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tv   Close up  Deutsche Welle  March 6, 2024 11:30am-12:00pm CET

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that some photographers from germany each one of the colonial rulers, working to set up a home away from home within a short space of time, they built a strikingly authentic replica of a small germantown men void english to so and based on the, basically they wanted to create to kind of su period jim anita, and as was typical for colonial into the, in the mid 19th century. but it didn't really capture on and what they were left with instead, well, who rule material produces that commercial markets on showcase buildings. and then i, instead of creating a mini empire, the only day now was more about establishing rule making local people went to the gym and, and i ended the storage because of eyes. all right, so lawson low myers assignment was to show the colonies working well in was
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splendid colour, essentially propaganda for a german empire along the british lines off by the, including the one where they might be to in going to the colonial administrators. what's constantly citing breton brought the a being to be it be cool in phoning and running launch colonies and making profit from themself, given that hosted, seen and subtract. india was for that size and seeing that you and then the crown of the british empire was something they never achieved as if it was, it was the prime example to follow. i asked the slides on guns closest for that you know, forward to the german colonies, germany's leading anthropologist of the time coast stuff that you like and advances and photography to the progress brought by german colonial rulers to the african subject. the book was a huge success ons or ordered his own personal copy. the luxury edition costs 200.
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20 wrecks marks almost a 3rd of the average annual income of the time of popular edition costing 3 marks. 50 sold a phenomenal 60000 copies of the best seller, nick clooney. i'd the guys to go see my grandfather was pro colonial for nelson, the over at st. war mongering sense of the adult to the vocabulary of the time. the boys doing everything for him in carrying them through the jungle with a sedan chair. when i was a boy, i would see my grand obviously doctor do this. important above all, was having a decent neck and a dependable black orderly, which for the local chieftains in effect, may be a guest of the government. the primary difficulty, of course, was keeping the caravan together. riding back, i occasionally administered a few blows of encouragement with the people either with an instrument with its
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weight in gold. here its appearance alone works. one. this comes when it tries without a doubt account. racism was a core element of colonialism. it was a centrally integral part of the thinking in that era. inside the africans were not seen as a future fellow citizens like camera room board, marching, people be going 19 o 2 became a city train conductor in berlin. africa was associated with on change nature, adventure and romance. books with low myers photos, referred to negroes and their place in contemporary racial theory. some examples, each rate should keep to its own an old phrase based on manifold experience that finds for the confirmation. here. to this day, the bushman wondering evidently in the grasslands exist on the lowest conceivable level of humanity. the life of the bushman is indeed reminiscent of that of animals in the wild to what is conspicuous, however,
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is the difference in facial shape between the back tomorrow and the over herero queue the broad angular head of the despised clip cover. then this striking narrow head of the almost herero the master was in many cases, almost semitic like features scot off the flushed. and when that was also the notion that your opinions have the right to rule over other peoples, because they were at the top of this racial hierarchy. a notion that went on china and russia and those other peoples and societies which a works of in your opinion, man, be subordinate to him on science or in addition to the native individuals to based in accordance with racial theory. little matters photos also depicted the colony as a paradise with a solid infrastructure and risk taking landscapes. the
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d. which tv spits here to buddha, for the motifs featured in full bath low myers photos, spoke a very familiar visual language for people back home in terms of their composition . i met with design as of the beta, the photos i'll show landscape, send architecture, and chef. and i stick to and good side of math over to the often featuring imperial infrastructure and buildings such as churches. and because it's one of the composition wasn't many cases being comparable with picture postcard that people knew from germany or other places in europe, deutschen. a passion or i can come to shortly before christmas 19 o 7 old bad little meyer disembarked from the steamship a his destination. lo may, the capital of togo in west africa, considered an exemplary colonial project. i dressed up in my
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pristine white finery and drove proudly to the governor, a new and expensive whole construction touch with a glove like the th still back on, on live. so you just process the cool, cool as a, made a, as an expert in colonial history at the university of lou may, due to scheduling our interview, had to take place via video call. and it's best buy's been the take the example that roommate is our prospects and it has the streets, buildings in the district that went by the german named luma mission truck in the luma city was exclusively european sale of a nice a population. i had to live on the outskirts in what was called, low midland demolition in lumina, as wouldn't how compromised about they did build a couple of hospitalized. i'm not sure. so for your opinions only their own,
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then it's not as for medical treatment, for the indigenous population events, they were sent to shante buildings in the vicinity of the hospital give this house is a back and then they there's a conference. so that's been done. that's all the photos taken by little my own that should germans exploiting the colony for the benefit of the german empire? i will send germans in general. yeah. then those are the surprised the terms. so i said that those i think of my to go was considered germany's model colony for the commercial trading companies and plantation owners who set up business there, a peaceful and lucrative prospect to go back and yeah, i'm, i was pointing squarely, i'm 0 tuvell colonies was more about exploitation then said to me, yes, i will step down with in german eyes and it was a model currently the doable. why not say i? so the work done by toby leaves help to ensure that germany no longer needed to
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invest economically in the colon as not to lose the advice on the war. absolutely, by depriving upstairs the mission of the house and did some fish as well in the quarterly as jim, it's autumn, an alternative perspective. my perspective twos of mine are perspective in this model, colony was only beneficial for the german rulers. so as of right indignant died, we suffered hardship from colonial rule and allied skin with our work only serving the power of the colonized on how we have to add to the severe detriment of peoples how. why and it's on their own societies. they're obviously price said to last me different decisions. and so right now this book spoke the literally of the ciocca lease. so we'll as alien to him as the winch, the potter's wheel, the cart, the use of working animals for the plow in these things use
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a 1000 years behind the white man and the yellow race lo meyer too believed in the idea of a civilizing mission. in this world, whiteman held all the power and target these women were reduced to possessions and sex object. the new white man bought himself a young girl. and in the evening the black woman called mommy appeared punctually on the veranda. a few days later, i to my surprise determined that there was likewise a black, something or other offering itself outside my door. i still had no inkling that this was a customer gift for guests. since i had absolutely no appetite for this kind of chocolate, i asked my eyes to refrain from such hospitality and future the i'm from home gave eyes included in your listeners. i'd say it's
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a strange understand initially having an indigenous woman as a mistress with something the white colonial level just to the ground in the i was the it was part and parcel of back home quest to, to move a time for them about to id was increasingly subject to subject to race or a white mind co, hesitating with an indigenous woman would be set to have been i'm, it's gone native and again and for autism and leaving verdant cove at low. my also visited you to the 2nd most important part in the colony was also home to a little germany complete with all the trappings, as can still be seen today, the
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sharp island meals due to that was the sight of a concentration camp set up by german colonial troops over 1000 nama starved and froze to death. here, no little myer photos document. these events of the ro, nama rebellion started in 19 o. 4. the german response was brutal and turned into a systematic genocide of 80000 herero some 65000 were killed together with half of the numbers 20000 strong population. the to day, the crime is commemorated by
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a memorial in wind hook in its day the bloody clothing of the rebellion was also the subject of fierce debate back in germany. they would serve just a key issue in the parliamentary elections of 1907. both of germany's most popular political parties condemned the colonial armies, actions none. the less these events went on mentioned by lo meyer in his travel ox . 2 bedroom is due to is it some deemed use the input just an osman, does it? so in fairly another speech indicating them just to bid a low myers photos presented a completely different mixture and safe space. so it says that, and i am one of peaceful colonies on some of safety for i'm a vast landscapes. i am the occasional inhabitant to architecture and clear composition and giving the colonies
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a shot. and i did like feel as an adult in vast landscapes, towns, and villages. with familiar architecture, the colonies were depicted as a pleasant places to live. despite the reality that launch swabs were barren wilderness low myers photography delivered and advertising world ideas to the leader of its railway line, connected the port town with the interior and the number of desert no meyer was among the passengers in his own carriage. the train would stop where ever he commanded for him to take his pictures. among his stops was call months ago, a small settlement in the middle of the desert. this until now, middle 9 small town voted spain to the discovery of diamonds fields in the sands of
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comments cop aside from a number of pictures. and then amid the only point of interest to you with the various stages of diamond mining coal mines. gump was a backwater full of nuva, reached colonialists, who had their bath water delivered from south africa. in soda bottles. the diamond to boom brought prosperity to the barren south of the colony. the settlers built themselves everything from ball rooms to bowling alleys. the the precious stones made a select few wealthy, but the colonial settlements were largely subsidized, undertaking a disorder. and i said, let's in this may astoria data. ultimately, a german empire invested more money from tax revenues in the colonies than it's ever earned from them. so those certain companies were able to become extremely wealthy. the that i should be able to close with allstate,
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trading from the pacific, and let's see, fake make them do the diamond trade. the i'm the real awareness for example by screen size of the size of the fia. so there were companies and they are shareholders from colonial investments. for a strongly look, tradition house clinton busy a product is as easy as hawkeye sales, including say, in 19 o 9 who are bit low. my arrived in german east africa, the pearl of germany's colonies mounted kilimanjaro celebrated at the time as germany's highest mountain was among the highlights on visitors, travel itinerary and unforgettable sights, africa, and snow. the combinations so strange that the mr. me who 1st reported it to you or 30 years ago was declared insane. the most picturesque black people live to the circle mass side. black would actually be the room would. they would dock brown and had a wonderful warrior jewelry. i was most glad to be able to record this peculiar
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tribe to the messiah with a low meyer the appear to me of a noble african horse, described in the book. the aristocratic cast of the native population. the scouring a group of mercenaries from various parts of africa, likewise enjoyed a reputation as excellent soldiers and dependable allies. some would fight for germany in the 1st world war in what is now tens and the, 10s dream of realizing a british style empire seemed possible. the german regime was competing directly and in its its own eyes on equal footing. whether it's your opinion, rival in neighboring kenya. and then let's neon for him. ask next week is that it was a very prevalent id or in the run up to the 1st world war to the gym and colonial company managed to win know for a lot of people with it,
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and less promotional campaigns and event armstead, to him in the future mentioned galvan and had to infuse few that red source. and in the years before the war was this notion of rivalry became hugely important to gather with the idea of being a global power on its own months. even off as fed mouth, crushed in was nationalistic propaganda played a major role among the competing colonial powers. racist stereotypes were frequently deployed to mean both the colonized and competing european nations. the skip this. yeah. and look for that. gosh, don't touch it was invalid. see seamless example, it says, let's see what's a satirical magazine that compared the serious european colonial powers, particularly in very vivid terms. german colonialism was betrayed as peaceful next to the beloved thursday belgians before the capitalistic simulated set of materials
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and looking for toast by tungsten, palest, must file the interracial sexual next thing in portuguese colonialism was also a friend of on 6 where the teats, it's included. this was difficult to be used in different germany. these comparisons were in court and this kind of what i do is give me, i know that the, the 1st world war in europe killed millions and so on the collapse of the monarchy in germany. with it. and the germany's aspirations to a global empire. the former german colonies were taken over by france and britain back home that was widespread shame over the presence of black occupying troops on german soil. especially the french infantry groups that had fought in the trenches on the western front.
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the this man judge damien took him to the doctor now, gaps of information. and it was a deliberate humiliation. and i met with a small position including organized protests by associations in britain and the us as of this law. and that i'm running side. the idea of a white population being gaudy and commanded by black men was on unprecedented, and considered an absolute with this. so as a natural order in kid and not to anything for hitting this, if it's hosted one is even the left wing, satirical publications in germany, such as collaborative adapt and sublet, says most join the propaganda war against the so called black infamy fueling races, notions of the murderous, sexually violent black man races, colonialists cliches were present in both political discourse and popular culture.
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nothing dakota mean him to get his estimate 6 out of it was the last of the colonies after the 1st of all, the more got this, the big debates in the volume or republic centered on colonial resolution has got to be doing these movements would be i'm flinched livingston no. myers photos, enjoy revival writing a wave of postwar colonial nostalgia already popular picture postcard motifs. in the 1920s, the images also reappeared in a special edition book, marking the birth of german colonialism. the subsequent to nancy regime, the amplified the revision to some of the 5 mile republic. yet again, instrumental lising, the photos escape toyotas. if he mentioned, there are a lot of people sitting in germany. some scientists and primarily known academics behind the quinn says the anti semitism was different from the racism shown towards
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africans, for example. but i believe that these 2 phenomena are very closely connected with men difficult for most outside of the defining ideology of the nazi movement was anti semitism. it is most fond, of course. there is an intrinsic name to the racism against the motion of things to football, not 30 years after though myers 1st trip is photos were featured again in the 1937 book german africa ended future 4 years later, another book followed our wonderful old colonies. the images had been incorporated into non c id ology decoding yeah, into the economy and then tuesday. and that's what comes in on the not fees. they hoped that they knew hitler regime would enable the re establishment of the colonial empire. alfonso, kind of in that side as much and as i said this was a lead view to of the community outside of it. and the, so the nazi era saw
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a resurgence of colonial era images. there were re issues of old magazines and illustrated books and the colonial era pictures. i enjoyed a renaissance with the nazis happy to make use of that imagery. and it's inherently racist of narrative, dean and process. just one of the chief of irish cables and the photos were the same. some of the accompanying texts were revised with unmistakable references to the ignominy of the 1st world war defeat. the nazi publishers deployed racist stereotypes to appeal to readers longing for the old colonies. a manhattan entries does it see i'm for like say, well heading to integrate all the colonial into use yet got into not see audiology . there were also plans for a restoration of the overseas empire, which was only abandoned in 1942 as nonsense fine footage of the game. but when the
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2nd world war broke out, well that little meyer was 60 married, was 2 sons, and with his own company, or he would never return to the former colonial territories. but memories and momentos of africa remained the same publisher to settle his mind against a can type big nice guy, he just left her tight accompanied my entire childhood. the apartment was teeming with animals, chameleon aquariums, and apparently even a monkey acquired by my grandmother. although i had to be removed for being too wild, be plus reptiles and what have you, a real menagerie, as by now. and so you give me naturally and i am kill us as the apartment was sit viable while they were in the basement. do you go to vicar blogs and about foot come? my grand parents survived uninsured to and was immersed to face
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a pile of rubble. the remainder of their home for them should call from dias to bonham. but on the slide, isaac has come in the cabinet of curiosities and memories of africa, you know, on africa, onto desktop. he was devastated when i get off the after the 2nd or will that little milestone to the company, specializing in forensics. you previously run an agency that marketed photos of the german colonies, including his own black and white shots. as pioneering color photos were no longer a source of income, as the rates belongs to the publisher. to month to mendoza, john come and i remember how i left my grandson's place. there were still things lying around that they'd solve theirs from the done have to in mind, i guess you should the need always have a story about where he's gotten something. does this the sleep the right up until
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the 1950 to yeah, hold on. move in little meyer refrained from further public comment starting but never finishing his autobiography of the, of almost everything i've seen and experienced. there was a recurring dream for my child support and to use that seemingly for got into the moment came when i was able to enact that the by the time low my died in 1959. he was a largely forgotten figure. but the visual imagery he helped to create lives on creating a picture of africa, whose legacy is ongoing to this day. the
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. this hot sign in hintock one is an old, colonial imagery is still with us today. by that you can find it everywhere from advertising to musical level. it has little to do with reality in africa, to dallas, manufacture nice looking pictures. it should've been conveys adventure to exhaust just as some of the ex, or take on to send you out. documented of your current debates over racism and cultural appropriation offer an opportunity to reassess historically important photos like those taken by a whole back little maya for i'm so i'm so that was for the i'm going with indeed and a responsible approach to the pictures would be firstly of a critical reprisal. i'm quite the seeing and marking them within their context and would be even if we as a museum, exhibit an image with an accompanying text. we're still reproducing the visual
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content onto one possible approach with the, to counter these visual narratives with other images by creating counter images as it works as to these colonial impressions and data that is the 1st color, photos of africa are now over a century old. they will always represent a milestone in the history of photography and pull back little maya a pioneer in this field. but to date, the circumstances of these photos creation and their use must be contextualized and commented upon. if they are to be shown responsibly, they are important witnesses to german, colonial history, the imperialist era, and the legacy of racist ideology. the of the
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for germany desperately means the skilled workers. what are the solution? ones on board is focused on drawing in more international talent. other businesses offering recruits a 4 day work week. a i will handle the paperwork in the future. is that all is hip and cool as it sounds. how labor markets are evolving, made in germany. in ceci minutes on the w, histone and country of mine, i'm touched nature and rich and natural restore. a corrupt the lease is selling
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this plan to chinese investors. and he wants to reduce risk the in 75 minutes on d w the the the,
12:00 pm
this is the, the you news live from the violin. super choose a versus make a re match between donald trump and president joe biden. same and editable as trump celebrates his sweep of many old states that have been called one northeastern state, gets his loan and republican challenger. nikki haley. the note will say coming up on the program. jordan and the united states ad dropped more age into gallagher. but what the situation on the ground growing even more desperate. perfect, say the supplies just a fraction of what is needed with china's.


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