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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  March 15, 2024 5:00am-5:16am CET

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the, the, this is, these are the news line from the russians head to the polls to elect the next president. with this whole doubts over the results with another time for vladimir puts an old but dw speaks to one candidate to respond off the hill. it's against the war and there's more violence and hazy ending. days of brothers have come, the prime minister said still step down when a transitional counsel the set top. but there are questions of where it's formation the
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i'm bringing them home. it is good to have you with us russians all those thing and a presidential election that's all but certain to hand to flatten me, puts in another 6 year term polling stations have opened in bushes far east. the election is set to last until sunday evening. the kremlin says, 112000000 people are eligible to vote, including residents of the occupied ukrainian territories. president person is paused to secure his 5th term and what's expected to be a 9 slide victory. presidential candidates defend cove currency and all of slots k o from kremlin friendly parties and barely known in russia, hardly matches. the selection is all about boots in the used right. this is a vote for or against a political system, as well as a means of legitimizing the president. after all, our political system relies on the president's reading which come and it is
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necessary to re up on the populations. dustin, the president diamond again, is beautiful in times of especially a military operation. this stress should be on the rise just to go to a special military operation. is what russians have to cool a full scale invasion of ukraine. does your wife really cool? it's a will often end up in prison. the imprisonment isn't the worst that can happen. so the dissidents in russia, alexi nova only died in this side, berry imprisoned one month ago, until the very last moment, the criminal ins, most outspoken critic of russians to protest against the president. the valley was one of many opposition figures to be bought from running in elections. far as the dustin had hoped to defy too soon at this year's election, the dustin had a promising approval rating. bought the central election commission, bought him from the ballot. even with his rivals, dead in prison opened from running 13 may still face
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a challenge on election day. and in this state, this damned that's even easier for thursday around the dream to share for elections of them for the more assistance. very important for, for the graham and for points him to demonstrate political leads that up. he is supported by the majority of all right. so that's why the crown man truly avoid any laws key on those not damage. they damage that puts you on this whole heartedly, supported by almost all russians to damage this image, opposition figures having coverage, people to come to the polling stations at noon this sunday, alexi, nevada, and these widow julia explained the points of the section called noon against the boots in please boys, we need to use election day to show that we exist and there are many of us. it's simple and safe, it cannot be prohibited. and it will help them audience to see that there are like
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minded people, that we are not alone. we are surrounded by those who share all stands against the war corruption and lawlessness. nathan, nevada, on the know the opposition lead is inside and outside of russia hope to over throw polluted through this election. but they do hope that showing up on election day when in bold and even more russians to stand up to pitching switching or the ws uranium or shadow intervene bars and a dish. then an opposition politician who gone and enough support to defy pollution in the presidential election, but it was bought from the balance. mister diaz didn't you was the only potential presidential candidate who openly opposed to the whole in ukraine. why was this is so important to you know? yeah, i don't know if i have loan, believe the truth and is leading, rush it in the completely wrong direction on a positive allstar, terry, and isn't militarization and installation show me this is completely the wrong direction for the longest. for many centuries,
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russian monarchs and political leaders have fallen into this rush. it all was the end to the very badly fortune for progress shows. thousands of rations to support the to you. what is this to say about this? and people who took to the streets despite the frost and dispute in line to give, is there a signature for you? the option was nice, which showed that in reality there was no such thing as a general support for either pollutant or special ministry operation in the rush of or if you ask, do you want to continue to fight on to victory to take keys or do you want to stop all this immediately and move on to a piece of negotiation or, you know, the majority of russians choose the 2nd answer, an end to the conflict and the transition to piece talks, or you see that there is no vibrant zip code of putting smaller 6, the people want to be less. i have a known over the on the can do i have to. i'm talking about the 3 candid besides putin, for incoming calls, while none of them criticizes avoids ukraine. is
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a page about these candidates were nominated by the official opposition and the official opposition and the russian parliament fully support coach and 100 percent success. this is by the way, one of the country's problems. so this is one of the important questions on the route and made a fatal mistake by launching the military operation before. thus for a quarter of a century, he's being destroying the key institute that the russian stays, including the parliament. we do not have an independent parliament. the majority of people in the country are in favor of peace negotiations. but there was not a single deputy in parliaments, not a single one who would vote for this. was the site to go so no, but doesn't even make sense to hold the election in russia or is democracy over christian? i mean, of course it doesn't. chavez recruiting believes that it is very important that there are elections so he can see that the people support him by some of the criminal administration is trying very hard to frame the election campaign. so the
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fruit and things of 80 percent of russians are with him, which is close enough. got courtney on my leg. yes. and how did you feel about it? yes i from an affair election. who would of course not get 80 percent. if i participation, i believe i would get 30 percent of pollution by many. yeah, that's often putting slightly re election who then will be tied to being called with this groups. some people are afraid of mobilization. what do you think will change in political life? what your opinion, a little more than nothing will change with them. uh which, which is a politician who knows very well how to maintain power. he will not give the security forces too much power for washington. it's dangerous for him. and why between local disorders, who knows the history of russia very well? surely he also knows the history of numerous powers crews of the 18th century, when the national guard decided who the emperor would be put into this month. this
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. ready therefore, he will not hand power to the secure. she forces sharika blushing, laurice, and the different in thank you very much for speaking to the top of the let's take a look at some of the stories making headlines around the world. stephanie parliament has voted against sending taurus cruise missiles to ukraine. opposition . members launch the motion quoting for the advance themselves to be delivered. it was supported by some lawmakers and the coalition government. but chancellor or laugh schultz and his social democrats say that's the risk of dragging germany into the will the starship rockets of eat on most companies face x is broken up while re entering the atmosphere. the unproved croft had almost completed a one hour test flight space exit made improvements to starship after it's best to test flights. last gym and they lost that just minutes before the rocket flew up.
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a bridge is court has ruled that an australian scientist is not, as he claimed the father of the crypto currency. bitcoin craig right, was, has maintained for years that he is for tours sheet not come on. so susan used full bit coins, anonymous cray, so he was sued over the claim by a crypto courtesy, non profit script. and one of the most senior lawmakers in the united states has called for new elections in israel. senate majority to talk shima, also criticized prime minister benjamin netanyahu as an obstacle to peace, schumann, who was jewish, and said that needs to be a fresh debate about the future of israel. often the october 7th terrorist attacks, like ministers. now gauze is health ministry says dozens of palestinians have been killed by his ready forces while waiting for aid. the ministry which is run by him
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off, said 8 people were killed in an is really a strike on an age distribution center. and a separate incident. it said at least 21 died and more than 150 others were wounded by is ready gun, fired at the crowd, waiting for a trucks in the northern gauze and strip israel minutes. israel's ministry has denied attacking a senses. the un is wanting that gaza is on the brink of famine. mccarthy, a trucks all bringing supplies through the rough. uh and kevin show on checkpoints, but there's growing pressure on israel to allow more age into the territory. is run is leaving the united nations saying it's not distributing the 8 these trucks or causes lifeline care. i'm shalom is one of 2 crossings where it's really officials check for items they say could be used by him. us, which is widely regarded as
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a terrorist organization. then the supplies are driven back to enter gauze the by the rafa crossing with egypt. agencies states this system is acting as a buffer next and helping push palestinians towards starvation. israel is facing increase pressure and his national criticism for blocking aid into the strip. this is really officials insist, this isn't the case and say that the real problem is that the when and other international organizations aren't capable of distributing the supplies. once they get to garza, the problem is not on these really side or the routes for humanitarian aid to gone into guys. the problem who was a collective and distributed. and this is the main gap because the un haven't adjusted themselves to this humanitarian operation hearing does. but un officials say that's not true, and the number of trucks entering is far too low to meet the population of needs.
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before the prices and the war started in the 7th of october, it was $500.00 or $600.00 trucks coming in a day. and since that time, people has a mass of catastrophic humanitarian disaster, but upon them. so we need more entry points one in the north, and many other places for food to come into bravo than just the one crossing point of the moment. even once food does arrive, there's no guarantee it'll end up in the hands of hungry people. guards as a mass run health ministries that on thursday, that is a distribution center and central garza had been hit by his riley attack. this been more or less john. we get paid and we distributed the people, the people needed to come to get their ramadan meals today they hit the warehouse and burned all the 8, including the dates or how to go. it's the 2nd time in as many days as an aide site has been attacked. and
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a reminder that even as countries scrambled to transport supplies to gauze the light at and see getting them that is only part of the struggle to hey, to now where the capital of port or princes, seeing an uptick in violence off the days of relative calm a fire broke out inside the national prison while a powerful gang lead us president politicians who are scrambling to form a new leadership hayes. these political crisis spirals out of control off the armed gang stores to rebellion against the government. they rated prisons, releasing thousands of inmates having us our laundry has agreed to step down once a new transitional counsel is formed. during this, harold isaac is in full to print and told me what the crisis now means for fishing, monetary and situation in haiti. well, we did have a little bit of a reprieve at the beginning of the week for the 1st few days of the week. but now as at least 3 of us, main you and agencies have warned haiti is in
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a very dire situation. you have the i lab, for instance, the international office of migration that said that over 15000, people have been displaced by violence only in the last 2 weeks. and you have the w, f, p, m, eunice, that for warning, that nearly a good, a good part of the population of the metropolitan area of puerto pits, are facing famine light conditions. in addition to about half of the population of havi being in a dire situation in terms of, of hunger. and finally, a cause of final match at the indian wells. open tennis tournament was brought to a halt when bes stone to the stadium. the match between carlos outcries and alexander is there ever suspended at 11 in the 1st sent, alcaraz fled to the locker room off to getting stung on his forehead. these didn't stop that turning their attention to the rest of 3 finally suspended the match. a b
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x that was summoned who managed to remove the insects humanely to, i'll say to the match resumed with outcries winning 6361 you're watching the diabetes live from berlin up next is done by the i sorry, similar one on 6 times to increase county, more people than ever on the move worldwide in such an one great timing question, it's very hard to say very difficult to find out about time and store info my grands
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blue. so you don't want the actual boundary.


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