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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  March 13, 2024 4:00am-4:16am CET

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the, the, this is dw news line from berlin. the us analysis a make shift, a package for you, crane president joe biden, and bills the emergency fund, while meeting with european allies of the white house assistance comes and made concerns that russia could be gaining the upper hand in the war. also on the program process and hate c. against the latest for an intervention attempt, regional pause put forward that planned for a new government to replace the outgoing prime minister image, raging vitamins antic talk in the fight of its life. as the us congress considered as a bad president biden says,
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he signed the measure which would force the app's chinese owner to sell on news, a $170000000.00 american uses. the no, i'm totally old. logical. welcome to the program. the white house has announced $300000000.00 in military aid for ukraine. the move side steps, the us congress, where republicans have been stalling a much bigger aid package. the assistance will be the 1st and months from the us and was announced as president biden hosted polish. nita is in washington for as president andre dude and prime minister don't all to us hope to secure even more funding for ukraine's will efforts. the visits as democracy 25th anniversary of poland joining nato. and they're pushing for a stronger presence in the blocks east. jennifer,
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speaking after his wife. how's meeting poland permanent adults? us said he hoped the us congress would pass the stalled aid package for key of task said ukraine's fate depended on us lawmakers despite the problem in the house. and i still hope that mr. jonathan will, will feed dismissal stability for, for thousands of lives and you quite and because in fact, he's responsible for the future of, of also, of a who the people are. the only message we should send 2 months ago is the, the with, if you might, that is the more than ever before when it comes to ukraine. you'd always been alvarez goober is following this story for us in washington and told us more about the u. s. domestic precious, playing into funding for ukraine. the elections are coming up and we see how both the democrats and republicans continue arguing over this bill. what should be
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signed, what should not be signed? because there's so much in this package that has been sold in congress for a long time. now that's something that president biden has been pushing for. he pushed it on his speech a for the state of the union. and also when he speaks to our allies and we hear, and we also see a us officials when they talk to your p and l. i saying that the u. s. will continue to ukraine as long as needed. that's something that the whitehouse is repeatedly set by. that's why today when they set that they would census $300000000.00 this emergency fund. they said this is only a part this will give you crane munition for a few weeks. but for them to be able to defend themselves in long term, they need most important apple pressing and also not just in the republicans, but also their own democrats to say that they should not be sending so much more weapons to get this bill through as quickly as possible for more helpful you or let's take a look now, some of the stories making headlines around the world. a close ally of the late
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russian, a position leader alexis of all me has been attacked outside his home and miscellaneous unit bulk of was unfortunately assaulted in his call with 2 gas and a hammer. police said he was admitted to a hospital and they're investigating the attack. a commercial rocket has exploded after its launch from western japan. the space one japanese starts up was trying to become depends. first companies to successfully put a satellite into orbit with a kyra's rockets edits payload bust into flames. seconds after it took off the ship, carrying $200.00 tons of fluids. so guys that has left cyprus after being held up for days. the journey is expected to arrive later this week. the open arms is the 1st vessel to use the new maritime card or setup to bring desperately needed aid to the war ravaged territory. turning to haiti now with fresh bo just have broken
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out over a plan by the regions of nations to weave that the countries leadership demonstrators of blocked busy streets and part of france. they say they are close to foreigners interfering in the countries politics. us enter, being officials said they would appoint a transitional counsel to govern haiti following the prime minister as promised resignation. and they also hope to rein in the gang span of control most of the capital and one of the country risks and all our civil war. thousands of people have been displaced during the weeks of deadly violence, and many are running out of food. generalist harold isaac is covering the story in the haitian capital plaza prince. i asked him whether news of the prime minister's impending resignation was having any effect on the violets as well. maybe not as much of the facts as was
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expected in the 1st hours we've been uh, pretty much having a bit of a reprise, in terms of uh, the unabated violence that has waged over the cd for the past 2 weeks. and people won't be able to resupply, and there's been some oral distribution from the terminal and from the ports. right. and what all the gans saying about this next stage now that the prime minister is expected to step down. so there's been some reaction, but really not to the proportion that we've seen so far. we must say that right now everybody is kind of expecting nomination of individuals that will be in the new structure that uh is uh agreed upon to take the lead after our re, which is a presidential college of sorts that will have 7 members from various different
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parties that will be leading the country for the coming uh for the, for until the elections uh and until securities are, is, are established. the guns are trying to portray themselves as freedom fighters. do you expect them to jostle for political part if haiti, woods, and make this transition as well? the reality of gangs in haiti is a complicated one because for long they have been weaponized to be um, to qual, defense in popular neighborhood, and to sway elections. one way or the other, they've become criminal enterprises, especially in the last few years, full going through criminal enterprises involving the racketeering and kidnappings . so there are next steps you know, following this evolution or this, this, these do steps politically,
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how they will grow from that. it's all unclear at this point, right from the outside looking in it, it looks desperate, you know, with the security and humanitarian situation as well as the political violence. help us understand why there is this great resistance within hazy towards the efforts of the outside wells to help. well, haiti has been facing both an institutional, any constitutional crisis for many, many years that has been aggravated with the assassination of president drove anomalies in july of 2021. and ever since the country has been led by the care taken government of all you on re until yesterday. so as you can tell, and as you can see, the reality, the political reality in haiti is very complicated and, and has led to several episodes of political violence. and as such,
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um if i'm clear really um, if we're gonna be seeing a day of peace any time soon on the path for it looks very, very long at this point. or it will be watching that closely. the journalist harald isaac, thank you for that update from photographs and some more stories making news. a gun man in brazil has injured 2 people in rio de janeiro was main bus station after he opened fire on a bus and took 16 passengers hostage. he held them for 3 hours until an elite police force convinced him to surrender. officials have the rest of the mind, but his motive remains unclear. intense rains have flooded the streets of origin. tina's capital. the storm led to flash flooding with caused flag cancellations, power outages, and left entire neighborhoods and brain as iras. so much 0, just predict at least 48 more hours of rain. local government is called a storm,
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an unprecedented natural disaster. a woman has pursued direct roman polanski alleging that he writes at his home for decades ago. a lawyer said she was a minor when it happened. polanski pleaded guilty in the 1970s to sexually assaulting as 18 year old before he fled from the us to your us lawmakers, a set to vote later today on whether it's a band tick tock across the entire country. if the bill passes, it will require chinese company bite dance to either sell tick tock or lose it's $150000000.00 uses in the us over the last year. many countries have restricted access to the app sizing concerns or web security. china is potential influence on the platform edition that might influence how americans consume the digital content . us low make us our voting on the legislation to bind to talk, if busting to low
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b would require the video ups on bite them to send each state or risk of being pulled down from all the apps. those in the us. the video piece huge the popular according to tape talk. it has 150000000 active monthly uses into us, and everyone has, i'm up in the and i get all of my information from takes up to be honest like this stuff that i didn't know it, it that i could use or to place a travel, where did he find that cheap travels the hag? i would in fact he is a musician because that's a place where i enjoy posting and sharing my music and it gives me a sense of community. so it would impact my reach to the people that i want to be engaged with. yeah, i don't use to talk so it wouldn't really affect me because i find it to be very addictive. and i have an addictive personality. but i do feel strongly about free speech, so i don't love the idea of it not being on the high stakes. therefore,
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to rate intake duct stems from consensus in washington. the chinese communist party also see the blood pressure. i take the b gene based department, a company like guns to turnover data from american use us and perhaps even influence the elections. i recent senate intelligence committee or in feature this exchange, isn't it true that under chinese law, the chinese communist party says that data you're gaining access to in order to make your algorithm work, we want a copy of that data. if they said that to bite dance in the future by chance would have to give it to that's my understanding. and if they went to them and said, we want you to change your algorithms. so that american start seeing videos that hurt this candidate or help that candidate in the upcoming election by the answer have to do that under chinese law. that's my understanding. but the opponents of the bun argue that this legislative bush to buy tick tock cus could infringe on free speech rights in a letter to congress, several organizations to get it to see for the buddies. the utah are rights and, and place is a sheep organization said if passed by congress and enacted into law
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a nationwide bound on tick tock would have serious ramifications for free expression in the digital sphere infringing on americans 1st amendment rights and setting a potent and worrying precedent in a time of increased censorship of internet users around the world, the center for democracy and technology was one of the signatories of thought. let them those 150000000 people would be banned from access to a global conversation in which they have been participated. and it would harm not just their free expression but their access to information globally. so he's but president joe by didn't a new to use a himself said he would sign the lease lease on best buy congress a distinct possibility that one actually in consequences for national security, electro politics and social media expression as the whole city of this is eurovision song contest, mama and sweden is conducting a major campaign against its ras.
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please fast moving, sir. it's uh, being deployed to chase the rats out of the ground. the hunters started in selected parks and areas of the city. and especially trained dogs. also joining the campaign authorities hope the experimental project, the claim of rights before an influx of visitors for the sum contest inmate which indeed news here is a reminder of our top story. the white house has announced $300000000.00 in military aid for ukraine to move aside steps the us congress, where republicans admin, starting a much bigger aid package assistance will be the 1st in months from the us and was announced as president biden hosted polish leaders. in washington, and that's it for now, i'm told me a lot about but coming up next. choices follows the journey of a woman in india who reclaims optics. read them through jewelry and fashion. stay
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