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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  March 6, 2024 2:00am-2:15am CET

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the, the, this is the, the, the news live from berlin super tuesday is in full swing in the united states. it's the biggest day so far, the 2024 presidential race is millions vote for their candidate for the white house . we'll bring you the latest from our correspondents in colorado. also coming up, jordan in the united states air drop more aid into gaza. but with the situation on the ground growing even more desperate. critics say the supplies or just a fraction of what is needed. and tesla is european assembly plant near berlin grinds to a halt because of a suspected arson attack on nearby power lines left. a left wing built in groups as
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it was behind the incident. the hello and welcome to our show. i'm seeing beardsley in berlin. it's the biggest day so far in the 2024 race for the white house, so called super tuesday. across america, voters are choosing the parties candidates to become the next president. 16 states from alabama to alaska and one overseas territory. american samoa holding primary elections. there are only 2 serious contenders. president joe biden, for the democrats and his predecessor and office. donald trump, for the republicans, south carolina's nikki haley as trumps. only competition, but the former president his own course to win big and here are a few of the voices of voters casting their ballots on tuesday across the us take listen. i actually, i don't, i can't stand trump. and so it wasn't
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a big problem for me to come over here and vote i voted for buying as i did the last time because i supported him. well, i bought it for donald trump and i did last time also because we really need a business man to get this world straight. travelers is a very horse and individual buddies, the least he knows how to run the country. republican donald trump. eh, because i think he's the best hope we have for getting our country back on track. anybody. but i don't really. why is that? he's he doesn't need the big are present. there's a get, he's too old. he forgets things i wrote in from our current president, fighting and mostly voting for him because i'm concerned about the state of our democracy. if trump is re elected, i think he would be less likely to start our
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correspond to benjamin alvarez gruber is standing by in colorado. benjamin. are there any surprises so far out of this big election day? it's not big surprises. we have the so called race coals by the associated press and other media outlets here in the us already calling some races we have in donald trump winning the republican presidential primary in virginia and north carolina. and another name that we will probably hear at several more times. today's job by and that he won the democratic presidential primary, north carolina, virginia and vermont. so 2 names that we will listen and hear em often a during the super tuesday, we were here in denver in colorado. this the one hour to go what people can come here and cast their ballots. it can be inside, but also behind me you can see that it's a station for drive. so will you be so you can just come it with the with the car to vote here. and we also spoke to some voters here. they told us some of them a going forward to buy and some of them going for donald trump. but the big
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question of course will be what will happen with nikki haley? how big the margin will be between donald trump and nicky? hating what will happen afterwards because he's not even close to getting the republican nomination. it has said also that you will not run is that party candidate? all right, so some questions about some of the candidates on the edges of this race does super tuesday really tell us anything about this campaign or this, this race i should say for the white house and we didn't already know. this is right. usually this is the most important day with some surprise. this might also happen, but here it's pretty close. we have 2 candidates way to buy and we have donald trump, who are the candidates. it will probably also be a the know mean nice from the democrats and also from the republic. it's a big question here. that's also really interesting to see how many democratic voters will vote on committed. we had the primary in michigan recently with $100000.00 people, so it 12 percent of total voted uncommitted, criticizing it, president biden say it goes up holiday season. his approach to israel,
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so we will find out if that will stay the same. is it people in 50, in states across the country are heading out to the polls. we have different time zones here in the us. of course, it will not be a time where all the polls closed here in colorado where we have where we are now. that will happen in an hour. how significant are these protests, both votes for buying that? you mentioned we sold as in michigan before and now and so for tuesday already sides, we may see some more of this this right. and also when you hear people criticizing his policies and, and you'll see that it definitely rang some alarm bells in the white house who had the vice president come all the harris reasons the only a few days ago saying that a ceasefire is needed for at least 6 weeks, so they a getting the message, the thing is if there will be actual policies and not as words, as many as say, the divide and ministration is not going follow up, not just taking action as we is seeing these pictures of the us, of gold and dropping 8 into gauze and many here are saying that the us should do far more. so that's definitely i consider we will see as long as soon as we have
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the the, the results coming in and see how many people voted uncommitted if we see something similar to what we saw in michigan risk. correct. benjamin alvarez group there in denver, colorado. thank you very much. i. it will stay with us politics . arizona is kirsten cinema will not seek re election to the senate. in november i spent most of the increasingly bitter divisions in american politics were behind her decision. she was elected as a democratic 2018, but left the party last year. after repeatedly blocking progressive policies the race to replace or is expected to be highly competitive. president binding one, arizona in the 2020 presidential election by just 3 tenths of a percent of the vote. present, joe biden says he's hoping for a cease fire and gaza before ramadan. the muslim holy month begins march 10th button says it's up to moss, which carried out to october 7th terror attacks. whether that will be
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a 6 week truce in exchange for the release of his really hostages. the bill is in the hands of home office right now. offer a rational offer and see what the hell is going to be a see as far as ramadan get into circumstance for this continues to run the israel united states and jordan have meanwhile air dropped more a packages into the gaza strip. u. s. military saying almost 37000 meals were flown into the territory in a joint operation. but with the humanitarian crisis becoming increasingly desperate agencies all say that only a fraction of what is needed is getting through to panic and k. o. as many and gaza city run around in
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a frenzy to find food countries such as egypt, jordan fronts. and now the us have been dropping aid from above. but there are too many people in need. and there's not enough aid. the we have the willingness inability to bear it, but is there a father in the world who can see his children riding in hunger in front of him to remain silent? even if the price is risking his life. just like all these people who risk their lives in order to obtain what is not even enough for a crumb of flour or 8 or canned food. rid of yesterday, some expired canned goods arrived containing mold and fungus. we are not animals, as they described us over the we can work us from the un. i'm the w which will rushed in to provide supplies to hospitals,
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medicines and fuel running critically. no. and this is costing children headlines so unfortunately, yes, we have lost 2 babies here. they had pneumonia, but they died because of the power cut. the power went off at 4 am, and at 8 am we were out of oxygen, the one that many others have died from hunger, according to the visiting team from the w. h o l. i love that there is no milk or anything. well, the situation is bad, indescribable. we're not able to get them anything. these deaths come as the booming outside continues and bodies, philip flores, somewhat so young. they barely have the chance to live over to germany. now we're defense minister bore us to story is,
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says human error was to blame for a conversation between german military commanders being intercepted by russia. the story as, as a senior officer who was visiting singapore dialed in to join the discussion about the use of taurus cruise missiles and ukraine without taking the necessary security precautions. or the story is said that the kremlin was attempting to create divisions within his country. with land type, russia is constantly trying to drive a wedge between us, between the domestic political forces in germany, between the policies, between those for a, for or against, for more or less support for ukraine. it's all the perfidious getting, the tutoring has came here and we must not fall before it the most often lime game . the story is also said that the german government has not yet decided whether to send taurus cruise missiles to ukraine. so does that mean that the issue is still on the table? here's the w political correspondent, simon young. clearly isn't off the table is being discussed at
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a pretty senior level within the military. but of course, also among politicians as we know, john, so that all i've shown is strongly opposed to supplying they said towards long range missile system into crime. the pain is that it could be interpreted by russia as a direct involvement at by germany in the war, and the fee is an escalation, big it off its electricity supply. local media publish a letter from a far left group, claiming it was behind the incident. a tesla c o one mosque has called a suspected attack. quote, extremely dumb. the police vans near the desk left lined just outside the german capital berlin. a fire broke out at a high voltage electricity file on which led to up our failure. authorities believe it was an act of sabotage from the today criminal police or investigation on
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suspicion of ours are investigating all of these. and in a far left, 1000000 group has claimed responsibility and the message posted online. the power outage force testified to hold its production and evacuate workers feelings associated with for us. this really is an attack on this industrial side here and find the book. we have up to 12000 employees because i work at the moment. the sensitive gums of the electric car maker is facing protests against its expansion plans at the blonde environmental activists are occupying a nearby forest, putting up dense and building tree houses as part of the stop dessler movement. life is that we've occupied this forest because tesla, which is building electric cars here. and it's a big a factory for us to also wants to buy unclear this area of forest or, and on of these advisory board and us. and we've occupied the forest just on this list. the environmental activists have issued the statement distancing themselves
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from the suspected arson attack. tesla says production board resume before next week, and it expects the losses to run to several 100000000 euros. and finally, a new food delivery system is being rolled out in tokyo. self driving robots will soon be sharing the sidewalk with pedestrians as they distribute takeaways. the tiny vehicles move at 5 kilometers per hour using sensors flashing lights, making tripping noise to navigate their way around. new over each service in japan is an extension of a trial already in some us cities. all right, just a reminder of our top story. super tuesday is in full swing in the united states. it's the biggest day so far in the 2024 race for the white house. 16 states across america are choosing their parties candidates for president in the upcoming
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election in november. so that's it for now. we'll be back soon with more headlines. in the meantime, check us out on line d, w dot com. i think there's an invalid logic. the ukraine was like a stepping point, you know, 5 or 2 into that warranty wants to finish your studies. now you have a 70 feet from the train, you can choose to go back or somewhere else currently, more people than ever on the move in search of a pass in life. yeah. give me something that is coming very very soon and yeah, can we learn more about or know when a story info, migraines.


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