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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  March 22, 2024 8:00am-8:30am CET

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the, the, this is need to be news coming to live from valid. us pushes for an immediate cease fire in gaza, secretary of state, and he blinking is expected to travel to israel later today saying negotiators are making good progress toward a ceasefire. deal between is real and among the youth joins the us and i'll thing pressure on israel. the blocks 27 leaders over coming differences at their brussel summit to call for a pause in finding in the release of hostages and humans who the rebels strike a deal. the who these who have been attacking ships off humans coasts say they will allow vessels from china and russia safe passage through one of the world's busiest
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shipping. like once german football decides to just do it after it's 7 a year, partnership with a d. does the countries put all associations, which is the famous 3 stripes for the sports of us sports square company night? the law i'm terry martin. thanks for joining us. the us is ramping up pressure on israel for an immediate cease fire in gaza in a turnaround of its position. secretary of state anthony blinking is expected intel of leave on friday to drive home this message to his rarely leaders. he's been on a diplomatic blips of the middle east, his 6th trip to the region since the more began with a master's terror attack on israel. on october 7th, he'll arrive just hours before the us submits a draft to the un security council calling for an immediate and sustained cease
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fire. it was blinking, speaking in egypt yesterday. or there's a clear consensus around a number of shared priorities. first, the need for an immediate sustain ceasefire with a release of hostages. that would create space to search more humanitarian assistance to relieve the suffering of many people and to build something more. and right now the ceasefire that we're working on would be the best most immediate way to enable us to search monitoring systems. but it's not the only way we agreed today, all of the ministers that we would get our experts together in the coming days to identify the urgent practical and concrete steps the can, it should be taken to increase the flow of assistance is real, needs to do more let's get more on this from the region that are correspond to. tiny kramer is in jerusalem and journalist kareem l g y is in cairo cream to you
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1st, the us secretary state is flying on to israel later today. how or his efforts to get a ceasefire and guys are being seen where you are, or with the exception said the cause that is a war. the media, it is a pretty tightly blinking subset this way that we get closer to a didn't the, the gaps, the closing was out, the giving anymore deep. that's what the effect that thing going to meet today in do i again, in the cost of the risk, the heads of the egyptian, they've got the is really, most of the intelligence means that there's something on the tables that old sites fine. words negotiating about it, but what is all sort of interesting in this we think this thing, cairo, and that was not only was the addiction for me. is that but was foreign ministers of the features of 6 era of countries here. so there, there is a consensus between us and the air of states, and that this person needs to be in immediate to be in sustainable ceasefire,
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but also that the reach to be a massive increase is coming in. and maybe what's most interesting and consensus about what should happen off the wall is that the, there should be a, the arab states basically offer an integration of it is running into the region for a policy and states. or that is something that you as a disagree with, that's the old land for peace, a formula. but of course it's very difficult to achieve with the current rights being is ready, the government's tanya, what kind of welcome is anthony blinking likely to get from is really leaders when he arrives there today. i mean, he's so scheduled to meet with the prime minister benjamin netanyahu and other members of the small of work having that. and this comes, of course of to a lot of public back and forth between the us administration. and this current is really a government of, mainly between you as president jabard and prime minister benjamin netanyahu,
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but also other american officials being you know, very critical of as well as a war of conduct. now of course uh do you guys remain is what is closest ally and also the main supporter when it comes to military 8. but there has been tensions and that is close. he wants to induce right now, this talks bill sent around as far as we understand, you know that the americans have said we want to see more aid. as we heard coming into garza, we want to see more protection of the building. so also want to talk about this brand, a military operation in was off where the americans are saying there must be other ways to defeat him. us why protecting civilians. but also of course, the talks in doha that are going on and be heard that from the is ready, prime minister's office. they're saying that the head of the massage is on its way this. so they might be some movement that is also very closely watched here cream the us is trying to assert itself in dealing with the middle east now in
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a way that it has. and for years, it's very trying to be very engaged diplomatically, but how much leverage does the united states in the right now in the form of its us secretary of state there have in the region. it was, let's give you that accept of next week. good. the, is there any minister of defense galant? this is due in washington with a wish list to offer more weapons. and they want to get and here is the executive leverage. there's billions of dollars on financial military aids from the u. s. and to uh, to his read and one of the most immediate things would be the condition for offensive operations in gaza. but until now and biden is not willing to use this leverage to attend though we have basically only words and public words or criticism. it's what is written but no extra when it comes to that the 8th military and financial aid is
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right. and that's the biggest leverage. ready company has always right right now tanya talked to us about the new un resolution that's being put forth by the us a security council resolution this calls for an immediate sustained cease firing, gaza a boat could come within hours. how is this being seen in israel? yeah, once again, i think this is also being a courtesy watch because in the past and every month, the receipt in the us a veto of you and counsellor resolutions or standing and, and basically i'm sitting in a way is ro from those resolutions. and now this one disrupt emphasizes, 1st and foremost, you have to say the need for an immediate and sustained a ceasefire to protect civilians to allow more age and also to be immediate suffering as it says. but also it aims to secure the seas for it in connection with the release of hostages. now the wording here is a very important for some,
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it is still not strong enough other sites. it might a pause. and of course, the international impression is ro is increasing with this, but we have to wait and see how is robert respond to it? it has in the past not always adhere to such resolutions. tanya is carina. thank you very much. that was our correspond tony kramer in jerusalem and kareem l . y. in cairo. meanwhile, european union leaders meeting and brussels have for the 1st time issued a joint statement, calling for an immediate humanitarian pause in gaza. european commission present ursula from the line and again acknowledge israel's right to defend itself, but sheet stressed. israel also had the duty to protect civilian life. previously, some countries, including germany, had resisted language calling on his real to hold his operations. they called it a strong and unified statement on the crises in the middle east. booked the call
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for a humanitarian paused by you. leaders is likely to change late. so despite the heart and approach as the head of the council, charles michelle also pleaded with these royal not to go into rough or in southern gaza. we paying on the government of these was not to launch their drug operations. you know? because we can't imagine what could be the drug suppresses you search for the version would be lost. the balding ukraine was also high on the agenda. president low to me is a landscape address to stomach bug video to make his case to further help. unfortunately, of the use of our tillery at the front line by our soldiers is accumulating for europe in the sense that europe can provide more,
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and it is crucial to prove it. now, leaders backed in principal, a proposal by the block to use frozen version assets to buy more weapons. about these, despite the attendance of hunger, his prime minister, big to all bon, to congratulate to vladimir putin on his recent election. some e u. lead has made time for us stop at the nuclear energy summit, pledging to put energy production at the hots of future plans. however, one notable absence was chancellor luff sholtes. after gemini phased out is left to nuclear plants. and there was welcome news of bosnia and herzegovina as a block announced it would officially open accession talks with the bulk and couldn't tre. dw is jack perk, is covering that summit. he has more to on developments coming out of the meeting.
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senior leaders have in brussels, have my mind is to sign off on a cool for immediate humanitarian pools is leading to a sustain ceasefire. that would cease fire was very, very complicated, even only a few months ago. the latest couldn't agree to cool for such a thing. but not with the plans to get humanitarian agents a gaza that increased concerns about a potential grind defensive by the israelis into the city of rough or in garza state. on the putting more pressure in raising just slightly the needle on these varies to, to try and find a way to bring about a sci fi off of these immediate humanitarian pause. is a big call from the european union, actually on the ukraine side of things here. at the summit, we have actually seen some interesting progression on the suggestion that the european union could use some money, potentially up to 3000000000. yours in winning for profit is that come off of
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210000000000 your a russian financial asset. the 16 you financial institutions and has been accruing in pressed the european commission president as of on the line and said, she reckoned 1000000000 yours of that could be released these frozen assets profits before the 1st of july. there's some complexities around this. how that money is going to be used, whether it would be used for military asset purchases, which is complicated for some of the non aligned military countries like island for instance. they have difficulties around not, but the language in the text is that the european union will start working towards accessing. i'm freezing and releasing some of those when for full prophets from the russian phrase and access. so and that was the w's jack power in brussels. now in related development, humans who the rebels have told china and russia that their ships can pass through the gulf of age and the red sea safely the hoot. these have been attacking vessels
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off the coast since november. the us and the u. k. of launch air strikes on to the targets in retaliation. the militant group has vowed to continue a tax and the shipping late until israel ends it's offensive and gaza. earlier this month, 3 crew members were killed when their ship was hit. and with the strike as well . joining me now here in the studio is hands you all have sent the he is the senior director at the counter extremism project. thanks for being with us. how have china and russia managed to make this arrangement with the who to you rebel? so what are they getting an exchange? well, physically they negotiated a new mine, but really, behind all of this is the, who's the contact to the vending machine renew. shame is the main spawn, so that would be movement. russia and china now very tricky developing into allies
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of your on exemplified by last week's joint naval trails. in the re, a ribbon c between china, russia and iran and the maintenance have done a favor, i guess for, for the allies. the cookies claims they are attacking out of solidarity with the palestinians that they are attacking only those ships that are somehow related to israel. connected to israel, what do you make of that? that has been nonsense for several months. uh, they even targeted inadvertently. i assume a russian tanka in january, so they shooting at all of the civilian shipping. that goes through, i guess the reading is, are going to help them to distinguish now between russian and chinese and everyone else. but i mean, there's been a long, long, long i no longer true that they just, i look at is really ships or ships going to is really help us any civilian ship was most targeted in the last couple of the us says that western air strikes in yemen have degraded the hoots these ability to strike ships,
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but those attacks are still continuing north. it absolutely. so there are several ways of quite successful targeting of with the infrastructure. but even the american administration is not meeting that they were surprised at the extent of the who, the austin and then of course, iran continues to resupply that is ramping up efforts of the u. s. navy, to disrupt those, re supplies to examine. but it will take, you considerably longer than the rest of station apparently helpful. so now international shipping is being diverted right away from the red sea because of those attacks. that means that if there's a significant drop in revenue for countries like egypt that operate the suez canal, why are those countries not doing more to rein in the who these, what i mean, 1st of all, is not just a drop in revenue for, for egypt most of the things that europe exports anyway and to asia actually supposed to go through the red sea, which is the shortest route to asia,
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which means the european was actually paying the prize already. containers are twice as, as expensive. shipping insurance has increased by 200 percent the trunk, but around the african continent take means 10 more days of transport routes. so it is in our european central interest in, in a year where inflation is still the problem. increasing price is still a problem to make sure that this viper shipping would stays open the gulf countries in a bit of a bind. because as you may remember, since 2015, both saudi arabia as well as the you, a e and a range of properties including nature, drive, draining the fees on the ground in yemen. more or less, unsuccessfully until now and not in negotiations with because he's about withdrawing from him. and so they apparently do not want to get directly involved, although it would be in the interest to make sure that these negotiations with, with these progress, from the perspective of the who these, and a rand,
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how successful have these attacks been? what impact if they have, i, unfortunately, spectacular. these were indeed stream the dangerous extremely rapidly stream is movement in government and they treat him a nice ask. you would expect eyes loc i'd have to do. but they were, you have any problem now they, i really, i need to national problem. let me put them on the map. and russia and china promised in return for the protection of their ships to protect, to who sees politically. this can only mean that russia in china is going to prevent the united nations security council as permanent members from ramping up the pressure on the booth these by of functions as the us and european side attempting to do right now. that you've drawn a direct line between your rent and who the rebels there are other arrange in proxies in the region, of course, operating to uh, from the beginning of the gods of war. there were concerns that this, this conflict could spin out of control and draw in the wider region. where do you see the danger of that threat level now? where it's still not over, right?
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so there is still a daily exchange of fight between his ball on his roll, and there's always the danger that this is going to be the next board is own and they are parts of the israeli government to argue the midst of defense. for example, argues that this has to be the next was on the writing allies in iraq and syria. really learned the lesson men to buy and have to mr. ation targeted them off the tower $22.00 and then padded base and jordan was attacked by them. so they have run down the pressure, but the who these are continuing is polite, is continuing. so the not yet. and it is a situation where i would say regional conflict is absolutely guaranteed to be both hands. you have shinla from the counter extremism project. thank you. very much think well as the world large international walter day, we look at how places in africa are dealing with water scarcity, like the movie of the country lies between 2 major does, does, does or,
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and spot. it has pioneered a way to produce clean drinking water and its methods offer a by the lifeline for the people living there. the w's diane hawker, reports communal tax like these are lifeline in informal settlements. like this one, invented a total number of the water that comes out is cheap. and for those on the receiving end, the process seem simple. in truth, it's the product of a high take process, which many know little about right i those to do with. i have been living here for the last 20 years, but i don't know where the water comes from. it changes color, sometimes it is brownish, but i don't know if the water is recycled or not having that much of what she drinks comes from the hoodie on hub water. we can imagine plant processes, domestic sewage to take the water out and make it thinkable to do this,
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the plant seems treated wastewater, sioux falls ration, and chemical treatment processes. regular teeth are conducted in the bar t to ensure the water meet global send and the to take samples on a daily basis from different areas in windows and test the water for compliance. they will immediately alert us when this one or 2 samples out of spec, and then we will have the act and see what, how serious it these, and take action. the project was the 1st of its kind in the world. and 1st started decades ago. in the sixty's book, resources, what the resources was about to, to run dry and to the municipality of the time. decided there's
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only one solution to that. and that is to reclaim your domestic suicide. a treat it to a portable senate entity uses. the current plant has been in operation since 2002 and supplies between 15 and 25 percent of the tons overall water. it has also served as a model for other countries and come to a plant to learn more about the process. very proud of what jesus now, german soccer and a deed is breaking up. their partnership started over 70 years ago. german teams were a datas gear for all 4 of the men's world cup titles. there 3 european titles and
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to women's world cup and 8 european titles. germany's new sponsor from 2027 will be the us sports squared giant nike. the german football association says this which was driven by financial and other concerns us off to work this out. we've got mark meadows with us here in the studio from dw sports mark. i'm just trying to wrap my head around this. the german football association dumping a date is in favor of nike up. this seems to be coming out of nowhere. what's going on. it was a massive surprise. yeah, i mean you could tell that it was a surprise for everyone to pop from the gym football federation because i did us and 19 didn't have any statements ready. i mean, added us, we contacted and they've kind of said, well, uh yeah, we're only hearing about this today. what's also interesting is the timing, the gym, and menu planning and important friendly against friends on, on,
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sat today preparing for the whole european championship, saving germany in june and july. and that's the only last week just announced the new a white kid which was a pink kid's type, quite controversial to me. i didn't have that color before, but actually it's been something quite well apparently. and yet certainly then the german, if they come out with they, so it is a huge surprise me a day. this is an iconic german. brad right. uh, sports brand. what you say is the main reason for the german football federation. taking this step is basically money. i'm in the gym and i say, i've had the problems financially. partly due to coven, obviously they were no firms in stadiums, but for 2 years for germany matches. but it's also the fact that jimmy men's team and women's team haven't been very successful of late. obviously the men's team went out in the world cup twice in the group stage. and the effects income. you don't sell as many shirts, you don't get as much prize money as if you win it. so they looked at it and they felt, well, nike are offering a $100000000.00 euros a year. and apparently i do,
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that's real new offering 50. and then it's a big difference, but what he's also stage, the seeing, he was reading between the lines that the dsb didn't actually go back to added us and say, look, this is what nike is offered. so that's caused a bit of confusion as well. and we'll see whether they, whether the, the sports things play better in nike and wonder about the, what about reactions to is move it. you say it's come up as a, as a surprise even for a for i did as a so indeed, i mean jump media this morning is full of this because they just could not believe it. because as you say, i did this and gave me teams is it's of mary's maiden haven't for 70 years. i mean actually id, that's the who settled added as he sort of invented the scruples stubs that you put into the soccer boots. and that is a part of the reason why the gym the team wouldn't the 1954 will cook only 9 years after the end of the 2nd. well well so that the vac closely linked. so it really is a huge surprise. i mean it's, it's a bit, it's a bit like, oh, laugh sholtes the gym, incense list suddenly driving a fold instead of driving
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a mercedes. it's just so, so shocking. and in fact, the vice chancellor robot topic of the economy minister, he said this is basically not very patry optic or did you ever football association? so yes, people are really stoned and the german that they have basically have to go on twitter and defend themselves constantly over the last few i was saying, look, we have to make this decision financially. it's a rather counter intuitive move though, or even think but, but the money. so i guess it, it talks. do you think? well, i received germany playing and does again. i think we will because this nike deal is from 2027 until 2030 full. so you compare the added us, we'll do everything they cancel when this contract back in 2034. i've got friends who worked at the edit site to down by noon, but i never absolutely stone. you can just imagine the fact you this morning really subdued. they will do everything they can. so in this contract back, it is a humiliation mark medicine dw sports. thank you very much. i us
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and finally, i bet they don't offer a packet during pedicure or in your local nail salon, but they do at a zoo here in germany, where elephants a cleanser who had been getting their annual pedicures. the treatment is part of the animal's regular medical checkups. procedure only differs from the typical salon experience with keepers using an angle grinder to buff up the slightly larger toenails. so you're watching dw news, just a reminder of our top story is this, our us secretary state helps me blinking this expected intel, a beep where he'll call for an immediate cease fire and gaza. and a reversal of washington's previous stance on the war. blinking has been on a diplomatic list of the middle link and you leaders in brussels are calling for a humanitarian pause in gaza. they said there are poles by the loss of civilian
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life, council of liter shaw the shelf has urged israel not to enter the southern city of ruffled you're watching the news on terry martin's thanks for being with the
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to the point. strong opinions or international perspective. the situation in ukraine is going dire as soldiers struggling to maintain that defense . meanwhile, germany is discussing the possibility of freezing the warm sun to the point we off strong skin ground. how would tell me on the west response to the point
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next on dw, the mirror will tell you the story. we have a, getting a visa is more difficult than finding gold plus the 2 years without the dream force and for the future. in the stories industries that are being discussed across the country, news africa. in 60 minutes on d, w, the crises around every single connection mapped out shows that you can disagree. odyssey, be on the board, is what makes things the way they all and all the solutions
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mapped out, navigating a changing world. now on youtube, the, the situation in ukraine is growing increasingly dire as you create and soldiers struggling to maintain the defense lines against russian aggression. so does that mean that the russian president is as in, closer to his goal of feeling large fossil fuel cream, is pulled and believes he can simply without the conflict. he has miscalculate strong words from germantown, smell well enough, charles, in support of your trade. however, they come out of time when his own body has emphasized the need to freeze the walk . the questions remains of costs whose interest would the sweet.


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