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tv   Tomorrow Today  Deutsche Welle  March 30, 2024 2:30am-3:00am CET

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time mr. award winning offer is available worldwide. every language level reading gentleman has chosen to go. the wireless charging has become a common feature in many cellphones or electric calls. next. it's technically possible to tons of pilot not just to cause, but also buses and trucks. even while they're in motion on the show, they will take a look at how it all works and check out because the state of inductive charging in vehicles that are on the road. is it the future of transport? that story and much more this week on the d. w. sign showing. welcome to tomorrow or today, the no link to the test, the car, the charges up while i'm moving down the road. as it rolls along the test track,
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the batteries are top top guide, varnished nearby was even if it's snowing or raining even without any direct contact between the car battery and the road energy can be transferred from one to the other on the smooth university. the really innovative thing is that the charging is roughly as efficient as with wired, says die sparse. metacognitive holden, as a statement, the team says 92 percent of the energy from the charging system in the road actually reaches the vehicle. an unprecedented efficiency rate is really company. electron has demonstrated that the technology works in principle. and the 1st modules are already being installed in some short stretches of road together with the university of ad long and in germany. the firm wants to build a one kilometer long test track on a freeway in that area by 2025. so how does charging while driving actually work in
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technical terms? once that is possible, hills installed in the road carrying the alternating current which creates an alternating magnetic field. and that field generated by the magnetic coils and the road transfers energy to a 2nd magnetic coil in the car, generated current through a wireless process known as induction. the system in the road also knows the cars location. that means data can be transfer. so later the system can determine who has tanked electricity and how much important information for billing experts say an e car is range could be increased by 20 percent. if long enough stretches of highway are retrofitted with this technology in the future, but highways aren't the only place street induction is being considered. where might appear 1st? does i'm in the fluid ultimately be more successful in the city traffic where
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smaller electric vehicles are more likely to be usable, so we're on highways for longer distances. it's the market that will decide side. the idea is not entirely new. an induction, a bus called a year that's been on the road in the german city of orange bikes since 2014 the charges at a bus stop. not while driving a few parking spaces of also been equipped with inductive chargers for charging one on the road has mainly been tried in bosses. one energy provider is testing a 100 meter long section of induction, capable road and cost of what that has an efficiency of up to 85 percent. the technology will soon also be tested and autonomous cars that could help eliminate unnecessary downtime for charging and increase range. but if enough roads are converted to normal drivers could also benefit because batteries and commercially available e cars could be less bulky than they are now. might the technology for let's even
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save electricity in the future? the spot is like the blank because it will be lighter, so will consume less energy but still have the same speed and characteristics are full. so we'll save electricity spot. but since building the new infrastructure will also require energy, it's not get clear whether or how much electricity the technology might say. but one thing is certain. since inductive charging would lead to smaller batteries, it would reduce the need for lithium and rear arts. but do magnetic coils has to be installed and the streets could the same thing be accomplished with overhead lines tests involving them and electric trucks are under way. wouldn't they be cheaper to my mind? your mind to think so. but overhead lines are always problematic because my, when there's freezing rain, for example, or even just during different climatic conditions, then energy transfer is less efficient energy back to, pardon me. so if it's in the road based magnetic coil technology, by contrast,
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works and bad weather, ice and snow. and even though inductive charge, it could also benefit cars. they can't reach overhead lines. only trucks and buses can incidentally, the magnetic fields on converted roads aren't dangerous for drivers or pedestrians but at around $1000.00 euros per meter building cost. the technology today remains far too expensive for large scale expansion. but that could change by, there's a funny example that fit into conduction stove. so the 1st prototypes were extremely expensive. now they're cheap. i think we could push the price down to $300.00 euro. so for the indian stuff. if the technology grows cheaper, induction capable of highways in the future for the only slightly more expensive than conventional ones are now in. so i hope that it will be feasible in 10 years or less. as soon as we agree on standardization and regulation laws, i mean after that, things can move quickly. what's still missed saying are uniform standards that all
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manufacturers have to stick to. that would ensure that the infrastructure could be used by every one. but 1st, the technologies advantages has to be demonstrated convincing way. let us read, why are they view of a special science question? send it to us as a video, text or voice mail. if we on switch on the show, we'll send you a little present as a thank you. come on just task. this week's view question comes from the via e b in zimbabwe. the what causes the mild electronic shock that sometimes occurs when you touch something metal. everything around you and your body as well is made up of tiny adams. these in turn contain electrically charged particles. they are the positively
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charged protons and the atoms nucleus. and zipping around that nucleus are the negatively charged electronics. so your body is charged and electrical charge normally flows back and forth between you and the environment without you noticing a thing the moisture in your skin and in the air helps insure the charge doesn't build up. if it turns cold and dry though, charge exchange. no longer works as well. when you then walk, for example, on a synthetic carpet and shoes with rubber soles. your body grows more electrically charged with every stuff. friction causes electronics from the carpet, to transfer to your body and accumulate there. because rubber is an insulator, the electronics can't flow back into the carpet. the same thing happens in this experiment. inside this metal spear, or rotate the rubber band releases electronics,
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charging disappear electrically and causing the plastic strands to rise in the air . the same happens to the hair on your body when your negatively charged. and when an electrically charged object comes close to a conductive material or a body with an opposing charge, it discharges southern light up to $35000.00 volts can flow through your body causing an unpleasant but harmless electric shock. keeping the air from getting to dry and your home or office regularly applying moisturizer to your skin. wearing shoes with leather souls and choosing clothing made of natural fibers like cotton. those are all steps that can help prevent shocks. electricity can be tons to do all kinds of things, like carrying this up a mountain to go skiing and some of the energy that drives cable railways can be recaptured from the brakes and used for other purposes. one hotel in switzerland
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has contest it for heating. the store spine in switzerland is the steepest manipulator train route in the world. places the cable railway car climes a gradient of 110 percent rising up from the municipality of fluids to the winter ski resort of stores at 1300 meters. because of the steep terrain, the train often has to break hard. this generates energy that can be recovered enough energy, in fact, a heat, an entire hotel built next to the trucks. in technical terms, the process of capturing this power is called regenerated, breaking engineers and a call explains the principal. linda trains engine room. yes, because the entire drive train young at 1st when starting off, the train needs energy to pull itself up. the steep slope through the cars then passed each other in the middle. that's where the tipping point is from then on the
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thing they call. this means that the electric motor 1st requires power and then starts producing it halfway up. we use this electricity to heat up the water to me, and the effect is a surprisingly big one. for 110000 kilowatt hours of energy is generated by breaking and waste heat yearly. to get the equivalent, you'd have to burn 41000 liters of heating oil. it's energy the hotel can tap the generated electricity, heat water, just like a plugin, tea kettle. there are large water tanks in the basement to store the the fact that the hotel is located right next to the station is ideal. for feedback, we do just rain distances mean less heat and all have i would say in terms of construction, that's the thing. so close meant far fewer interventions to set up the connection. now, the hot water flows to all of the hotels, $100.00 rooms and it's kitchen. managing director, mazda neu,
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house is happy to tap the energy from the mountain railroad for heating, especially in an year of high energy prices. near the end, on the dealing with the stores bond, you can purchase electricity at a discount on the how no mortgage kind of the money we pay, it goes straight back to the train on the next street over so it stays with us here locally. who will meet the end? we have a small circular economy going. it's a perfect fit for us to handle the fairies, both as i'll throw down many hotels and restaurants in switzerland are located near similar stations and they have big energy needs. so there's huge potential for other projects. according to engineer olivia do van ed from new simmons university of applied sciences. the sustainable idea can easily be modified for other locations of the field be no, he's the zipcode. the application itself is not very complicated, but the cable car technology and the building technology you have to fit well together. if they do,
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you can get great projects off the ground and you come on the for the whole year. the offer, the license back to the mountain for the 1st guests are being welcome to the newly built stewart lodge. it's cozy and warm, a task that commands you can take a longer hot shower. here with a clear conscience, we stipulate warm showers heated by the brakes of a nickel or train as it slows down on the world. steepest set of tracks energy from the brakes on a mountain train could theoretically be used to do things like how, what else officials slow kind of the growing less common in switzerland. because another firm has come up with climate friendly snow lances, which make all technicians know without using any electricity at all. at the may say, fluid ski area,
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snow production is in full swing. the resort use is what are called snow lances for the task they work entirely without electricity. the head of the company, the manufacturer, is the lowest, donna shows off the revolutionary technologies latest design was yes i, it's nice to this is our most recent model which has a 3 health eyes. it's all about making as much snow as possible in the shortest possible time, said warmer temperatures, just to see folks. he's proud of the most powerful machine in his line up. the do you know him with that? it's all from when new model is work like they do here and the water really turns to snow. that's great. this snow banking firm operates the kind of open air laboratory and the sky area. it works together closely with a team. it makes a foot and has been testing snowed, lances here for years. they play a key role in creating good peace alone, and in fact, without the lenses,
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as the head, snow maker confirms the resort would be hard pressed to survive. only without artificial snow. we wouldn't be able to keep the ski area in operation. we can't rely on nature alone. the since actors played rolls in the decision to use energy efficient snow, lances, insights of loans. we rely on them as easy. they're cheaper to operate and to maintain. and they're less unsightly and us landscape then a tower with a snow cannon on top of it. as a rule to produce, know, both conventional snow cannons and snow. lances need compressed air and generating that requires energy. but the lances can obtain this energy from naturally occurring water pressure. canons can it's been a long road for the company. the 1st reports of a switch made 0 energy snow lance. in 10 years ago, a metal monster called messy 0. he tested where else that may safe, quote,
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close done. it was there to use the theme explained that the device makes no without energy. it's a counter intuitive idea in all the and that's because they get all the energy they need to do it from the water spring at high velocity out of the nozzle. so from flat it comes from a lake higher up in the mountains and see with and the difference in altitude between here and there. she provides plenty of water pressure enough to see if it will cost us with a homepage in a yes. that 1st field test 10 years ago was a milestone. not even if not everything went smoothly. it's very, very simple. this is you know, i mean we have some minor problems with clogged to nozzle due to dirt and water that wasn't filtered. there are always little unforeseen things spun. no,
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it's working. is it should and dine delighted eyes to these old excuse me? yes, we do up there. you can see how the nozzle on the left vaporizes the water that's on the beach. so those water droplets have been blown into the path of a jet of ice particles and they mix together and the water droplets freeze creating tiny balls advice. and that's how artificial snow is made on the consciousness this, the 0 he worked laying the groundwork for future generations that the device you all's detail every august since then we've continued to develop these snow lances that work without energy input. it's we can now produce 3 times as much snow and even in the border line temperature range, they can still produce a lot of snow in a couple of the t or the snow lances are made in the town of him and book up over a 1000 units leave the automated production facility every year. the company's sales doubled in 2022 years in san suite were very satisfied. it was
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a very good year for that. we always incorporate technical innovation that helps our company move forward. language solve the threat of energy shortages has given the business with efficient snow lance as a boost. more and more ski resorts are switching from conventional snow canon's. so what does the future hold tail have to ship? it's t like are in syria, at least we've achieved the goal of 0 energy and snow production. but there are always new challenges. so it's like shorter cold periods and longer warm periods name and involve in november or december. and you sometimes have to have all the slopes covered in just 3 to 4 days. that's why we rely on multi headed lances for a lot of coverage and a short time. this is just one small section of a gigantic suspended snow making machine. the technology could potentially be used for more than to just save ski slopes, a plan and visions,
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it stretched over the disappearing montage glacier to cover the ice with a protective layer of snow and possibly delay its melting by decades. the company is supplying the key components for the project, but isn't the idea of little over the top that we believe in the project and are sure it's going to happen. the glaciers are melting, and once they're gone then we won't be able to get them boxed the, let's use our receding and the out of the new non mean pace to, to climate change. the mounting range is more been faster than in other places. and that has knock on effects. so many animals, including my great tree bids, some no find it more difficult to cross the outs as they head to wall more times in
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winter. among them, a free sees that disappeared from europe, skies, centuries ago, which experts and now trying to re introduce the node in bold ibis. on your mark gets that and there off a flock of northern bald ibis is learning the best route to southern climes position to 6. it's in the 16th of time. i've taken a trip like this, but never one over such a long distance. one, it's a very special moment that comes up is on the moment. it's 7 in the morning at spinning an air field on lake constance. honda splits and his colleagues are making final preparations. they've been working towards this day for months. the team wants a guide, young birds on a new migratory route. this plane button, part of the problem is that when left to migrate on their own, let's say northern bald imus is now leave later in the falls because temperatures remain warmer for longer was and
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a last year they only set off. at the end of october, i have to think about their normal route is over the hours. and later in the year they struggled to fly over the mountains because they don't have the thermal super fatiguing binding. the data from exceed the northern vol i. but as could once be found, all over europe, then hunters drive this species to the edge of extinction. this project has helped establish several wild colonies of the birds in germany and austria. they usually spend the winter in tuscany. however, as the climate changes, so does their migratory behavior. because the elves are becoming such a barrier. this year the flock will head for and to lose you in southern spain. the young bird should be able to manage that even later in the year or the birds were born at the end of april ed cause was due. the northern bald ibis cheques soon get used to their foster mother's helena and bob of flight training at lake constance
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begins in mid. may. the birds quickly learn to follow their to humans, even when they climb into ultra lights and take to the air. again, i didn't want to get them this, but we generally encourage them all the time, so we call out to them and try to cheer them on a bag so that they stay motivated during the flight. i haven't got them through from the will. the young, northern bald ibis is manage the long journey to spain. the 1st stage is a risky one. the birds are flying lower than flocks and previous years. and this far down, danger larks. many high voltage power lines crossed the flight path. this is the she is not so great to fly, so low as a pilot. we really have to take care of. but we also worry about the birds a lot because some of them fly under the lines. others through them or over them, them enough to do that. but after a 70 kilometer flight,
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all 35 birds in the flocks, land, safe and sound that the 1st planned sight are there. they get a tasty treat for making it this far meal, warned helena. and bob, i then wait with their charges until the other team members arrived to set up the aviary. the temporary lodgings for the young, northern bald ibis is, are transported by grounds and has to be assembled and then dismantled. after every stage. it takes a while for the birds to move into it, but the foster mothers are patient in the end of a veto. at the moment, we're just happy to have completed the 1st stage. so if everything takes half an hour longer, that's no big deal. you can't stress out too much, you have to give the birds time. that's the most important thing. otherwise they won't come down at all. and after a one day break, the journey continues the flight down to lose. he has almost 2300 kilometers, nearly 3 times the distance to tuscan. it. will the birds make it and will they be
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able to find their way back? we're paying the 50 and we'll get the birds down there, hopefully. and then release them into the wild and see what they do have now they survive which habitats that you need to find and whether they decide to fly back to germany again, or line next to ball loose fuel be to have fleeting. if the birds do there are plans to settle them here and few, but like on lake constance, it takes 3 years for northern bald ibis is to reach sexual maturity and make their way back to where they came from as they've been in that i. and when the 1st birds come back from spain in 3 years time, unless they meet another northern baltic, this along the way, it's very likely they'll return to the nearest field where they were trained and where they grew up in the course. and then we can catch them and add value to the colony. here reset the animals and human space constant challenges on their long journey. at times,
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strong winds disrupt the flight plan and attacks by birds of prey or regular danger . members of the flock also disappear occasionally, most are found again, but 3 of the bird state mistakes. despite those hurdles, 6 weeks and 19 long stages later, the team reaches the south of spain. yet kind of a reason for joy back in germany and an opportunity to catch up on the progress of the project. i'm a former foster mother asks the new ones how they're settling in a report that their spanish counterparts have been very warm and welcoming and signed up. the northern bald ibis is our slowly growing use to their new environment and, and to lose yet the spanish partner project on site for a later integrate them into a permanent colony in the area, a zip code that most civic would have. barbara and helena say they're returning to germany, but feel like they're leaving their birds in good hands. they'll return in december
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or the release into the wilds and tell them to somebody. for now they can enjoy the satisfaction of a job well done. and hope that one day their boards will day or the long journey back to germany. do you have a passion for science and health? check out d. w signs the contract talking. why do something does not get drunk? why do gravitational waves squeeze out bodies? how much was it? do we need to pay days do stressed out on screen for help know and what is the perfect feedback by going beyond says guess mos on dw science. oh, tick, tock, channel. that wraps things up for this time around for tomorrow. today, the science, so on dw, thanks for joining us and see you again next week,
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the the
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this is a video and audio production, 5 d w. i hope video with you and in the this is data you use and these are our top stories. israel's military says they've killed a senior, has bought a commander in an air strike in southern lebanon. and a monitored group said is ready, strikes, targeting has bullet fighters in northwestern, syria killed dozens of people. israel's defense minister has 5 to pursue the is the mr. milliken group, whatever it operates. israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu has approved in utah oaks on a cease fire and gaza negotiations will.


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