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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  March 8, 2024 4:00pm-4:15pm CET

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the, the, this is the w news live from berlin. you as president joe biden promises a massive increase in humanitarian, a for gaza. the night i'm directing the us military to lead and merge the mission to establish a temporary peer and the mediterranean on the coast of gosh, i can receive large shipments, trying to water medicine, temporary shelving fine, and makes the pledge during his state of the union speech trying to sell a vision to skeptical voters as the world also coming up as the world highlights women on international women's day. so 1000000 women and girls in gaza
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are struggling to survive with next to nothing. plus, ireland is hosting a referendum on language regarding women in its constitution. right now it recognizes women's quote duties within the home. some don't want that wording to change the . i'm sarah kelly. welcome to the program. us president joe biden has announced that the us military will build a temporary port on the cause, a post it will be used to deliver aid to the palestinian territory by and outlines the plan in his state of the union address. he also pledged to keep on supporting ukraine and its war against russia. the speech laid out his vision for america's future. in contrast with that of the likely republican presidential candidate,
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donald trump. a high stakes speech for us president joe biden. his last state of the union address before elections with the us middle east policy under scrutiny. biting announced american troops will build a temporary port on gas as coast to boost aid there. he also called on israel to protect civilian lives. leadership, this is real. i say this humanitarian assistance cannot be a secondary consideration or a bargaining chip protecting and saving it as a life has to be preferred. as we looked at the future, the only real solution to the situation is a 2 state solution over turning to the ukraine war by an appeal to congress to support the nation in defending itself against russia. he lashed out at ex president donald trump for encouraging russia to invade nato
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allies, who didn't spend more on defense for the sol. how my predecessor, a former republican president, tells food, quote, to whatever that, how you want. that's a quote. for the present actually said that boeing down the russian later, i think it's outrages, it's dangerous and it's not acceptable. america's oldest sitting president use the speech to address concerns about his age and whether or not he is fit for another term. the weather younger old i've always been known, i've always known what are the doors? i know north star, the very idea of america zimmer, all crated ek, deserves to be treated equally throughout our lives. we've never fully lived up to that idea when we've never walked away from that either. i won't walk away from it
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. now. republicans have criticize the address for being too political. the bind supporter say it's proved that he can handle another 4 years in office. and the head of the plan do us temporary port for gaza, a ship belonging to spanish and g o. open arms will test the c 8 cord or the ship will depart from cyprus, where it has been loaded with food aid provided by celebrity chef jose andres, european commission. president ursula funder lines of the you together with the u. s. u i. e and other countries will sponsor the route. here's more of what you have to say. and today we are facing a show many terry and catastrophe in gaza. and we stand by the innocent civilians in palestine. and this is why europe is financing a major humanitarian aid efforts,
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fault honest opinions in gaza and in the region. we're not very close to the opening of the car you doing? hopefully this saturday this sunday. and i'm very glad to see that an initial pilot operation will be launched today and correspond to tanya kramer and jerusalem told us about the reaction from the israeli government. while we go to sort statement now from the is rarely foreign ministry saying that there were coming the decision to establish a maritime corey door that they were work with all those uh, organizing it. and it said that this initiative for the law more humanitarian aid coming into garza. but this one keep boy adult key point is also stresses that this will be, of course done of to a security checks that are carried out according to is really stunned. it's uh, this has been in the past
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a key point of contention between the humanitarian access here and israel because the screenings and the security checks of all the 8 going into golf. i buy the land crossings has been uh, that has been really lengthy progress, and it seems it will not be much different also for this maritime route. tanya, how about the ceasefire talks? um, since the mazda delegation left cairo yesterday, where, where do those stand? that has been this kind of sort of a timeline given by the many a to the, the united states kado in egypt trying to say they wanted to see a ceasefire. the, the a d, a router and a temporary cease fire to release. uh, the remaining is really hostages uh by the beginning of ramadan. uh ramadan starts and about uh, 2 days. so it depends on the do not a calendar and uh, with
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a delegation of him, us and leaving tiro. now, it seems unlikely that this will happen before ramadan starts, but there are also reports as saying that the delegation might be coming back. the tax will continue. as we understand, they are still several of sticking points. a mazda said they want to see a full withdrawal of israeli forces from garza. they want to see a residents that are in the solve for being able to go back north to actually want to see a full and a to the war. and this where i wanted to see a list of hostages that are still being alive and how much apparently does not provide that. so there are a lot of obstacles. and at the moment it's unclear how this will move forward. tanya kramer with the views from jerusalem, thank you. today of the world marks international women's day a day,
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which is meant to highlight the issue of women's rights across the globe. women in gaza say that they have been deprived of even the most basic ones home. the un estimates that about 1000000 of gauze has displaced people are women and girls. most are now living in 10th camps in the south of the territory, trying to survive with what little they have. cleaning, attend, that can hardly replace the last whole cooking with the thoroughly to water and caring for sick children with no medicine to treat them. the life of displaced women in this makes shift kemp. and rafa has turned into what seems to be a never ending, fide pussy. by the time most of the women have disappeared. there is nothing left to cool women. we are suffering in every man. we have been destroyed. we suffer from everything from poverty, from sadness. there is no food, nothing to drink,
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no water, or close to 1000000 women and girls. some garza has been displaced according to the un since israel's war against homos begun off to the october 7th, cairo tex than for students. i don't have a house full of my children at you yesterday. i wasn't feeling well either. i couldn't find medicine. i had to beg for it because of the flies i had to get up to clean and disinfect. the place that i'm off for very far from mazda some garza facing a daily challenge to keep themselves and their children live with the very little they have. and to cope with desperation, as there is no end to this war inside was, doesn't it? what have we done to have to live like this? now i have lost the year of my life. what have i gain from this war?
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is what have we gained? we have been destroyed, a lot of our schools are gone. our families are gone hunting. i wonder if we gain from all these more have quick questions, but so many women and gaza us every day and that continues to go unanswered. and now here's a look at some other stories making headlines around the world. the indian authorities say that they have on covered a major human trafficking network, which lord at least $35.00 young men to russia with the promise of jobs. but they were forced to fight for the russian army and ukraine. at least one was killed in your india says that it is and talks with russia about bringing them at home and meet the needs of an extra gunman and have a doctor at least $200.00 nigerian pupils from a school in the north western town of karuba in kaduna state authorities are still trying to confirm the exact number taken and the incident,
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abductions of students for ransom are common in the region. in 2014 extreme is kidnapped more than 200 girls from 2 books village. 10 years after malaysian flight, m h 371. missing families of chinese passengers have met with officials in a desperate bid for answers. i made 370 took off in kuala lumpur with 239 people, but never landed in beijing. people in malaysia and china, i have been holding remembrance events. they said their lives are stuck in limbo. a general strike is taking place in all major italian cities and a push for women's rights. the protest was organized by both left and right leading trade unions. people are demanding equality at work between men and women, as well as calling for better policies to fight gender related violence. and also on this international women's day, ireland,
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as holding to referendums on updating wording and their constitution one on whether to switch out the language deemed as sexist by replacing references to a women's duty to primary caregiver with the term family members. opponents say this is progressive, no campaign or is include some disability activists, including some disability activists who say that the new language describes them as a burden of care. the other vote is on whether to broaden the meaning of family from being based on marriage. the votes are approving controversial a woman's duties in the home. this is one issue irish, both to being us to consider as a vote on 2 proposals to modernize the language and then 1937 constitution. the so called cat amendment would change wedding and the current article saying a woman may be neglecting her duties in the home if she goes out to work. and the
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to women's role within the home is in support of the state. women have been challenged their whole lives and we're seeing her place and society isn't home or looking after our children and our husbands. and you know, we've moved from this 1st the constitution kind of moved from the us and the woman pays anywhere. she wants it to be. yes, campaign is want to replace what they call sexes, outdated language with phrases that reflect the fact that care can be provided by any family members. not just women you know, campaign is, are against the removal of the wood's mother and woman from this part of the constitution that's being portrayed because this a days that this is the meaning. i don't consider that the work when the doing homeless. the meaning of the realities, women are still the ones to make. the vote is also worried to members if the disabled community and the elderly to question the governments promise to support
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family care is much bigger than just family care. and it also is not strong enough in saying that they are just going to support tears in the home. it is stuff 2 weeks. it's very clear that the government is obligating, its responsibility to it cares in general. the other vote is on whether or not to extend the meaning of family from its current constitutional definition as being based on marriage to include what the government is cooling, durable relationships, such as unmarried couples with children. prime minister le veronica says that the changes are necessary to reflect in modern irish society, but those pushing for a no vote said the proposed new wedding could lead to legal complications. the
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all major parties support the yes yes, vote in the referendum. and just hoping that confusion around the proposed changes doesn't put voters off. you're up to date on the dw news. i'm sarah kelly in berlin . thanks for watching the system. the way it is someplace. power and key, more people than ever on the move world wide and such of are based on life pretty far towards the left side of the image and find out about baby story info. my grand.


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