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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  March 9, 2024 8:00am-8:16am CET

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the, the, this is dw, use life from the land, and you possible getting humanitarian data into the portfolio. gaza strip. europe and commission president goes to the on the line says that the ship carrying supplies from science versus of a new international marathon carto could leave as early as this weekend talk is private or friendship telling you about one spot. speculation that he may be preparing to dial out of the public takes up to more than 2 decades in balance. and jerry, as president sense in the army search for hundreds of children, get that from
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a school landscape corresponded about one of the biggest massive junctions. the i've been physical and woke up international efforts taking shape to set up a maritime card or to deliver urgently need a day to gaza. the e u has said that the card old between cyprus and cancer could begin operating this weekend. i could take some time before it's fully operational and the unlimited amount of a has been reaching caused by land due to as well as the blockade from the port in cyprus, the you will work together with the united states, the you way and other countries to ship food, medicine and equipment for shelter. the when has one without more deliveries, guns of faces, the threat of famine. signed a lo is
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a communications advisor within a week and basically g council and is in jerusalem. what difference will a deliveries by see make? well, i think there's potential for a delivery by the to have a, a big impact. but our concern is that it's going to take 30 to 60 days to set up this a temporary port according to the united states government. and quite simply, the people of god do not have that time to wait. already there have been reports of 20 children dying as a result of starvation and dehydration in gaza. and starvation is quickly spreading . famine is, is looming. and, and we need to be getting 8 in as quickly as possible. and the most efficient way to be getting a to in is through the crossings that already exist. and that have the capacity to have many more trucks that are currently going in there. hundreds of trucks waiting
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on the, on the junction side of the border just to enter and, and provide a to, to desperate palestinians and gaza. so shut out, we told you about one of the same thing here, this port that the us, the floating port that the wife wants to set up and the access card or across from cypress uh, from the you as well. i think there's been some confusion already. would we have not gotten clarity on how that? uh, those are the 8 is intended to be unloaded and offloaded into gaza. the sea water is to is too short. there isn't an operating point that has the capacity currently to offload any significant amount of aid. so i think we're still waiting on clarity on what exactly the use is intending to do and how that able actually get in to gaza. the other thing i'm interested about was the fact that this was talked about close to the start of the war. why has it taken this long to set up
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a humanitarian c cargo? i really don't know, but it seems that the international community has really been dragging its feet in terms of, of recognizing the severity they put the critical, the nature of this crisis in gaza. for months. we've been warning about moving them in for months. we've been warning that israel siege was preventing necessary aid from reaching the palace demands for months. we've been warning that uh, starvation. the sprint of diseases would lead to a humanitarian catastrophe in gaza. so i, i'm really not sure why it's taking so long for the international community to act . and i'm still, and we're still frustrated by the facts of the, the easiest mode of getting in through trucks through the crossings that exist have not been pushed further in order for china low norwegian refugee council. thank you
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very much for being on the top of giving you as well as the war with how much continues the situation is wales. northern border with levon on remains tense is one of the ami and his pulled. i have been exchanging flies since because a conflict broke out that on this can take a private as does as talk same the easing board attentions are expected to begin enjoying ramadan 11 on capital bay road. people are preparing for the most of all the months. is dw report to us. a shot a is done is nothing going fatal. start with the rising prices, put it to come to the royal piece of an outbreak of will buy a lot and the prices are steady at the moment. that's it. but there's news from traders. the price is no. right. well, i can get this done over the bottom. no, nothing is clear. and robin on price is may go up, you hello loans as effective,
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thinks of bad god knows how with a live life is difficult. we cannot buy q of tomatoes to run in. there is no cheese alumna and before i'm a done, everything is expensive. one to them be able to each factor. so i'm assuming we know that nicholas has one of the most prominent political on the military play at 11 on is the classified by the united states. and they would it be in the union as a terrorist organization. but this also the organization that dictates politics, 11 and those politics out of being heavy and federal ones by the wording. cuz we're going to exchange a fire between both visible and is that i that escalation of violence between has will. and is it a, is it just reading that any of us administration at intelligence officials consumed? that is what i did the planning to get on to incursion in to 11 on diplomatic
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efforts, failed to push physical activity from the border. and i know for to diffuse tensions. the special envoy was hosting. nothing bad with, with lebanese spelling on speaker, not be buddy. he said the officer was that the limited door protocol, it's across leap and on the southern border, it would not be contain of despite to the us and was wondering many people here still hold for peace in guns. and in the south of their con, 3 a heads up of what i'm with on the boat is 11 on his evidently hoping for diplomatic action to go to war with his son, neighbor along its can. ill afford was over 3 quarters of as population already suffering from poverty. studies range of tell you a bad one says this month's local elections will be his last suggesting he will not stand for another time as president. is comments came during a visit by his ukrainian count upon floodlights the landscape. and one also said he
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was prepared to host a piece summit between ukraine and russia, and the turkey would contribute to the reconstruction of you prayed when the warrant is led toki for more than 20 years. winning over a 1000 elections. always sample correspond to dorian. joe just told us more about what ad ones announcement mates why is made these statements? so it has provide quite a lot of discussion and certainly has rekindled questions about his health throughout his presidency. he has been told by room is all fail help, but it could also simply be an electron employee because at the end of the month, we have very hotly contested local elections. not more so than here in the sample where odd one is desperate to al c incumbent, a crumb and memorial. i'm back. contests is too close to cold, so it could be in a 10 by ode one to consolidate these both. he's base a head again ahead of these critical elections. you similar statements in law, she's present until election. praying pricing is heavily on the fact that this is his last campaign,
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and it was seen as the attempt to consolidate his base and it did work then. but it has to be also, he said he's was very careful. he said, the reason why this is his loss is nothing to do with any questions of health. it's purely because of the constitution i'm is widely expect to the next year. he's expect to do trying to introduce a new constitution. i just want the room at the, the end of the term limits could be one of those changes which would open the door from standing again. a story enjoys that. look now at some of the other story it's making use of quote in the united states has found the form of president up on yours fund with ongoing non dis guilty on challenges of drunk traffic. can't go to the new york court ruled that he conspired with traffic is and use these military and national police to get contained into the u. s. charges carrier by the minimum of 40 years in prison. us lawmakers of us the government spending package avoiding the shut down of key federal agencies. the spending bills was open and
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$460000000000.00 will now go to president biden, to be signed into low risk, 90 percent. it is, and the goal shaping the 2nd package to insure for federal funding before seconds launch deadline break students have clashed with police and athens during a demonstration against government plans to introduce privately run universities protests as whole petrol bombs and fireworks. if police are trying to disperse the crowns with to you, guess the legislation would make degrees from visit private institutions equivalent to public universities. a jerry and president for the mid tempo has sent troops to search for the more than 200 kidnapped children in the northwest. coming lodge areas of forest. opposite the abduction from a school in the village of called rita in kaduna state kidnappings. 4 brand, some, a comment in the region is estimated more than 1500 students be taken by games and g, it is over the past decade of
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a twel boudreau correspondence. why so address whose behind the mass of junction of the one up to now nobody has come out. new group has come out to claim responsibility about this abduction. but you jointly done by bond that different groups of bonds on like local helm that have a unified lead to ship this one this cut it around on. do you joined the call of the task sometimes to demand for on some on up to now? none of them has called the find the lease or the government to see we are the ones who d. d. so that just funded that had been operating in debt. so tell us, why are these people targeting school joy? well, that i'm want to period is number one kid not to is a very lucrative business in nigeria. number 2 is a way to
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a truck taishan because when they kidnapped screw children, that's going to be sent by t within the due to an outside nigeria. on number 3, is it with a black 1000000 compliments to show that even if the government claim to be do you had to use something serious of what is security? you can imagine over to 180 to the, to be kids not picking a week without a trip. is just an invite to know what is happening or what has happened and tell me why do so many families have such a little faith in no authority. so their ability to help when it comes to such a kid that did nigeria population, then i did it in public the last fit in the government because of lack of political will from the government to protect. so many communities they had to resort to self
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defense. we've seen the house to govern those on now. initiating down on did you lend to be funded by the state government because of the civil war? the police sunday. i mean, what nights you guys the country have over 900 and p t square to lead me to on the number of police. it's those 270000. and then the, i mean is look, you can watch in the country that has more than 200000000 population. so the people just confront because when ever daddy's kid not to go in on the reach out to the authorities, to the securities and nobody would come on protect them is very easy. yeah. please . yeah. that the for a tip not a tax did not attempted. it's always successful. i need to send formats is 2014. when get them i did not just help losing that. you. that is the same story going on . so just briefly tell us why. so you talked about the challenges, the odds,
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the how long do you see this going on, and how will this play out? it will continue when or less the government become serious about it. just like i said in 2014, that was the 1st keep nothing to balk important most. it needs to happen in december mid toward this nearby change there on oppression. so what the subsequent initiative, which the goodness tied to during during a test that restriction has not seemed to like to be. most of the schools are portals. anybody can easily talk any school in nigeria and get to we would be like, i forgot to leave it there by so we dress, corresponded in the subject of the finally get an opportunity some more nonsense to get excited about it. you ex, efficient in vienna, and features the work of american pop up pioneer going nation in style is public in
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spite style made in one of the most influential honors except the 20th century. many of his most iconic pieces have been assembled for the show, which has been organized to mock the centennial official expense, but now you're up to date of the next down by the race as long begun. later when we look back, we recognized at all, that's the moment when everything change. it's all about tillman and in the age of artificial intelligence, in 5 years is going to literally be china. the us who will control the technology that will shape the future of humanity. we may only find out.


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