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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  March 20, 2024 11:00am-11:31am CET

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the, the, this is the w news. why, from berlin? tensions though, between israel and the united nations is really, is protest outside the u. n's refugee agency. it's using it of working hand in hand with some of this after the agencies had is denied entry to gossip also ahead. thousands of you printed and soldiers have given their lives to defend their country against russia. we made some of the families they left behind, plus it's an african success story. the southern white vine up is back from the brink of extinction. a reporter finds out have thousands of the animals are bound to find new homes in the wind, the
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and greetings through the viewers around the world. unlike a local protest or taking place in jerusalem outside offices of the un release agency for palestinians. dozens of israelis are demanding the return of hostages and accusing unreal of involvement in the homos split october 7 terror attacks is comes as an independent review of those charges 1st leveled in january by these really government is due. earlier israel denied under chief elite plaza, really access the gaza. he's warranted that the territory phase is a man made famine. this agency is trying to win back funding suspended by donor nations after israel made those accusations. so it's been 2 years since ross's full scale invasion began since then ukrainian soldiers continue to
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lay down their lives defending their country. many thousands of families have been effected, losing children, siblings and parents. and often their only source of income dw, visited some of the widows of those who have been killed in act. little mat fee is $2.00 and a half months old. fall too young to understand what his mother was going through. on december 28th, the day his son was born. on a stalls he learned about the death of his father, sasha, who had been defending the don't yet screech in from russian forces. the news since his pregnant wife into premature labor. at the cause of distress, i could not give birth on my own. so i had to have this very infection. he was born in such a state that he was not even breathing. it was the result of distress. anastasio and a son now live in the city. if you had told me you was sasha once dreamed of buying a home freeze. finally, i just had the keys said when the were in or during the war, we will take out
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a mortgage and buy an apartment and live in between their suite already settled on you to him here. that's why we worried sasha here. not somewhere else, but here because he wanted to live here. so i'm going to write this down just on the total shipping. what's your best object? anastasio is currently collecting signatures on the president's website to have a husband post. he mostly awarded the title of hero of ukraine. soon she will have to return to work in order to provide for her son uninstalled. the situation is far from unique. 17 his husband, all excited that it was killed last november. then you born daughter, the youngest of 5, was just full months old at the time. the coping without team has been a daily struggle, a bumper blandly. he has always been my support for me. i always knew he would take care of me and everything would be fine. with that the in any scenario who don't even after the invasion. yeah. i didn't panic because i had
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a car of you my fuel, your provisions a plan. he took care of everything. it's made arrangements with everyone, hulu live, so no, yes, knowledge levine, norion's means is that all would say a tribe of 17 and was commonly reliance on the assistance of friends and family. despite the struggles she paid. she's a millions of ukrainian women who've had to put their own dreams of starting a family on hold. yeah, of a hot toys. you know, there are many women who did not have time to give birth, did not have time to get pregnant, neutral, and they are very sorry that they didn't level who for many like me, this is an incentive to live the mostly an incentive to do something with this, with no end of the war and sides, there's no telling how many more families will be destroyed, full fighting stops. next, sanders of corresponding in keeping joins us now match what kind of help can women like on a stacia and valentino expect from the government?
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the right, michael. so there is a psychological support for um, for women who or people lost. uh, family members were killed in service defending the country. um, but as you can imagine, a millions of people here in ukraine right now are impacted by, by trauma and the capacities for psychological support for stretch than many widows organize and self help groups. so trying to help each other to support each other to help cope with the situation. now, what the ukrainian government has promised uh what it is also doing as a financial compensation for widows or for family members of soldiers who died defending ukraine. this competition that was promised at the beginning, the war is up to 15000000 ribbon us for, for widows or family members, which has about 370000 bureaus. that is a lot of money. um, especially if you look at the average income here in ukraine,
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which is just about $400.00 euro is a month. but nevertheless, you have to meet certain conditions to be entitled to these payments. you have to either been married or you have to prove that you have been living together for at least 5 years. and in addition to that, you have to provide the best certificate, which in many cases is very difficult with thousands and thousands of soldiers missing. i expected to be where the whereabouts are not exactly clear or in cases where bodies couldn't retrieve to be retrieved from the battlefield due to the ongoing fighting max, you know, as well as any one loss of loved ones is a daily reality for many families in ukraine, what do we know about the actual number of fallen soldiers of the right. so the number of the following soldiers, as that has been a well kept secret in the sense and still is the printing government would not comment on the numbers of fallen soldiers for an injured soldiers until recently,
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on the end of february, present soleski for the 1st time issued a concrete number, he said 31000 you printing soldiers had been killed in the fighting. but it's not exactly clear how this number had been calculated. and in addition to that, there are significant gaps between this number and previous estimates have made that have made were made by organizations for by um, other countries, for example, just to give you just to give an example new york times less time already reported that so i think not on the sources, any crane, and united states, 70 at least $70000.00 ukranian soldiers were believed to have him killed already, though there is no certainty at the moment. but what seems to be clear is that the number of russians service men killed in this war seems to be a lot higher. the print estimates around 180 thousands to create the russian soldiers, pardon me, were killed the u. k. defense ministry on places as never as high as 350000 russian soldiers. there is a next sandra in key many thanks man. we now have
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a connection to our correspondent in jerusalem, so we want to go back to that lead story again. dozens of israel east or demanding the return of hostages, accusing the un agency in charge of palestinian refugees there to return to some hostages because they accuse members of that agency of being involved in the homos let attacks on october 7th. for more i'm joined by dw correspondent rebecca raters, who's at andre headquarters in jerusalem. rebecca, there are protest underway in front of the headquarters as you can very well. see, what are the people there demanding me to? hi michael. that's right. yeah, i'm standing in front of the owner, a headquarters injury as long as you rightly pointed out. lucky you can see a couple of 1000. it is smaller. certainly we were expecting it is smaller than even the protests as themselves were expecting. so despite this will,
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as any of the people i spoke to here today, say that they represent a broad spectrum of the society. now that remains, it said, of course there are polio figures that say that 70 percent of is riley's. don't want to see a going into gaza and this group is the same group or similar group that operate under the name. so have 9 and, but they are against any aid going into guns. the now they here today to protest of course, against on rush the organization that facilitates palestinian refugees in garza and the west bank. and they say they've been chanting him and red is a mouse and only bring home i'll hostages. so putting the blame and under his hands for much of the events of october 7 and they say that much of the education system lends itself to the kind of mindset that led to the attack on october 7th is actually replaced the on reassign, with the assign it the wrong that says on run educating terrors since 1949,
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so that gives you an indication of what they messages here today. rebecca again, as we mentioned earlier in this show um an interim report on the role of audra in the october 7 terror attacks on israel is due to be released. tell us a little bit more about that scale. now as you mentioned, that's an interim report, preliminary report. we are expecting the final report in about a month time towards the end of april. now we're not expecting these interim report to be made public. instead it will go to member state start leaks. definitely likely. so we may hear some of the things that are inside it for the full report. we'll have to make wait around a month. now. the report itself was commissioned by owners head felipe was a really, as soon as these allegations from israel came out that 12 members, as they is riley ledges were involved in the october 7 attack 12 staff members from on right now. they've given some evidence that hasn't been able to be independently
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verified, but as soon as those allegations came out, was there any himself dismissed at 9 of those 12 accused and 2 had already been killed in gaza by that time. and one, the identity of that person is still under review. so it was a very swift act by unfair because of the severity of those allegations going, bypassing normal on a process is which would have caused lead to an investigation of those uh, those employees. but instead they were instantly dismissed, we will find out the findings of that independent review. as i said within the next month. that's rebecca rivers in jerusalem. many things is always rebecca. well, there are among africans, most majestic animals. not long ago, southern white rhinos were on the brink of extinction. now nearly 2000 of them will begin making their way back into the wild this year. they were once part of a private collection. a conservation agency is now releasing them to protected
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areas across the continent. dw corresponded diane hawk, a report from south africa this reino, cough doesn't know it, but it's part of one of the most significant, reino relocation projects is undertaken. it's it's one of $89.00 southern whites, right? no clubs being kept on a protected farm. it's of africa's northwest province. over the next few years, these animals could find themselves in an gola dwanda, the democratic republic of congo, malawi, or check. why, why that's in vicious it's, it's definitely exciting that i think that the opportunity that it, that it presents not any 4 runner as a species to di, risk or on it. but for the benefit of biodiversity, it, it definitely does motivate us to, to keep doing what we do. moving the babies will be light
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work. the real heavy lifting comes when the majority of the heard over 1900 rhinos must be trans located. southern wide right? know can way between 2 and 3 tons. and transporting one across the board is, can cost over $50000.00 us dollars per right. now i'm sort of, i'll take a minute. is that these are on it has a, have a massive value. um, not necessarily talking about a financial value, but an ecological value that they need to play in open areas, you know, contributing to by diversity shaping shipping landscapes. romano often seen a sentinel specie, say, generally a clear indication if you've got an healthy, healthy ecosystem that's well managed and well protected. ron and flourish. the rhinos will be relocated over a 10 year period with some $200.00 ryan. those being moved each year. the southern
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wide right, or population is one of the based recorded examples of successful conservation 100 years ago. they were less than a 100 of these right now in the wild today, they are estimated $16000.00 in protected areas across africa. a i'd like to now welcome johan his folder, director of the natural history museum of berlin. johan is re wilding, 2000 white rhinos. how crucial is that single initiative to secure the future of this basic? i think it's absolutely amazing what can be done today. but we have bought back the southern wide, right? i know from the bring them to now 16000 species. and now having this baby all day shift and courageous planned to distribute this, but mister b c's. but one's wrong all over africa, back to it's the grange,
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it's really encouraging. as you look forward, what are the challenges you anticipate to ensure the successful re wilding of rhinos to protected areas across africa? more and more unfortunately, we see this conflict between man and nature. and is now playing out our best place in men's best place, africa where um, encroachment fall and fall next result is full volta, but also unfortunately poaching full focus focus, met some in east asia and, and regions is really threatening these magnificent species of they do not have these medicinal properties that are being assigned to them, but you know, believe is stronger than facts quite often and right now is being killed. the full, that magic is a striking point in that report. the fact that a century ago,
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they were less than a 100 of these wild rhinos, compared to an estimated $16000.00 euro crossed africa's protected areas. today. i imagine that gives you and conservation is real hope, as it relates to other endangered species. or is there something unique about white right? knows we simply can't project on to other spaces no shows. how on that button we uh that man can potentially do what they want to do. they can drive the space these through extinction. they can resurrected and use it to rewind and restore an ecosystem. so in yet, and it is not it's up to us and we need to make the decisions. what type of world we in our children wants to live with in a for me, it is absolutely clear. i want a bought it of us a nature rich of worlds. because if we believe it or not,
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it's this nature that feeds us give the street. and what of us and bry note is part of that. a complete and whole world that supports our good life, your highness, vocal director of the natural history museum of berlin. many thanks you so let's take a brief look at some of the other stories making headlines at this hour. 12 workers have been killed after an explosion at a coal mine in southwestern pakistan. official said the blast and the mining region of host was caused by a build up of methane gas. deadly accidents are common in pakistan's mining industry. in miramar, the auction of the home where imprison democracy leader on santucci spent years under house arrest has attracted no bidders. the court ordered sale follows a long legal battle between the nobel peace prize winner and her strange brother.
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sushi has been jailed for 27 years on a variety of charges rock by the ruling military. going to north korea. state media says the country has successfully tested 8 solid fuel engine for a hypersonic missile leader come, kim jong was there to oversee the ground jet test. john young is trying to develop a new weapon design to fit the u. s. specific territory of guam it regularly conducts missile tests despite international sanctions over its nuclear weapons program racks and northern curtis stand region has been hit by flooding after days of heavy rains. according to local reports authorities there are urging people to stay indoors. the region around to hook city has been heart is hit with at least 2 feet tall. it is reported there. finland has been named the world's
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happiest nation for a 7th straight year. the un backed world, happiness report looks at live satisfaction, and a 143 countries in territories across the globe. denmark's we didn't, and iceland also continued the top. the leaderboard coming, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th. but this year there's been a significant slide down the rankings for germany in the united states, mainly due to the gloomy outlook of younger people. oh, this you're looking for a good cheer. you'll likely find that here in finland, the will heaviest nations for the 7th year running. you'd be forgiven for thinking that must be something in the water. but research has put it down to fins on life satisfaction as well as social support health, freedom, generosity, and g d. p. wells does matter,
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but especially also how wealth is distributed. so in finland, denmark and the others coming to you from countries, you'll find that wealth is way more easily distributed. some more people benefit from the welfare spring generated in these countries. and then also each one supposed to well for state that provides psychological stability. finland's nordic neighbors, dean, mac, sweden, and iceland. also ranked in the top for the wealth is one thing, but then there's also a healthy life expectancy, which is also very high in this kind of nation countries. where is another wealthy countries like united states life expect this actually coming down for certain segments of the work of the population? for the 1st time in a decade, the united states and germany a note among the 20 heaviest nations ranking 23rd and 20 full, respectively in germany, all the people and now heavier than those under sushi.
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it's gone, it's done is at the bottom of the table emitted humanitarian crisis. after the tale button regained, control happiness, inequality across the globe has increased by moving 20 percent over the past 12 years, but goodwill remains universe. so the shipping, if you have the report, found that in a post cause it will acts of kindness on the rise across the generations. keep giving us. oh, something to smile about judith among those off is in the studio with me now. she is germany's 1st professor for positive psychology. she teaches at the german university for health and support here in berlin. welcome, professor. i have a 1000000 questions for you, including what the study of positive psychology is, but we have limited time. so let's get straight to the issue. the 4 happy as
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countries in the world of all northern countries. i'm sure you've noticed finland, denmark, iceland, sweden. what are they doing better than the rest of us? basically they all range very high on the key indicators of a good life and society say they are richer than many other countries in the world . and they have this even distribution. but they also have very close social networks and a very high level of social support. people are being there for each other. they have a high life expectancy and also a very healthy life expectancy. what makes a lot and what we see is that there is a high level of freedom there. so you are really 3 to make your own life choices and that contributes to a better life. and then we see a high level of generosity. so people who are richer in the country are happy and more willing to contribute that wells to the wellbeing of others. and there's a low level of corruption. and this is something that receipt in all of the
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scandinavian countries. you know, something you said at the beginning of this really resonates with me because i've been seeing more and more reports about how chronic tbd to people really is what provides happiness at the end of the day will be on riches. what you have in your bank account, but let me, let me move on. we're both sitting here in berlin. so i have to point out that germany has slipped significantly in the rankings from 16th to 24th. should we take that at face value? does it basically mean that we're less happy in germany than we used to be? well, look really because the difference from the german ranking from last year to this year is not due to a really steep decline in self report. it's like suspecting here, but is more an indicator of more um, self a report its life. so to spectrum and happiness and the other eastern european
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countries. so basically other countries moved up and therefore the u. s. and also germany move down the ranking, but not because of a very steep decline in the own. and that one value i see well in germany, but also in other large countries including the us and australia. but it's noticeable that people under 30 or it's significantly less happy than older people . right. how do you explain this? well, this is really something that is hard to explain because they are different factors coming together. so want to said all of the societies, basically, i'm very much favor the needs of all the generations. that is one part of it. and on the other hand, what we have is that we have this mental health crisis that is significantly more important or like more pronounced in the younger generations. so the increase in depression and anxiety is something that we basically see
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a lot when it was people on the study years. i want to pick up on, on something else that also came up in this report. i want to get it right here. is since the cobit pandemic, people have been more supportive of each other according to this report, the even more willing to help strangers. yeah. how do you explain that? would you make of that? yeah. so um to mentor is one of the key indicators of a good life and something that really contributes to happiness. and especially in like social systems where there is a lot of responsibility on the government. and people feel that they don't really matter anymore. so if i contribute to your happiness, when there is a country that takes care of everything, like my contribution isn't as important, but especially with corporate pun demik. what we saw is we are important or contribute to some matters. and this is something that increased benevolence across the whole globe and across all great age groups. and actually what it's like most
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encouraging is that this effects been when back after the end of the pandemic. but it continues to now. i want to end on the beginning, we talked about the nordic countries, always countries up north. we all want to be happy. so our government, as far as you can see, are they doing anything active to implement some of the things that we're seeing in those very happy northern countries? well, i think there are many initiatives that try to move in this direction. what is missing right now is like to make it really one of the key points of the political agenda. so not just to have different initiatives to try to do something, but to make it something that is one of the most important political issues that we should face for it contribute to that is a judith mangold store for many, many thanks and thank you for ending it on a very happy note and for bringing your smile to the set we're going to
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ended there. coming up close up needs millionaires and billionaires calling for a higher wealth taxes to drastic growing gap between rich and for more news at the beginning of the next down the
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tax of the rich and do it. now that's what multi millionaires are demanding. this isn't a joke. many of the super rich one to tackle income, any quality. and they know that one of the solution is in their bank accounts, addressing any quality the millionaire is wanting to pay wealth taxes the next on d, w rushes economy is growing just probably so costly will and sanctions against the country. there's
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a 2 percent growth. even though natural gas exports have fallen drastically. so what's driving this? and what role does the china play? we're taking a closer look, made into many in 60 minutes phone d, w. the lenient stream is sabrina. being healthy rate and burned in south africa as well with disabilities, more likely to release the lives matter. protest shine a spotlight on racially motivated police by same sex marriage has been legalized discrimination. and we all
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because life is this the a fresh wind is blowing as i meet julia enrolled at wild wood very. it's a huge piece of farm land in southern england that's being returned to nature. thanks to julia. okay, so this is the name can be see more of it. yeah, let's, let's have a look and take a look. julia davies is a multi millionaire with a passion for nature. her extreme wealth came when she sold her stay can outdoor equipment company or spray europe a few years ago. she can't understand why her why.


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