in their relationship. i have to remember to one do all the health choice? no, i said, most of the res, restore most of the 1st choice is the women's responsibilities. so what does the mind do then? you know, will i be when setting is the head of the home?
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he's responsible to, to, to provide for the home. okay. tell me what you're thinking. always the female is a feminist and an activist. yeah. knowing that liberia was set on the basis of peach. iraqi just explains why they are a no saying these different things. but when you look at who said those rules, who's who give the responsibilities of a woman take in charge of the room and doing the choices. you wouldn't know that the men said those rules and wish we'd be leave for very bias, right? because women's potential is way, be your own, just taken care of who i want to hear from some people at the back. right. let me get some reactions. come close to to me, please. i'm a decent analyst. nice. been against the ego will mind having you go right, remain home and woman was based on mississippi and nobody's still happy like that. the reason why we have similes loving women,
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the i to visit it because of the other. glad education. okay, so quick question. i'm a woman here who's doing this job of asking questions, and moderating. i would say i'm independent. does that bother you? a? yeah, it, well ma'am, you know, african culture must not be dependent. what if i told you that in my culture, women actually the heads of the home by so culture in our gods and that was said yeah. and then back on to the women us know something to assist. so let me come back to the couple of the even holding hands. let me tell you we are feeling so single to the day on this. so when you hear some of these a sessions, i can imagine that there must also be people in your family who also have hold similar views, the community, assess the letters, you work up and you know, wash the dishes, you're the man. you work up. just get ready for work and move on, you know, and then you start to follow that. i don't get a while, you do that. so we're going to have the money. and what is going to shop people?
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is that in the mood you as a me you benefit a lot if those equality in the home. yeah. mother goes to visit you and then she is easy washing the dirty clothes. she's like, why is my phone rousing very close? let me hear from my dealing for a 2nd because we haven't spoken to her. you just want to investigate this idea of the head of a home. because because no one has talked about partnerships in the contemporary well that we live in today. do we still need that classical head of a home? well, i have no interesting relationship anymore. it is because of what i went through when i was a relationship. so i had to quit 2019 because i had an a, b will save 500. but while it protective, and he was very abusive. so i went to it. i held my god like king. after woke up in the morning in. what? so what sucks but bucks are in what it bob. really weird. sweet sweet, sweet,
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sweet, sweet, sweet, sweet, sweet. i need to understand is what do you mean put stokes. but what, what, what help him dress up in the morning like a child was what when extra martin, you know, helping to buy relationship. okay. and to have a question for you as the what treating him as a king, as you're saying, which by the way, absolutely. was he treating you as a queen? well, he was abuse if he was really abusive. so he has actually to mid me until lost interest in having relationship. and when i see people are like, you know, couples and they know i feel like they're not being true to each other. yeah. okay . so obviously not all relationships which have that dynamic will end up in abuse. yeah, let's just be clear about that. however, it can, because these a power dynamic that has not been addressed. so how do you,
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how do you navigate this? so for me, people always put or have a negative connotation. when it comes to head or phone, we're not saying that there will much would be the one to address you. is not, is that the most responsibility of the dresser? if that is happening, that's abuse. knowing your rules is different from being abuse, but i'm saying that the i ascribe for men and women in there who hold them very clearly. okay. i mean that's your position and that's perfectly fine . we've had many things rights including this additional is to think that's we mentioned, even be educated. let me hear from, oh, i am so afraid to bring the microphone to you. but let's hear you. that's the point, is a need that we go back to our tried to you soon. i wouldn't was missing, but it was to the court on the have to do everything. and that is what will happen to the bidding. but as i'm probably assuming this, but it's what about why you,
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why i think it's not we may just find a new home. okay, so let me just, are you working for example, and you must have female bosses. how do you respond to that? oh, it has an a bus mean a female is going to come to get it to decide ready though see hard being submissive. sometimes she just, she just was point, know how to man, and that is the high supposed to be so well not being a bus that can be from abusive to me. oh, okay. i, i honestly cannot believe that i am hearing these words in 2023, but um, but, but i mean you'll, you'll, you'll view points, let me get one last one here with me. i am power one. yeah. etiquette telling me i learned this aside to become better because come on with kyra children in our rooms for 9 months, which is huge. so i mean, we're on dustin relationship because we've gone with them for 9 months when they come outside and we've been with them and even the hosp wanting to, oh,
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we sometimes think of them as babies. yeah. alpha as boss as well, when you come on the baby's man to support me, then what could be able to be a home and society better. all right, normally at this point of the debate would be asking people for solutions. but after hearing all the diverse opinions, i'm not sure that there is such a thing as solutions. we started with a couple, i'd like to end with them. we've had so many viewpoints here. do you think that the kind of relationship that the 2 of you have, which some people might see us aspirational is on the threats? we work up in the morning as a man and getting ready for work. when you stand before that mirror jesse or human being, when you see your wife see a human being, she to her that way, man. you are going to be happy. if you bring that woman to the equal point, you're going to be happy because we are just equal and we have this agreement on audius' and wish when we'd be here, the idea that we're pushing, well, which is
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a better idea. we go about that. thank you. that is a beautiful place to rock this debates. we have had some very controversial remarks today, but also what a nice way to wrap it up. think 1st and foremost of your partner as human. thank you guys for watching the i mean there's some truth to a few of the things that those people were saying, some things i get some things. i refuse what part resonate. the role of a woman is to keep the house and the man is the head of the household. that's just how it is. well, if you were listening carefully, you'd understand a bit different dynamics when it comes to relationships. yes, i got that. but i have my version and i believe it's valid. so what makes you think men hold a higher power in a marriage or relationship? that's how it was when i was growing up. my mom was always working on household charles and she comes and me tells me that i need to be
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a certain type of woman for my husband. you know? probably 31. right. so how is this looking out for you? it's exhausting because i wake up, get the kids ready for school, make breakfast, make sure my husband's clothes the ions and ready, make sure everybody eats and that lunches are packed if needed. make sure the kids are late for the school bus, then i go to work. and what are your evening routines? i gets home, make the kids t, make sure they bring their homework, help them were needed. then get dinner ready, prep the kids for bed and make sure how these food is played to been waiting for when he gets home. and what does he do? he wakes up, gets ready for work, eat and leaves. and when he gets home, if he gets home and the which is honestly criteria, he'll sit and eat with us. and then you'll watch sports or news or whatever. and then eat salad and sleep. and this, of course, you know,
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does that get you in the mood for, you know, i don't even know what a mood is anymore. how does that sound fair? like, where is your joy? why i view anyone who's just tired all the time and never in the mood where african women of course have been conditioned into believing in traditional gender roles within relationships mentioned do this, women should do that. even inquire relationships. the more masculine presenting person is expected to carry the same gender rules which is outdated and unfair. all of this to maintain a hierarchical system that only benefits men and not just in relationships of jobs, social status, just right in general. how many times do you walk in town and feel safe? gosh, never how many times do you think your husband walks in town and feel safe? he's always walking around town even late into the night time case in point. what now? i'm no expert,
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but i think your health and wellbeing are as important as anyone else's and that includes mental health. don't let your home life drive you into a depression. just talk to a man, let him know you'd like a break to come up with a plan together. maybe tell him that and see how quickly he'll come running. oh, it says i will try and it's going to be hard to start that conversation because we've gotten the custom to district team, but i needed to hear that. okay, i've got to go cook. kids will be home soon. can i get you some more tea? girls sit down, i will get the tea, myself and order pizza for the kids. my treat. the thanks costs for those octave scales and biscuit. and in case i asked you to be to pick your interest, you can watch a full version. when i youtube channel. i've often heard people say in african culture, women are expected to do this, all that. but in my icon culture,
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both men and women can boil cassava and pass hoops. let me know why your call to doesn't allow men to do domestic choice. i'm curious. african women are known for the enter pin neural spirit. in fact, in africa, more women run businesses exist than anywhere else in the world ritual model as a prime example of this. she's thought that hey, colleen in business in the eastern region of the democratic republic of congo, and now employees, hundreds of people. she has proven what we already know, that women can excel in business, bestbuy to the extra head of the face. it is west milton that this story was recorded before the escalation of patients in eastern cool go. mazda is 10 companies bought a town overlooking the cube. and rhonda is this via telephone is flattering story. it's literally the rags to riches tails. rachel, more low,
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a young antonio who overcame homelessness to be to tell own cleanings, come the bell. this is the full sized after the death of my father, it was an easy they chased us from our rented house and life to him to be tough. but i resolved to take my feet into my own hands. i started walking as a key night in town, in a big building with many rooms. can you imagine? i was just getting $20.00 a month for washing clothes, dishes and cleaning the house. all of the cleaning business has a certain stigma, even though it's vital works, especially for keeping up with buildings running. many young people looks down on the profession multiple night when you walk as a clean up. no one respects you. there's just a neglect. you don't see the value you bring, and if one is sold you via my academy studies showed us, we should be
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a jobs and not what, what was that i find out when that came out and rachel supported adults in the cleaning business. she advertised her services as a clean out on what's up, both around supplies and the power to clean houses. then we go no one night, i discovered, you know, what's the group that someone was looking for a cleaning company. i wrote to that person directly named books, and when i saw how big that cleaning budget was, i said in the had to build a team. i train them in one day and we perfect it older team at the walk location of the corner. after high, it's rachel, for most business would come best for 2 months. no one called again. so rachel began activity advertising using social media door to door contesting businesses, distributing flyers to find me these and offices. and it's what i found ca,
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it started with those advertisements i made on social media, showing people what i do. and eventually like lions and partners came, my vision is to be established worldwide because my mission is to ensure everyone lives in a good environment, an environment which is safe, clean, and without dirt. i know. so these quite the initial full top ritual model now has thousands of stuff across the company specifically in because lizzie, and last year in goma, she has 33 interviews. not because people often think that once a lady finishes her studies, she just needs to get married. all the escalade is, is when do you get married? do you already have a fiance whose those are nonsense issues? however, i don't feel disappointed with housing, so i've done visual helps us sort of cleanings racks to interesting euros. richard settings via other young people to new positive preconceived ideas about successful jobs. so humble,
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we shouldn't have create and clean spaces too hot on us walk is already providing fundable income for house. one great woman invites us to meet another who was captivated many with her voice city. i'm in not is a musician and toys mom, but so the inside is the best stool in town also. and us ending conway among the locals. that is about 70 or 20 most we can oftentimes on. yeah. and it both a rich history. i feel like just estimated that people have lived in stone town since the 5th century. it is no surprise that a city is full of history and culture to join. i mean, not on this tool office still in town and explore. it's one of this know i'm 50, i mean all the way from 0 and you are watching. these are blue, 77 percent. and this is mine. 50
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stone town is the heart of sans he paused largest city tons and un archipello goes nearly $2000000.00 residents of famously diverse. hospitable and to music. he gifted like city amena, the international, who yeah, came to musician, has been crowned a local tourism and cultural invested us. and today she's taking us through the city that she loves, that you sorta offices as the but it's a mixture of millions of culture and everywhere you go, you will, coming with one world coming press is one will coming uh words this, this is cold. go make home with all or we can call it old for it. but stone tone is much more than it's historic buildings and winding. i mean not, and her band mates are working hard to revive the islands, robust musical tradition for a new generation of sands. the batteries,
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the ticket of guys. this is our space where we do all practice every single day. and today you're going to enjoy all front tooth. the the, the group takes the name from city bin to sell it. the legendary single who launched essentially bought the local tar upjohn right into prominence way back in 1928. interpreting the traditional style with mode danceable jobs for the 21st century is the name of the game. and so is breaking down barriers around who is allowed to play. when i grew up, i didn't see the woman playing that would then must be someone to brag this to lose . and that's why i decided that to check the food as an instrument. i mean is
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banned, may pay tribute to the historic queen of tar up, but stone town has also produced a musical queen of a different kind. the city is the birthplace of rock legend, freddie mercury and v. it's his house born here and raised the inside of the box. and after that, he took the music all over the walls. if the reaction of the funds on the street or anything to go by freddy mercury is not the only musical star to be found to this neighborhood. the president of the issues like famous commerce is in vans. he bought as dna and it's on full display at a star go central marketplace. this is called multi t t. it can find a lot of pieces because it's in the state. for example, here we have the problem. cussing got this one recorded place that it's all
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this is gone then you know that we use it. i nothing off with the and then the day my name, but another life in stone town is just waking up. locals flocked to the seaside clause out for a donnie with families relax young's to show off the diving skills and everybody comes to bill. they've been here the difference with the surprises and one of my favorite fluids, which is a transition in a sense of what it's called, roy your. it's a mix of potatoes as that. and the cuts time 5 to have a delicious and a unique as it's a heavy mix of flavors, fragrances, and friendly faces. and for musical trail blazers like i'm, you know, the city is future is as bright. and as clear as this story top end of the day my speech. but also so proud of my
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lovely dive in sports, my katya for what danny has become really popular on take talk any step wrong. and i can't wait to try the jump myself. and if you have any female spots in, you'll see team make a video and progress when you start from a lot. so i show for this week, i hope you've learned that every relationship is about love, support and equality. if you like, vishal, i'm sure your log out of content. follow us on these platforms for more. i leave you in the company of mavens. they call this song about those enjoy and until next time, you know, thanks for watching the
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the, the
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fleeing through the recess jungle between columbia thousands of people risk their lives here for new nice in the united states. and frustration and on the one of the most dangerous, the incessant minute d, w for germany desperately means skilled workers. and what are the solution? ones on board is focused on drawing in more international talent. other businesses
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12:00 am
this is data be news live from berlin. super tuesday is in full swing in the united states. it's the biggest day so far in the 2024 presidential race as millions vote for their candidate for the white house. to bring the latest from our correspondent in colorado. also coming up, germany's defense minister blames human error for the leak that put secret military conversations about german weapons for ukraine interruption, hands and test was european assembly plant near berlin grinds to a halt because was suspected ours and attack on nearby power lines. left wing militant groups as it was behind the incident.


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