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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  March 24, 2024 6:00pm-6:15pm CET

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the, the, this is the doubly news life from finding russia holds a national day of mourning aspect comes at whole massacre president fruits and promises to punish that is responsible for the death of mary 140 people. sometimes the attack is tried to escape to ukraine. okay. do not have any involve also on the program, poland demands an explanation. after rushing misfire violates its aspects. it happened in the early hours of the morning as more explosions, rocky cranium cities, including the capital of chief and the van in the west. the close to san diego heads to the falls to pick a new president from a slightly contested and record breaking field of 17.
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the feel. welcome to the program. russia is observing a national day of morning following fridays, deadly tired of attack on the outskirts of moscow. the crow cuz city whole comes that back. reg gunman opened fire on the crowd, has been turned into him from true memorials. aside for the 137 victims its axis rest as deadly as for 2 decades. so cold does not make states as claims responsibility, but the russian presidents make no mention of them and he's tele advised a dress. not in a coat inside the full gunman suspect to this kind of not the shooting heading towards you crying when they were captured. when you're training and president volume is that advocate has responded to the russian claims by saying that russia is trying to divert blame. this just thought of this, what's happened on friday and must go,
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it's obvious that russian president vladimir putin as gang of trying to shift responsibility on to someone else for they always use the same method which instead of dealing with his russian citizens and addressing their concerns who was silent for the whole day, thinking about how to link events to ukraine. everything he does is so predictable but by truck. let's pick that up with brian whitmore, who is a non resident senior fellow at the atlanta. it cancels you raised a center, is also assistant professor of practice at the university of texas arlington. but welcome to d w. how does vladimir opposing benefit by blaming you crying for this? rob about the lennox state group who said that they did as well. i think, i mean i, i completely agree with president still tends to be, this was utterly predictable. um, in fact, i would have been very, very, very surprised. it did not leave ukraine or ukraine is the enemy of the moment. and therefore, they must be blamed for everything russian state immediate soon after the attack,
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had received instructions to play up the ukrainian angle. what this shows us is the rush is very, very good at focusing on imaginary enemies. whether these are fictitious, nazis and ukraine, or the aisle to be g, q plus community, for example, which was recently declared a terrorist organization. but it is completely in that actually finding actual terrorist. this really does expose that proven security state as an order of failure. well, what then does that tell us about what is likely to happen with the investigation? is i'd like you to go into the twin tracts, investigate starlight, and find out how i did it while at the same time blaming ukraine. so i would be highly skeptical of any investigation that the russians carry out. first of all, the russian law enforcement organs are effectively tools or politics. they're not really law enforcement organs in the way we understand them in western democracies
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. so i would be very skeptical. what they're doing behind? yes, i think they will probably have their own investigation about what's actually happening . but i would not expect that to be public. i. i expect them to, to try to pin this on your claim. they're already doing it. we saw it and put in speech yesterday. we know the russian state media has been instructed to play up the ukranian angle, although what they said so far is, is very, very weak t. um they, they claim that the perpetrators were moving in the direction of ukraine. that means they were moving west um, but in that there was a, the ukrainians, had prepared an opening for them to enter ukraine. now how we're going to do that through a highly village. busy as border, i really don't know, as this attack was happening in the nights previous to it, i was in keith key was subject to nightly ariel bombardments and its major cities, including the capitol east arms. but i would take to answer your question, i would take very, very, with a giant grain of salt, any,
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any public pronouncements about an investigation to this coming from the russians. you've been very scary thing about the, the russian security, et cetera. but we all know that terrorist only has to get lucky ones, whereas if you're a state, you have to be vigilant all the time. how much do you think this war in ukraine has caused russia security services to sort of take that off of the bowls be a besides ukraine as well? like i say, i think it obviously has, i mean, i use this as long note. i said russia is a target for its killing of muslims in chechnya for killing of muslims in syria for the support for this year. all a sudden this is no secret. it's been in iceland is public statements. so you'd have to be deaf, dumb, and blind. not to see this on top of this all, we have the us warning russian. this attack was coming, and yet they were wilfully unprepared. so i think it's clear that they've taken the,
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the right off the ball. again, they're. busy guessing on an imaginary enemy, enemy's fictitious ukrainian options which do not exist, the l g b, t q plus community, which is a threat to nobody. and they're ignoring actual real terrorist threats. don't worry about that's about kind of wanting to the us issued and which lot of media approaching so publicly rejected early this month despite the public school and that he heaped on it. do you think that it was actually ignored? that's a very, very good question. the what we, what we just saw, i suggested it was um, and i would add also that i think it's entirely appropriate that the united states gave this warning to, to, to russia. we, we terrorism is everybody's enemy. nobody wants to see innocent, people killed anywhere. and i think it's entirely appropriate the united states gave this warning to rush it, even though russians and adversary would give it to our friends in germany or canada, or the u. k. and we would give it to our, our, our folks in, in,
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in russia again, terrorism is everybody's enemy, i think was appropriate. but it does appear to me that the russians did, ignored the results, speak for themselves. thank you for joining us and allow me might so clearly probably whitmore from the atlanta council in the university of texas. arlington, thank you. i. as opposed to sex as some in the russian. i'm positive to explain why a russian crew is miss. i will briefly violated his ass based on sunday morning. nathan man proposes set that miss. i'll entered his territory for 39 seconds on his way to hit targets in west and ukraine. the city of live close to the ponies border came with the heavy attack explosions, also rough ukrainian capital, official site and defensive shut down around a dozen missiles in underground keys. residents were told to remain in shelves as we got the 2nd. go to shaft, skate a space for the operational, combined with the published forces. we asked him why they didn't show the russian messiah that we need to know. we need to be sure that it will,
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it will not move farther to the police territory. and so the tragic story and the reason that the show us that we told him to, to, it's safer to not to, to not to destroy the object because of the, of the consequences of a you must to, you know, it's going to burn the others. but it's about the, it will slow down the, the, the, the object to be pulled down and you never know where, where it's going to be. so it's safer to, to let them passed away from over a space. all right, i mean, hong is i'm going to try to analyze from king's college in london and she explained how this might have happened as well. what would have to understand there is a significant difference between cruise missiles and ballistic missiles. cruise missiles fly of low altitudes, they are essentially if you wish, like an unmanned aircraft. and so they have different guidance systems on board.
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such is train mapping, satellite navigation, and they have a degree of maneuverability in order to remain on the tech that so to fly beneath the radar. so here is a possibility, while violation of fear space is a violation, regardless of whether it was 39 seconds or 3 minutes or whatever it might have been . the scene here with which would have to understand the missile might have tried to evade certain the air defense is located in ukraine and therefore venture it briefly in to the polish territory. so you can often say that you can completely determine the course of some missile. we have seen as a polish defense minister saying the news that the missile wasn't targeting anything on the polish territory. they were monitoring several missiles. i think up to 10 missiles are going to leave. they are for the news that dismissal wasn't
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an attack on poland per se. and that's a side of the missiles. have a small room of the ability to where the to read the air defenses there for it is to assume that it wasn't an intentional incursion into polish air space and was not presenting any direct strep to poland being a need or member, which is why a pool and didn't shoot it down. right? i mean, we'll take a look at some of the doors making news around the world. are you and secretary general antonia gutierrez, the said the only effective way to increase a to gaza is by road during a visit to egypt, the coals on israel to remove what he called, the obstacles preventing age from reaching the gaza strip. the secretary general visited egypt board and with gaza on saturday and reiterated. he's called for an immediate humanitarian. 65. keitel francis says that traditional celebrations of palm sunday in the vatican estimate to 25000 people,
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attended the ceremony. which commemorates the de christians believe that jesus and to jerusalem for the last time before being crucified. maybe a week later. or on the dozen migrant both carrying more than 600 people. hundreds arrived on the italian island of long producer among the arrivals west survivors of a shipwreck, who said they each pay the $1000.00 the crossing a 15 month old go who was on that boat is still missing. officials in nigeria site more than $200.00 students and staff couldn't opt out of this month of being released around $281.00 abducted from school in could do an estate on the 7th of march. and the work system is the difference that the president mackie saw, an escalation. the former president has used the country for almost a decade. last month he announced he was supposed pointing the direction, the move blunts, and he got into gills fitting of fights. but did the book test on the constitutional crisis far finally back tracked,
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and the country brent hit with the election. the. there were been many protests, one of your many das limo on this stuff, going to push something. we hope the next president will be able to maintain order in the country, not to don't as to a level at the level of the countries ministries and institutions strong. you pick the governing bodies. skinner, that is former prime minister ahmad too. but he believes he has a good chance to win. the morale is very good. we've done what we have to do. we come paint throughout the country and presented our program. i am very, very, very confident. i am very, very confident. his main challenge, it is buffy don't do your my fight. he's back by popular opposition. politician. response uncle booth was released from jail this month. the see the charges against
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him were politically more debated. sancho, a 5th critic of the incumbent president. it's him says bard from gunning 5, believe sancho sparking may have pins in the middle class. i remain confident that they will be a political change of direction and that i am the best person to make that change, especially after seeing the to be not reception. people have given us all of us. i think a lot less corporate may need some negatives on hoping this election advised me finally bring back stability to the country some just time to remind you about top story at this hour. russia is holding a national day of mourning for the victims of terror attacks on a concept bully and most of 137 people. the conservative being killed as the zip codes in claims suspected government was detained. well, trying to free to you, cried keith denies any involves and without you up today to have
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