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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  March 10, 2024 1:00pm-1:16pm CET

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[000:00:00;00] the, this is dw news line from berlin, waiting to set sail for garza. the 1st ship carrying humanitarian supplies from cyprus is ready to go. 8 is desperately needed with the un warning many palestinians face famine. portugal hedge to the polls for general elections. recent corruption scandals have dented support for the main screen parties. and the far right is looking to capitalize on that
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the i'm michael local, welcome. humanitarian cord are crossing the mediterranean sea from cyprus, may soon see its 1st trial deliveries to gaza. the open arms relief ship in the port of loaner car has been loaded with desperately needed food for palestinian set to be on the brink of famine. spanish and u. s. charities say they are waiting for approval from authorities, including is really inspectors. so the ship can cost a garza a temporary dock must be finished to receive the aid as well as a means of distribution. the us military has meanwhile, dispatcher ship meant to build a larger p or for a more expansive effort that will take at least several weeks. to construct dw corresponded rosie butchered in cyprus at the port in monica. she told me more about the complex process of setting up this avery. so we're right here just by the
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port in lauren echo, which is know the very starting point, the hub of this new maritime age corps. or i'm just at that port and use our say their ship is know, ready to go. they've told me it's buried about $200.00 tons worth of food a that includes things like rice, like slower, but also proteins. they say like tons to. no, no, we've been reporting on this idea to launch them our time 8 corps or 4 months, but it seemed that the breakthrough came on friday and we know that that and g o ship has been here for about 3 weeks. getting ready. now as part of this plan, officials will perform checks on 8 here in cyprus, including israeli officials. so that is very, it can go directly to gaza, where we know this is much need to know what i've been told is that they ship shoot, depart today, but they are waiting for a final green light because there are lots of parties involved here. this is a plan that was brokerage by the u, the u. s. united arab emirates. and of course, cyprus itself very heavily involved. so we're waiting to see, you know,
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when they some much needed maiden voyage will actually set sale. so again, what, what took them so long because there's so many partners involved and it was complicated. is that what you're saying of the? well, we know that the european union as a whole is being kind of divided when it comes to its general response to the conflict, but it has been united for a long time in a call for increased to monetary access. i should say this route vfc is not the simplest route to get a into the goals. of course, there are land borders which have been heavily restricted out. of course, this will have to be brokerage between these different partners and crucially with ace real, which is very concerned about what kind of a content is actually getting into gaza notes. it seems that miss noah is at least moving ahead, but there will certainly be criticism from some parts. and this is too little too late and too complicated because we know that situation on the ground and go so
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it's dire. it appears that this root may also be costly. how viable easiest route long term. oh, yeah. well you can see kind of com walters behind me, the sun shining here, but make no mistake. this will not be an easy, dirty. it's about 400 kilometers from cypress to gaza. the dirty will take at least a day sailing and then off loading onto what we believe will be a make shift. jesse, this being constructed by one of the n g o is involved, and then a days travel back. so it's not, it doesn't look like this is going to be ramping up huge amounts of age straight to where you live with how i've heard from one on one of the injury was involved saying this will immediately allow them to reach more families basic, particularly in northern gauze, or the besieged part is that the part of that besieged territory, which there's been a lot of, couldn't raised a boat. so it's not going to be simple. and as i said, they're certainly concerned that this is not the easiest way to get a before this quarter slip through up to there were about 500 trucks of age going into gauze every day. and the latest figures i have from the youth. is it not?
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it's not about a 100. there has been air drops. there have been some logical sense. of course, i know this maritime corridor. the whole goal here is to get more age in. but i think there are certainly calls at least review an official saying based corridor simply cannot replace moorland access and those calls remain there for, for less restrictions to get land borders cross and to get aiden in the traditional way. understood a that's a dw corresponding rosie richard. many facts to the month of ramadan is about to start a sacred time of worship and reflection from muslims. but in war torn young men scare cities over, shattering the holy time with food prices shoring, and wages dropping. many families are struggling to afford the basics. but the government says there's little that can do to bring down costs. samira invest a lot of time looking at goods and their prices at this store as
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a mother of 11 children purchasing these goods is a burden. she lives in the city of ties in e. m and her husband works as a daily wage. labor earning $30.00 a day, securing basic goods before the month of ramadan has become a challenge for young men and women. and then it's been a lot more than we buy what we can afford. light passed a necessity and we cannot afford to buy expensive items. we buy whichever is cheap, no dates for example, because they cost a lot. a lot of times how does the warranty um and, and the conflict in the red sea has sent the me in the currency, the re all plunging. this has resulted in a 15 percent increase in food prices. a leader of oil costs $2.00 and a kilogram of flower more than $1.00 in a country where the average monthly income is $60.00. as ramadan approaches young men,
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these are trying to secure necessities for their families. either of them to so far, we've not done anything before ramadan, but we will resort to securing our needs with the visit the markets and see the reduced prices. will then proceed to purchase them. donaldson, and we have reached a point that no one can afford to buy a kilogram of flour formation falafel or oak, you know, where i'm off. broad was initially by $500.00 or 600 grams each day. go to some of the flowers here, specifically prices to come in saying that the 4 people are those with moderate incomes can only afford the necessities. we're not looking for luxuries, only the essentials authorities and ties cannot control the rising prices. but officials say they're doing everything in their power to alleviate the crisis for citizens. what else of the having is that just the garden instability in exchange rates prevents us from setting fixed prices. you have many low mandates, price declarations,
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extruding items like flour and gas with fixed prices around the flow of ramadan will be different for samira and most of them. and these, this year, the struggle to secure necessities may lead many to for get the extra touches that usually accompany the fasting month and give it a special flavor. so here's a look now at some other stories making headlines around the world. a safe always. the dory has been sworn in as pakistan's new president. his alliance with prime minister shavel his shrubbery, made him the favorite to win it zidari 2nd term as president, which is a largely ceremonial role. february's electrons were marked by violence and allegations of vote. rigging, tibetans living in exile in india have commemorated the 65th anniversary of their failed uprising against china. their spiritual leader, the dalai lama fled to india 1959. after the defeated, tibetans have been fighting for their independence since the bad is internationally
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recognized as a part of china. in indonesia, at least 19 people have died in flash floods in lance wines on some montrose island . rescuers are searching for several of those missing differential range of pounder . the region since thursday, forcing tens of thousands of residents to evacuate. indonesians living in malaysia is capital or re casting their votes in presidential elections after allegations of fraud. kuala lumpur is the city with the largest and number of indonesian voters abroad. several officials are suspected of tampering with that list. in february's pull, most irregularities involved mainland balance. within 60000, people need to re cast their votes. in portugal today, voters are deciding whether to shift the country to the ride as other european nations have done in recent months and years. portugal has had 8 years of rule under its socialist party, but laid opinion polls show
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a central right coalition is a distinct possibility. also in the mix, the far right party shaking it's expected to pick up significant support. mainstream politicians have so far rolled out working with the party in cobbling together a governing coalition of that spring in dw is young. philip schultz, whose english been following the elections for us young these or snap elections, we should mention, were they not cold? the election would likely have happened roughly 2 years from now. so what happened indeed, so the current elections are only taking place because the governing socialist party has been hit by a major corruption scandal. it's about investments in the north of the country party representatives where i got interested and pregnant as the cost as the offices were searched. so all of this forced him to step down, still
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a pulse. so his socialist party at around a 30 percent just as the a position of the center, right. a position of that also around prefer 2 percent according to polls at business wide. all eyes are at the moment at the relatively you come us as the file arrives populous, parts of cold shaking. so it's a bit of a national drama. portugal is commonly thought to be a left wing country, but the populace right wing shake of party that you just mentioned, could emerge as a key player. who are they and what's behind their rice, as they are a typical example of the file right populous parties that have been on the rise all across europe. the whole party is basically centered around one person, a very charismatic form, outlaw preferred prof. i saw and also a form of that he was also a form of football commentator. his name is under the tutor and of course the corruption schedule has given
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a lot of i'm condition to is typical anti establishment of parental rights. but the party is also focusing on other issues, mainly on social problems and immigration, and because of a boot and tourism in big cities, departments a basically an affordable for average parts of keys. and, and traditionally, the country has been quite deliberate regarding migration, but arise in irregular migration numbers has also made this topic very controversial. you know, and so 2 quick questions. first, are we expecting a huge turn out? and when should we see results? and at the last election, the turn out was just at around 50 percent, and most experts say we would probably expect similar numbers. this time, the polling stations are open until 7 pm local time, directly afterwards,
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we will probably get 1st numbers the 1st officially the results. we can probably expect around midnight local time. okay, that is a young phillip schultz in lisbon portugal, thanks so much again, philip. the final touches are being put in place for the biggest night in hollywood. the oscars, of course, or work here live in to repeat the 3 our historical drama, or oppenheim who is expected to snag many of the most coveted prizes, including best picture director. and after it goes into the event with 13 nominations, the year is highest grossing movie. bobby is also likely to play a strong role in the show, despite being seen as an outside bed for any of the major awards to. well, the oscars are indeed today,
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but those earth bound stars may have some competition. new images from the james web space telescope show the star forming region called n g c 604. it's located in the triangle of galaxy, nearly 3000000 light years from earth. telescope allows astronomers to study star clusters in their early formation the stars actually fleming. here's a reminder of our top story. a spanish engine jo says a shipment of desperately needing is ready in fact to set sail. forgot the open arms each carrying $200.00 tons of food and will be the 1st to use a new maritime quarter from cyprus. after weeks and weeks of discussion.
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people in portugal will take part in the general election today. the far right shakeup party is expected to pick up a significant number of votes. although mainstream politicians have pulled out working with it. in any future coalition of natural porter takes a look at the evangelical movement, sweeping presents. unlike looking for news at the beginning of the next step, the floating away when it's 40 degrees celsius in the shade, can be deadly during times of climate change. i asked where hers, what was the most difficult part of their job? uniformly, they spoke about she being the most difficult part of their jobs. men described it


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