tv The Day Deutsche Welle March 19, 2024 9:30pm-10:00pm CET
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my name is some way to ship. i'm assuming, reshaping history. our documentary stops april 6th on dw, the as the us congress continues to hold a to ukraine hostage to the southern us border. germany, today i'm out as an extra 500000000000 euros in funding on top of the 5000000000 a great by you countries. yesterday. that was ukraine's and military allies meeting germany to discuss the next tom shift combined support for ukraine. paper on the table must be wondering how much they can trust american promises of support. i'm feel galion by name, and this is the day the are allies and partners are here because they understand the stage. we have
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difficult sedation on the front line because of lockable, possibility mediation. so i leave here today fully determined to keep us security assistance and have munitions flowing. we're making progress, but that needs to be continuous supply of i munition who is watching the world is watching. history is watching also on the day of the us as it is prepared to defend the philippines as tensions. we have china rise in the south china sea to these waterways are critical to the philippines with security to us economy. but they're also credit to the interest of the region of the united states and the world. it's why we stand with the philippines and standby are, are included defense commitments. welcome to the de germany says it will provide a new 500000000 new your military aid package for ukraine defense. but it's about
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as piss torres, and i'm so new package on the sideline of talks with the united states and your trains. other ministry allies, us is around stein and vice in germany. despite the refusal of the us congress to pass further. ukraine spending is to put stories that the us of was relied upon us and us defense. secretary lloyd often promised that the us back to us support would not wave prey and people will not let to prevail. and neither will we as present buying has said, we will not walk away. now putting hope to isolate ukraine, instead the left himself to along with iran and north korea. so i leave here today fully determined to keep us security assistance and have munitions flowing and make no mistake. po is watching the world as watching
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in history as well. let's have a look at a sort of political correspondent hands bronze. welcome hands, lloyd austin. they're saying he's countries resolution, it's support for ukraine, but with the us congress holding up those billions in support for kids do is coalition partners actually believe him as well. uh, i mean there was a lot of uh, tool called uh, resolution of confidence of trust. uh, of uh, mutual support and so on. uh, but in the end, i think, uh, the coalition partners don't really need to be convinced that lloyd awesome and, and to joe biden, at the button, if ministration is serious and what it's saying. clearly you have the whole problem, isn't congress, is the republicans in congress. so whatever, no hosting and just coaching partners say at the moment, and that's where the decision is going to be made. that's where the crucial decisions is going to be made. so everything that was decided to here today overall,
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the end run stein today in germany is planning ahead to there are lots of commitments to ukraine. there's also money being pledge to, but if the united states does not come through, if congress does not come through with that package and then things are going to become a lot more difficult. okay, so we've got this 500000000 euros announced by germany's defense administer. how far is that like me to go as well compared to the $300000000.00 euros at the whitehall? so now let's do it last week that was somehow squeezed onto the defense budget to go towards your tray and this job and packages $550000000.00. so it's almost twice that and still it's only in the end, some sort of a stop gap. it's something that will help ukraine over a few weeks. maybe a at the battle front, there's a 100 ahmed vehicles, a 100 transport vehicles. there are various rounds of ammunition that are being that we live at immediately, and others that are promised in
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a few months time. so it's a substantial amount of money. it's not to be sneeze at, obviously, but it's not going to really change the costs of the world in any significant amount of the bigger issue that credit has been complaining about for months now is, i mean, nation. i bought a story as a gem, a defense that ministers also from his 10000 brands. is that a lot? well, that's 10000 drawn from german stockpile. so in that sense, it's a very important signal, but it's, and in fact, it's not brought to match at all. it's enough for a few days. maybe. that's always been this battle of quantity against quantity in the last 2 that were ever since as well. started and the russians are producing every nation and much, much larger quantities and using it in much longer, larger quantities than the ukrainians are able to do this. so it's really a question of reducing will ammunition. that's really where the crucial situation is that the government and the west of the west and the lions is desperately trying
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to bring together more ammunition to supply to ukraine as quickly as possible. thanks a lot hence. hence, brent, a wooden crate is preparing for renewed russian to solve so long. it's from line mazda, according to a report from u. k. administrative defense fortifications are likely to include anti tank obstacles. trenches and mine fails. therefore, it says ukraine stoled counter offensive has forced its military onto a more defensive 1st thing. copy on the skin, the hockey region was occupied in the 1st days of rest as full scale invasion back in 2022. but it was liberated by ukrainian forces nearly 6 months later, the deputy who has been to the time to say, have residents of preparing for the fact of another russian take of the read sirens or parts of everyday life. for the 3 and a half 1000 people remaining and beyond perform rushes invasion were 10 times as
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many people here. this hospital is the only intact medical facility in the town. but much of it has been destroyed. on the face of the doctors remain and are forced to work and improvise conditions and almost personal good. we have relief through the occupation. we have flipped through the delta patient for people with lifting basement inquiry doors on the floor when there were shutting with most we didn't leave, we could use, we live well, and as long as there were rockets, a more tires. but when the bumping started, we weren't a friend to the to the government believes that the ukraine armed forces will hold, could be on which he's ready to leave. if the fighting intensifies and she's afraid to live through another occupation. the members of the search and rescue group roses on the hand to evacuate people from the front. there are more than 60 volunteers and the roses on the hand team. they do not receive
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a salary for their work and most hold down full time jobs. and they say they're motivated by the desire to help despite the risk to their lives. so before we came up with the we had in the game collection summer and early autumn to d my. my niece, its going to come on and up with banks in each team, would take $150.00 to $200.00 people per month for to me, your piece. but then there was some kind of decline, which he always sort see, oh, now was showing his started again the day and a lot of people know every day someone nice or even several people when they have continued to do more of an attack, has started to spread in april, so that's why people are leaving more often from will be just yourself, put you on the threshold on the outskirts of cookie. and alexander sees off nadia in autumn. she moved to the city from the village of pet deposit which was almost completely destroyed. and now she's afraid to stay in could be on those who was but
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this person to. ready for my son said mom li feet is going to be held here. oh my god, he said, there will be a 2nd enough discuss if you ever took i didn't think so. i was thinking ok, maybe god will take us away. you bring everything for nadia and others like her life from the front line has become too dangerous. the travelling further from the russian border in a desperate search for safety as the war drags on they are a secretary of state as describes his country's commitments to defending the philippines as iron clad onto me, blank and was visiting manila as part of a tour of the region to reinforce us support for allies engaged. china made his pledge and made continuing, rising tensions in the south china sea of chinese and philippine ships face off of a race to which beijing has laid claim. china also says the us has no rights to
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intervene and maritime disputes in the region is the blinking said the us would stand by the fed opinions in the face of any aggression by china. these waterways are critical to the philippines with security to us economy, but they're also created to the interest of the region, the united states and the world. that's why we stand with the philippines and stand by our in flag defense commitments, including under the beautiful defense treaty article for extends to arms attacks on the filipino armed forces, public vessels, aircraft, including those of his coast guard, anywhere in the south china sea. the most important is we stand together in our determination to uphold international law for the philippines, for everyone else against any provocative actions. it's richard. hey, data is an academic columnist, the policy advisor i focused on the agent pacific region. welcome to dw. so let's
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pick you up from that last point from answer the blinking, why all relations between the us in the philippines in hyper drive for the most. and that's, that's the correct way of putting, as you know, the philippines has been having tassels. we train over the past 6 months for a tickler and either a lot of your conditions. but more importantly, the philippines is not the only one of the claimant's states in the south china sea . it also has some military base is just over a 100 not to go and miles south of taiwan, which is another flash going to the philippines is at the center of multiple flash point. and these are us read the alley. so that's why the americans are very excited about the direction of the philippine foreign policy under the current president markets junior. okay, so i'm, and we, we, we've heard of the secretary stifles are describing these countries commitment to the philippines as iron clad. how i implied is that to do things because we've, we've seen what that's mentioned afghanistan and we've, we've heard the us as potential next president's commitments to nato. we've seen
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the us congress is a car, an iron clad guarantees to ukraine might, and political infighting. so how she, what can the philippines be, that it's not just going to be one of the other bodies lifted up by the way. so what i said treat the l a. so there's a mutual defense routine between the united states and the philippines. i personally, whenever i hear the iron clad and i get kind of skeptical precise because it's used in so many context where it was not very assuring. but what's important thing is, you know, from the nixon administration all the way to the obama administration in america. more or less strategic undergrads, he never really clarified to the philippines whether the mutual defense or do with a play. exactly. should there be a conflict with china in the south china sea, but that change around to the 2018? 2019 under trump administration. and later on, also adopted by the binding administration and very clearly is flipping a troops, vessels, or aircraft, come under attack by any 3rd party, automatically, the mutually speed you should apply and fox, what the americans are also now focusing on with the filipinos is also in against
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so called grays on fritz, because china is not using it's naval forces or let's say you know, great how, how it forces to, to always push its claims. sometimes it's relying on maritime elisha forces. so the trying to josh, really over the philippines and the united states is the trick the allies to make it much more operational, effective against grades on the strategy used by china. and that's where i think where the challenges. okay, obviously china is not just gonna stand by and that's of this happens. we'll hear from foreign ministry spokesman lynn john and then a come back to me. well, push it now, but the us is not a party to the so i was trying to see issue and there's no right to intervene in maritime issues between china and the philippines. either it's mandatory cooperation with the philippines must not on demand china sovereignty and maritime writes in the south china sea. nor should it endorse the philippines illegal claim that's i think so. so richard, hey, darian, i tell a small event about why the us feels it has a dog in the south china sea fight. what i mean, technically speaking,
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the americans are neutral on the status of the dispute that land features in the area, but the war they have is, a china is militarized. and a lot of this disputed land features. it's elbowing its way and may actually create a network of military bases that eventually may allow china to impose what they call an air defense identification. so any short turning any international water, when trillions of dollars of trade passed every year into a potential chinese lake that is a big worry for the americans. not to mention if there are skirmishes within philippines, india and the chinese that's also going to raise questions to what americans, great ability to multiple things are happening just just, i'm not about that point. explain to us the why that concerns the americans so much why this particular area. of course, i mean, it's arguably one of the most important international ceilings along the persian goal, for instance, because of the month of trade, the fastest are. but let's not forget for the americans, freeze off navigation and over flight in those areas is
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a national interest. that's what they made it clear. even since the, i mean, uh obama administration. so they don't want china to of soul control or that important body forwarder, which is important to americans projection of power, but also international trade. let's turn around that and look at this from the, the chinese and just at the time scope, why is china's up? so lang such a vigorous claim is to this region. well, for the chinese they have so called he started, right? so i don't know like i'd where i was wrong. have supposedly you know of 700 years ago pastor, the area of the chinese and sisters back and they went into their area. but we know that strategically, this is an important point for trying to the idea of for chinese, that they cannot be a really super power if they cannot dominate their own adjacent waters. just as america did in the caribbean, back in the 19th century on word. so they just feel entitled to, to be in control of what it's called self shyness in east china. see, i mean we can have the base model in it as appropriately as calling it. but that has given trying a sense of entitlement, not to mention fisher or your sources,
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or within gaster trillions of dollars of on top resources in deer. so there are multiple things in state of state for china in the chinese believe that it started time to shine and dominate or adjacent waters. ok, so we've talked about this mutual, the defense part between the united states and the philippines. when does that, how does that take came because we have seen, even as recently as the, the 5th of this month and where chinese naval vessels and philippine naval vessels of philippines officially, vessels fishing boats coming to conflict. yeah, i mean i see the argument right though is that, is this still a so called gray zone kind of operation be trying to do things out. there was another clash between the chinese american forces and the philippine navy and $415.00, a naval officers including what advice admiral of the philippines they had injuries in your hands because the water cannon is pretty strong, increases through the window and all of that. so i think now behind the scenes the conversation is, at some point, do we say this is almost lisa, right?
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because now there's a lot of legal, less debate about what i do need to agree because it goes no, nobody wants to go out and go and stuff. i mean, that's the thing. um, i think the hope in the philippines is that if they quote their line and there's sufficient and modul over the horizon support the americans. so francis solve the dice when there's a positive between 2 sides, you have an american drone in the area in american worship. in deer that will keep things under an even keel, or at least make china rethinking strategies. because just to be very clear about this. 2 years ago, the philippine hyde, the president called the to have that who was anti western who costs of obama, who was very much close to china. and i think the chinese are really shocked to see how, under marcus junior, the philippines decided training as a kind of a boston of democratic resistance against training. this part of it was, i don't know about the final appointments relations between the philippines and china. are they talking to each other, or are they just nudging each other in the say? both, right?
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i think there's scramble on the ground or indices for that matter. but at the same time we do have functional diplomatic channels. but the problem is that i think china is still coming to terms with the new reality of philip and foreign policy, which is not the serbians and anti western positioning that'd be under present or to the detective. good talking to you. thank you so much for coming in and look and see what we should have done that you guys are. so the 1st we create the next james bond movie. well, for you to a new face in the role that comic bit your spine for the process to decide who will
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step into a devil of 7 shoes as being kept strictly confidential business from making a reporting that the iron are in the taylor johnson has been formally off at the job and will sign the contract in the coming days. so far that has been no official confirmation that kick ass on the venture style is one of the names that room it to be in the running to take over from daniel craig. james chapman, as profess a film, studies at the university of last the in the u. k. he's also all of the license to through a cultural history of the james bond films. welcome to the w professor. what do you make of these reports? linking iron, taylor johnson and james bond. hello fellow, i'm fine. supervisee me on the show this evening. i'm. i'm, i'm interested in his name is i want to, jones. his name is b links to bone. maybe for the last couple of years. yeah. so that it, it's not assigned resume as being said can i says this time he seems to be getting
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traction broadcast as a picking it up. the book is all a shortening, quite significantly. we might still be in a situation of a room uh, because as fact, but we might also basically my casting, the decision about spitting leads and the things i'm show, what are the ones that have control over the an absence of a visa, real story. i renewed them on mine and lost control the now it says, but here's the thing to watch sort of, um i just started my tie hey, what sort of rock so it gets picked to play james bond as well we've. we've made a couple of exceptions because there's an amount with a couple exceptions. most of it does cost as bone of being sort of between being complete and nervous, but also not being really davis stop and start off. usually it's been somebody who
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is on the cusp of stock and who was castro connery is a classic example. sometimes people say that i've called and was told when i 1st got soon talk to now he was and he was a very well established television act to embrace. so it has some fairly neat t as supporting roles. the above the talk goes, the pulsing bells in both british american sounds. so he was a doctor, was already on the way. yeah. not bones. i'm the kind of hold him into. i'm paid to superstar them, but he was, he was pretty well um, anywhere on the way already. we saw that also. we'd be with daniel craig. okay. it was, it was somebody left field, charlie the cd tab them success in the la k. he's being in one of the long cos films as a supporting village colleagues. and so he was still on the coast to style them. really the only a know it was that a caps has boned with george face and he was kind of was this placement on imagine the secret service, $9.00 to $69.00 and basically was
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a little saving model we met in previous re, re liked to expand it to that, to, to tv commercials, and the big stall who was cast as all the other that these companies own. kind of, this was a bunch of more. and that was, it wasn't really a movie style, but he was a very well known television stuff sightings in the 96 days was one of the biggest indicates that um, programs in well it was so the internationally the in the sense much it was a more familiar sites that he was not even showing company at the time the autumn was was based on small thing. and so they will not that long list of, of access who have faded. how's the screen depiction of bottom sort of evolved over the is yes, i think he just bought something different to the val list. so since coal ingredients that make of the fulton county to which you count,
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we've changed too much. jesus, these, these profit is a, is show many, some review the sexism we might say, and then overseas of the physical action here. but he's alternated between on one level of extreme prove other the sion of bone represents about i much more and i did actually in the daniel kate baron's, which is um, either very holiday adhd stuff. um either quite, i'm the coming psychological baggage. i think it was interesting, although the people debates why is better than the other. and so those are the who is and then the bones as well. i've been sign of that testing of, of used to be in the vine, a testing for the time that i have um, supposed to be very successful intakes films. although it was a comfortable choice is founding uh, an adjusted box officer being the most successful in the service industry. so what,
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what we've been funding since? what 1962 with dr. no, why is its best based from charged bills? so successful? yeah. now is you $62.00 is the 1st film. uh, 1953 was even fleming's 1st snowball. and i will say we can remember the employment you guys have on best buy. i think both of these is one of the off the type so that they have to be like sure hello is a bit like tarzan who is capable of i don't recall and cultural re framing. it's kind of both in the, in the findings. the agenda was of a meat trying to send trade and the british empire kind of hit well that was past the films have moved on, but the main to contemporary kind of, it even is the, uh, geo political and cultural climates of and in changes. so i think the ability to reinvent, i'm really in the service of it. yeah, looks like we're moving towards, you know, hopefully you know, the answer to that and you've gone back to beings
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a. so start change every generation of control because you're talking so much for joining us at times. chapman from the university of left to thank you for on that is today you can follow uh, same on social media at cdw news. if it's the latest headlines you're looking for as always, the website to d, w a dot com, a d w access costs and social media as well. so for the entire team here, it's the tongue. suspending concept, your thing is good news . the,
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10:00 pm
the business data, but the news line from the election year, fine to have a who enforces us both to publicize the supreme court allows the texas a texas state law to take effect, giving local police the power to arrest people suspected of crossing the southern ford. it legally, critics one it will lead to racial profiling, of rights abuse is also on the program. us as a 100 percent of goss. this population doesn't have enough food. but despite humanitarian concerns and warnings from allies to israel says, plans,
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