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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  March 12, 2024 4:00am-4:15am CET

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the, the, this is, the domain is live from berlin critical moment for, hey, t us secretary of state anthony blank and meets with caribbean meters, and analysis of washington is ramping up aid as concern grows of a continued chaos in the gang, a ravaged nation, also on the program no spot for the holy month of ramadan. guys on the break that fast among farmed out rulings and pray for a break in the fighting. plus scientists and new zealand discovery, $100.00 new species in largely unexplored north is the
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annual. i'm told me on that people welcome to the program. as emergency talks take place on dealing with a violence in haiti, united states has pledge an additional $100000000.00 for the deployment of a multinational force to the troubled country. us secretary of state hensley, blinking, joined a meeting of leaders of caribbean nations and all the and international diplomats in jamaica to discuss the situation. haiti's prime minister, who's under pressure to resign, has not attended the meetings. dozens of people have been killed in hays. he has gang violence, spirals out of control, with attacks on government buildings including police stations, and prisons. thousands of patients, families have been forced to flee, did homes the gangs,
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the control of much else capital. what time works for the ministry of social affairs for over 20 years and was able to build my own house. but now here i am homeless. i'm fleeing without knowing where to go. it's an abuse divided into the ramped up once again in pato prince over the weekend. um gang, a tech police stations and said part of the indeed emily street on fire. many haitians have stuff like gunshot wounds would be killed. it's a matter of life and death, and there's no question of public or private ownership of state property. imagine if we were all killed in poor to print, what use would this building the, what are we going to do with it? i'm groups and the skills in lead february, in an effort to always deprive mr. audio audrey who was visiting kenya and i need we sign the
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a he lobbied for the you in big deployment of police force from the east african country to fight gangs. he could not return home after his bland was refused permission to land called spar piece of amplifying washington is discussing the proposal to introduce urgent public dakota funds, but the category and community and haitian politicians. the proposal that is on the table that care com has developed over the past several days in consultation with haitian stakeholders and consultation with the united states. with expedite the political transition to the creation of a broad base, independent of presidential college, to steal the country toward the deployment of a multi national security support mission and free and fair elections. and that's what i expect the secretary will be discussing. the us and the european union have a very good diploma to get stuff from haiti due to the surgeon violence with no problem is to invite them getting smaller and controlled. when the international
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intervention is likely to the store or the department, as of barbados, mia model you said haitian stakeholders where unanimous on the need for urgent action to pay the way for a new government. as everybody agreed to the urgent need for the establishment of a presidential gong. so everybody agreed that that presidential council would be required to have identified it prime minister. and they all agreed that the security situation needed to be contained as soon as possible. and that the establishment of the presidential coming so would be critical to that. i knew i asked dw reporter, daniel, my t y haiti's prime minister is planning to kenya for help and getting a u. n. back to police mission in his country. it's basically kenya is the only country that volunteered to lead um the multi national security team,
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but uh would comprised cost uh, $1000.00 canyon police officers. what trained to handle the situation in haiti and the primary role was to support and training the haiti and police forces to basically be able to protect the strategic infrastructure and also restore norma c. so last week in they will be basically what the prime minister was doing was signing a by lots are all agreement which was missing to these 2, this whole procedure soul. but a canyon police officers can be deployed in height. and if you, if the, just to bring you up to speed in january in 2023, pardon me. i meant actually approved the deployment of the, of the forces in haiti. but in january this year, the high quote team,
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can you talk to that deployment coming in as unconstitutional? and he goes directly as we are speaking. the court is with the case, he's with the, the court of appeals. so it still remains to be seen what the proceeds from the court guess. we'd be efforts to get israel and how much to agree a ceasefire. before the start of rama down have failed. the whole the month is usually marked by celebration. but in guys, a food is limited and the timing is looming. while the world is calling for an end to the fighting, cousins have been forced to observe the holiday. and the shadow of war to this use ramadan celebrations and gaza has been stolen by fighting the traditional sunset. and you'll called if dart is hard to arrange with the little suit available. but many are trying to keep tradition alive. some remember the ramadan to the past,
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a joyous occasion filled with flowers and family. now thousands dine amid rubble. oh, hold on, hold on, and i'm the 1st day of ramadan. thank god we have this. if tar here on the ruins. we have no homes, no furniture left for us. nothing is left for us. one of them uh, we couldn't even get anything from our homes. what? uh, we came to rosco from con eunice on foot. you know, the problem actually most of guys this population has been displaced by the war. many was spin, ramadan, hiding from bombs and cabinets like these. the un secretary general is calling for a stop to the fighting during the holy month. the highs of the world are watching. the highs of the city are watching. we cannot look away. we must provide more preventable death. international humanitarian law lives in texas
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and the set up and these rarely assault on the rasa. as ramadan piers begin, there's little hope for a truce between the mice which launch the worst terror attack and israel's history on october 7th, and israel, which is laid waste and much of gaza and response with negotiation stalled ordinary guys and can only continue to pray for a little more food and a chance to survive. or the swedish slag is now flying at nato headquarters in brussels. the sweden is formally welcomed into the alliance as its 32nd member, the countries location, military power and experience in dealing with russia. i mean, if accession is an important boost for the block, it's also a big step for sweden, which has turned its back on 2 centuries of neutrality. the swedish flag raised for the 1st time outside nase. her head causes,
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following its neighbour of finland, sweden has become the 32nd member of the alliance. at the ceremony in brussels, sweden's prime minister laid out the nordic nations reasons for leaving behind its history of neutrality. to secure the situation in our region has not been the serious since the 2nd world war under russia would stay a threats to you. atlantic security for a foreseeable future. it was in these light, sweden applied to join the native defense alliance to gain security. but also to provide security since rushes full scale invasion of ukraine. 2 years ago, nato has sought to develop defense plans. the eastern and nordic members, russia claimed to have launch the war imparts because of nature is a split expansion. but it's the threats of only pushed more countries to joining
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the alliance when pressed on tooth and launched is full for scaling nation 2 years ago. he won't the less nate the more control over his neighbors. he wanted to destroy ukraine as a sovereign state. but she said the nato is bigger and stronger. sweden now has security guarantees from nation. remember, states shouldn't come under attack from russia or anyone else in the future. in return sweden's military capability makes it a powerful new member, boasting cutting edge aircraft and anti aircraft missiles, as well as the state of the art tanks and submarines. it also has a considerable slate of ships. sweden's geographical position is another advantage. firstly, as a land transit route to re enforce feller, members, norway, and finland. and secondly, by allowing nato to take control of the baltic sea in any conflict with russia by
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sweden's enormous coastline. sweden's military has taken its 1st steps in the alliance, joining nato, whose biggest drills since the cold war. the exercises across the blocks, nordic states, aimed at sending a clear message from russia's rivals, both nature and sweden of foss, stronger weed disagreement. here's a look at some of the stories making headlines around the world. poland to president is judging fellow nasal members to make a major increase in defense spending. andre, due to says that with rushes economy on a war footing, nato nations should spend at least 3 percent of the g. d. p on the military alliance. members are currently expected to spend 2 percent on defense britons, princess of wales,
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has apologized and admitted to editing an official portrait of her and her children and says, catherine said she was sorry for any confusion. the auditing may have caused the royal family published the photo after weeks of speculation about her whereabouts. she underwent abdominal surgery in january and hasn't been seen in public sense. the new studies as the corona virus, endemic lowered global life expectancy by 1.6 years. as according to research published by the general lancet, the also has said depend demik reversed gains in life expectancy more than any other event. including was and natural disasters. in half a century biologist and new zealand to find a wealth of new species after exploring a rift some 5 kilometers been beneath the sea. the organisms include some that the scientist cons even identify as well as a strange creature called
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a c pig. bishop had one mission to find new species in the sea before the last forever and assigned to the field into the nets. they found about a 1000, seen for the 1st time in new zealand bounty to us. first i only saw what size had fair results seem to cover about the same thing. sire. uh, that was very nice. pay now straight to why i'm sending a sweet sale through the net. we found a very large specimen of the quarter. st. pete's portrait seemed to compass by a small like lot of changes. the crew of $21.00 scientists, ex underwood cameras to the sea floor and found some known species living at unexpected death. among them was a dementia. don is quit an animal that's over meter. long's got the largest light
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organs in the animal kingdom and cooks on all of the arms instead of suckers. and so this large specimen swim through the frame, had a little look at a flash of light oregon's once, and then disappeared off into the darkness. and that was a hard stopping moment. in less than a month, the group has found this species of fuel pout. that's never been described. the whole dispute octo codle. and we've even got at least one creature which we're not really sure what it is. the bounty trust was long considered an under explode region, but now find to, to shortly be coming back to it again and again. oh, that's so we'll leave it for now. coming up next after the break. women show her looks at the everyday harassment many email afternoon space told me i had to go for myself on the team, exploring the
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conflicts crises, every single connection mapped out shows the geophysical reality. the on the board is what makes things the way they are mapped out, navigating a changing world. now on youtube, the green you'll update the green innovations for green and green chinese, the holy gray off electron mobility and green revolution.


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