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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  March 13, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm CET

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the, the, this is dw dues wide from berlin is time running out for tick tock in the united states, the us house of representatives is approved a bill that could band tick tock if the social media platform refuses to sever old fines with the chinese government. also coming up history being made here in europe today, the european parliament approving the artificial intelligence act, the 1st of its kind anywhere in the world and protests against, for an influence on the streets of he's capital. it comes as he does, leader has resolved to mid rolling violence and a close ally of the late russian opposition leader alexi nev only attacked with
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a hammer. in lithuania, the bridge off is good to have you with this on this wednesday, lawmakers in the united states and the us house of representatives have overwhelmingly passed the bill that could lead to a band of the social media platform, tick tock, while makers of long raise concerns about the apps, chinese owner, the company known as bite dance, and the chinese government's ability to demand user data. the claim tick tock could pose a threat to national security. a chip talks future in the united states is in jeopardy . the us house of representatives has given its owner bite, dance and ultimatum divest from the app within 6 months, or risk of ban across all us devices approved by the house. the bill now goes to the senate where its fate is. i'm certain, it's a rare occasion where
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a piece of legislation has strong bi partisan support as well as opposition. any been on tip top is not just banning the freedom of expression. you're literally causing huge harm to our national economy. we have small business owners that are here as small business owners from across the country. they used to talk an estimated 170000000, tick tock users are based in the us. it's reach as part of the reason why intelligence officials are concerned. the head of the f, b i n c, i a have warned that china could use it to influence us public opinion and that it could compel by chance to hand over data on its use or is it you're getting? there have been no reports of beijing having done this, but the possibility of it happening has prompted law makers to take action by dance denies any connection to the chinese government. china is warning the us that the
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band will come back to bite it. president biden, who join the app last month. he says he will sign the band if it passes a senate and ends up on his desk. for more now, i'm joined by dana lives. he's a managing director at web bush at security easy. he's the tech analyst on wall street to join me from new york city, saying it's good to have you with. let me just start by asking for your reaction to what the us house of representatives has voted on today. or i think it's slippery slope. i mean, when you start is and there's 1st amendment issues and then the concern is, where does it go? maybe we stop, we've twin only a 25 percent chance is actually getting bad. but this is something us trying to cold pack or definitely as fuel the fire. how likely is it that a chinese authorities are or will be in the future gathering data from talking users in the united states. book i mean is 50 is, has been investigating this and there's still nothing on that. and we still don't
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have the hearing last march. you know, if there's a back door to be jane, you know, i think the views that they're likely to is not. and obviously tick tock to become so popular in the us. this really becomes a, i think in my opinion the started, but it's going to be a game of thrones battle. oh, well, kind of put us in the minds of the child, the chinese government of what sort of data could be of use to china that people leave as digital traces on. take talk in the united states. welcome you have of course there's so much data and then what can be more, most governmental employers basically all can't really be on tick tock. and there's clearly we'll call national security worries here. but the big issue is if you go down this path, then what could happen even to some of the us social media in terms of government dictating what a cat or can do. that's the biggest worry. i'm not saying that this is rose and
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champagne in terms of what's happening and the june of u band tick tock. you go down a pretty dangerous for what am i paying? well, what is the top threat to national security? as seen on capitol hill in tip top, i think there's, i don't think there's even a consensus there in terms of from the national security using data consumer data. but it goes back, if there is no back door to be june, then there's no national security risk. and, and i think that's something from a bite dance perspective. even if this was sold, let's just take that extreme pass. they're never going to sell it with the stores. good. but i think that's why this is something that's going to play out. not just for money, but i believe years. your eyes, this becomes a political football. yeah, the u. s. president digit buying has said that he will sign legislation if it is
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sent to him. that would band tick tock. it looks like the us senate may follow the us house of representatives. i mean, our, you know, assuming that we're going to look at this legislation becoming law and a possible band happening here, we think only 25 percent. i mean, i'd be shocked at this, actually hit the standard for me, allowed to be there in terms of how as this goes through and i can tell you from lab or beltway contacts. yeah. it's really viewed right now is 25 percent chance that this actually band goes through, but yeah, the popcorn moment, definitely live drum and soap opera. then i think i always don't. he is most read in the united states stand. thank you. we appreciate your now. yes, we're here in europe, lawmakers today approved at the world's 1st legal framework on artificial intelligence. it's history make the act aims to balance the safety. reliability of a i use for people across europe. well, also fostering its development in various industries. it's been 5 years in the
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making and it could be seen as a president for countries struggling to control a i's rapid advancement that i know when i pull in daniel permits here, he's the executive director to the care center for a i risk and impacts any joint is from san, from cisco. daniel, it's good to have you with this. do you think this artificial intelligence act? does it tackle the, the biggest risk that a i pose is to people in the you? i mean, is this a day that the world, particularly europeans, should be celebrate? thanks for having me. yeah, i think so. it, it tackles the risk that we're facing today, at least when it comes to a i, i'm not sure it will get us all the way to a i safety forever. i think more will need to solid, but it 2nd in a historical day to day. this is as a set, the world's 1st comprehensive say i have a good vision and i think it turned out surprisingly well. it's not perfect,
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but do you did a pretty good job here? i think it at a big reconciling, defend needs and requirements that different stakeholder groups had. so there is a need for innovation. we need to stay competitive as, as europeans. but we also one safety and we don't want to compromise on that. and i think the law does a, does a good job with that. well, what talk me through this and help us understand exactly how are people being pre texted now by what was past today? right, so, um, originally the, this law, the act was conceived of as a purely sort of user focused r r. i use specific law. so there are a lot of different rules for a i, in medicine, a i, in law and a, i know all these very different specific sectors. and, you know, you can argue about whether in some cases it's a bit of older regulation or on the regulation. but i think overall it's
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a clear commitment to protecting users and the you and then i think we've been very clever as your kids to also add later on rules for general purpose models. and so these are the g p, t, the chats. if he's of this world, this is how i have been taking the world by storm. and we added rules for these general models that don't really fit in any of these use categories because they're so general and so broad. they are very potent and that means they can also lead to a lot of risks because they're so strong and putting, and i think it's great that the act has binding requirements for the developers of these general models as what you used to speak of over regulation. i'm sure you would be suspicious of anyone who is out right now saying that this is over regulation, because this is actually the 1st attempt at any regulation of a i. and i'm wondering because of this is, is big tech in your opinion, likely to comply with these regulations, or do you foresee big tech trying to find loopholes in ways to circumvent the
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regulations? oh, i mean, i certainly think i expect them to, to try and look for ways to, you know, keep the compliance costs as much as possible for them. but they're going to have a hard time because this, as you said, is binding it's, it's hard law. now, and if it's companies are not going to comply with it, they will have to pay signs. so yes, i expect so both overall efforts, the compliance, but also a big tech and companies in general has this kind of natural for them to, to look for a new pulse, a lot will come down now to the implementation face that is basically beginning now . so that means translating those fairly high level language of the law as it's been passed into very concrete and detailed standards to tell companies exactly what they have to comply with. and i think we need to make sure that the standard
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setting face as implementation face. that's coming now, goes well, so only on the 1st half of the, of the homework that we've done and there's more to come. yeah, it's definitely new territories for, for everyone. daniel pivot here with the cure center for a i risk and impacts talking with us about this groundbreaking, the artificial intelligence act here in the european union, the 1st of its calling in the world. daniel, thank you. thank you. us. alright, here's a look now, some of the other stories that are making headlines around the world. tesla boss, even mosque, heated is it to the production plant, his production plant outside berlin today to mark the factory, going back online following a suspected arson attack reduction of the electric car makers. first european plant was halted for nearly a week after and electricity pylon was damaged by fire. if 15 year old palestinian was shot and killed by israel, defense forces troops after he stabbed and wounded 2 security guards. and it is
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really check point outside jerusalem. according to media reports, the youth arrived at the check point on a bicycle, andrew, a knife when guards from the idea of trying to search in a k. m. that's good to have you. with this, we started in gaza where the world food program says that it has deliberate enough food for 25000 people in the north of the territory. and the aid was dispatched in a con boy of 6 human trucks allowed to enter gauze or through what's called the 96 gates on a new road crossing, which is part of a pilot scheme put forward by is really forces you in the world food program says that it is the 1st time that they managed to deliver aid into the north of the strip. and over 3 weeks i asked her, corresponded tanya kramer and jerusalem, how important the deliveries are for the new to. well, i think at this point, at least from the point of view of the monitoring organizations, any 8 that's going into casa is significant and important in this way would open
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another a so called crossing, or a gateway hearing from the authorities to close the gate 9 to 6, this would open up the rectory, 2 boards. no. then a garza so where this 8 conroy of 6 trucks a went in to deliver this much needed 8 into northern gauze and they need to cause the city the u. n. uh, the united nations. they have one to the other 8 organizations for weeks know of a pending division, a severe my nutrition among children. so it is of course very welcomed. but it's so to see whether this route will be used more and more, the more convoys and also convoys of commercial goods would be coming in this way. that was trying to create the reporting for this real tahiti. now we're 1st purchase, have broken out over a plan by caribbean nations to revamp the countries leadership demonstrators of tried to block busy streets in the capital puerto prince. they say they are opposed
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to foreigners interfering in the countries politics. us and caribbean officials want to appoint a new transitional government while haiti's prime minister has promised to resign. european union meanwhile says that it will send it again, that's hearing aid worth 20000000 euro. haiti is the caribbeans, 3rd largest country and is boarded to the east by the dominican republic. it's no stranger to unrest, but with gains now in control of much of the capital. there are fears that the nation could spiral into a wider civil war or from war. now i'm joined by journalist. it's there is on he works for the haitian news outlet. i elbow post events or what is the humanitarian and the security situation right now, particularly in puerto france, since 9023, more than 300000 people were 1st to make homes games totally the homes inside of the country and those people lives in make shift steps in, projectors,
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conditionals, they could not find for the pre find water and medications. but the prince smoked in 160000 of people off and left the home since august 2030, to the european union today announced that it will send aid worth 20000000 euros to hated. what difference will these 20000000 euros make on the ground? i believe it is urgent at the moment west has people in the inside of the country, particularly for the prince. however, if you require leadership to coordinate a and help identify the will needs of those people without this impact on people's lives may not be defective. talk to me about the gang, these powerful gains in haiti. they have called for the prime minister to step down . the prime minister has announced that he will do that. so what are the gains now saying about what's happening today? of course they have to minutes, but it must be understood that the stuff on the about what the days want should
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because there's the position once the conditions to change. and even if they haven't agreed on everything, there's a political press trying to find a solution. we are awaiting the outcome of the discussions in the next few hours to state to slow what will happen in the next few days. the gains we know thrive in in a political vacuum. the backend that was left after the assassination of president laws almost 3 years ago is anything or any one in sight that could fill that power vacuum of the firm least or did not meet the expectations on this point from now the solutions of the machine and the stakeholders to fill the void, but it is still on certain whether this will succeed in the, in the file to get to the country. o. k journalist. the tip is all in joining us tonight from haiti. it's a,
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we appreciate your reporting. thank you. thank you. a close ally of the leads russian opposition leader election of all and the has released a defiant video message after being attacked outside his home. in lithuania, leon, it woke up. it says that he was assaulted in his car with tear gas and a meet hammer. the video shows the proved and critic, bruised and bandage, and his message all called ridicule the russian leader saying that he had ordered what he called the called the typical gang stern greeting. that the way the police are investigating the attack. on this now from dw rush analysts konstantin, ingrid, he's in vilnius costs and he's going to see you. it's been what a month since the election of all the died suddenly in prison in siberia. now his allied vocal was attacked to meet who exactly is leading the vocal and why is he in lithuania, by the way, a well l i is probably not an exact description. in fact, he was
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a number to pass and then the whole nobody's the organization now by the feet of being it's the main manager. it's main organizer uh the main fundraiser. he's definitely a key figure in, based on the continuing fights of the, the bodily team as well as the keys. we don't usually in the why does that. he is in live for any watch a long time because of the restaurant russian government fraud because of um, basically warrants issued by the russian government against him. uh, basically i would say a large number of the bottom of these people here in this one year in the capital of the news and regulatory days were, well, it was a very straightforward with them actually offering full protection to them and their families blow cold. it says that russia is responsible for this attack. the lithuanian intelligence agency also says that the attack was probably,
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and i'm quoting here, russian organized and implemented. i mean, what more do we know about this? what's your take on it as well? not much. oh, we do know that volk was attached to a tech bargain um at round about 10 pm last nights near his home in a very sort of nice. uh the see a suburb of a really is uh of the attackers. we have not sure whether they were to only one vote goes wife, said that she seems to have seen to but of course they have to talk to police about that's a what is interesting. grabs is, that's one of the russian nationalists, bloggers actually not leaving in russia. a very famous for his very naturalist and mister domestic views published on his telegram channel. the screenshots of song essentially telling me that he or she tracked,
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woke up now and showing pictures surreptitious. and taking a walk of inventing samples of the not fall from the, from the cobb park where he took his heart call. so there was some versions of who could have done it. so the assumption is that these people have some whole crumb and connected. a wanted to believe is accredited by the 20 police tells us here that we should wait until they investigated the bar. they've throwed massive results. as far as i know, have the investigation, dw much analysts, constantine it is always constantine. we appreciate your analysis. thank you. thank you. a series of look now and some of the other swords that are making headlines this hour around the world. a us president joe biden has lucky and the democratic nomination for the 2024 presidential election. donald trump also picked up enough delegates and tuesdays state primaries to secure the republican nomination. it confirms that dropping by and will face off. in november,
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a women have sued director roman polanski alleging that he raped her at his home 4 decades ago, her lawyer said that she was a minor when it happened, a landscape pleaded guilty of the 1970s to sexually assaulting a 13 year old before he fled. from the us to europe, a commercial rocket has exploded after its launch from western japan, the space one japanese started up was trying to become japan's 1st company to successfully put a satellite into orbit. but the cairo's rockets and its payload burst into flames. you see right there to seconds after it's a call. russian president vladimir putin says that he will deployed troops and weapons on the board with finland. now that it has joined nato in response, finish prime minister, but they are the ortho and said that russia appeared to be preparing for a long conflict with the west. previously neutral finland joined. neither last year in the wake of russia's invasion of you. great. says the german chancellor has,
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once again wrote down sending germany's advance taurus cruise missiles to you, great in a heated q and a session inside the german parliament. when the transfer of of shelter said that his position is clear and that no tours missiles will be given to keep without german oversight, because it would simply be too dangerous and says that germany is doing everything you can to support ukraine militarily. well, pointing towards public fears over an escalation in the stuff is for michelle, specialist them is bye. but for me, it is out of the question to deliver a long range weapons when it only makes sense to deliver them in combination with a deployment of german troops, even outside of ukraine vouchers. a line that is jo. miss chancellor, i'm not prepared to cross. that is why i took the decision progress. i believe it is necessary to ensure when delivering weapons. but the german troops did not become involved in this war. well, after repeated costs for more weapons ukrainians,
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now set to receive an emergency cache of weapons from the united states. the $300000000.00 military, a package includes munitions and artillery rounds. to help on the front lines as keep tries to hold back russia's advance, president joe biden denounced the package during a meeting with both the polish leaders at the white house as a celebrated the 25th anniversary of poland, joined nita. the 2 polish lead is in the us on the mission of solidarity 1st with neighboring ukraine. and with night i told him that political arrivals, the 2 in washington postings 5 minutes the don't want to be present president andre, due to the presented united front. that is why we that pushing for more u. s. military aid for ukraine and an end political stand off on the issue as well as the pentagon did announce the 5, the $300000000.00 in weapons, a key. the big package has sold us president joe biden had this the say. united
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states has announcing that emergency package for ukraine using cost savings from previously approved printed on contracts. packaging. close munitions in rounds help ukraine hold the line against russia's brutal tax for the next couple weeks. but it's not nearly enough. what we're, i'm announcing today the congress must pass the by personal security bill now which includes urgent funding to your crane. we must act before it literally is too late. before it's too late, we must act before increasing the skeptical republicans abrupt king legislation containing $60000000000.00 of funding for ukraine has. the key figure is the amount on the right to the house of representative speaker mike johnson. he is so far, refused to allow a vote on the legislation, which has already been approved by the senate. he says, an agreement on strict immigration controls is his prize quickly united package for
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ukraine. the task made an appeal to mike johnson's conscience the with, if you might, that is the more than ever before. when comes to ukraine. i still hope this, mr. jonathan will, will be dismissed, most of the people for thousands of lives and you know, quite and because in fact, she's responsible for the future of, of also of a lot of people with an election in the us new mean, it's unclear if the published push will be successful, but in keys it will certainly have be much appreciated. as we said at the beginning of the program, artificial intelligence promises many innovations, both welcomed and feared. researchers at the university in australia have developed an app that they hope will benefit people with dementia. it's called vis, a personality that serves as a companion to those with memory property which is currently be tested at a care home and city where it comforts patients who are feeling depressed. a companion, such as via of are not meant to replace human caregivers,
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but rather to provide additional support to enjoy themselves. most of the so the whole city of this year is your vision song contest, malmo in sweden is conducting a major campaign against its wraps. 6 as the pied piper folks these fast moving ferrets are being deployed to chase the wrench out of the ground, the hottest started and selected parts and areas of the city, especially trained dogs, are also jordy to campaign authorities. hope that the experimental project will clear amount of rach before an influx of visitors for the song contests in may, you don't want threats, nor remains and visitors of the same place in the same time. i guess this is a reminder of our top story. this, our lawmakers in the us house of representatives have overwhelmingly passed the bill that could lead to a band of tick tock of makers of long rates, concerns about the planning to talk to pose a threat to national security. if you watch the video,
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he'll be back on top of the hour with more world news. i hope to see you then the
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green is hope safe the world with our killed to take in waste materials and waste extract with very light. i can also produce oxygen goals. i can find the c o 2 weeks, how you create your oxygen to the same time
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on the w join us on aspects for the onset to almost everything. one more chance, it's going to get very interesting because we're going to a micro to track down elementary policy and asking, how do they hold the in 45 minutes on d, w, the this shadows these costs and video shed lights on the dog is devastating colonial har is infected by germany across and he actually disclosed
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farms and destroyed slides. what is the legacy of this wide spread races, depression, today? history? we need to talk about here, the stories, shadows of german colonialism. the whole has a color and it's green. one german research team is convinced that algy can help solve some of humanities greatest problems around the globe. biologists are hunting for micro organisms with extraordinary abilities like limes to creating energy, which might on day january clement neutral cement. thinks what's in the best 5 percent of club black us for c o 2 come some construction to the concrete production. yes. now here's a possible concrete substitute. that's the exact opposite. it doesn't produce c o 2
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to absorb it absorbs 12.


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