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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  March 14, 2024 10:00pm-10:16pm CET

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the, the, this is the, the, the news, live it from berlin tonight, the top democrat in the us senate calling for a political change. and is really this critical juncture, i believe a new election is the only way to allow for a healthy and open decision making process about the future of this re chuck schumer taking aim. it is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu, who calling him and pops stickle to piece. also coming up, getting through to the people in governance and workers are building a floating peer to allow aid ships to jock. israel is accused of allegedly blocking deliveries by land. plus you impose the red lines to all solve the start south
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of both red lines, but does not have a new red lines. a warning from lithuania as prime minister to germany do not take any options off the table when it comes to helping ukraine fight against rush. the brit golf is good to have you. with this we begin tonight in the united states with the top talk on israel from the top democrat in the us senate. you've also happens to be the highest ranking jewish lawmaker in the country. so the majority leader, chuck schumer has called for new elections and is real. and he's criticized is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu saying that he is an obstacle to piece. take a list 5 months into this conflict. it is clear that is riley's need to take stock of the situation and ask,
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must we change course at this critical juncture, i believe a new election is the only way to allow for a healthy and open decision making process about the future of israel. at a time when so many israelis have lost their confidence in the vision and direction of their government. earlier i spoke with our washington correspondent benjamin alvarez gruber and i asked him about the importance of chuck schumer's comments today. it is important, indeed, it is the highest ranking official into us jewish ranking official a year in the united states and for him to have such clear words on the 10 general government. and also that is released taking the wrong pass, of course, puts a lot of pressure also on the by not ministration with many accusing a go by and the president of the us of not being top on israel on not having read
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lines. and that's also is something that we see now with a renewed criticism over the humiliation. how many call it that the us need to air drop 8 in 2000 without putting enough pressure on israel to let the trucks with a actually enter. and target isn't now the united states we learned today have section 3 is really settlers in the west bank and they're outposts. what more do we know about the to that's right, that's not the 1st time that the sanctioning a set list at something. it also happened in february what they announced today by the us treasury. it was sanctions on to legal is really outposts and also it that has been accused of undermining stability on the west bank and also on some set let's that's something that also happened in february. so we have this junior's coming up a from a the us today on one side, the new sanctions happen to announce and others. this comments also and asked about that if it was, was actually informed about the comments of, of chuck schumer and national
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a security spokesperson. jacoby said that he gave advance notice to the wide house, but did not ask for approval or disappointment in the state department. once again saying that those as schumer's comments and not the ones that the by the ministration. but we can expect that these comments will put more pressure on divided by enough industries in the news today. what does it mean for the us is really relationship which we know is not a perfect one at the moment. that's right. the relations of very is drained right now. not just from the comments that we hear from washington, but also from the comments that we hear from, from israel. the criticized the this is the, the tech schumer said earlier today. they're all renewed called for the us to put real red lines on and is running to not keep exporting more weapons. and that's also what many said in regarding this comments, 8 by checks. and we will also set that the weapons explored, need to be conditioned to as well as the us does with every,
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any other allies around the will. so we can expect that the discussion, it will continue as some priest. it was from chuck schumer and other criticized the thing that it's not up to the us or a member of sending to actually tell the is rarely people when they should have annual elections. are washington correspond to benjamin alvarez group reporting tonight with the latest benjamin. thank you. of the un is warning of the thread of famine and gaza unless more supplies arrived soon, much of the food entering the territory comes on trucks that are 1st inspected by is really officials at border crossings. israel says they are letting enough 8 in but that the un is failing to distribute these trucks or causes lifeline care. i'm shalom is one of 2 crossings where it's really officials check the items they say could be used by him. us, which is widely regarded as a terrorist organization. then the supplies are driven back to enter gauze the by
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the rapid crossing with egypt. agencies states this system is acting as a buffer next, and helping push palestinians towards starvation. israel is facing increase pressure and is national criticism for blocking age into the strip. this is riley officials insist. this isn't the case and say that the real problem is that the un and other international organizations aren't capable of distributing the supplies. once they get to garza, the problem is not on these really side or the routes for you many to renee to gone into guys. the problem who was collected and distributed. and this is the main gap because the un haven't adjusted themselves to this humanitarian operation. hearing does, but un officials say that's not true, and the number of trucks entering is far too low to meet the population of needs. before the prices and the war started in the 7th of october,
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it was $500.00 or $600.00 trucks coming in a day. and since that time, people have had a mass of catastrophic humanitarian disaster but upon them. so we need more entry points one in the north, and many other places for food to come into. rather than just the one crossing point of the moment. even once food does arrive, there's no guarantee it'll end up in the hands of hungry people. guards as a mass run health ministries that on thursday, that is a distribution center and central garza had been hit by his riley attack, killing 8 people and destroying desperately needed supplies to spend more last year. and we get the aid and we distributed to people the people needed to come to get their ramadan meals. today they hit the warehouse and burned all the 8, including the dates or how to go. it's the 2nd time in as many days as an aide site has been attacked. and
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a reminder that even as countries scrambled to transport supplies to gauze the light at and see getting them that is only part of the struggle. space to look now, some of the other stories that are making headlines around the world that spanish lawmakers have approved the bill, granting amnesty to those involved in catalonia is 2017 independence. 5th. you have as deep as a condition paid by separate as parties in exchange for supporting 5 minutes for pedro. sanchez after last year's inconclusive election results. the starship rocket you on most companies space x is broken up while re entering the earth's atmosphere . now the spacecraft had new crew and it had almost completed a one hour test flight space that says that it made improvements to start ship after its 1st to test slides last year. the last to just minutes before the rocket blew up, european parliament has decided to take the european commission to court over a decision to give billions of your roads to hungary the commission. effectively the use government unblocked funds for hungary back in december,
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despite opposition from parliament. the dispute between 2 of the highest in human institutions will now be heard before the european court of justice. there will be no german cruise missiles going to ukraine to day german lawmakers stood with their chancellor and voted against sending tours cruise missiles to key. but the debate here in berlin over the long range missiles, it's intensifying divisions with in the countries government, sending the government as well as the opposition are demanding that germany deliver those missiles to you crate amended. the chancellor and his social democrats are against that idea of citing the risk of germany being dragged into the war. today in parliament, a senior opposition lawmaker accused the chancellor of playing into vladimir pollutants hands to use it from mind to the same as your suppose. it proved and has only few missed approaching the aggression against ukraine. access to that is the result stuff. this is a sneak ended site, isn't it time?
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we not only talked about how to wage war, but also about how to freeze this conflict and stop it. once it's all, all the end. he can be lithuanian prime minister in greta. she might need to was in berlin today for talks with the german chancellor and the 2 leaders discussed security and defense. that the one year has been one of the strongest supporters of ukraine since russia began. it's in the region 2 years ago. the baltic country says it also supports the debate taking place right now about sending western troops to ukraine. germany has agreed to station 5000 troops permanently in lithuania, as part of nato defense measures for earlier in the program, the prime minister of it. so when you joined us here, and we asked or did she urge the german traveler today to send those cruise missiles to ukraine as well?
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um, i think uh, this is a very focused debate on one particular sort of weapons. and we've seen, as it was mentioned quite similar debates about of the sorts of, of weapons in the past. so uh, i do not think i wasn't really very much to comment on that. i do hear what translators think, but my point is that i think i'll problem is that we are very predictable to progression for them because we constantly station what we are not going to do and the, and we impose the red lines to our south. and these are self imposed red lines, but putting does not have and you the red lines. and when we speak about not doing something because a fear of escalation. so let's look at the other side because the other side constantly, blah, blah, buying about, for example, nuclear weapons and, and, and similar things is absolutely reckless and absolutely not in
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a position to sort of the value of this uh, salesforce treatment of, um, or if you bring in supporters to your office countries supporting ukraine. so of course this is for the german government to decide but um, but, but i think this is the biggest problem of, of uh, also western allies. so if you grant that we constantly sort of, uh, put the house house in um, in a situation where we deny that we will do something just to support your brand. rather than saying that we must do whatever it takes for your brain to win this war . and that was the one you use. prime minister speaking with this earlier, the 1st paulding stations have opened in russia's presidential election. the outcome is not in doubt with president putin's opponents, either side, lined in prison or dead. body is also underway in russian occupied regions of the crate where people are being coerced, to cast their vote. in an election the chief has denounced as
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a sham and remote regions of russia like here in the arctic voting and the countries presidential election is underway. after ballot boxes arrived by helicopter and ukrainian territory is occupied by russia like here in marietta. voting is also underway. for what cooling calls and election, which just a little bit of taking part in the elections as a way to express your patriotism. the residents of done by so new rochelle understand this very well. they both should, for usually with russia under the most difficult conditions. they will now make their choice in this selection faction deal, so we will residents are under pressure to pledge their loyalty to the kremlin mass of attacks by ukraine or disrupting the voting. ukrainian missile attacks on
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the russian border region of belgrade have reportedly cause deaths and injuries. and you creating drone attacks. 2 oil refineries deep inside russia. these images were shared by pro ukrainian russian fighters, some of them right wing extremists, their advancing interruption territory, and say this is their response to the russian presidential election. it was gateway, now the war has come to russia. this is how we sure, thanks to vladimir putin, more something to cover the metal which russia has responded with drone attacks on ukraine. like this one in the residential building in the northern ukrainian town, assuming the left several civilians dead. finally, it was a play not a boat on the hudson river that grabs new york city detention today on the water. the iconic british airways concord jet headed for the intrepid museum at pier $86.00 in manhattan. the supersonic jet was sent away last august to
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undergo months of restoration at the brooklyn navy yard. the concord was once the fastest commercial aircraft in the world dw news. we'll see you right here again tomorrow. what old car tires have to do with the production? here's a hands on business, so we'll need the snow on youtube the
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our universe, our planet or even.


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