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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  March 17, 2024 12:00am-12:15am CET

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the, the, this is data, but the news life from bullitt, gemini, drops aid to gossip. a military plan delivers several tons of food. i to bypasses rarely restrictions on the ground, but the un one's emergency isn't enough to stop. now nutrition also coming up another die of voting and rushes. the presidential election. the kremlin is doing all it can to both to turn out not observe is points to evidence of fraud and manipulation. the
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i'm anthony out, welcome to the program. more countries joining the emergency a lift to gaza. germany has flown in a craft over the northern part of the strip dropping aid from above. the military transport of flu, from jordan power shooting pallets of humanitarian supplies, including rice and flour. dun and nations are increasingly turning to the n. c, as israel continues to limit road access to the territory. united nations born the 3rd of children under the age of 2, a suffering from malnutrition in northern guests. it's not german chancellor or left shelter is making a 2 day trip to the middle east with is due to hold talks with the latest of jordan and israel. before departing, he repeated his call for a swift 65 in gaza and stress, but a dropping i was a poor substitute for land deliveries. easy this in. baton, as you know from germany, has long provided aid for guns,
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a without own financial aid for a few minutes area and assistance to some documents. now we are directly delivering aid via air drops. this isn't the best solution that would be reopening border crossings. and lessing, more trucks across the guns consultant told me it's been lost from what the deputies deal this out daily, joined us in the studio and told us what chance lachelle is hoping to achieve on his middle east trip. the german government has been in close contact with a lot of partners in the region because it wants to bring them on board and sort of have one kind of a common approach to, to the crisis there. a it has been spare headed by i'm in a bad book. the foreign minister was travel to the region of quite a lot. and on the one hand, it is the issue of humanitarian aid. they want to push for more to get in. for example, there has been a concrete proposal coming from germany for israel to allow the 4th of i started to take in a to then be delivered to guys them. but one other issue is that germany and sean
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so said he wants to push for humanitarian pause. in the strip to allow more humanitarian aid to come in, but also to possibly release the is really hostages that are being held by hum us in the strip. but he also wants to have a broader conversation about the future of the region and wants to push the 2 state solution, which is what germany thinks is the only way forward for a lasting peace in the region. but so far we haven't really seen much of progress. it's julia sal daily. the now still talks, i'm that securing a safe spot between israel and the militant group i'm us are expected to pursue him on sunday in cutoff. that's according to adoption officials. earlier is riley prime minister benjamin netanyahu, but rejected a safe spot proposal put forward by how much it would have said in the release of some of the hostages. taken in the october 7, the tax in exchange for palestinian prisoners and the russian city of
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belgrade has ordered shopping centers and schools to close temporarily in response to another pair. osh of shilling from ukraine, just 40 kilometers from the board of belgrade, has repeatedly come under attack in the past months. the regions governance as 2 people were killed, incentivize saturdays me, saw a tech must go cheeses. ukraine of stepping up quite a terrorist activities intended to disrupt the russian selection. the defense ministry says and prevented an attempt by you crying and militants to carry out across board a ride. elsewhere in the region. also on satellite russia say that you funny in front of tech goes to fly at an oil refining refinery. rather in the summer region, south east of moscow. we asked of military analyst frank lid, which, how much deep rent is achieving with the strikes inside russia? in terms of the, the actual effect on, on russell production. it's fatty minimal. the, what it does, of course, is demonstrate 2 things. first of all, statement of russian at defense, since
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a data somebody said ground defense is it's very likely that these rates will these, these attacks. but i don't know across the great distances, but a date by, by sabotaged groups by combining those, which would indicate rushing, can you printed capabilities that the russians comp yet handle on the costs and the risk of, of, of really serious precision strikes. and some of these refineries bought, i think of december, i think that was a striking of one of the loo coil refiners which put it out of action for several weeks, which does have real impact if you can get a refunded at the right place that you can conduct a position to talk about that, the price of the capability and the notice to do that, the question is, do they have the capacity that it can be damaging? but overall of the messages you're not immune anymore than we are. and we can get to your key national infrastructure much in the same way as you've tried to do last year with the trying to talk our electrical infrastructure. i think that's the
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basic message here cuz military analyst, frank language speaking to us earlier. now russian pushed, pushed on with day 2 of its 3 day election on saturday. the 9 to keep president vladimir to empower any real opposition is excluded. some opponents in moscow site, they've been receiving, threatening messages. observe as point to manipulation. there are reports of state employees being edge to vote on mass officials of announced of the 50 percent, but attend a convoy of slaves crosses the frozen tundra of russia's remote ne, that they have travelled hundreds of kilometers to cost their votes in rushes, presidential election. we came from the distant 100 to make our choice, every voice of every person in our great country from east to west, as important. after a brutal track down on political opposition, president vladimir putin is almost certain to extend his rule by another 6 years in
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moscow. thousands of kilometers to the west. many say they are voting for stability and prosperity. as of times, we expect the one and only the best of luck to me, of not the middle of which put them to continue this policy. would you step into the only going with the person who smell him because he would make these changes? would the deal is be and with many of pollutants, most powerful opponents, either in prison, exile or dead? the election offers no meaningful alternatives to the machine. it's a propaganda machine designed to make people think is directed to do a good job. and we're seeing the results despite the gremlins crack down on the descent, some have risk of imprisonment to make that true feelings known. who rushes opposition movement has also urge to support us together at polling stations at noon on sunday as a form of mass protest. but regardless of how many heat the cold,
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the outcome of this year's election is old but such an now ever since russian authorities shut down now, office in moscow, how beard shape you were should always been reporting from re got earlier, we asked him to help explain why i'm letting me put and remain so popular with so many russians. well, up to understand to the russians, impression or sympathy towards putting you have to look back to the 9 to ninety's, a big fan, the russian economy was dying, but the crime voice on the rise. i very well remember this tons of those times that was a young stud students in russia, a people had little in their pockets and lots of fee and their eyes feel for the future. and then president yeltsin was an alcoholic and ale rosabelle as a like a mafia states venting fulton. she was chosen by the liberal part of yelton's political advisors, young spots and completely different type. and at the beginning,
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she pretended to be even a liberal petition boxes that was on the one role has to play. and to get this thing fussy, especially the best as not for long. and on the other hand, with the rush that he very quickly showed his iron hand and yup, began to build a strong state, creating stability and prosperity for the russians. thanks to also a hi guys and all the prizes at the fact that this w a to is over almost over now we see the show today in belgrade, was it put in support in ukraine? these a fact could be his political disaster in the upcoming 6 years, or if he's ruling that was your rushing, talking some re good lee wrong. now india has announced voting for its problem entry election will begin on april 19th, the last 6 weeks. so far as predicted comfortable victory for the ruling can do
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national speech. ape potty prime minister body in the eyes undertaking a democratic exercise that is unmatched in skin around 1000000000 eligible voters. because the board's beginning on april 19th, we have $97.00 cut, all the registered goddess, more than the combined border. so for a few come continents for to get that. i mean, because 0 will surely or many put together will work 10.5 less willing solutions. 1.5 could or pulling officers since a good deal of reasons conduct goes on. it's indeed more to spend elect more than $540.00 on the goes to the look for about the lower house of parliament for re suggest brian minutes turned it in the mood. the enjoys overbuilding support would be on his body has been and gone. been what for months, you know, create
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a new projects and thinking thoughts, and really just events menu or for support to see he has brought to nomic prosperity and 5 tend to be some, your murder. i am working hard to win your hearts and i am confident that i am moving in the right direction. my efforts to continue winning your hearts will continue. critics content, what do you have to press the rights of minorities? especially most claims that have locked me that then in his popularity in the upcoming elections will the will be challenged by another line from 2000 opposition . but these led by the main opposition, the indian national congress party. but the alliance has been struggling to stay united since we'll disrupt development in 2014 of the congress party, which was indeed 54 to 676 years, has been struggling to devise it. since going to sleep, the we've gone the has drawn large crowds along across india walk,
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suggesting the opposition can still challenge the power from prime minister. the reason why mister movies has been, you know, successful really scary movies. do you know what it takes a moment and i think most of those on this is the only political leader. the goal is bought easy only be body. that's really taking the be door to factor. this will take place at the ballot box when indians decide who will lead the world's largest democracy. now, one of germany's best known media office is back with a new installation in berlin. it takes me, it was on a personal journey, sit in an electrifying location against the backdrop of 50 lasers and accompanied of course by some electron music on the moments and time brought back to life.
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the, at this old power plant in berlin, viewers are taken into the mind in memories of german artist christopher bauder. the announced a what's a 9 in the, on an emotional level. it's very personal work. i look back at what i've done so far and on my life stages for my life that time from a village and i used to live on an island. these are places i miss all the. and i tried to illustrate that in various scenes. so it looks to be on the it's voters, 3rd and largest installation at craft fair berlin. the plant was built in the 19 sixty's to power former east berlin. it's now a popular venue for the arts and culture. see
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the vector memories enlightened sound runs until april, 7th, the right now and sunday people of irish heritage celebrate some patrick's day. in many places, rebel is getting a head start as well. in the united states, thousands turned out in chicago to watch the city di. it's really a great. it's an annual tradition going back some 17 years, the local plumb as union jesus and environmentally friendly green palate. i'm gonna say that again. the plumbers union use as an environmentally friendly rain powder. the loss of that 5 hours will take it away to that. okay, here's a reminder about top story. gemini is carried out its 1st aid drop of the gaza electric type. plain power should have been around for tons of food. i dun and
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nations have increasingly tentative and see for deliveries items where opportunities to limit access to a to finance sports. life is coming up. next type in the old friends mean friends can may so defend itself in case of an emergency. we cannot guarantee that we could protect meaning frankfurt, berlin, sand to face with russia is for or against ukraine. grace's military alliance shows we can nato offer its members suspicion protection here appeals security basic kinds depends on 90 percent on the.


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