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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  March 12, 2024 2:00pm-2:16pm CET

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[000:00:00;00] the business dw news line from bell and i've gotten violence, threatened to overwhelm, hates even its prime minister has agreed to resign. are you at all? he has been under pressure to relinquish pile by gangs to seize control if possible . the capital of the announcement comes as regional leaders, discuss a possible intervention. also coming off a ship, bringing hundreds of tons of food to gaza. finally, lead support in cyprus is the 1st time to use
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a new maritime april. the gulf is welcome to the program. hey geez prime, and it's an idea all the has agreed to resign. after weeks of increasing gun violence. the announcement follows crisis talks between caribbean leaders and us secretary of state antony blinking, aimed at halting the searching unrest in haiti. the country has been described as being at a tipping point. as criminal guns overwhelmed the capital, the gangs have been demanding all these resignation for weeks while unleashing what some of called a low scale civil war insides hazy which has left school is dead and to thousands homeless. haiti is rapidly descending into anarchy of
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violence in the capital of products and brands continues to escalate the gangs not controlled large slates of the city, the alliance of gainesville, and the civil war in 5 minutes that we had only did not step down. and with the international airport close to all flights, he's being stranded in puerto rico. unable to attend to the emergency summit to the group of kind of be a nation is known as carrot con, concluded that the trouble of the nation needed new leadership. a multinational secuity focus on the outside of the money. the prime minister apparently got the message and made this statement. why might be yeah, last night with the council of ministers. agreed to put the transitional presidential council in place in the members of the account. so will be selected in agreement with different sectors of the national life update on the the government
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time running with the move itself immediately after the establishment of set counsel about the yeah, it came shortly after us secretary of state antony blinking said washington to a double aid to haiti, including another $100000000.00 for an international security for us to restore order. we support the plan to create a broad base, inclusive, independent presidential college. second, enabled the swift deployment of the multi national security support mission. and 3rd, prove that deployment through a reinforced ation, national police create the security conditions that are necessary to whole free and fair elections. to haitians stuck in the middle of gang violence, so weeks these kind of come back promises meetings. every little label is a solution driven by haitians is going to you cannot do
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anything for us. it's like when you run for the rain and ends up folding and the much. the only thing i can say is the abby along we is out forever. they cannot do anything for his anymore hates. he has not towels in election since 2016. as probably to scramble to find a solution, the question loons, who could be up to the task of governing, hey t. 12, the haitian prime minister announced that he would resign once a traditional transitional robert presidential council is creative. i spoke to the gentlest. how isaac and the patient capital pulse of progress, and often what we know about this council so far. so the council was part of the discussions that were, i mean, part of the recommendations and resolution that came out of the king some meeting. so there is a 7 member presidential council that has been agreed upon by the
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local stakeholders and the international community, including car. com and the us. now you mentioned local stakeholders of all the games. part of this is a group of stakeholders and will they simply accept as new counsel? so they are not part of uh, besides directly part of the discussions that happened in kingston. it was more established political parties here in haiti. now whether or not they will accept this new formula and along with the resignation of argue are we as they have to be determined and we're still monitoring reactions it's, it's rather early here when susan use drop last night. now do you think that the resignation of how he could actually mitigate the situation and restore order as well? it was um, um, henri was facing uh uh,
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a set of problems both inherited and some of his own. and um, uh, it's clear that many actors, various actors were asking for his resignation, but the loudest demand came from the gangs. now, how concrete the plans for the amount of national security support mission led by 10? yeah. well, the details of the submission and the timeline has yet to be publicized or published. and if they were also a part of the discussion yesterday at kingston kit, kenya has stated that they were ready to be deployed. but when that will be done, if anybody's guess, now, hey, this is a running out of food and water, and i made all this gang violence. how people actually coping well to un agencies have uh warranty, uh, even in famine that the, the w s. b and the unicef,
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i've one of even have salmon in the metropolitan area of puerto france since port facilities and the airport happy to tag by games and hard disruptive them as how as a and the thank you very much how you're welcome. i or to the oil and gas. uh no, uh, cuts all has said, cuts out robin has said that is well, and her mazda is still not close to agreeing a deal for temporary troops, although totes, are continuing between the 2 parties. the news comes as a ship carrying $200.00 tons of food heads to what's guys left to sit prius, 4th loan officer being held up there for days. the open arms vessel will be in the will be the 1st ship to use a new maritime court. all set up to bring humanitarian supplies to the territory. but early on the ice dw correspondent rosie burchett and cyprus and how long it is
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now going to take for the open arms to arrive. yes, that much needed to maiden voyage is now under way and we're here at a coordination help in the port city of learning call recipient officials can monitor the crossing. so over here for example, you can see they can monitor the port and they can monitor the see route, which is some 400 kilometers from here in cyprus. this is a mock which shows the zone in which cypress is responsible for search and rescue. should this ship come into distress? so you can see there's a lot of pains take, you weren't going on. it was not easy to get here. it took months of political negotiations to agree this plan under which is really officials oversee checks by secrete officials here in cyprus. so the cargo can go straight to gaza. and after that, there were a couple of days of delays to the timeline notes by uh, by the secret government. we understand due to technical details because as you can see, this is a very complex operation. but the 1st ship,
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how smart lift now the people have been saying that for delivering aid into guys, a trucking is the best option. uh, how much a kind of this new maritime roads provide is what we know on this 1st ship. there are $200.00 tons of aid, and that includes things like flower, rice, and use that are operating the boat, told me that also includes con, vegetables and kind of protein like to know. but of course, that $200.00 tons is just the drop in the ocean when it comes to the enormous need which is at the ship's final destination in gaza. and certainly there has been criticism, but this is just not nearly the simplest or easiest way to get a and it's a complex crossing. it's a complex operation out. of course, there are traditional simpler ways and that a spike land crossings. know, israel has welcome thanks, maritime colored, or it says it's committed to getting 8 to gauze and civilians,
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but it's also faced heavy criticism for just are difficult. it's been to get food aid to the besieged territory at all. so it's faced accusations, but it has blocks key entry to is it is crucial a to civilians across those one borders. now there's a aid on the ship. well go to northern, gaza with time it is actually looming. how will it be delivered and distributed safely? of the well, that is the really the most complex, the most difficult part of these operations. so one of the 8 organizations that has been involved in, in this 1st shipment has actually been building a temporary floating jackie off the causative coast in order to receive that 8 and then go and distribute they say it's north because of where in the deepest is most need is no separately the united states is building a more, a bigger temporary p are in order to be able to receive further food deliveries moving forward. and we don't have any figures yet on how many ships are going to be able to use these chords, or the idea is to ramp up deliveries in the coming weeks. that, of course,
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we've only seen one so far. the certainly will be hearing from the united nations, they thought qual based will bring some relief. it's certainly cannot be any replacement for more traditional land routes and there's therefore the pressure on israel to increase the monetary and accessible continue. was a batch of that reporting from cypress. thank you very much, rosie. so that's, i'm looking uh some other stories making headlines today. a russian military cargo plan with 15 people on board has crashed while taking off north east of moscow. the defense ministry says an engine 5 you would take off, was the likely cause of the crash. it did not say whether there, but any survivors. ukraine is launched, more than 2 dozen drones ads. russia overnights most close as it intercepted a total of $25.00 thrones across its territory. the attacks triggered a fire at a major refinery, no casualties where the forces india task schools in the southern city. of course, you know,
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the border will remain closed until the end of the week. please have the rest of scratch are tuned for okay. and all the climate active as of today blocked the entrance to the swedish problems they had tuned back was drugs away from the building entrance. she had been obstructing it. is the campaign as a 2nd to protest against the effects of climate change. and well, if they say is political in action in the us a form, a boeing employee turned whistle blow up and has been found. dead corners say john bonnet died from his self inflicted gunshot wound. the previous, the race concerns about problems with boeing's 787 dreamliner, including quality control issues and fails test. boeing is honest with me, after adult blew out of a 737, max, 9, mid f in january and to add to boeing's safety
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concerns will be the injury of thousands of people on the fly from australia to new zealand involving one of the aircraft. officials on i'm investigating why the 7 night 7 dream lineup operated by the gillian line last time, suddenly plunged mid am on monday evening, causing passengers to be thrown around in the cabin is grounded in auckland, new zealand. the plain that experience what the airline is calling a technical failure. seen here wearing headphones. brian was one of the passengers on board, the boeing $787.00 dreamliner, a massive jolt happened. and i, i, i was awake and then i looked up to see the gentleman that was sitting next to. ready on the roof of the plain, it was insane. i was like, i thought i was dreaming. the southern movement drew many without seat belts from their seats. the plane just dropped really
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suddenly out of the blue, everyone started screaming, crying. people got launched out of the se, so you can think of, well, no, i saw people flying, they weren't wearing the seat belt, sign in the people that were in the toilet, hit the ceiling. the same thing happened to the cabin crew show. emergency crews were quick to respond to the incident, more than a dozen ambulances headed to oakland airport to meet the incoming flight 50 people were injured. now experts are examining the black boxes to find out what caused the incident. the airlines says it's working with the officials to support the prob, it's only the latest in a string of safety incidents troubling the us plain maker. boeing you're watching. these are being used as a reminder of our top story. height is prime minister area of the has resigned.
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he's how the roles of prime minister and acting presidents since 2021. following the assess the nation of the presidential veneta lloyd, the decision follows a meeting between regional leaders onto a secretary of state. and to me blinking on, stopping on guns that control much of the country. and that's it from the evidence team. so now i've got f, as in berlin, thanks for the can you see what cod tires have to do with the production? here's a hands on it is the really indeed the snow on youtube. you can find design every way. i want to make
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sure that everything is beautiful and tasteful. i want to make jewelry that makes


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