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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  March 21, 2024 2:00am-2:16am CET

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the, the, you're watching dw news live from the lien. thousands of children not being evacuated from the russian border region as ukrainian shilling intensifies authorities release. the images of the licensed attack on belgrade a region now swept up in roches will with you crime. also coming off america's top diplomat held stokes and saudi arabia, as part of washington's latest efforts to secure a ceasefire in gaza, but east raleigh, and sees it is moving ahead with its preparations for an invasion of raphael and confusion at the us mexico border as a court blocks of law allowing texas style guarantees to arrest suspected illegal
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migrants just hours off the judges, guys at the green light, the carriage rate a welcome to the chart of 2 days of being pounded by ukrainian shilling authorities in russia's bill go. roger boat, or region say thousands of children are being moved to safety as they expand a major evacuation plan. the regions capital city states just 40 kilometers from ukrainian buddha. the areas come on to increasing attack in recent months with russian president vladimir persian, vowing to protect civilians from long range ukrainian strikes and cross border rights. this kindergarten in belgrade is one of many buildings damaged and showing . as the kindergarten principal witnessed the blast firsthand,
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it was loud, the glass was ringing. all the doors were shaking after the last and the loudest bang. we understood that it was somewhere nearby. we didn't even suspect that it wasn't our place. we thought it was close, but not at our place. then when everything come down, we saw the aftermath. no children were injured. but in another part of belgrade, a man was killed when shrapnel from the showing hid his car rushes military since the attack is aimed at the stabilizing the country after its recent election. can use the cause, we kind of respond to the same way you can buy for guarding civilian infrastructure and or the other objects of the enemy attacks. or we have our own views on this matter, and our own plans, we will fall like what we have outlined. so far, rushes plans include restricting entry to nearby cities in the belgrade region and evacuating around $1200.00 children. but with the war and ukraine now in russia's
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doorstep, the border region is feeling the effect and the source of enemy fire is getting harder to detect israel as prime minister benjamin netanyahu. his his preparations are still under way for the invasion of rafa in southern gaza. about that 8 will take some time. is comments. com is diplomatic if it's intensified to stop that from happening. us the secretary of state antony blinking has been meeting with his counterpart in saudi arabia. the further talks i aimed at securing a ceasefire between homeless and he's around us. officials say he will travel to israel on friday speaking earlier this week, blinking said causes entire population easy made of humanitarian assistance. us and use hilton. mine is the middle east and north africa expert and program director of the international crisis group. earlier, we asked him, what needs to change for a cease fire and hostage release deal to take place in order for the fire to happen
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. the next book has been lucky all along, which is us pressure as well to, to accept one. and of course there are differences between his role and how i'm asked by what's the ceasefire should be. but regardless of those differences, the fact that we're facing the imminent threat of feminine in gaza and we're close to 2000000 people who may this may suggest that a ceasefire is urgently needed. and so united states is the only power that can help bring that about if it's were to use the leverage that have passed. let's, let's take a look now at some of the stories making headlines today, the us is lifting them all american citizens out of high se as the car b and country grapples with the crisis spots by the games. they've taken over much
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of the capital for the products with violence now spreading to the suburbs. despise he's prime minister ariel on re the green to step down. last week. the u. n. has warned that sudan is suffering one of the world's worst humanitarian disasters in recent memory. it say is more than 18000000 people in our risk of famine. more than a 3rd of students population because of the ongoing civil war to the head of the u . n. c, monetary and office slammed the international community for its lack of action. brazil court has ruled that full mess august doctor will be in your mouth still. if he's not in the prison sentence for right. he was convicted in easily in 2017, but he's paused in a group sexual assault when he applied for ac, milan, brazil dawson to extradite nationals which laid easily to seek his imprisonment in his harm nation islands. prime minister leo, veronica has announced his resignation,
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saying he was leaving for both personal and political reasons for rank costs. it still also no longer be policy leader is to punch it follows the filed the all the jewel constitutional referendums. earlier in march that veronica and his government had champions returning to our top story now into ukrainian a shilling on the russian border. hold bill go road, feel a bossy. liskey is a full my c i a power military case officer. he's now director of the center for intelligence and non traditional wolf a at the foreign policy institute. welcome to use or when you look at what's happening in and around build a road. so the successful attacks from the ukrainian side on what is a strategically important region to russia to tell us, what are your immediate impressions? i would say that you have to look at these attacks in 2 contacts. one is a tactical operation, design probably to relieve pressure from ukraine forces under attack and the done
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boss and operation areas to the of the south east of the country. but also as a psychological operation to discredit, to me during the elections which have just passed. and also to show that the promise that this war is not going to affect the average russian is not true. it also undermines the kremlin, is claim that all russians support this war. because we have these attacks as 3 russians volunteer military units. fighting for on the side of ukraine, against pollutants regime. and these are the people who are undertaking this attacks right now. i want to pick up on that because as you say, aside from the strikes by you crime, the pain rights are being carried on by these pro ukrainian power military. some of the same russian. tell us, what do you know about them? as these 3 groups have been around for a few years. and they're generally made up of either defectors, prisoners of war,
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who come over the ukrainian side, or also ethnic russians who had emigrated earlier to ukraine and are also fine for ukraine. they're part of the many national group groups within the, the international fighters were fighting for ukraine. besides this, these rush groups, you also have groups and galleries. chechnya, georgians and, and many others of the 3 that we know are taking part of this are known as the freedom of russia legion, or the russian volunteer corps. and the siberian battalion, which is one of the newer ones. but recently been in combat. the, in the, of discuss the number maybe a few 1000. they're not large. but again, it's a great psychological impair. shows russians fighting against russians on russian soil, against, against foot roofing and against this for now, i want to talk to a little bit about flooding. the patients response he and the kremlin do seem to be
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taking this quite seriously. putting has responded personally, saying russia will respond, giving, given everything that you've just told us how big of a challenge these raids and cross border strikes for him as we shouldn't exaggerate their military impair. is there a few 1000 men there not being supported? the regular ukrainian forces are not coming across the border. they are coming across the border of only a few kilometers. this is not a drive on build garage, which is only about 4 kilometers from the border with ukraine. but it said, are dispersed along the border with the curse and build the whole glass. in other words, it makes it harder for the russians to respond and it makes it harder for them to consecrate their forces against these units. again, they're just over the border from ukraine, but they're having an effect because the marshall the forces he's either boot is going to attend the show. boy are going to either have to use reserves. they have
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in rush of themselves, or they're going to have to move fluids from the don't boss about 3 should care some battlefields around uh, to build around and in personal glass in order to take care of this. i mean, right now both sides are limited in manpower. so every little bit of that is used here is the dominant power that cannot be used down the don't boss. that was phillip fashioned epsky from the foreign policy research institute. we really appreciate your insights today. thank you very much for your time. you're welcome. thank you. as to the us now we're bashful in the court. sorry for a new migration. lori's causing confusion, not the us mexico border. the load gives state authorities in texas the power to arrest and to pull people. the us supreme court create the way for the lord to take effect on tuesday, but just hours like the appeals court judges decided to block it as they can see,
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the whether it interferes with the federal government, immigration powers. mexico has already said it will not accept any one ordered to leave, takes us under the so called s b for though he is what makes it goes. foreign minister of foreign affairs, secretary had to say it is an em to migrant center phobic discriminatory law. that says, but any migrant or any person moving anywhere in texas can be detained by the authorities and put in jail or deported all to w report. a foreign scholars following developments for us from equal pos in texas on the us mexico border. yes, as you said, we're here in the small us border city of eagle pass right behind us. on the other side is the mexican border town of pedros, near growth. and in between right behind this big border front, which is being guarded by the texas national guard is what has been now turned into
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the base for this national guard. what until recently used to be a public park where people used to go to play sports. and this has now been turned into a base for, well, the republican governors efforts also to secure the border here and, and it's really shows the resources he's willing to throw at stairs because he is determined to, to take the lead on, on securing the border here. in texas, and this is of course, also what has sparked this whole debate into legal battle, which we're now witnessing unfolding as much as we're speaking in the courts. yes sir. and so let's talk about this law because it would give style. thirty's in texas. the power to arrest and the port people, how prepared of texas of tardies for this kind of power or that is an interesting question. and even today in the court hearing regarding this matter, there seemed to be some lack of clarity. even on the texas side, how exactly things would be implemented, which of course,
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in the end it comes down to how will this law actually be put into practice? and there is a lot of doubt, for example, whether or not there will be enough judges who have the specific qualifications in immigration law to implement into a to be hearing cases on, on immigration law. or how exactly local and state authorities will be carrying out the rest interpretations and whether they even you know, in a position to carry out their protections. so there is definitely a lot of uncertainty also around the practicalities of this law, which are still even to be seen if they, if it would come to this. because even though the guilty of the law has not been determined yet. yeah, and of course is going to be, i guess, a, you'd mentioned like a kind of a stand off mexico is not going to except anyone read patry i did from texas. i to how is this affecting relations between the 2 countries? exactly as we have heard before, this is definitely something that could put
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a strain on the relation between these 2 countries. and it is no small issue because of course of mexico is one of the largest trading partners of the united states. and what is interesting, and if this law will come into effect into force, and it will be declared as constitutional, hypothetically, we don't know this, of course, at this point. and then in combination with a possible trump presidency that might be some tension because mexican president, under myrna lopez over a door has been in the past, very close to the trumpet, has, has had a very positive relationship with him. but that might, of course, be put to the test if this law would actually become to become of being enforced here in texas. and it's actually tech so far. it is what to start and try to do port people back to mexico, which of course, mexico is very flatly refused already now to w apologize, foreign style on the us mexico border, thanks so much for that parents and you're off to die. so you're on dw,
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