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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  March 21, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm CET

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the, the dw do's live it from berlin tonight moving closer to a ceasefire deal on a trip to egypt view by secretary of state entity blinking says that the gap between is really tomas is narrowing as in direct negotiations continue. so to does the bombing in gauze that also coming up the war in gauze and the war in ukraine, european union leaders meeting to decide what your can do about both and exposure to shake the ukrainian capital the to comes as rachel launches its largest missiles attack and weeks, and apparently kelly ation for ukrainian air attacks on russia's border and emanuel
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mack wrong is showing as guns images of the french president working out with the punching bag have sent much of france into a frenzy. the library golf is good to have you with us on this thursday, the united states secretary of state anthony blinking says that the gaps are narrowing between the israel and tomas, over a ceasefire in the gaza strip. lincoln made the comment before he arrived in egypt for talks with president bill for the l. c. c. the us, egypt and guitar have been pushing for a ceasefire for weeks now. meanwhile, in gaza there were airstrikes in the southern city of ruffled on thursday. as he is rarely army presses a head with its military operation, they are here's more now from anthony blinking, speaking earlier as well. in fact,
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we actually have a resolution that we put forward right now. that's before the united nations security council. that does call for an immediate cease fire tied to the release of hostages, and we hope very much that countries will uh, will support that. i think that would send a strong message or a strong signal will enjoyed it. now by is really important in security policy, expert gilmore, as you all know, he's the ceo, the israel based the think tank mit me towards me tonight from televi. it's good to have you with this. um, this is the very 1st time that the united states is calling for an immediate cease fire. this is a major shift. how is the israeli government likely to be this? what i mean, i think this, we are focusing on this specific step as a pressure to on the is where the government. but i think that when we speak about the blinking, i called this was issue the me in these. so the media interview were mainly to speaking about the attempt, the different might take action by the us to preserve the initiative in the you and
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cancel it. i mean, the reports to the russia is planning to offer you a new form. so when you called trying to keep the relationship between void individual and that level. but i also think in the timing place and the context of this, it's also show offering silver means by the us government to show us what digit boston is that the american going to live with this particular vision for an attempt to describe or to outline a vision for the day after, especially lifting such as what some of these really covered. yeah, you're saying you're saying the united states are trying to create clarity about where it stands. we're getting clarity also from benjamin at yahoo. he argues that there is no alternative plan. then to continue the attack on or off at the ultimately defeat from us. do you agree with that? what do you think it's, it's a question of what we define the define the goal of the thinking so much we are talking about immediately reaction that is meant to reduce its military power and gas. i think that was a cheap in the last 5 months, but there's also limits today
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a really 3 extra basic. if we think about the modular marginalizing, how much of the moment does the 50 come us? it's not just the military action. it's mostly in mainly a political maneuver, and that's something that's something you always go to meeting to discuss right now . some of these probably because it is government, any kind of plans for they often and politically they often and then obviously lives the major becuz a for almost to actually 3 and one of the main examples that we see right now. and you mentioned that the issue, you mean, is there anything in the last couple of months we've seen that expression of a mistake of a military and 80 and together. but looking, any alternative, any attempt to be that administrative control, this will replace them, buy these with the government. we sell from us actually take over these 2 minutes or an 8 and sell it to the citizens. it basically piece of defective power on the ground. i want to stick with it and there's an yahoo for just a moment in, in your opinion,
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how much pressure can the us exert on net and yahoo at this point to disagree, or what are you seeing the change in the american policy? not so much regarding the support of these rather we discussed as a blank owns, but the we've seen a clear separation between um, a project single, maintaining the rifle defense. so these are the citizens and their version i would even say from the policies of this is really government, especially the right to being able to explain why spring quickly it actually comes with the evenings. so i think that when we all the closing date on the election, we are talking about a certain level of support among the young. the young generation of the democratic party is swing states such as the michigan. and then there's also the domestic calculation. i think that we still stick assistance, the american in american policy towards the war. but when we speak about the extension of the war, especially about russell, which is guaranteed to major,
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what is the issue and expansion of these really military operations, russell that we're going to see those guess becoming more and more apparent. and we, doubting these really ability to show any new initiative the guess i'll going to become much more meaningful in the relations between us and say, what we're hearing from the us has to do with politics. this is a, an election year. if we were to take that out of the equation, if, if joe biden were not fighting for re election this coming november, do you think we would be seeing the united states right now calling for an immediate cease fire? i think it's just one factor, but i think the major issues, i mean we can speak about disagreement between these within the us regarding brussel or about the military. ne, i think the major issue here, regardless of domestic consideration, is whether one of these really is planning or even waiting to discuss an exit strategy. i mean the acceptance or the understanding to the us a short before to the will go to the commercial could not continue governing doesn't to regaining the security situation. a all to
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a lot of these various other things that we've seen as a saw with, based on the commitment of these, where the government to actually speak about the day after the law for initiative to speak about the return of the people to post, you know, 40 to speak about in the, during the people how much that would be viable, it would allow us to still be stuck in an old way more to actually promoted a new 4 digit code. old did the read read genetics. and that's why coming back to your original meeting between region alexis and between blinking is about this, about signifying the needs to be with assessment vision. so i think that we have not informed which is where to go. i won't laugh as i speak smoke about the link over the ability to present a plan to the us accept is the on the willingness to discuss any kind of plan or any kind of exit strategy at this moment. okay. yeah, that's right. the day after still the question you're working on there is really for an insecurity policy expert get we appreciate your time and your analysis
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tonight. thank you. thank you very much. i. the european leaders meanwhile, have been meeting and brussels today. we're gauze as unitarian crisis is on the agenda, alongside ukraine and plans to develop europe's defense capabilities are the leaders will also consider proposals to buy arguments for ukraine using the proceeds of frozen rush assets and weather to open membership talks with bosnia herzegovina, even secretary general antonio gutierrez, arrived at the start of the 2 day new summit to encourage more relief for gauze that you ins as a quarter of gauze. this population is starving for the european union in foreign policy. chief joseph burrell has described the situation in gauze as being not a humanitarian crisis, but rather a failure of humanity. he says the leader is meeting in brussels who collectively form the european council will be calling for the release of his really hostages, as well as a ceasefire that will hold of the consumables much further forwarding without
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asking for a sustainable ceasefire. so delete scales. so for the freedom of hostages, needless to say, condemned him a high mass of back, which showing in a strong concern for the situation of the people in gosh, which is all next, have certainly equal the size of right to defend. not to revenge, not to revenge defense. all right, i'm gonna pull in of correspond to check there. now he's solving the stomach for us in brussels. jack is joseph burrell, as he's speaking for all you heads of government, when he calls for a sustainable ceasefire. well, that is exactly what we're looking to see throughout the process of this summit, whether the leaders will agree for the progress and the last time we have any of the european union leaders agreeing on some sort of cool for a change in the situation of his rose military campaign in the gaza strip again. so
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how much the total organization they code for humanitarian pause is to live a then on the w team here in brussels as being covering and listening to a lot of the briefings from a lot of the difference. the u. member states over the last few days and going into the summit, we understand that the language coming. i will say that the you will pool for immediate humanitarian pauses, leading to a sustainable ceasefire. 5 or 6 months ago. the idea of cooling for a cease fire was an absolute no go for the you need is especially germany, which didn't feel they could pull for that. but we do understand the as the summit progresses, the leaders will be able to cool for that sustainable spot that that language will get into the document that comes off of this summit. check and leaders are also talking about using approaches in a rush and assets to boost a. do you crate is, are we going to see that happen? that's a tricky one. to get an agreement on frank leeks, this is
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a really interesting concept about the russian central bank has about 210000000000 . yours in a financial mechanism which has been accruing interest over the last couple of years since the full scale invasion. and since russia's assets, financial assets in europe, what froze and arrives 3000000000 has been raised as part of that. neither german chancellor or life shows on his way into this. somebody said there's a growing majority here in the european kinds of the 27 leaders that suggests, but that money could be used to stop buying amunition and weapons by the europeans themselves, then could be sent to the ukrainians. and i call them the home of that, however, the austrian tonsil, the he's saying actually know that what they understood the agreement was, was it, it would be for the reconstruction of ukraine. so it appears to be some disputes within the european kinds. so we can see that a lot sold during these meetings. he's trying to get the other leaders on the side,
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whether he manages to do so. it might be a long shot, but this is not one a table. how does the european union use these phrases and russian says, we know that russians full scale division that be great, is profit. a lot of talk about boosting. europe's defense is, is there agreement on how this will happen? so this is an even more complicated again issue this idea of is being polluted of defense buttons. also the corona vine virus pandemic. what we saw is the, your opinion salted, using the european commission, the executive party. it's a bit technical, but it has a triple, a rating that has the best ratings to borrow money on the international markets. and they use that rating to borrow money to get out of the cobit $19.00 con. demik advantage used it for green. it says to help with the green transition. now there are some countries which are starting to say it should be used to gain money for the union to profess, protects its defense. a lot of leaders,
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including the drum and so on. so said, okay, nice idea. but it doesn't think that we'll see any clear of agreement on not joining this summit, but it is significant credit. but then talking about this not ok check there for us in brussels tech is always thank you. great is capital has been hit over night by a massive russian missile attacks. this fall is recent air attacked by ukraine across the border and russians belgrade region. the strike on tv was the largest in recent weeks, causing casualties and damage to residential buildings. in the early hours of thursday, g of rucked by explosions seeking said people in the ukrainian capital haven't seen in weeks but it's available for them on the 1st explosion heads. and i woke up and a 2nd later i was covering my daughter with my arms. there was a 2nd explosion. and at that moment the piece of shop now had my window. the children were sent to the bomb shelter and i wondered what to do next. but also
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financial, it'll be done in the daylight, the aftermath of the attacks becomes visible blasts. damage to residential buildings with several people losing their homes. if my son hadn't run, i would have been killed. our entire apartment was destroyed. the blast waves destroyed furniture, windows, doors, every thing. it's a hard stem. this for the fusion, ukraine's air force as it shut down, all 31 russian me sales targets in the capital on thursday. but nearly 20 people were injured by the following parts. ukrainian president, full of demons, the landscape has condemned the attacks as an act of terror. he has been relentless in his appeals to western allies for air defense systems. sees that these nice as
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they are partners, have these defense systems at them, and they need to understand that we need them to protect the lives of the c. jeff? yup. who's the strikes on key of follow a threats of retaliation from? russia's president vladimir putin, ukraine has been pounding its belgrade both the region for several days, forcing evacuations of thousands of children. the exchange of attacks is getting the risk collation in rushes more against its neighbors or corresponding bucks saunders gave us an update from keats. so right, so, so last night's attack or this morning's attack rather, um was one of the scale that the printing capital hadn't experienced in and many weeks. i'm the recent days and weeks the russian, the attack. so, or the russians focus the attacking other cities across the country, for example, on wednesday, and how to keep, for 5 people were killed or last week in odessa were 21 people were killed in
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russian strikes. now, the training careful is quite well defended. a lot of the most advanced air defense systems are stationed here. this is the city where the government is where the institutions are. so um that may be the reason why, according to the ukrainian air force. $31.00 is $31.00 launch missiles were deceptive, including the controlling missiles were which are very difficult to intercept. but nevertheless, damage has done by folding debris abilities for southern fire on more than a dozen people were injured. entire streets were covered in the shards of glass from from the windows blow. now it's by the explosion. and even for people who were not impacted by us directly by last night's attacks of waking up in the middle of life with due to error, it serves going off to explosions. is a very hard thing to live. that was mike's, it's under their reporting. let's take a look now, some of the other stores making headlines around the world. the us department of justice have sued the tech joy, an apple alleging that the company is maintaining an illegal monopoly on the
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smartphone markets. the sweeping lawsuit accuse example of using anti competitive behavior to squeeze more money out of the consumers and to hurt its rivals. apple denies the charges and says it will defend itself. new research from india has found that working in extreme, he can double the risk of miscarriage and stillbirth for pregnant women. and that's significantly higher than indicated by previous studies. climate change means india has been increasingly gripped by extreme heat and recent years, the researchers have ward that the problem is global. in a medical 1st searches in the us have successfully transplanted a genetically modified pig kidney into a living human. a man with in stage kidney disease was given the organ at a hospital in boston last week. until now 2 kidneys had only been temporarily transplanted into brain dead patients to man have also received pig hearts. but both died within months. a proposed come back for nuclear power around the world
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is being discussed at talks this week in brussels. the nuclear energy summit is expected to call for europe's nuclear energy industry to be rebuilt. following years of decline, nuclear power fell out of favor following japan's fishing and nuclear accident back in 2011, but commitments to cut greenhouse gas emissions. and the need to find alternatives to rush and gas. have led to a re think in how europe should produce energy commission present air slip underlying address the summit today and lead up her reasons for backing an increase in european nuclear power generation. first of all, of course, to reach our climate goal. let us not forget that nuclear power worldwide is the 2nd largest source of low emission electricity after hydropower segment. of course, to save skarts, our energy security countries look to reduce that dependence.
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unimportant fossil fuels. and the 3rd reason is to ensure our competitiveness, nuclear power can provide a reliable anchor for electricity prices of a process corresponding christine, what she told us more about the european leaders who say they now need more not less nuclear power personally, a significant group. and this uh, these countries include france, belgium suite and the netherland, slovakia, romania and a few others. these countries say that there is a compelling case for new to energy because there's been significant progress, scientific progress making new to much safer, much more reliable as, as, as they put it so much so that the sweetest prime minister who was speaking at that same summit today said that sweden had reversed its decision to the commission. it's nuclear power plants, belgium,
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as prime minister announced that the country we've known this but that the country was extending the lifespan of some of its younger nuclear power products. these countries are saying that net 0 is not possible without nuclear energy, and it is in the spirit of this that at cop sweeney age. these countries in the united states and as, as around the world, signed a declaration to 2 triple the amount of a nuclear energy generation by the get 2050. so that's quite a huge undertaking. the challenge they're having in the space is mobilizing finance . and so the big part of this conference was about convincing you international finance institutions. you'll multilateral development banks, private 6, a stakeholders to, to lend to finance nuclear power generation programs so. so that was part of that. a big part of was at this summit is, is about, i have to point out also here. so that this, this renewed momentum in the discussion around nuclear energy off to the energy
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crisis that the world was plunged into off to russia invaded ukraine. suddenly the idea of energy sovereignty, which you heard, the commission of the commission chief, was an underlined sort of hinting at really became much more at the full front of the conversation about securing energy supply. there is kristine one where they are reporting from brussels. now, here is the french president like you probably never seen him before. take a look at these photos of a manual micron has been met with a mixture of praise and ridicule. the moody, black and white shots were posted on instagram by the president's official photographer. some comments on social media suggests that they showed the french president getting ready to take on russian. president vladimir, who i'm doing now by felipe logic. he is a professor emeritus in political communications that lead from tumbler institute of political studies in paris professor it's good to have you with this. we know
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that a, a politician when they post something on social media, there's always a message there. is this president my crime that showing office fitness or is there more to it? well, it seems that that's and that's a mentoring mac or wanting to address directly uh, routine and wanting to show that he wants to be the lead off. i would say for you, or if we would want to use these terms and as you can see, he also wants to compete with him and to show that he has muscles. by the way, are they some criticism about the 1st feature? because some people say it's not, has been re touched, so he's not anymore on line. what what, what on the, what, what's been re touched professor? do we know the most of it seems, i mean they pretend either the see see is really most of the but it seems high is being read. that's not anymore on line on the official website of the same. but the rifle. well, how is macro on addressing with these possibly, you know,
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touched up muscles. it was, you know, the, there is a, your been election in a few months and the image and my call has quite to the low down in popularity. so he's trying to achieve something somewhere and it seems the only place where he can issue so is as we do for you, well to at least the, for your because a at the moment to the security isn't up to going very well. and false reform is not very strongly accepted and so the, the economics is going down. so it's a way to improve this. but really to actually see things professor, what would you say distinguishes the images we've seen of macro and from the images of why did they put those images that the world has seen the russian president. he has a history of presenting himself as a nature loving, bare chested athlete, sitting on a horse inside period. indeed. but at the same time, you have to remember that the was
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a dresser is ation or for the good communication. 2 days of the new scene in falls, we have seen the new stock was in a few a few years ago, the bicycling and the running with switching. and so in fact, uh let's, i would say you've gotten the leaders who want to go on that, but if you decided i would say, and obviously when you want to go head against pre teen when you try these things in a world where we talk about the metro section? well, we talked about feminist foreign policy, the male macho biceps bulging leader. is that anachronistic? is that political communication from the last century as well? i would say goes well from the patent of but on political communication. but i would say at the same time that the drugs that we do odds when you have the meet to move and being so strong, especially falls. no. uh, i would say a good part of the team business. he's no accused of the doing of being you need to
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buy the me to people. so we send it to us. and then you think there is a pattern here or can we predict what politician will try to show their motto side? i mean, here in germany, for example, many people could not imagine seeing similar photos from chance are all loc schultz, for example. i know, but you, you read a, i mean, it depends of the circumstances you. you can remember that functions trego was shown when they were the floods in rest and he was shown was, he's a boots and so on into what i would, i would tell you to, to me, to, to is to me, to button it depends of the circumstances yeah, yeah, well it makes you wonder how these politicians have time to, to work out to get those muscles. philip martic for pressure in there and is of political communication impressed. we appreciate your time today. thank you. thank you very much. i are coming up next to the w news. the news africa is democracy in
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senegal, standing the test of time from arresting opposition figures to postpone the presidential elections. the synagogues democratic institutions have been put to the test for this voters. finally, go to the polls. this sunday are things about to turn around and from the sewage to the tap, a project in the maybe a is turning what's flushed down the toilet into clean water heater, how it's done, and what people think about drinking well, their own waste. and don't forget, you can always get the views on the go, just download our app from google play or from the out store that will give you access to all the latest news from around the world. as well as push notifications for any breaking news. there's lots of sports, business and entertainment news as well. do you watch any of the news? i'll be back at the top of the hour with more world news. i hope to see you then the,
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the, the new year. happy, the boxing was the story. we have a getting a visa is more difficult than finding gold hosted to you. i am forcing. yeah. and for the future in the stories and issues that are being discussed across the country. news african next on d w. this call of america. and so much more than just
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a journey to find out about the roots of the 19 are to put you on the site again. my name is some way to ship. i'm assuming reshaping history. our documentary stops april 6th on dw, the best as date of the news i've got coming up on the program is democracy in senegal, spending the test of time for my rest and the positions vegas to postpone in presidential elections. and it goes them across the has inputs to the test, but i think is about to turn around also in a program, access to clean war tides becoming more difficult on the continents, due to climate change and population growth. we look at how some countries are fighting back gonna we meet one community that celebrating at the safe drinking water is brought close out to a whole.


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