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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  March 8, 2024 11:00am-11:30am CET

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the, the, this is the, the news life from berlin us president joe biden from is, has a massive increase in commodities in aid for goes up tonight. i'm directv, us pro, carry to lead his mercy mission to establish a temporary peer in the mediterranean coastal gauze. i can receive large shipments, trying to water medicine as temporary sho. by to make the pledge during his state of the union speech trying to send a vigorous vision of american leadership, the skeptic and photos of the world also coming up and out of east jerusalem. some but more dominates or heard of ramadan. we looked at the situation that i made fios of renew, biden's as the oxide,
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boston plus fall free to be and say those were injured in this encounter with the chinese coast guard ship on the south. china sea is just the latest episode of intimidation by china in the hotly contested waters and ireland, as holding the end of on whether to modernize the language regarding women in its constitution. right now it recognizes women's code duties within the home. and some don't want the wording to change the i'm british manager, welcome to the program. president joe biden has announced of the us ministry. we built a 10 police report on the guys that cost. it would be used to deliver aid to the dentist. and instead of pre binding the outlined, the plan and his date of the union address, he owes so pledge to keep on supporting ukraine in its war against russia. the
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speech made off his vision for america's future. in contrast with that of the likely the public and presidents and candidate donald trump. a high state speech for us president joe biden. his last state of the union address before elections. with the us middle east policy under scrutiny, biting announced american troops will build a temporary port on gas as coast to boost aid there. he also called on israel to protect civilian lives. leadership, this is real. i say this humanitarian assistance cannot be a secondary consideration or a bargaining chip protecting and saving it as and why it's has to be broad as it looked at the future. the only real solution to the situation is a 2 state solution over time. turning to the ukraine war by an
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appeal to congress to support the nation in defending itself against russia. he lashed out at ex president donald trump for encouraging russia to invade nato allies, who didn't spend more on defense for the sol. how my predecessor, a former republican president, tells to quote, to whatever that how you want. that's a quote of $400.00 present actually said that boeing down the russian later, i think it's outrages is dangerous and it's not acceptable to america's oldest sitting president. use the speech to address concerns about his age and whether or not he is fit for another term. the weather younger old i've always been known. i've always known what are the doors? i know north star, the very idea of america has ever all crated. he deserves to be treated equally
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throughout our lives. we've never fully lived up to that idea, but we've never walked away from that either. i won't walk away from it. now. republicans have criticize the address for being too political. the bind supporter say it's proved that he can handle another 4 years in office. let's get the ball from the rachel 1000, find the editorial director at the german marshall fund. there's a 1000 find a president biden, that's been a number of issues in his speech. i'd like to talk about his endorsement of nato fast. is that going to be reassuring for your opinions beyond november, which i'm sure he touched on a lot of really important points that should really reassure us european allies and also keith. when he opened the speech with ukraine, which is
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a pretty unusual move. um, so he said a lot of the things that europe and allies want to hear, but perhaps more importantly, he also gave a feisty speech and energetic speech. that was a pretty successful campaign launch, and that's also reassuring t t l. as in europe, since the polls have it looked great providing in the past few months. so on both accounts, in terms of the messaging, he said what europeans wanted here he had the prime minister of sweden there cuz of underscore us commitment to nato. and also his performance was, you know, it was, was strong and it was spicy, know that you recently passed a 50 big in your aid package for ukraine, but the us congress has failed to boss assuming the amount for months now. was there anything in the speech that sounded like a plan as to how president biden would make that happen? when president, in history of a, you know, there wasn't anything like a plan that was just sort of public pressure that the really interesting thing
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about that part of the speech though is you have from the optics of it. mike johnson, who's sitting right behind a president biden as he's delivering speech. and with johnson who's not bringing the bill to the floor in the house was basically johnson who's blocking it. if the bill came to a vote, it would pass in the house. and yet, johnson was sort of nodding along with president biden's messaging a new credit. so it was a very strange image with the europeans though, can see from your or, you know, us allies in general. if you watch the chamber during that part of the speech, you see that there's actually, that was probably the strongest by the hardest part of the speech. there's actually a lot of buys of partisan support for the 18th grade. it's just this very powerful minority and congress that still managed to block it. so there wasn't a plan that can't really be a plan as a congressional it's correction power in the end. but biden underscored where he stands and i think he's hoping that he will awaken a little bit more public pressure and maybe that will push on congress present. but
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it also said that the us would build a temporary fort off garza to bring in aid or via the see is that an effort that a lot of good nations could be joining? he didn't mentioned that explicitly, but i think it could be um, you know, it was something that other allies could join in width. and i mean in general, um, you know, there's a lot of international aids that's not getting into that's not getting into gaza. so if the us could build this year, it certainly could then become an internationally used peer if you didn't mentioned existing, but i think that will be seen certainly um at, for a lot of allies in the middle east as an important step. really with the, with the time being virtual 1000 find of the german martian funding. thank you so much. thank you. here in germany, federal jobs, the old off shoulders against the delivery of the daughters cruise. besides,
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the ukraine does like a large majority of people in germany as a recently published opinion for shows only 29 percent of germans approve sending. that'd be size and 61 percent disapprove. that number against has increased compared to last month. the following and embarrassing meek, of a meeting between german military officers who discussed the possibility of giving taught us besides to ukraine. so i must get some analysis on this. i'm not pointing correspondent tons braun to insurance me now in the studio. hans, good money to you. again, majority of germans don't want berlin. defend these long range that daughter, schools based size do you plan? why is that? i think and in principle, the following, the argument that off shots of transfer has advanced repeatedly, especially in the last 10 days or so. he says that to the control of these missiles should not be handled to ukraine because in this house pol for did not have a long right and long enough range to actually reach must call in the gym. the is
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afraid that's the ukraine might use these miss house to attack russian territory. and as a result, germany would become a participant, a direct participant in the conflict with russia. and that's a prospect of a direct confrontation with russia is something that really fun concerns. and sort of shivers down many backs in germany, people who remain the confrontation between nazi germany and the russians on the eastern front, eastern and eastern front, woodrum and soldiers face. so german equipment faces the russian of the russian sold just as something that said that many germans a contrary, imagined one to avoid almost at any cost. yeah. but the opinion full didn't really stop that. there was another element to do it as well because the opinion polls also looked at german attitudes to the east, around home oswell. let's take a look at what the pool was saying. it indicates house of all the people in germany
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think is around has gone too far and it's been a treat campaign against the almost a group in the gaza strip. 50 percent think israel's response has been excessive. 28 percent believe it's been appropriate and 5 percent say it's insufficient. the background to this is of course growing international pressure on israel to allow more humanitarian aid into gaza. and for how mos on israel do agreed to cease fire? ronda sing with us in the studio, hans, a substantial percentage of the germans. they are thinking that israel is response has been excessive, correct me if i'm wrong, but that is what the german government, the foreign ministry has been saying as well, but hasn't been able to influence each valve to change its actions is indeed the german government has repeatedly stressed that it is putting pressure on the israeli government to reduce the suffering of civilians and gaza. and no,
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i think one comes on has to say that that pressure has not really been very effective as far as we can see. what the german government has trying to do is to increase age to civilians and gaza, but the problem has been getting into the gaza strip. at the same time, we have to think about this very special reach a relationship that's a germany has to israel. that's a germany feels it is part of, it's a reason of states to secure the existence of the state of israel. so there is some richardson's also on the side of the german government to put too much pressure on the is ready to government. it's a little bit similar to the situation that united states has a towards the israel where also the alliance is very important. but at the same time, what's happening there at the moment. but it's a little investment to question. what's interesting here is that a support for the german government in this is fairly strong as it is in the question on the tours missiles while at the same time,
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a criticism of the german government, the mice of population is also very strong. that the pulse full of shots as johnson from his pathetic perspective. uh, disastrous as a, it's a very complex situation. but in the end, i think the criticism of germany towards israel is something that the population would like to see. but the government is a little reticent about i'm gonna leave it there for the time being. thanks so much for coming into this to do. the corresponding tons from thanks so much. i to germany and several other countries have been housing is roland from us to reach us east side and guys before the most and holy month of ramadan. but that looks to be of the cards for now. he's around launched it's offensive and goes against almost when it ends after the october 7th cutter attacks in, out of east jerusalem. and amazon preparations are happening in the shadow of the war. need to talk to people that about what they expect this from on east
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jerusalem's old city. it's usually festive at this time of year. but the war and gaza has left many here and a somber mood. now shops are open, but there are no decorations or lights to solve the problem. when there are no facilities, you don't feel ramadan. and there are people who have food to eat. but there are a lot of people that want to be able to eat. because there's no food liking garza and then i'm going to go, this is not ramadan. it's more like a funeral home to pay condolences in with them because in know, the situation is very sad. just so then we can even think about what will happen. and we can't even comprehend what is happening, so bring them to a $101.00. there is no sense of anything festival. there is no ramadan when i see it, i'm all done. beyond the depressed mood, there are also worries about the alex, a mosque. one of is moms holy is places also known as the temple mount the holy
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site in judaism after her mos called on palestinians to visit in great numbers during ramadan. right wing, members of israel's cabinet called for severe restrictions on visitors. but earlier this week, prime minister benjamin netanyahu said israel would met a similar number of visitors as in previous years. this was welcomed by the islamic custodian of the holy site. and almost when you're done, we are very delighted that there are matters that have started to become clear to muslims in this bless edmunds regarding the opening of the doors of alex on mosque to all visitors without age restrictions, according to the decisions we have heard. and learned about them. i mean, i mean up there is one bright spot, special ramadan suites hotel. i have a field folded pancake. may i see it on the, on the line with them. there is no rama done without so tell you, every one will have it and bring it home to any of these land law for you. some
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traditions into your no matter what, as muslims in east jerusalem and around the world prepare for their whole a months and years. a quick look at some of the stories making headlines around the above. gunmen have abducted of these 298 and pupils from a school in the northwest in town of cody got income. do not state a lot of days. i've been trying to confirm the exact number taken in the incident, abductions of students for rent. some are common in the region. in 2014 extreme is kidnapped. more than 200 goes from 2 bucks, village or 3 minutes for your own west african countries have announced plans to set up a join force to fight estimates diverse groups these yet molly and book, you know, also have seen numerous attacks by the groups in recent years their ministries promised to end insurgencies in this, i hadn't region, but violence has lessened under their regimes. hey, these government is extending
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a state of emergency and a nighttime caufield in efforts to cub coordinated attacks by criminal gangs. the groups have been talking key infrastructure as police struggle to contain the unrest they are demanding the resignation of prime minister audio andre 6 couples in japan have sold the government for denying boston those the rights to have separate surnames. the 19th century law forces maddie couples to pick either the husbands or the wife's name. lots of lawyers say 95 percent of the time. it's the men who get to keep the names of tensions between the philippines and china spiked once again. this week over the south, tennessee, monday, loud released footage of china us coast guard fighting walter commons at specials and someone debating deputy ambassador to the country. and as i caught us funding, james chair to report the spot to raise questions for the philippines. about how to
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deal with chinese aggression in the disputed waters. the posting directly in front of this, philippine supply boards, a whites close called ship of china. then the full filipino crew members were injured this week when the chinese volta cannon shots that the vessels window actions, manila described as a legal entity responsible. it's the latest escalation and maritime tensions between china and the philippines, which have competing sovereignty. claims in the south china sea. the encounter occurred near the 2nd tomba show. one of at least 2 bottles claimed by both countries. they full within the philippines exclusive economic zone in yellow here . but also within china circled 9 dash line. the area badging claims is it's on that's to spice and international court ruling in 2016. that's it's claims have no legal basis. china is called fleet is now the largest in the world. unless say,
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altercations like they show, it's taking on a more aggressive role in pursuing pages, maritime interest in recently, roundtop patrols around the taiwanese islands of june, the territory with an ice shots of the chinese mainland, which badging views has its own food, all that stoking phase maritime sparks could spiral. it's a great power conflict involving the united states. the us as taiwan is most important to highlight and almost provide an camilla as a mutual defense treaty with washington. the aging has repeatedly choose the us of using both taiwan and the philippines to push back against china's maritime claims, but to some leasing of regional leaders in australia. this week, the philippine president ferdinand marcus junior said great power politics was behind his country's response. he says he was protecting philippine interest alone . such a new emphasis tends to subsume the legitimate rights and interests of countries
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like the philippines, australia, and other asset and member states into the interest of the so called major countries. us, if we are mere puns with no such egypt agency, manila has stopped short for calling for the mutual defense treaty to be activated . but we'd maritime confrontations now more frequent. it's also becoming more challenging for each side to striking dominance in these halting, contested waters. from all, let's put in southeast asia as a courtesy unless richard had daddy on who joins me. now. from manila, richard, we've seen several incidents like this in recent months. is it only a matter of time before the next one as well? definitely. that's what perhaps the chinese side wants us to believe. i mean, they're growing discussions as i training about software. experts, analysts defense folks are open. he's saying that it's time for china to show it sorts to impress upon the philippines. it's preponderance of superiority when it
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comes to naval prowess. but the reality is that the more the chinese are pushing the philippines, the more that it would be is going to double down on it's alliances not only with the united states, but also used partnership with a whole lot of countries from europe and across the in the pacific, so we're really in this difficult situation. we're, by each side is testing the limits of the other side. but i think as far as the philippines is concerned, present in marketing has made clear dirt. this is a red light and there's no way that they're going to compromise on a single inch of philippines claims in the area. and the philippines once to all of a grudgingly get the respect of china. i'd be the 2nd china was too much use the kind of a subset of young philippines under former prisoners to go to saturday. but how far will these filipino or red lines go? i mean, are you, why did the situation could potentially get out of hand to the detriment of the philippines? or what i mean, this is not riskless, right? this is a very difficult situation,
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you know. but as far as the philippines is concerned, it's facing, you know, what i call, you know, strategic gas lighting. i mean, we have china blaming this olympians were steining for his own rights and sometimes completely denying the philippines strategic agents. i mean there's on, forget the philippines is not doing this because this is the territory of america or southern right. so if i didn't, japan or in other countries of all the philippines on southern grades and i don't think any fee to be the president can survive a situation where bodies sees, is seen as so coming through china. having said that, i think china is also scratching and said because it wants to impress abundance. so that means that proponent also gets for us, but so far it's not working. the more they push to philip means, the more the philippines is going to begin. and the more the philippines going to ask for help from other outlines and partners. you recently said that they're going to engine with china is a chance for the philippines to re found their country. i'm scratching my head. what did you mean by that? well, i mean many people that do forget them in the philippines has been seen as,
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you know, the american ally and some even more negatively. they see us philip into some, i don't know, but not a republican has been rely in america for a long time. i mean, that's pretty good. sure. i think shapes china's foreign policy. but the reality is that more than a century ago, the philippines were at the forefront of fighting against western imperialism 1st in spanish, then the americans. but having said that, it is also true that the philippines has so much relied on america for a, for the past few decades or so that it's finally now getting the opportunity to prove its metal and is. and finally, i think as far as the filipino people are concerned, they're beginning to have a more concrete sense of their national identity in contra position to the kind of bullying and the rest of behavior they're seeing from china. so i think is also transferred the philippines just strategically mature and also car about its own space among the more proud nations in this part of the world. where you live at the f at the time being older is the best of talking to richard. thanks so much for joining us. pleasure. of these international women's day,
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ireland is holding a referendum. bowles of open for voters to decide whether or not to switch out the language that is deemed sexist and old fashioned embed constitution. if approved, the new proposals would love to be symbolic, but this to have caused control of a c and a lot of confusion during the gulf once led campaign women's duties in the home. this is one issue irish participating us to consider as a vote on 2 proposals to modernize the language and then 1937 constitution. the so called cat amendment would change wedding in the car and door to coal, saying a woman may be neglecting her duties in the home if she goes out to work. and the to women's role within the her missing support of the state. women have been challenged the whole lives and we're seeing her place on society and home and looking after our children and our husbands. and you know we've moved from this 1st
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. the constitution hasn't moved from this and it won't face any where she wants it to be. yes, campaign is want to replace what they call, sexist, outdated language, with phrases that reflect the fact that care can be provided by any family members, not just women. you know, campaign is, are against the removal of the wood's mother and woman from this part of the constitution that's being portrayed because this a days this is the meaning. i don't consider that the work when the doing the home is the meaning of the realities. women are still the ones that make the vote is also worried to members if the disabled community and the elderly who questioned the government's promise to support family care care is much bigger than just family care. and it also is not strong enough in saying that they're just going to support tears in the home. it is stuff 2 weeks.
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it's very clear that the government is on the, gave them its responsibility to it cares in general. the other vote is on whether or not to extend the meaning of family from its current constitutional definition as being based on marriage to include what the government is cooling. durable relationships, such as unmarried couples with children. prime minister le veronica says that the changes are necessary to reflect in modern irish society, but those pushing for a no vote say the proposed new wedding could lead to legal complications. the old major parties support the yes yes, the vote in the referendum. and just hoping that confusion around the proposed changes doesn't put voters off and that quick reminder of the top storage that following for you at this moment. us president joe biden has said the
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us military. we've been to a temporary p. yeah. off the 1000 coast for 8 degrees, he also want israel z does not to use guns a as a bargaining chip. biden was speaking in his annual state of the union speech to the nation. and multiple countries have urged israel and how much to read to a ceasefire before the most them holy month of ramadan. that now looks unlikely, is running, launched it's offensive, and goes off to the monster attacks on the 7th of october. and amazon preparations for sunday evening. now happening in the shadow of a wall. and with that, you are up to date coming up next off to the break, an interview with. that'd be fine. me egypt. former minister of foreign affairs that's coming up on odd interview program configured. so when i'm finished
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mandatory in a bullying. thank you so much for watching and if you're interested, you can also check out our website that is a d, w dot com for up to the minute news updates and views as well. thanks so much for watching. we will see you soon. goodbye. the, the, the
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conflicts own with sarah kelly, 5 months into the war and gaza and sadly chaos around and aid con boy has glaringly highlighted the desperation and climbing just for a month civilians. my guess is please on complex one is not responding. form egyptian foreign minister and long time diplomat at what point is needed to have no choice but to consider opening a supporter to thousands onto monetary and ground conflict next on dw, so much to the point. strong opinions, clear positions, international perspective. following super tuesday,
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the us presidential election in november is shaping up to be a re match. trump versus buying. is it a race that poses worldwide risk? find out on to the point to the point in 60 minutes on d w. the loading away when it's 40 degrees celsius in the shade, can be deadly doing times of climate change. i asked whoever's what was the most called part of their job, uniformly. they spoke about she's being the most difficult part of their jobs. men described it as a feeling of drowning and seats sky was melting and you couldn't breathe. how do rising temperatures change from 4 different parts of the world?
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in february, march 15th on dw 5 months into the war and gaza and deadly chaos around in a convoy has glaringly highlighted the desperation and climbing death toll among civilians. the college of humanity is something they haven't seen protected. my guess this week on conflicts on is not to find the former egyptian foreign minister and long time diplomat of what points as egypt have no choice but to consider opening its border to gardens on humanitarian grounds. have the shocking scenes of suffering brought this conflict to an inflection point now this.


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