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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  March 11, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm CET

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the, the, this is dw news line from balance. as sweden slug is raised to nato as brussels headquarters. we look at a house, the country's military might, will strengthen the north atlanta to live as a protest for any potential russians. it's also ahead. we go inside the ukraine in the hospital called the survival of factories by doctors helping to save the lives of inches from the line. so foss, palestinians were getting the muslim holy month of ramadan and a diet humanitarian crisis with basic necessities out of reach for met.
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and a nice, a few surprises at this us off. could christopher know not often times sweeps, most of the major prizes in the academy awards, including the best picks him the best director and best on the good health as well come to the program. we stopped in brussels wherever the flag raising sam and they had to formerly mock sweden's accession to nature is currently on the way the event is being held at the alliance's headquarters office. we officially became it's so the 2nd member in washington. that's 2 years after the noted country applied to join the military alliance, following russia's full scale invasion of you right us in
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a few moments. we'll take a look at bald sweden brings tonight. but 1st, let's hear from the swedish prime minister, speaking in brussels in the last hour to secure the situation in our region has not been the serious since the 2nd world war. and russia will stay a threat to you. atlantic security for a foreseeable future. it was in these lights, sweden applied to join the native defense alliance to gain security, but also to provide security. oh, given sweden's locations, military pilot and experience in dealing with russian aggression, it's succession to nato is widely seen as a blow to the kremlin. we've been taking a look at what the country adds to the trans atlantic alliance, as it looks to bolster its defenses against a potential russian attack. sweden becomes the seconds nordic nation in the past year to join nato. and its membership brings with its
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a number of advantages for the alliance. firstly, by following finland in abandoning neutrality. sweet and ascending an important message to those nations still on the fence about russia's invasion of ukraine. it's time to pick a side. so that 11 learners reading is now leaving 200 years of neutrality, a non alignment behind. and it's a big steps to see. we must take that seriously more. but it's also a very natural step that we are taking the car. furthermore, the kremlin can no longer claim finland's a session was an isolated incidents or as night. so seeks to develop defense plans for eastern members and at the tearing rushes advance suite and brings considerable experience in understanding health accounts that that threats. sweden's military capability also makes it a powerful new member. the nation boasts cutting edge across an anti aircraft
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missiles, as well as states of the tanks and submarines under considerable fleets of ships. to even brings a 500 year old navy in the navy that is among the largest in the baltic sea where we should remember. nathan doesn't have very many large. mavis sweden's geographical position also makes it useful. firstly, as a land transit routes to reinforce the members no way in finland. and secondly, by allowing nato to take control of the baltic sea in any conflicts with russia via sweden's enormous coastline. in return, sweden now has security guarantees from nato and member states, should it come under attack from russia or anyone else in future? the message from russia is opponents, is clear, both nights so and sweden,
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a far stronger as a result of disagreements camera for 8 seconds. and joining us for more on this from day to headquarters in brussels, this all correspondent terry shows that, terry, what's the sense that nato headquarters today of people uncle condition pain after what's been a rather rookie process a times over the past 2 years? not quite yet because the flag raising is under way, but i am certain there will be plenty of bottles uncorked after as you say, this very long, 2 years. and especially even this last year when finland was admitted to the alliance. having gotten all the, the approval from all the other allies a year ago that live sweden in a position where it felt very vulnerable, almost like it had a target on it. there was new member of finland on one side in norway on the other side. but sweden was not in and so there's a huge, really sense of relief. you're around nato headquarters, both swedish prime minister of christmas and the secretary general against oldenburg, were, were clearly happy, even laughing
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a little bit. and you don't see that very often here at nato. so everyone is really in a good mood that this finally, this process finally has come to an end with the right raising of the swedish flag here. and now we heard a moment ago from the swedish prime minister, and he said the russians threat to euro atlantic security tip the scales for a sweden to join nato. and that breaks for the long tradition of neutrality. why the sweet and st joining nato is a safer bed, then stay neutral. well, one of the points he made this morning and, and we notice also from nato's change and it's military posture. is it? they don't believe this threat from russia is going away any time soon. not only will the war in ukraine not be over quickly, but then russia will turn to other neighbors perhaps. and that's, of course, if you're in the baltic states or you're in the nordic area, you feel like you could be negative. now, the sweetest defense minister who we've spoken to many times on our air used to say without article 5 without being a nato member,
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we can hope we can wish we can even assume that other countries would come to defend us. but we cannot know. we only know once we have article 5 and that's what nato membership gets. we now want to sweden and finland on the other side. bring to the table in terms of a dealing with a potential russian military, france with ministers on police. well, these countries are both very much security providers and prime minister christmas and made that point again this morning. he, they, they aren't necessarily going to be the target of a russian attack that would more likely be the baltic states or poland, which, uh, you know, are, are there around uh, normally a target of, of rushes, provocative remarks. but remember that these countries planned perhaps for, for 280 to defend themselves alone. and so they built up their militaries, they have huge stock piles. they have extremely well trained uh troops. they have high levels of recruitment they,
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finland kept conscription. so they're bringing very, very strong militaries into the alliance. and frankly, as soon as they decided they wanted to join, many other countries said, great, we're going to learn from finland and sweden, how to be resilient, how to be self sufficient, and how to keep its extraordinarily good discipline in our ranks. and so everyone is very much looking forward to the day now when that northern flank is sealed and you've got finland in sweden firmly under the needle umbrella. is brussels correspondent, terry schultz. the report from nathan headquarters. thank you very much, terry. so one of the most pressing issues facing nato members is of course the war in ukraine, and keith's repeated plays for more. for germany, that debate is now focused on a british proposal to swap cruise missiles. it would see it germany give its taurus myself to britain, who would in turn send ukraine more of its own stalled shadow miss thoughts,
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germany's for him and a sub. i know not that bulk has a said she is open to the idea about shots that one of the shots has sofa blocked any decision to send the long range weapons to p. c is concerned that they could be used to hit targets in russia, and also the german soldiers would need to be involved in filing and one 3rd phone . see who not to do spits yonge dog use chief political. that is a told us more about why we're hearing mixed messages from the job and government on the tourist miss off because they are very mix takes on whether to supply this cruise missile. it's an open secret that 5 minutes to another in a bad box who described the sending them a to britain who could then send its missiles to ukraine, would be an option. she was in favor of sending them straight away and determine tanza is completely set against me supplying any such weapons, particularly this tower system, which is seen as a pretty much the best of it's kind of make in the world because he's concerned 1st
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of all, over german soldiers potentially being involved in the targeting of this. and the 2nd be that these missiles have a range that if they were known for a particular project team crane, they could hit moscow. so the over arching concerning the top 3 is that somebody could be seen as a policy to this concept. something to i'm trying to solve wants to avoid the total cost w steve political editor here. so inside ukraine, a doctor working at a hospital, just a 100 kilometers from the front lines, has been describing her experience of to years of war. thousands of patients in need of live saving, receiving care at the pros, emission of hospital facility, now called the survival factory. it's just another morning at work for valentino lisney cha. she has a soldier on the operating table who's only reading with one long a bullet pass
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straight through the other one. the surgeons once remove the clouding the chop that we get going on our operations at 9. 7 7 or so recently we've been starting at 9 and finishing dues whenever we finish the kingship. we're at the mention a called hospital in the pro 2 thirds. the patients here are soldiers wounded on the battlefields. before the war, mika, lab work as a programmer and leave. he tells us he thought his injuries would kill him when it was put on them all. i got hit by bullets and the front here in both my lungs. so my ribs and chests were crushed. i have well the doctors here called their hospital, a survival factory. and in this conveyor belt of new patients that doesn't even
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stop for the air raid siren. the soldier has a mine injury as well as trap no rooms to both his lower limbs and the lower back say it's, it's like we just bought of a sudden and found ourselves in this world film and can't get out to become our life. it's in the wash, it's not something you can describe in words the 1st time you have to see it with your own eyes. a bunch of this, the southern genius department specializes in treating sepsis patients. these patients have the most dangerous wound infections. she came here is a student now leaves the department. there's been fighting and don't bus on the pros, doorstep since 2014. but in the last 2 years, the number of admissions has gone through the roof. last, what changed is that the 1st aid soldiers get after injury is much better than it
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was. patients who wouldn't have had a chance of surviving the evacuation process before are now making it to us alive. so we get patients who are much, much more ill. gosh, because it's not just the patients that have changed. the medics have become faster, more efficient. but they've also burned out. yeah, i mean, my colleagues and i have stopped asking our patients how they were wounded. the only the tell us themselves tell us their story. show us if we started asking too many questions, you just can't function or we're basically always at work. so the scriptures, so the days over, but valentina isn't going home. she has a night shift ahead of her. it's been the most new patients are brought in from the front lines. the doctors here don't have to read the news. they see how things are going by the number of ambulances arriving. that's up now, some of the other stories making headlines around the world today. literacy,
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ukraine's president for the zalinski is headed back a comments from pope frances, who called for peace negotiations with russia, mazda lensky, said the pope shouldn't try to mediate from thousands of kilometers away in an interview with swiss tv. the pope hadn't said that ukraine should have the courage to raise the white flag and negotiate with you, but it seemed to. so china is i just the jazz wrapped up its annual session and badging with delegates signing off on more than 70 percent. boost in defense spent the type of control week long events. so the routing come in as part is plans when the universal support as expected the you have any broncho, if the is of us to militant group, i'll tell you that says it's lead to how it all but toffee has died. bob have not provided further details. the u. s. government had put a $5000000.00 bounty on the saudi militants head. saudi
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arabia's king has used his ramadan message to highlight the suffering and gaza calling on the international community to bring it in as to what he described as the brutal crimes taking place in the territory efforts to secure a ceasefire before the stones of the muslim holy month sold, agencies want to avoid starvation and say international efforts need to ramp up the deliveries of human to turn supplies by app. and they'll also buy c and they need to increase in parts of gaza. ramadan, decorations and food are still available, but not prices. most people can afford the, there are no jobs left, no walls or no electricity. people are selling their belongings to live. right? sounds good, but to me i don't run into is very hard on us. what i'm going to have just done,
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i mess with it. for most palestinians food to break rama downs daily. fast will be hard to come by. my well, wow. yeah, i know we have rarely each and is whether it is rama done or not. yeah, i mean it's a hyundai, you always remain hungry. it's amazing that goes back in the midst of that as well as eve. and rafa parents are getting creative to help children celebrate in the center on the done is very different this year. we're not in our homes were intense, but we insisted on putting up decorations and celebrating. we just pray that by the end of ramadan will be in our homes and give them a bunch of you others from the fighting between a mouse and is really forces too much to bear. children reportedly injured him in his really bombing or rushed to the hospital and this central causes a strip ongoing is really air strikes, are also taking
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a psychological tool of all of us. we are tired, i swear, please feel for us, please. we want a ceasefire and an end to this. what do we have to say? we thank god for anything or a lower level without a cease fire in time for ramadan. and it is really ground a solid interoffice still a possibility. the suffering of ordinary palestinians continues without leaf insight to portugal. now where the center of right democratic alliance has claimed to victory and a general election, the types of contested vote took place 2 years ahead of schedule. because long time socialist problem is down to a new cost of step down, he was facing corruption investigations, the results of seeing a search and support for the far right, but gave no poverty and outright majority leaving the country facing and on such a political future. a v for victory, supporters of the democratic ally and celebrate as the leader of their center right
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party luis montenegro takes to the stage to claim victory. mill cool, louise. my commitment is to respect for will freely and democratically expressed by the portuguese people to bring about change free. that change will be achieved with a new prime minister high school. we have a new government to move pretty much and we have new policies available in gold, novice because montenegro ran on a platform that promised tax cuts for companies and the middle class and a voice to united for to go after 8 years empower the socialist party is conceding defeat candidates federal nuno santos already stepped up to congratulate the victors, even before the account was complete. believe the good joseph everything indicates the surface polity will not get the most votes. get
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a police. so i want to congratulate ag for its victory. but it's unclear if the democratic alliance is montenegro will be able to form a majority. coalition, montenegro has said, his democratic alliance will not negotiate with the far right to the party, which solved their share of the vote. search and sundays election. j goes headed by ex football commentator on free ventura. he ran on an anti immigration platform focused on stamping out corruption and easing some taxes. the still much quote goes up into the 4 years of socialism in portugal. and this time the people have said what they want. if you liked the thing, they said the right wing must covered or whatnot. and that's the right wing to govern uses to put the goods nussum and off monday it is the given portugal for the next 4 years of the rising popularity of tega indicates
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a right wing shift in the country. the social is one, the last election in a landslide victory. but after corruption scandal and rising inflation, voters seem to be turning toward new parties and a new direction. there are few surprises. this is off goods. the night belongs to the historical bio pick oppenheim a. it $17.00 awards, including for best film and the best are backed up under stock. helium murphy also took home the best act of price, peerage homes, and maria se oppenheimer also in hymer talked it to night of domination with the award for best picture. it's 7 when included christopher nolan for best director appropriate tiny junior for best supporting actor and kelly and murphy winning his 1st oscar for best actor.
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we made a film about the amount of created the atomic bomb and for better for us, we're all living in oppenheimer's world. so i would really like to dedicate this to the peace makers everywhere because there are many generally steered clear of politics. but the brief mentions of international tragedies were powerful jonathan glaser used his zone of interest to international feature. when to echo the films method you to account to humanize ation, to upon says, what are the victims of october the 7th and israel? well, the ongoing attack on gaza, all the victims of this tissue and as i should, how do we resist on a night where nearly every award was an apparent foregoing conclusion? best actress was the biggest surprise going to em,
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us doing for her performance. interesting. lily gladstone from killers of the flower moon, had been to do with 1300 on the producers, kept the audience on their toes with a few unpredictable moments such as going on. john c no streaking across the stage to 9 best costume design and the short warming cuts away the dog from anatomy of a fall classics. and when it came to best song, billy irish may have won the award. ryan gosling stove and night with his performance of i'm just can from barbie. an oscar where the performance in itself the
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know that sprint and dw still next it's scott scott rock throw scott glenn watson. how you doing this? is sarah many yeah, i mean, how can i follow that i a follow ryan gosling doing? i just can, i mean, that obviously was so the inter team and highlight of the evening for me and i think for most people watching uh the oscars. um, but if i had to look at the actual films that one and what i think it means a for the industry, i'm the fact that oppenheimer did so well that really basically cleaned up the oscars issue. i think that's a sign that this was a return to sort of the oscars of old because oppenheimer is one of those big old hollywood historical ethics. the kind of used to always rented the oscars, but that sort of been replaced in the last number of years by smaller independent international film students with streamers. you've had jumps like code on no math, land, moonlight, parasite winning the best picture. but here you had another,
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an old big, big studio of film, oppenheimer winning even beating out it's, it's more sort of mainstream commercial rival barbie. i'm, and i think it's interesting because these are the kind of movies that holly holly would use to really try her. and, and warner at the oscars, but they sort of phone out of favor in the last couple of decades, really. um, it was the sort of rise of superhero movies and, and franchise movies. so. so this oscars i think, was a returned to that sort of old school hollywood celebration of these type of big epic, a films that really only only with only the steel system couldn't really do proper any nominees that you think what role of a deserving when well, i was among most people expecting that lily gladstone would win the best actress oscar for killers in the flower moon. and she was the 1st thing to just women dominated for that honor. um and i expected, as most people did that you would be the 1st 10 digits of person to win
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a best actress. if it's kind of hard to say that she was rob though, because i'm a stone one, a best actress for poor things. david armstrong, performance of that in that film as a, as a women's are literally rebuilds herself in this kind of frankenstein like story from your best alonzo. most i'm so that performance was, was amazing and was really sort of all as they are. um, where where's lead gladstone performs includes the flower movies a bit more restrained, a bit more subtle. and so maybe that cost or i'm so i would have liked to see really glad still when i think she maybe deserved a to win. but i can't take anything away from emma stone, that was a phenomenal performance and, and well, deserving of an awesome. so you mentioned international productions earlier in the german language from zone of interest. one as best international film. it was produced in the okay. did you see that coming?
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yeah, most definitely. it was one of my favorite films of last year. and after i saw how it was received the surface specifically in the us, i expect that to win a best picture is the 1st time i u. k. a best picture of best international feature, it is the 1st time of you. k film has one in this category, and it was also interesting to see a jonathan of lasers comments because of this feeling he said, although it is about the whole cost, it is very much a reflection of the world we live in now. and he encourages people looking at this movie to think not about the past, but about what's happening now. but what he said, it is a word comments about the dehumanization that's happening right at this moment. um, do you particularly signal that the war and god and the human eyes ation the disease in the treatment of both is railings and posting and victims of that complex. so very much, very political movie about a load is about the one of the most horrible things of the past is very much of what's happening at this moment. the w fill, my sped scott rocks for that. thank you very much god. and that's it from
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me on the new scene. so now i'll have an update for you at the top of the hour. of course don't go away. up next global us explores hidden and open up knowledge. the costs of god offers and berlin from me and the new scene had fixed the
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thinking as a network thing, as one show about vision raised and that project challenges that can be tackled together for a future worth living. working for a more united world on dw team, the team of the line is the most dangerous animal and we are the brave women of the
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world. so we call ourselves lionesses. the women from teen monuments can change our culture and we can do the same hard work and then our time is come over tonight. kenya's 1st female messiah ranges in 45 minutes on d, w. the loading away when it's 40 degrees celsius in the shade can be deadly during times of climate change. i asked or hers, what was the most difficult part of their job? uniformly, they spoke about she's being the most difficult part of their jobs. men described it as a feeling of drowning, that's the sky was melting,
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and you couldn't breathe. how do rising temperatures change from different parts of the world? in federal? march 15th on dw, the, the co enemy, how dangerous this was for the climate, the explosive legacy. now says still suffering the after effects. if the indo china was and quick, a clearance, a swiss company disposes of land mines the
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to be 50 to.


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