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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  March 26, 2024 10:00pm-10:16pm CET

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the, the business data of the news live from bad life from valid rest goes into us search for survivors after a major bridge collapse in baltimore, at least 6 people are missing after cargo ship lucy's power and collage for the francisco cambridge, causing it to fall into a river that would bring you a live update from the sate. also on the programming course in britain foot said julia massages expedition to the united states on hold. the high colts in london rolls at the wiki leaks found that cannot be sent to the us, the less of thoughts. he's back out and think his rights will be protected unless
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he worked facebook death penalty the . i'm feel ok. welcome to the program may just search and rescue operation is ongoing in the united states after a cargo ship crashed into a bridge in baltimore, maryland causing it to collapse. official site dive is assessing the warranty for 6 people who are still missing. and i have been on government, whereas most of the shape before the losing power just before the crash and that it made emergency cool. and a lot of those thoughts is the limit traffic across the bridge. the how did that a preliminary investigation suggested the crash was an accident and that there was no credible evidence of a terror attack. just to give you a sense of scale, the francis scott key bridge was 2.6 kilometers long and carried the full lanes of traffic on average more than 31000 faithfuls across it every day. and it's
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a major part of the road that was on the us east coast. so here's a look at how today's events unfolded. the francis scott key bridge. after the singapore flag, the container ship smashed into one of its pillars. the collapse of the bridge was caught live by a web broadcast. the ship struck at 1 30 am within minutes. a major search and rescue operation was under way. the coast guards primary mission right now is search and rescue looking for any survivors in the water were basically searching for, for everyone that was potentially on the bridge. as you can imagine, some building like, you know, you know, what type of traffic was there of how many workers were there. this video uploaded by a ship tracking service shows the vessels path as it went off course and into the bridge . it issued a distress called minutes before the collision authorities said worker's been
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stopped, the car is from crossing the bridge. afterwards, saving lives. experts say the size of the ship simply overwhelmed the support structure. heavy shit by that pulling part of a large load of many thousands of times when it hit something solid. i'm a ship is obviously struck the support of the bridge. not surprisingly, the bridge collapses because the support is a very radically flimsy structure. a us president joe biden said the disaster was an accident right now, was were in pledge, federal funding to rebuild my attention that federal government will pay for the entire cost to read your stucky nap ridge. and i expect the congress to support my effort this gonna take some time, the people ball and i can count on, so to stick with them at every step of the way to the poor as reopen and the bridges rebuilt. meanwhile, people in the region are bracing for the aftermath. the port and baltimore is key to shipping on the us east coast. and the collapse bridge will likely create
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traffic jams for months or even years to come straight to bolts and all of that. but we find that dw corresponded to now that demo i welcome back to you. now i'm bring this up today. well, feel just to describe the scene to you were standing at the northern part of the bridge. and if you look closely, you can perhaps see behind to be it's blocked a little bit by the trucks, but behind those trucks you see the start of the bridge and it stops abruptly in mid air. were obviously parts of the bridge have already collapse into the river. there is a bit of the cargo ship to be seen that is now stuck against the remnants of that bridge. now there's obviously going to be a long discussion here on repair and reconstruction. but what is really taking center stage today is that search and rescue operation. they are still looking for those 6 saw missing construction workers who were repairing potholes on the bridge
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at the time of the accident. not much is yet really known about these, these 6 construction workers. there have been reports that they are employed by a company called grounders builders, that they are workers from a 100 or less, from guatemala, guatemala, and from el salvador and mexico. now of course, we cannot immediately verify those reports, but suffice to say the search is ongoing. we have also seen some lights being transported to the scene, which tells us that the crews are expected to work late into the night. even though officials would not quite tell us how long they expect these efforts to go on for most being said about the course of the crashing now. well, by now we have all seen those reports that say that that vessel last propulsion lost power and, and that they had sent a distress signal to maryland authorities to warn them that
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a crash was indeed possible. but earlier we heard from the national transport safety board chair jennifer harmon de and she said that that was also a report that they were looking at very closely. but she did not want to say with absolute a 100 percent certainty that that is what happens. of course, they are expecting a years long investigation into this. so with many more details to emerge, lots of open questions still here, feel, but definitely already a big impact on the community functionality and help them alone. in baltimore, quote, in britain says, breaking leaks found to julian assailants cannot immediately be expedited to the united states. a high court judges surveyed one further assurances about what will happen to him if the rest fails to provide those assurances over the next 3 weeks. the cold war man kept mister saunders permission to appeal his expedition on
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grounds, including breach of freedom of expression. and because he might receive the death penalty corresponds that charlotte chelton pill in london talks us through today's events. as i was put, today's decision into a little bit of context have says the royce, to an appeal, a final appeal for june, and it's always been rejected today. that would have been the end of the legal road here for him in the u. k. and would have paid the way for his expedition to the us, what his going to say. he faces a 175 years in prison. something that his wife says would have been tantamount to a death sentence. now instead today what we've had is something of a delay on that decision. as you said, that the judges and said that they are taking assurance as on several points from the us, including on free speech protections. and that judy and assault is wanting to face
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the death penalty of extra jointed and convicted us as 3 weeks to mind those insurances, and if it fails to do so, then um scroll appeal, can indeed go ahead. now this is something of a partial victory full julian. assault is clearly his supporters would have liked to have seen that full appeal grunted today. but what the judges did say was that he has a legitimate prospects with success on 3 of the 9 grounds for appeal. so while it's more of a wait, there is a still clearly some ways to go in this nickel bathroom. so it tells them to take a look at some of the stories that making use around the world. the rest of paying quotes appears unlikely to limit access to the why be used a portion filled me. so i pressed the cold hood arguments on the case on tuesday, but appeared skeptical efforts by anti abortion advocates seeking to vote by access to the drug decision is expected by the end of june. a european union has agreed to
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soften the environmental regulations on farms following major protests across the block in the brussels farms down to menu. and them that have battles on tuesday to protest against strict environmental protection rules. at least 2 police officers were injured as they broke up the process with gas and water kind of protests of interrupted and hungry after government critic released audio implicating senior officials in a corruption scandal full of political inside and p to maggie are accused in a 2 prime minister of victor oberon, of interfering in a draft case thousands of people most on parliament in budapest, calling for mister opens resignation. frances begun to evacuate good citizens from haiti as gang violence, run pages across the country, gangs of taking controls of much of the capital force of frances the office. officials struggle to agree on creating a transitional government to fill the power vacuum. and since defense ministry says
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that around a 1000 from systems still on the line and it's packaged around with a suicide bomber has killed 5 chinese nationals after driving a cotton laden with explosives into that vehicle. the group was headed to a nearby hydropower project where they were working the fact each time you drive it was also killed. no group is claims responsibility for the attack, which comes and made an increase in terra activity. the aftermath of a terror attack in pakistan's knolls, a group of chinese nationals were killed. the remains of the car at the bottom of the ravine. it's just one of the many attacks pakistan has faced recently. last year, around 700 people were killed in more than 300 tear related incidents. a significant increase on the year before the most of the attacks targeted regions along
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pakistan's border with afghanistan. pakistani officials blaming the majority of the violence on militant groups based in afghanistan is lama, but accuses the ruling f gun taliban of giving these groups a safe haven. an accusation afghanistan's leadership has repeatedly denied this month pakistani strikes into afghanistan, regions increase tensions. fu, the pakistan says it was targeting a group which had attacked it. security forces, but couple claims the strikes killed, 8 civilians, it strikes and not the only way that pakistan is retaliation. it often shuts the border between the 2 countries affecting the livelihood of thousands of skins. so probably last year pockets done asked undocumented african refugees to leave the
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country, costing thousands to flee will be deported. many now believe that in state of policies that punish f gun civilians pakistan should engage with the taliban leadership in a meaningful dialogue as a way to come to the dangerous threat of terrorism engulfing the region. on the new report from the german power to the welfare of association is found in the alarm about the countries high rates of poverty. on 14000000 people living below the poverty line, including a record number of children, the deputy who has been to visit a food bank here in by then to meet people who are struggling. people lined up here for fruit, which doubles and other groceries every monday. the food estimated and the stuff, mainly volunteers. as i said to myself,
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imagine to me and stake. that's not normally here. we skip this, but if it is, i'll take it out. so yeah, right now has to make due on the monthly pens and of 400 euros without the support of the food think he couldn't make ends meet. it's also the same for an increasing number of families. more than one and 5 children in germany is affected by poverty which helps us financially to get our food here. everything is getting more expensive and we can afford less. that's why we're here to get food compared to grocery stores, the prices here are a bar game or new one year old covers it. but for some, it's still hard to come. mice in the hottest pod was getting myself to go to the
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food bank. i am ashamed of it. 57 year old, my t us and unders lopez was forced into early retirement of the suffering. a hot tech he's been unemployed. disputed 92 shot. it takes up psychological told by developed mental health problems and i went to the doctor because i couldn't get over it and no poverty effect. several segments of society says ok, schneider, the head of the social welfare group that release the report. so i'm actually to presume if you want to generalize it, then you'd have to say pension as opposed and 2 thirds of people considered poor are still working through this and about 20 percent of children. those to best lease out groups that you've got to take care of. if you actually want to come at 12 and 60 the come from the group says politicians need to take action. they should increase the minimum wage to 15 euros per hour. introduce a minimum pension and basic tide insurance,
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whether any of that will help them remains uncertain, making the safety net of to charities and food things not just helpful, but vital. and without your up to date's up next on the w close up, looks at how poland has massively upgraded it's military since russian has invited to ukraine. good. the votes, people have to say the that's why we listen to based on the rituals every weekend on d w. the will take the buff.


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