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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  March 8, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm CET

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the, the, this is the, the, the news line from filing opening a new pass for aids for gaza. the chief uh, sort of found the lines besides the 1st ship, where international aid is set to leave cyprus, a new seat condo, full gone. so when months of will have less than 2000000 facing the fact the funds also on the program, us the president joe biden to menissi states of the union address reaching out to the public. and so i'm hoping to reassure that just that he's that ready for on the election pre match with donald trump, non international women's di funds makes abortion the constitutional rights as many countries ro, by access to reproductive health care, the
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i'm feel gaol welcome to the program the shape of belonging to the spanish n g o open arms is getting ready to leave for guys and buy a new c condo carrying to monetary and aid. it'll depart from the port of la mancha, in cyprus, where has been loaded with food. you are paying commission peasant as to the funds alliance. i'd be a you alongside b, u. s. united arab emirates and other countries will sponsor the root of this comes after president by a non so the us ministry would build a floating pair off the gas and coast to facilitate a deliveries. here's more from the commission presidents and today we are facing issue many, terry and catastrophe in gaza. us as we stand by the innocent civilians in palestine. and this is why europe is financing a major humanitarian, 8 effort,
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fault, honest opinions in gaza and in the region. we're not very close to the opening of the car you doing? hopefully this saturday this sunday. and i'm very glad to see that an initial pilot operation will be launched today. probably a crime a and generally some told us that more about the reaction from these regular government. we got a short statement now uh from the is fairly foreign ministry saying that there were coming the decision to establish a maritime corey door that they will work with all those uh, organizing it. and it said that this initiative for the law more humanitarian aid coming into garza. but this one keep boy adult keep point. it also stresses that this will be, of course done of to a security checks that are carried out according to is really stunned. it's uh, this has been in the past
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a key point of contention between the humanitarian access here. and it is rarely because the screenings and security checks of all the is going into golf advisor then crossings has been uh, that has been really lengthy progress. and it seems it will not be much different also for this maritime route. so tanya kramer that's sold to mike boston, he's a military analyst from the law studies department at kings college of london. welcome back to j w a my. how to find how involved is, is around likely to be and in what looks like a uni latch of us decision. just uh, well i think actually that the security checks that your correspondence cited. some of those in cyprus are going to be carried out a by a team that includes is way the government officials. so i think it's very unlikely that the us would have loaners initiative without 1st arranging that,
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that piece of choreography with it as well. so is riley is giving it support and indeed being pothole the. the process of opening this colorado. right. i'm, we heard the yeah, you're paying uh, commission chief us on the funds a lie, expressing the hope that this car door could open this weekend. is that realistic? well, i think, i think there's 2 things going on. one is the, the maritime portal, the pay a, the, the us is guarantee building and that won't be open for least several weeks. if not a month. you need to get the equipment from the u. s. and all the rest of it. and, but in the us seems to be as the e u seems to be talking about another initiatives where they are sending ships, but they need to talk somewhere else. so the either need to talk to me is really ports or at a port in egypt and all the ships have left cyprus over the proceeding months and
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have, i've taken these route so i think, i think there's 2 things going on right now. if, if this isn't a question for you, i suppose, but one wonders if they could do this now with no port. why this wasn't done months ago. let's. uh, well indeed that exactly. i know the, the best, not really one for you raises just one, that's just the cost of it just occurred to me. let's talk about the vis, vis ports, this temporary structure. how complicated a logistical exercise would say, is that likely to be this is actually, is actually pretty easy. what you need to do is put a floating dog in place and a comes out to us. we'll have lots of reasons, supplies and then you, you on to that you put it on to down to the c bed and you secure it with chains. and then once you've done that and that will be several 100 meters of the coast, you then have a pontoon cause way that links up to the land so that it's pretty easy. the bit is
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really difficult is once you get the supplies onto the beach onto the coast in gaza, how they get distribution from that, that's the real challenge, right? and so we haven't tied at anything in this deal about that, that sort of that. but final bit of this who distributes it, distributes the aid and, and how? because this has been a real point of contention across the last 2 months. well one of the things that's happened to that i think hasn't been reported very extensively, is that the palestinian police in gauze a have affectively steps down because they were being targeted they, they carry weapons and, and they were being targeted by the is raise. and so without police, of course, you know, lower, know what it breaks down is how does any start if you get rid of the place and these are the guys who would be protecting and distributing
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a convoys other than that it's and joe's other thing. and joe's really have got the manpower to do that. so that needs to be some kind of deal allows the palestinian police to come back to work, perhaps not carrying weapons carrying sticks or something that's hones the enables them to help queue the distribution of aid. okay, thanks a lot, mike mike mazda, thank you so much from king's coverage on that. thanks, phil. we'll take a look at that. so most doors making headlines around 12, say, 10 years after malaysia insights, i made the 370 disappear. thomas of chinese passengers on both the missing atlanta . i've met with officials seeking answers, i may say 70 to golfing, quite alone, probably 239 people on board and never landed in beijing in malaysia and china been holding remembrance events and they saved our lives a stuck in limbo of the most r as in india site, they've uncovered
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a major human trafficking network which lowered at least 35 young men to russia. with the promise of jobs for the men were instead forced to fight for the russian army in ukraine. at least one was killed in the assessments, in tulsa, with russia about bringing them at home on the mean general strikes, taking place in major italian cities to push for women's rights. the protest was organized by left on the right, meaning trade unions that demand, engender quality at work and passive policies to 5 gender related violence. what is this international women's day in front of how the ceremony tomorrow be in treatment of abortion rights into its constitution? makers voted in favor of the measure of this week, francis the only country in the world fatality abortion as a constitutional rights advocacy group. the center for reproductive rights says that the many pumps the wealth women's access to abortion has improved over the last 30 years. but several countries, including the us, poland el salvador, of roll back on the rights to the procedure. next report takes
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a look at some of the countries that have restricted access el salvador, where abortion carries penalties of up to 50 years imprisonment. life legally begins at conception here in the state as ruthless and its pursuit even of women who have medical complications in their pregnancies. like lilian not her real name, who served 8 years after a delivery emergency status. i rested accused of aggravated homicide of my new born . the almost like i never left the hospital. i had a to into a while and when i were caught, my baby has done this and they said i was playing a gun and it will be a normal human rights court has ordered el salvador to address laws that criminalize women who have such pregnancy complications but that's unlikely to move the needle on legalizing a portion here. the united states became a divorce in battle ground in 2022. when the supreme court reversed its own
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decision, made almost 50 years earlier that made access to a portion of federal right. since 2022, some states have limited or banned in the procedure. well, other states have enhanced access depending on who's in charge in each state. republicans that also paused for a nationwide band, but democrats is war and they won't let that happen. and the issue is very much in play as elections come nearer. extreme is republicans in congress have proposed to ban abortion nationwide. nation wide. but i have news with them. when i have in there, we're not we're not standing. we won't let that happen. and by the way, the majority of americans are with us next door to and then there's a poland where a series of laws passed in 2020 by a right wing. government may divorce and illegal except in rare cases. but new
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prime minister donald task is government took power earlier this year, campaigned on a liberalization of abortion rights. activists are pushing him to deliver. but squabbling between coalition partners has kept that promise from being fulfilled. so far. as looking at some of those issues, we've talked to rebecca com, pets, she specializes in women's reproductive health. there's also a campaign on founder of the n g o's, a access, and women on ways which provide women with access to safe abortions. a welcome to i dw dr. we've just seen and heard about what, what seems like quite a desperate group of countries, the us, poland, nicaragua, el salvador. they're all moving to restrict women's access to abortions. do you detect any comments, threads, old motivations behind these moves in these countries as well? most of these restrictions have been inspired by very fundamental least
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a religious political parties. this was what's happened in. busy a couple of years ago, and this is also what is happening in the united states, where the supreme court, which the majority now has seen, is, is extremely fundamentally religious has taken away the constitutional rights to abortion. right? so religion you would say would be the common thing to how fundamentally started religion. we also heard and report that the case of a woman who was imprisoned over her mist coverage. um are you able to ensure that the women that you you help don't end up in jail? so in the united states and it's in portland ramen are not a criminal. when they do an abortion, it's only the people that designed to portion or the people that helped them. that said, sometimes the states or the police or the prosecutors overstep the mandates and
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they tried to prosecute women. but it's sometimes they use different kind of flows and not to force involved. to do that. what we do is when women are reaching out to us and they need an abortion, and it's sent to them by mail, we tell them that if they need to see a doctor when they have a complication, which is extremely rare, that they can go to and i was going to say that they had a miscarriage because in the portion of it pills is extremely similar or is the same as having a miscarriage. and the health care professions who are sometimes the ones that are denouncing the women. they cannot see the difference. are you so you, you sometimes you, you send these these out by posts. so how do women actually contact you in the 1st place? how do you do your initial consultations or so um we have a website, a texas where we one can reach and this is for it. most of the payments from us
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that are using that website. and they are finding us through the website and then they do an online consultation. so this is a set of questions that you would also ask when somebody's in front of you. um and then based on that, the doctors are assessing the situation. and if they are under 12 weeks pregnant, they can get the abortion bill sent to their home address. so alex is now works with 10 us providers that are in the so called shield. most states, which are states where that have adapted lost and promised to protect providers from any criminal charges from the states that the test made in portion illegal. and, and we know now, since i mean, actually the abortion telemedicine, this is how it's cold is a very normal medical procedure which has been so which is for divided both health organization. and that is in place and many other countries around the world, like new zealand was tre. leah, ireland, crohn's and also in the us,
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it is still allowed to do to have the medical abortions meyer. i'm when roe vs wade. if we stick with the united states for a moment when not, so it was over time last year. did you see a search in demand for your services? yes, we did in a credible search and. and at this moment we're, we're providing between agents and thousands of portions every month. so yes we, it's, it's, there's many, i mean, without abortions by mail, the situation would be very different. i think it's really saves a lot of lives now in the us, especially in this service where it's banned. and the good news is also that it's, it's, it's just costing much less than the inc clinical portion. so it has made a portion more available for many people also outside of the states that restricted access to abortion. and also some people that cannot pay,
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they can't get the surface for free. right. so we'll also in that both we've heard that's upfront, says president emmanuel macro has now enshrined abortion rights into his country's a constitution. he now wants to make abortion of fundamental right across the whole of the e u. j less likely to have to pay i think a lot of the pen, so the coming elections, there will be open elections and european union and to be honest, i'm not very helpful. that's the parties that are supporting this, this, this right. this human rights will be elected, of course we're seeing, even in my country there's, there's a tendency for very well and to democratic movements. so it's, it's a hope to say, it would be wonderful if it happens. it should be uh, into your opinion and human rights. there is one that actually it's not
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so difficult to change it because there's in the in the agreements between the countries. there just needs to change 1. 11 article needs to change because oh, the are all the other things are, you know, concerning human rights are regulations by, by that you tense really fighting that you're paying for rent. i shall join hands doctor the doctor. rebecca gone, puts fond of the engineers. a access on women on ways. thank you so much for having way. not to be ras, represented by them, has deliberately states that the union address, in addition to outlining those plans to get more 8 into gaus. he also took a donald trump ahead of unlikely election rematch in november and joe biden used his state of the union address to make the case for a 2nd term and office firing several broad sides that republican front runner,
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donald trump. never referring to him by name only as my pre to assessor. he opened his address by declaring democracy under threat at home and abroad, and criticizing trump for inviting russia to invade nato countries. if they don't spend more on defense. further assessing. a former republican president tell us food quote, to whatever that, how you want. i got to close the waterfront and actually said that boeing down to rush and later i think it's outrages is dangerous and it's on acceptable by didn't frame the upcoming election as a choice between revenge and decency. he vowed to restore abortion rights re committed us support for ukraine, and spent a large portion of a 68 minute address on the war in the middle east unveiling plans to build a temporary port for a deliveries to gaza by sea. trump kept up
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a steady stream of replies on his truth social site, defending himself and blasting, biding for what he described as quote, the angriest, least compassionate and worst state of the union speech ever made. trumpet, tact abiding over border security, which has emerged as a central theme of the 2024 campaigns. what's happened now is a hall ratio. the country, our country, is being laughed at all over the world over the past 3 years. bite and is actively aided and abetted the importation of millions and millions of illegal alien migrants and resettle them into your communities at any time during the past 3 years crooked joe biden. and he is crooked as you can be, and the most the job for the president, we have a could have called off the evasion. but to this day, he is keeping the hordes of a legal migraines and a legal is pouring into the country by the if elected,
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trump is promising to launch the largest deportation operation. in american history poll show a majority of americans trust republicans. more than democrats on securing the border in his address by didn't accused republicans of playing politics with the border by stalling and d railing, a bi partisan bill on security reforms because his pre to assess or told them to i wasn't corresponding, janelle let them alone can tell us more welcome to now. so what were the main categories for you of the well, this was the state of the union speech with a lot of objectives he had to tout his achievements at home and abroad. he had to lay out a vision for a potential 2nd term, but by far his biggest mission was to dispel concerns about his age and his fitness . to dispel concerns that he could not lead the country for potentially,
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for more years with energy and with vigor, even at the age of $81.00. and by most measures, he was able to deliver on that mission. this was quite a forceful speech. there were apparently more than 80 exclamation points in the tax at times. it certainly felt like more, but he was able to ad lib with republicans go back and forth with them as we were cat calling and doing. he made jokes he called blocks. now this wasn't a stumble free speech. it was also marked at many points by his need to cough but, but in most of the ways that county really was able to deliver on that mission, he was able to show that he was in command and control that he had fight in him. and that was something that was very important to be able to show, especially to those watching at home. yeah. who was he hoping to reach? well just because of the timing of the state of the union,
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it really did set up the general election fight between him and donald trump, who again he did not refer to by name, simply referred to him as by predecessor, he did that 13 or so times but so it's important to note that this is going to be the most prominent platform that he has before the election. it's also a platform that donald trump doesn't have. so he really did use that platform to reach out to voters who might be undecided between him and trump. he reminded them of the threat that donald trump poses to democracy, to reminded them about january 6th. and how donald trump quote, sought to bury the truth about january 6, referring of course, without event where trump supporters are thought to overturn the results of the 2020 election and rioted at the capital. he said in an attempt to trump that you can only love your country if you win. so what he was doing here was trying to reach out to voters to distinguish himself up the, to distinguish himself from donald trump and urge them to vote for him. and not
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trump and the word about reactions to the spaceship beyond donald trump. yes, well, republicans have already called this state of the union, overly over the political and divisive, but of course they weren't going to like it any way. if he had been moderate and conciliatory, they would have said it was a weak speech. but in terms of ordinary americans, there was a pool released of by cnn. and as us are saying that 6 to 10 americans reacted positively to the speech with 35 percent saying that i taught, they reacted very positively. it's really hard to know whether, you know, the state of the union speech will translate into votes at the ballot box. of the election is quite a far away in november, but it's fair to say that this was a pivotal moment in job items campaign, and this is a win for him more than anything else. ok, thanks but do general demo in washington. the attachments
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between the philippines and the china over the south. china sea spiked again. this week. i mean, the released for the jeff china is coast guard to funding wants a cannon added specials and summit divisions deputy, i'm positive that correspond to james che, to reports the spots race questions for how the, for the, for the fans about how to deal with chinese aggression and distribution was costing directly in front of this philippine supply boats, a white clothes, scholarship of china. then the full filipino crew members were injured this week when the chinese volta cannon shots at the vessels window actions manila described as a legal and the responsible it's the latest escalation american intentions between china and the philippines which have competing sovereignty claims in the south china sea, the encounter occurred near the 2nd tomba show one of at least 2 bottles claimed by
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both countries. they full within the philippines exclusive economic zone in yellow here, but also within china, so called 9 dash line. the area badging claims is it's on. that's to spice and international court ruling in 2016 that it's claims have no legal basis. china is coast cod fleet has now the largest in the walls and on, let's say, altercations like, they show it's taking on a more aggressive role in pursuing pages, maritime interest. it recently runs, how patrols around the taiwanese islands of june, the territory within i shots of the chinese mainland, which badging uses. it's our whole, that's 13 phase. maritime spots could spiral is a great power conflict involving the united states. the us as taiwan is most important to highlight and almost provide unfamiliar law as the mutual defense tracy. we've also the aging has repeatedly choose the us of using both taiwan and
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the philippines to push back against china's maritime claims processing. be thing of regional leaders in australia this week. the philippine president fed 9 ball coast junior said great power politics want behind these countries response. he says he was protecting philippine and trust alone such and you emphasis tends to subsume the legitimate rights and interests of countries like the philippines, australia, and other asset and member states into the interests of the so called major concepts as if we are mere ponds with no, strategic agency, manila had stopped short calling for the mutual defense treaty to be activated, but with maritime confrontations now more frequent. it's also becoming more challenging for each side to striking balance in these hopefully contested waters. as i said, show up today, it's all over the world news at the top of our text on dwy lifestyle series. ask for a max taking you on a road trip through south africa,
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material colorful and divers studio garbage dump south of nairobi. the source of joanne ocean, essentially, this is the process of funding. so as if the case of the designer has declared war on troll when culture wish trash or c max no, don't or disturbing the country as to this soft points in chinese investors sale committed to preserving nature on
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that home assuming the impossible against a powerful opponent the 45 minutes on d w, the race has long begun. later when we look back, we recognized at all. that's the moment when everything changed. it's all about german and in the age of artificial intelligence, you see, i mean, it was in china the us. oh, you're up to control the technology that will shape the future of humanity,
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the small, it's new world, the a i race start smaller sixteens on dw, the what needs to be c, as in used quite shops, captivating all the installations and diverse dining options, hazelwood, and pretoria saw that protects exist tom and then those things to critique experience telling me on this exciting adventure we need to adjust on the day a positive from nigeria, who's creativity with social media has made him a viral thing station starts and if he could venture traveling across south africa would suppose christiana and zip code. i must say it they, we take out the amazing odd buys or what and, but what's on the group that turns trash into the car frantic fashion.


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