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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  March 24, 2024 9:00am-9:16am CET

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the, the business, the, the news lived from berlin. russell upsets the national day of morning after the consent to hold. my 2nd president put in vows to punish those responsible for the events of more than $130.00 people. the claims that the attack has tried to be to ukraine. keep the nice any involvement. also in the program, the united nation is chief antonio gutierrez again, calls for you since 5, gaza, and ones that people will starve to death without more lights out full as our cities around the world to dock,
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to draw attention to climate change and come painfully bright future off or off on the i, i'm eddie mike of junior and you are welcome to the program. russia is holding the national day of mourning for the victims of the terror attack on a concert hall in moscow. 133 people that now confirmed to have been killed. russia and precedents letting me put in claim that the 4 suspect the gunmen had been detained while trying to escape to ukraine. keeps rejected. accusations of involvement said it is an attempt by put into ships plain. you are looking now. i live pictures from outside. the crow cause a city hall where the attack took place on friday evening. bonus had been facing she views that it makes it more real. the attack is the deadliest in russia for 2
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decades, a so called hispanic state as claimed responsibility. i did of use that you ever settled spoke to us anyhow from the lobster, young capital riga. he's never bought them from bass and rush. i sat down almost cool bureau, he told us how russians are more than the victims of the top. well, the showcase is still strong in russia, eddie and all mass events has been cancelled. as you see, it was in moscow close to the bowl, so it has canceled all performances. and of course, this is also a number one in the topic in the media people, morning and russian, but also outside dr. so he is real guy. so lots of flowers and candles in front of the russian embassy yesterday in russia. is that people who are still missing friends and relatives um, is it walk bend picnic or which was supposed to play the concert in the concert hall, which is a vet,
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to around refresh and rock music. people from all the seat is came to moscow for this specific concept, and some of them are still missing a and in, in, in russians. yeah. we know that for suspects have been arrested. what do we do about them or according to some media or thoughts as a form and russian citizens who um are set to have a foreign bed round. um on the report suggested that at least some of them come from central asia. uh, the youngest, 19 years old is a set to come from lucian bed. the capital of patrick is done. uh there is a photo of him at also a video of an alleged arrest and it has been published on it. a man says in broken russian, that he shot for money for health and he lives roubles, which is about uh, $5000.00 euros. she had been in contact. she's had to with the preacher via social
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media, and the allegedly came from turkey. we don't, no idea if, as of you do, it is credible, but the, some experts in crossing media pointed to all the elements of the close of the rest of the men match. the close of the 4th person is a previous video of the so called this logic stage of the claim to this was a possibility that means that they could actually be their own terrorist. me. i mean, obviously we know that it's not me. states has claimed responsibility fulton claims that the attack could be linked to ukraine. how is the supports in that clean of the? well, putting hasn't provided any evidence. she didn't can use the credit directly, but she has clearly stated that they aren't even ukraine. he's that is the paternity for escape was given for the territories, and his argument is at the perpetrators was caught near the credit and bolder
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brushing media didn't go much further. ukraine is directly confused of being the center of the terrorist activities. one of the arguments put forward is of a terrorist, the heavy during the shooting, as they say, that war to self confidence, of course, is these all sort of thrashing propaganda. and so the idea that is the russians have to defend themselves. evil comes from the great it's set and ultimately is that it's already speculation. both a new way for something that's nice and irrational. you're ever santo and visa. thank you. in secondary general, antonio gutierrez has issued a renewed plea for ease, ease, buying gas. you are speaking of the rafa border crossing with egypt close to the city where more than half of guys us total population has taken refuge with jerry said that the well have seen enough hire us and these are all a mouthful and wants that people in guys i will stop to death without an increase in humanitarian aid. the un secretary general traveled to egypt border with
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gaza to demand a truce between is real and time. us before is real launch is a new phase and its invasion of the territory. i say again, nothing just defies your receipt effects by miles on october the 7th and not seeing just besides the electric punishments of the public opinion. people know more than of us. it is time for the in the media. you many betty and cease fires if this time to silence the guns is really forces are preparing an invasion of rough causes. only major city that has not been devastated . israel says it's the last bastion of hum us more than a 1000000 displaced palestinians are sheltering. there and tony o gutierrez warned, there was consensus that an invasion of rough uh would cause
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a humanitarian catastrophe. any further on slugs. we'll make sinks even worse. worse for the policy than cvb is worse for the hostages. and worse for all people of the region is real, responded to the secretary general speech defiantly for administer. israel kept saying here at the united nations earlier this month, posted on x, formerly twitter, that under good terrorist, the u. n. has become an anti semitic and anti is really body that shelters. and then bolton's terror little sign then of a reprieve. any time soon for the beleaguered and hungry people of gaza. let's look at them all. star is making headlines around the wild, explosions, rocks the ukrainian capital key on sunday morning. as i was targeted by russian miss house officials c defensive shut down around a 1000 themselves in and around the city residents were to,
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to need in shelters more than 600. my grands have arrived on the tally island of long to do so. survive is rescued. from one ship for x at the fee to $1000.00 use each for the crossing, but they are both capsized more than a 1000. other vessels landed near by a 15 month old go smith and officials and nigeria, i say more than 200 students and staff could not area this month have been released to where they came from a school in cartoon. i stayed on march 7th, around 280 people is and members of stuff we have to acted. storms and heavy rain have killed at least 12 people in brazil. the downforce cost houses to collapse and the safety of the trouble is just $7.00. take a look at this from rio de janeiro forecast as one that maureen is expected in the next few days. rescue teams are searching for survivors in the mountains
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real estate land slides caused by powerful storms destroyed everything in the palm. rescue has helped residents to safe day climbing through the debris. warehouses used to stand well, not spoke of a shock. we saw quite a feast. it's very difficult for us to take in the pit. but, but because we're prepared to die of old age or from other things, but nobody is prepared for this. it's a shock that's happening in people's lives. because as the source there was a moments of celebration as 4 year old i lo was pulled a life from the rubel and carry to safe day. and to express both elation and worry about those still trapped. it's a relief, but unfortunately there's still people there. the rescue was cheated by the whole
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town. now that's how we thought it was. i was, everyone was down. the michigan would dead tools and then the gods surprised us this morning by the father who wrote clear protect to the go with his birthday and she was alive. heavy rains that followed, a suffocating heat wave. also swept away, tombs and the municipal cemetery mowed down. paul's fall cast across the real estate in the coming days. but it's hoped that the worst has passed scenario as do we liked the new president after weeks of time while the outgo indeed, of mikey saw, had delays the vote. so that's an old file lens interest. so in a go, has traditionally been one of west africa has most stable democracies
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it's seen a typo, charged presidential election campaign of 2 weeks of confusion. most the voters want only one thing. and that's to move forward the century needs change. we are going to change this country on pulling day by choosing our best candidate you miles on love with it. but the good thing to vote because we want change in our country. it's hard in synagogue. there are a lot of texas and i buy the contract and was the want change when people on someone who would take synagogue with part one of them. but i know that means moving on from outgoing president mackey south. he was elected 12 years ago on the promise of widespread reforms, including reducing the power of his own office. the unrest has grown along with government disapproval, sent a goal and normally stable democracy, suddenly finding itself in turmoil. then came self decision to
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delay the election, racing fears he tried to hold on to power and legally, the opposition, cooling it, to constitutional cool. the result, more protests, many of the demonstrate is the same young people who broke solved to power. now, to solutions and angry, dozens were killed and hundreds more. rest date, including high profile of position need, is they, along with hundreds of prisoners, were released off to senegal was constitutional quotes intervened, and put the elections back on track with the about a, with the departure of mickey cell and the release of the detainees fuel this has been helping to reduce tensions to new. so i'm going to be and that means that we can move towards a peaceful election of betterment. i be unique, seal, busy, many hoping center goals headlines will soon spell out political change while
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living up to the countries image as a beacon of stability into hit west africa. flights of going out in cities around a well to draw attention to climate change. landmark institutions include in major tourist attractions, i've gone doc 2 and a half hour. the animal events is coordinated across different time zones. the darkness falls in cities around the world and a global call for action on climate change and tire streets, buildings, landmarks, and cities guidelines go doc for one hour. what people are asked to do something positive for the planet and how to reduce the environmental impact of human activity. more listings. but i think it's a good way to make people aware of how much energy we're spending. and it's good to
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do it with our land park, just like water familiar. it's important be even the college salmon ronco started. we should do it much more often enough authority in the food for miss selma, for the single, symbolic and it's meant to make people think for one hour about the world. we live in florida about our lifestyle, about our planet. you the feeling moved to us and what was 1st house in sydney in 2007. now it has millions of supporters as the biggest global campaigning event for climate and environmental protection using diagnosed to push for a brighter future for the tenants. the, let's remind you about story. russia is holding a day of mourning for the victims of the tara attack on the concepts fall in the 153 people on outcome fans will have you killed. president leslie puts in place
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that the suspect a gunman, where the teen well trying to see to increase the key device. this is even used by from barely enough next talk. film goes to brazil to see what life is like in the videos. biggest staging them on yours coming out of the top of the out. the name is the calls back said wow, thank you so much for joining in. welcome to don't hold bad. a lot of people do that. as soon about saying it's loud as would it be nosy bay like good everyone to king to check out the award winning called called the call back.


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